HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-07-20 Minutes• MINUTES OF A CITY PLANNING CCMMISSION MEETING The City Planning Commission met in a special meeting at 4:00 p.m., Tuesday. July 20, 1965, in the City Council Room of the City Administration Building. Members present: J. F. Palmer, Suzanne Lighton, Ernest Jacks, Allan Gilbert and Henry Shreve. Members absent: Clark McClinton, Wade Fincher, Bill Dalton and Bryan Walker. ChairmanChairman J. F. Palmer called the meeting to order. petitionthe purpose of this special meeting was to hold a public hearing on the rezoningof Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Heckel for the from R-lB Single Family SherylResidential District to 0-1 Open Land District of property immediately east of and immediately south of Harold Street, Chairman Palmer asked if there were persons present to be heard in favor of the petition. The question was also asked if there were persons present to be heard in opposition to the petition. There were no persons present to favor or oppose the petition for rezoning. The Planning Commission members discussed the petition and its request. Later during the meeting Walter Niblock, attorney for the petitioner, arrived at the public hearing. Mr. Niblock explained to the Planning Commission that Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Heckel did not own the property but were going to buy the property if it could be rezoned and if the kindergarten use proposed were approved by the Board of Adjustment. • Walter Niblock voiced his understanding of the Planning Commission's concern of accepting a petition without the property owners signature and the concern of rezoning property for speculation. Mr. Niblock expressed his intent to repetition for a change from 0-1 to R -1B should the Board of Adjustment deny the applicant's request and the petitioners have no desire to purchase the property. After further discussion, Henry Shreve moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that property petitioned by Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Heckel for rezoning from R -1B Single Family Residential District to 0-1 Open Land District and described as follows: Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26 and the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35 in Township 17 North, Range 30 West, more particularly described as follows, to -wit: Beginning at a point 102 feet North and 1,170 feet East of the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, and running thence East 150 feet, thence South 150 feet, thence West 150 feet, thence North 150 feet to the point of beginning.o be rezoned from R-lB Single Family Residential District to • •.:. Land District contingentas petitioned and that the rezoning be .. the actual -property owners joinin the petition. The notion was seconded by Suzanne Lighton and passed vmanimouslyo • RESOLUTION PC 14-65 40 WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Planning Commission Tuesday, July 20, 1965, fifteen (15) days after a sign was erected upon the property., newspaperand after a notice was published in the Northwest Arkansas Times, a of general circulation; and WHEREAS, after the hearing, the Planning Commission voted to make a recommendation to the City Council on the rezoning petition of Mr.� &W:Mrs. Harold J. Heekelo NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. That an ordinance be adopted for the purpose of rezoning from R -1B Single Family Residential District to 0-1 Open Land District property described as follows: Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26 and the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35 in Township 17 North, Range 30 West, more particularly described as follows; to -wit: Beginning at a point 102 feet North and 1,170 feet East of the Southwest Corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, and running thence East 150 feet, thence South 150 feet, thence West 150 feet, thence North 150 feet to the • point of beginning. SECTION 2. That the above-described property be rezoned from R -1B to 0-1 so that the petitioner may establish a kindergarten. PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of July —, 19651 APPROVED: The petition of Preston L. Hathcock and Edna H. Hathcock for vacating an alley and for the dedication of an alley off Garland Avenue and Wedington Drive was presented to the Planning Commission. There was discussion of the petitions for vacating a public easement and for tedicating a public easement. Suzanne Lighton moved that the Plannin Commissiolo recommend to the City Council that the 25 foot public easement described as follows be closed, but any action on the petition for dedication of another publ zasement be deferred. • The 25 foot alley lying adjacent to and along the North side of Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Block 2, Read Subdivision of part of the NEk of the SEk of Section 8, T -16-N, R -30-W. and running from Garland Avenue 6 • in said City to a dead end at the NW corner of Lot 6 of said Subdivision, which alley is also described as beginning at a point on Garland Avenue in Fayetteville, Arkansas, which is 650 feet North and 25 feet West of the SE corner of the Nk of the SEy of Section 8, T -16-N, R -30-W, and running thence West 275 feet; thence North 25 feet; thence East 275 feet; thence South 25 feet to the point of beginning. The motion was seconded by Allan Gilbert and passed unanimously. RESOLUTION PC 13-65 1WHEREAS,.> petitions of Preston L. Hathcock and Edna H. Hathcock, Liusband and wife, for vacating an alley and for dedicating an alley were presented to the City Plannin Commission . . WHEREAS, meeting . \ 1965, the City Planning Commission voted To make a recommendation to the City Council on the petition to vacate an alley and on the petition to dedicate an alternate alleyway. • I 9 •' :1 9 • f I II 1 1 I 1 � • I1 • - • 'I • / •' 'I. • ' '• 1 SECTION 1. That after the public hearing an ordinance be adopted for the purpose of vacating the public easement described asfollows: • The 25 foot alley lying adjacent to and along the North side of Lots 6, 71 8, 9 and 10 of Block 2,Read Subdivision of part of the NE� of the SEy of Section 8, T -16-N, R -30-W, and running from Garland Avenue in said City to a dead and at the NW corner of Lot 6 of said Subdivision, which alley is also described as beginning at a point on Garland Avenue in Fayetteville, Arlansas, which is 650 feet North and 25 feet West of the SE corner of the NE� of the SE� of Section 8, T -16-N, R -30-W, and running thence West 275 feet; thence North 25 feet; thence East 275 feet; thence South 25 feet to the point of beginning. SECTION 2. That no action be taken on the petition to dedicate an alternate alleyway until the Plannin Commission has had more time to study the proposed pubUc easement@ ti 1 u ••.BII - • k13V:MY)D)lf .................._.............................:.I. ... ......--...... • The final subdivision plat of SEQUOYAH HEIGHTS ADDITION was submitted to the Plan- ning Commission with the report from the Planning Office that all items required on the preliminary plat before the final plat would be approvable had been • complied with except for: (1) Temporary vehicular turn -around to be provided with a 40 foot radius; (2) Utility easement in the northeast corner of Lot 4 was requested by utility company; and (3) Signatures of adjacent property owners on the preliminary plat. 0 On motion by Henry Shreve, seconded by Ernest Jacks, the Plannin Commission unanimously voted to ree nd to the City Council that SEQUOYAH HEIGHTSII • be accepted subject • compliance with the follow - .(l) Temporary vehicular turn -around be Provided with a 40 foot radius; (2) Utility easement in the northeast c• •- provided as requested by a utility company; (3) Signatures of adjacent property owners be obtained on the preliminary Respectfully submitted, Date: MR /