HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-06-22 Minutes15Y CouncilThe Fayetteville City Planning Commission met in a special meeting in the City .m in the City Administration•• ,_ 1965* Members - Suzanne _ •.1 UIErnestJacks, BryanWalker,, Allsin Gilbert. . Henry VI Members absent: Clark McClinton, Dalton, : ..Wade1 1 . Others present:Hotline, L. Mrs. Marius Undloff and 3.1 other persons interested in the petition for rezoning filed by Leo Peel. 1:firstpptitionto beheardwasthatof Jack Hight and Bob Stout.1. petitioners 1-requested1-rezoning .nl YI• .•1 to I�lB Light Industrial District of 3 lots off Highway 62 West and east of Beschwood Avenue.The Twmco bulkplant and PhillipsIoccupy these1- third .1 -is vacant.donutmanufacturingplantis proposed.1 the vacant lot. Neither patitioner was present, There were no objections to the petition made known. Them being no further discussion, the Vicemehairman reported that the purpo of the public hearing having been accomplished,. the hearing on the petition Jack Hight and Bob'Stout was over, The petition of Leo Pa, Pool for the change in zoning of property on the west side zf U. S. Highway 71 South between Twentieth Street and Cato Springs Road was heard rext by the Planning Commission. The Vioe�c halzman asked that those persons present in favor of the petition 'xz 1L.O Pe FEEL., petitioner,, stated that the request for a change in-�zonlng was being mad so that the mobile1.SIL' put. Mr. Peel said that 1 :PITconsultant, 1designed thelayout 1. park. FAYARK VILLA* 1 IZI• planning consultant,related tothePlarmin Commissionwhat was proposed. _ presented /drawing the layout ofthemobilehome There1 nofurther comments1: proponents,the Vice-chairman requested • • • 152 EMS. MARIUS J. LINDLOFF, secretary of the Northwest Arkansas Riding Club, filed with the Planning Comnission a petition making known the objections of the Northwest Arkansas Riding Club to the change in zoning. Mrs. Lindloff read aloud the petition. The petition is recordedbelov.. 41100 Me, Comes now the undersigned parties, rs of the Northwest Arkansas Ridi ,• Club, and for their petition to the Fayetteville Planning Commission, reg ,• a proposed rezoning of certain real estate adjacent to this property.. ge .. _ That the proposed use of the real estate in question would create the folloi ing problem: (1) Danger to children living in mobile homes who would be in close proximity to the corrals and stables where horses are kept. (2) ba�ger to the houses from broken glass, nalls, extra feed and easy access of strangers into back of the barns. T.. possiblity of horsesr r inadequate fence :... escaping to highway :.. adjoining ar_ hazards,(hay storage :.. Inflammable straw or - IN WrfNESS WHERECF, we have hereunto affixed our hands and seals on this uy of June, Larry H. Pitman, Pres. Frank S. Leach, Vice Pres. Marius Lindloff, Sec. Guy W. Knowles, Tress. J. B. Biles Gene Price Huey Bullington Allyene Greer Mr. & Mrs. Jack Daugherty Morris H. Collier Allan Strain Leonard Greenhav Hubert R. Cowan Mrs. E. H. Weiland • is r L J. F. Holtzclaw J. P. %rodener Mrs. E. J. Ball Hugh Otwell Mrs. Hugh Otwell 153- Mrs. Lindloff also reported to the Planning Commission that a 10 foot strip on ti, north side of the property advertised and shown to be owned by Leo P. Peal me ,. owned by either Mr. Peel or by the City of Fayetteville. A d6dd for • feet had been given to the Northwest Arkansas Riding Club who in turn _ .: City of Fayetteville for a • foot street when Bear Brand Hosiery was built. remaining 10 feet 6n the south side is used as a bridle path. The deed for the 0foot street was recorded in August 1950. M4 no :. :. 1 ..AM .. Pie -re 0.- .. - 4WIF0 6=11 .. Ur - 1 - • .I L,: LEO FEEL told those persons present that 20 mobile homes would be put upon the property .:.rented as apartment units. The wheels:I,I•. mobile homes would therefore be classed as real property. These mobile home would be permanent fixtures and would not be moved in and out, There being no further discussion, the Vicema-chairman declared the purpose of the public hearing having been accomplished, the hearing on the petition of Leo P. Peal was over. All persons were dismissed. The Planning Corml sion in executivt session considered the two rezoning petitions. • . I,,. . . . • • i : Gli .: :. . .,. � . . • :, 1 _ 1 _ • : 1 1 1 alllll ] _ . . • . : . ' . � • •111 1 • • 1 .111 1•: 1 - 1.:1 public hearing was held the : 1 1 1 ' Commission .I: 22, 1965, fifteen days after a signwas erected upon the property andafter a notice was• :1• 1the Northwest ArkansasTimes,newspaper general•/ 1• FM NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION TO THE CITY • COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVIILE, ARKANSAS: described as follows: Part of the West Half (Wj) of the Northwest Quarter (tdv ) of the Northeast Quarter (NE) of Section 20, Township 16 North; Range 30 West and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said 40 acre tract, thence East 340 feet, more or less, thence South 109 feet, more or less, to the north line of the St. Louis -San Francisco Railroad right of way; thence westerly along said right of way to a point which is 132 feet, more or less, south of the North- west corner of said 40 acre tract. 7rezoned.m to IwwlB so that the property may be used for light industrialpurposes. PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of June 1965. ...11-W1 7 I�LLLLLL WHEREAS, a public hearing was hold by the Planning Commission Tuesday, June 22, 1965, fifteen (15) days after a sign was erected ., the property and after publisheda notice was .:Times,1"i-newspaper of general cir- culation; • • • 155 •�• - , - 1 : , 1 - - 1 , , .IIIA - . / II Ti:n��M' • •� :� r r is ui:�� :r li ., a i. • •. . • i SECTION Than , /ordinanceadoptedforthepurpose of rezoning .III Industrial1-2 Heavy . Thoroughfare MLl District . . zoneddescribed as follows* Part of the Southwest Quarter (SW) of the Southeast Quarter (SED of Section 21 in Township 16 .North, Range 30 West, being more particularly described as follows, to -wit: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said 40 acre tract and running thence West 18 feet; thence North 5 degrees East 540 feet; thence East 504 feet; thence South 9 degrees 30 minutes West 216.5 feet; thence South 9 degrees 30 minutes West 216.5 feet; thence North 86 degrees 47 minutes West 385.5 feet; thence South 345 feet; thence West 110 feet to the point of beginning. SECTION 2. That the portion of the above�described property presently SinglelB IIResidentialDistrict remainas zonedfor1_ purpose if retaining the buffer • b_betweenthecommercial—industrial.4• theresident zoning districts. I - _ I _ • I _ p: _ 11.. • I .1111 Vizzier presentedthe informal plat ofMJTTFRFMD 11811filed by Richard Mr. Vizzier explained to the Planning Commission wbat-Mr. Greer proposed. On notion by :11 secondedErnest1= PlanninCommission unanimously • recommendto the City Council acceptancethe informalBUTTERFIEU 1181, 1./the deeds for street purposes fromhusband and wife, and Eugene Orval Cunninghma and Pauline E. Cunningham, husband and wife, 1./FriedaOliver. • I� 1 I• /� / i / 1 I Approved: Sberetary Date: