HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-08-03 Minutes.. 8 • MINUTES OF A CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Dalton,Members present: J. F. Palmer, Bill :.: Fincher, Ernest Jacks, Shreve.Clark McClinton, Allan Gilbert and Suzanne Lighton. Members absent: Bryan Walker and Henry •consultant. • Ernest Jacks reported on a special meeting of the Housing Code Committee which was held Thursday, July 15, 1965 (See MINUTES of this SPECIAL MEETING). It was moved by Bill Dalton, seconded by Allan Gilbert, and unanimously passed that the report of the Housing Code Committee's meeting, together with the recommendations contained in the Committee's report, be approved and that the report be 3orwarded to the City Council or to -the appropriate committee of the City Council. 40 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Housing Code Ccmmittee of the City Planning Commission held • meeting discuss the appointment of a Housing Officer and • Housing - .• :•: and WHEREAS, on • •5, the City Flaming•mm -- • . accepted reportand recommendation of the Housing Code Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, SECTION 1. That Bill Parette, County Sanitarian, be appointed as Housing Officer for the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. SECTION 2. That the three members of the Housing Board be chosen from one of the following occupation -groups: (a) Finance or lending (b) Contractor (c) Engineer, architect, electrician, plumber, real estate broker, insurance, social worker PASSED AND APPROVED this 3rd day of AuRust� 1965. 0 Vizzier reported- Zone Revision Committee'sreport ready -1. - - Committee • . meet andgive its reportnextmeetI' • ] . Commission. The Subdivision Committee had no report, but Mr. Vizzier discussed the City Council's attitude in its approval of Dr. LeMon Clark's Tomlyn Valley View. - Addition plat. He reported that the City Council reluctantly approved the final plat but felt that the Planning Commission should require stricter compliance with some of the details of the regulations on subdivision plats. Mr. Vizzier pointed out that we need to strengthen the present ordinance governing the topography map required in subdivision plats. Mr. Vizzier reported the City Engineer had gone over the details of the plans for the operations center building for the water and sewer departments. This structure or structures are planned for the Cato Springs Road and will be a public facility which is the reason the Planning Commission needed to have an opportunity to look at the plans. Mr. Vizzier had copies of the plans and they were discussed by the Planning Commission. On motion of Allan Gilbert, seconded by Bill Dalton, it was unanimously voted to approve the plans. RESOLUTION PC 15-65 •IJI i plan • 1: City of Fayetteville's operationscenter was submitted tothe Planning Commissionfor review in accordancewith Arkansas Law •1 Planning;:1. 40 WHEREAS, 1: Planning Commission -regular u u: • _ 1voted to make recommendation. na.: • . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. That the use of the property located on the south side of Cato Springs Road as an operations center for the Water Department of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, be approved. 9.1 a •�r 1 . .:a P.4 1 - F11Mt%1J Bill Daltonreported 1_ he isworkingon:project ofsetting :1area 1 industrial park south ofFayetteville,which wouldbe a large He _ aid he is discussing the situation with the State Highway Department particularly because of the need for planning now for access roads from the proposed industrial park area to connect with the planned by-pass south mid west of Fayetteville. There was informal discussion among the Planning Commission members about the need for planning possibleaccessstreets •II 1: passto connect1 :P•west of Lug not now developed nor actually proposed for development but which in the future will need access streets as the town grows in that direction. Bill Dalton said • he felt sure the Highway Department would welcome suggestions.from the Planning Commission or would discuss this with the Planning Commission; the Highway Depart- ment uninformlp is interested in helping plan streets within a city to connect with highways. It will given quite serious consideration to working out the intersection of streets or the provision for the creation of future streets to be in line with plans for streets in the city. Mr. Vizzier reported he had accompanied a committee of business men from the area of the Square to Fort Worth to discuss the possibility of Urban Renewal for Fayetteville and particularly for the Square area. Mr. Vizzier said the local busihess.men contacted him about this matter and he had set up for them the meet- ing with the Urban Renewal office in Fort Worth. He said the meeting was most satisfactory and that the local business men are deeply interested in pursuing the matter further. He said a trip to Little Rock is planned some time about the middle of August to visit the Urban Renewal projects there. He urged members of the Planning Commission to make the Little Rock trip. Bill Dalton reported he would discuss with the owners of the property the problem of the old building on the north side of Trenton Boulevard at the intersection of Trenton and College to determine if any recent developments have happened about this problem. C1 J • Respectfully submitted, Date: