HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-04-13 MinutesL 139 1%e City P Annin Commission met in a special session at 4*00 p.m.. Tuesday, April 13, 1965, in the City Council Room of the City Adm4n4 tration Building. 14embers present: JIT F. Palmer, Suzanne Lighton., Ernest Jacks, Allan Gilbert and Bryan Walker; Mr. Walker arrived later during the meeting. Hembers absent: Henrly Shreve, Clark McClinton, Wade Fincher and Bill Dalton, Others present: J. A. Vizzier, Planning Consultant,* Fred and Rmm Shaffer, petitioners; and several persons interested in the petition for Ohl a...., : i.: FAIN A 1W- r r V. Chairman Paliner asked that those present who wished to make their reasons known for objecting to the rezoning to be heard. The" were no objectors present; however the Planning Office vW=itted forhe PlArmin Commission records a letter objecting to the rezoning. The not signed. iUChairman Palmer asked that those present in favor of the petition for lwasbe heard. Mrs. Fred Shaffer, petitioner, said that the property should berezoned as it -is highway frontage property* She said that her and bar husband's.interest was to sell the property for commercial use. A motor cycle shop is to be opened upon the property being considered provided, of course, that the property,is zoned for such There was a short discussion after which Chairman Palmer delcared the purpose of the public hearing having been acco-oplished.9 the hearing was over. Briyan Walker arrived at the meeting,* a quorum was present. Allan Gilbert moved that the Plannin Commission recomnend to the City Council that .: property described as follows be rezoned from R,,2 Two FamUy Residential Shaffer:District to C-2 Thoroughfare Comercial District as petitioned by Fred G. and Emma I. r :._• •Beginning 160.9 feet from a point which is one rod South and 12 rods East of the Northwest corner of said 40 acre tract, and running thence South 160 281 West 91.25,* thence South 770 01 East 238.7 feet, more or lose, to the right of way of U. SO Highway No. 74 thence North 140 01 East with the west line of said highway right of way., 91.25 feet; thence North 77* 01 West 232.4 feet to the place of beginning. The motion was secondedSuzanne Lighton and passedr n.. c i WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Planning Commission April 13, 1965, fifteen (15) days after a sign was erected upon the property andl after a notice was published in the Northwest Arkansas Time., a newspaper of general circulation; and WHEREAS, he Planning Commission voted to make a recommeI Shafferation to the City Council on the rezoning petition of Fred G. a haffer, husband and wife. r NOW� THEREFORE2 BE IT RECOMMERM BY THE CITY K"MV COMMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: SECTION R-2 Two Family Residential District property described as followse. I Part of the Nl� of the NE� of Section 28, Township 16 North, Range 30 West, -described as follows: Beginning at a point which is South 17' 38' West 160.9 feet from a point which is one rod South and 12 rods Bast of the Northwest corner of said 40 acre tract; and running thence South 160 28' West 91.25 feet; thence • South 770 0' East 238.7 feet, more or less, to the right of way of U. S. Highway No. 71; thence North 140 01 East with the west line of said highway right of way, 91.25 feet; thence North 770 01 West 232.4 feet to the place of beginning. 7:above-described 3�2 so that the property may be used for commercial purposes* i• r There was discuseiontof the W. G. Shipley "subdivision plat. J. A. Dissier reported that neither the preliminary plat nor the Contract had been presented to the City Council Monday, April 12. preliminaryAfter a lengthy discussions Suzanne Lightan moved that the .. 141 couldIt was discussed and understood that if the property owners W agreement, then We Go Shipley would present deeds for street plat I(Sang Avenue and a portion of Hots Drive) and file a preliminary subdivi ., , � • Date: