HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-02-02 Minutes119 • The Fayetteville Planning Commission met in the City Council Room in the City Administration Building at 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 2, 1965. Members present: Suzanne Lighton, J. F. Palmer, Ernest Jacks, Allen Gilbert and Wade Fincher. DaltonMembers absent: Clark McClinton, Bryan Walker, Bill OthersJ. A. Vizzier, planning cnnsultant; and fifteen persons interested in the petitions for rezoning. Clarence Davis, E. J. Ball, Wesley Gordon, Laverne Heflin, Arnold Christieo Reverend Earl Hughes, Hollis Spencer, Clyde Salle, Lloyd McConnell. Charles Scharlau and .. were present. .Mrs. Argel Gage were among those The meeting was called . order Planningthat the purpose of this Commission business meeting and to hold public The order of business .. the agenda was dispensed with so that the public hearings could be held. Chairman Palmer reported that the public hearing on the petition of heardthe Planning Commission for the rezoning of property on the south side of Cato Springs Road would be PlanningAt the request of the Chairman, Suzanne Lighton, Secretary of the Commission, read the petition for the rezoning from R-lB Single Family Residential District and 0-1 Open Land District to I�2 Heavy Industrial District of property on the south side of Cato described as all of the .• West EXCEPT Lots 1., 2, 32 • .: City of rezoningFayetteville, Arkansas* Those present who objected to the _ • w •progress,.. sideration should be given to the property owners .. industrial Laverne Avenue. Mr. Spencer suggested that the proposed .: Averrue which is platted but not open or improvedo CLYDE 7people the Meadowlark Addition, the industrial zone should stop at the west .: of Micheal Avenue. LAVERNE HEFLIN..< : . peoplestated that he would be directly involvedas a property owner as well as an alder- I 20 he would not be against the rezoning. Mr. Heflin felt that something could be • worked out which would be satisfactory. MRS. ARGEL GAGE (Lot 3 of Block 4) said she did live on Hollywood Avenue. She and her family moved because construction. on the Baldwin Piano Plant was begun. She, however, felt that if the industrial zone were stopped on Micheal Avenue it would be all right. LLOYD McCONNELL (Lot 9 of Block 4)said he also favored the moving of the industrial zone to Micheal Avenue. Those persons who favored the petition for rezoning as requested were given an opportunity to speak. CHARLES SCHARLAU appearing in behalf of the Industrial Foundation felt that the need of land for industries was understood. All industries which have been sponsored by the Industrial Foundation have been more of the Baldwin Piano - Standard Register type and have been clean and quiet industries. Mr. Scharlau said he could not state whether or not the Industrial Foundation would approve of the industrial zone being moved back to Micheal Avenue. He pointed out that the Industrial Foundation would have to purchase all the property even though only a portion could be used for an industry. Lots 4, 5, 6 and 8 of Block 4 are part of the property to be purchased by the Industrial Foundation; however these lots are not included in the rezoning request. • CLARENCE DAVIS and E. J. BALL commented in favor of the petition. There was further discussion on moving the industrial zone farther west than requested in the petition and on the setback required by the zoning ordinance for and industrial building in the I-2 Heavy Industrial District. After the discussion J. F. Palmer delcared the purpose of this portion of the meeting having been accomplished, the hearing on the petition of the Planning Commission for a proposed amendment of the zoning map was over. The second petition to be considered was that of McClinton Brothers Company for the rezoning from I-2 Heavy Industrial District to R -1B Single Family Residential District of property north of McClinton's Second Addition and adjacent to said addition. The Chairman declared the hearing open for discussion and requested that those present make known their feelings of the petition for rezoning. Mr. Arnold Christie reported that he had checked with Mr. Leonara'Kendall of the Industrial Foundation. The Foundation had no use for the portion of land being petitioned for rezoning and had no objections to the rezoning for residential use. There being no other persons who wished to be heard on the petition of McClinton Brothers, Chairman Palmer declared the purpose of this portion of the meeting having been accomplished, the hearing on the petition for rezoning was over. Chairman Palmer requested that the regular business on the agenda be considered. • The minutes of December 15, 1964, were approved as written and mailed to the members. 12L1 There was discussion had by the members present concerning the regular annual • meeting in February. According to the By -Laws (ARTICLE III Meetings) if the regular annual meeting cannot be held on the first Tuesday of February another day of the month may be set by vote of the Commission. Some discussion on amending the By -Laws (ARTICLE II Officers, A.) followed. Suzanne Lighton moved that a written notice of amendment of the By -Laws, said amend- ment to read as follows: ARTICLE II. Officers, A. From its membership the Planning Commission shall elect a chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary annually at the regular meeting in the month of February, be mailed to all Planning Commission members in accordance with ARTICLE V. Amendments and that the date of the annual meeting be set for Tuesday, February 1T, 1� 965, at 4:00 p.m.. The motion was seconded by Ernest Jacks and passed unanimously. Suzanne Lighton, Chairman of the Subdivision Committee of the Planning Commission, reported on the January 12, 1965, Committee meeting at which the preliminary plat of RED ARROd ADDITION, the plat of W. G. Shipley Addition and the lot division and building problem of Otis Stobaugh on Lot 4 of Kenilworth Place were given consideration. During the Planning Commission's discussion on the preliminary plat of RED ARROd ADDITION, it was pointed out that: (a) The plat showns elevations along the street and the general grade given is correct but complete topography is not shown; (b) Area to the west labelled FUTURE DEVELOPMENT will be developed after the by- pass has been more definitely established; (c) Temporary turn -around is needed at the end of the proposed Arrowhead Street. • A motion was made by Suzanne Lighton and seconded by Allan Gilbert that the Planning Commission approve the preliminary plat of RED ARROd ADDITION as filed by Ralph Goff and Maupin Cummings, principal stockholders in Red Arrow Land Company, Inc., provided that a temporary turn -around be shown at the end of the proposed Arrowhead Street. The motion passed unanimously. The history of the subdivision plat of W. G. Shipley was given. The recommendation of the Subdivision Committee at its January 12 meeting was that: (a) A corrected preliminary plat be prepared and submitted; (b) Accept 35 -foot Sang Avenue with pavemeht, curb and gutter and put the west edge of the pavement on the fence line; (c) Hotz Drive right-of-way be straightened east of point of intersection of Garvin Drive with Hotz Drive. J. A. Vizzier reported he had checked with W. C. Smith, City Engineer, regarding any easements or rights of way on Hotz Drive, Mr. Smith said the City has an easement east of Sang Avenue to Garvin Drive and then South; however the City has no ease- ment on Hotz Drive east of Garvin Drive. After discussion Suzanne Lighton moved that the Planning Commission make known its acceptance of 35 foot Sang Avenue with pavement, curb and gutter with the west edge of said pavement to be on the fence line and requests that a corrected preliminary plat be submitted. The motion was seconded by Allan Gilbert and passed unanimously. The problem confronting the Planning Commission on the narrow right-of-way of Hotz Drive east of Garvin Avenue was referred to Suzanne Lighton and J. A. Vizzier. • After a brief discussion on Otis Stobaugh's building problem on Lot 4 of Kenilworth Place, Chairman Palmer referred the problem to the Chairman of the Subdivision Committee and J. A. Vizzier. The petition of McClinton Brothers • Industrial District to R -1B Single north and adjacent to McClinton's the public hearing earlier. n LJ u 122 Company for the rezoning from I-2 Heavy Family Residential District of property Second Addition was given consideration after Suzanne Lighton moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that an ordinance be adopted for the purpose of rezoning from I-2 Heavy Industrial District to R -1B Single Family Residential District property described as follows: A part of the Sgt of the SW1 of Section 21, Township 16 North, Range 30 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Fayetteville, Arkansas, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point that is N 00 24' E, 660.0 feet from the Southeast corner of the SW4 of the SW� of said Section 21; thence West 310.0 feet; thence N 00 24' E, 160.2 feet; thence N 80° 31' E, 131.8 feet; thence N 01 24' E, 50.0 feet; thence N 800 31' E, 182.5 feet; thence S 00 24' W, 262.0 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.53 acres, more or less. The motion was seconded by Wade Fincher and.passed unanimously. RESOLUTION PC 1-65 WHEREAS, a public hearing was held Tuesday, February 2, 19651 by the Planning Commission fifteen (15) days after a sign was erected upon the property and after a notice was published in the Northwest Arkansas Times; and WHEREAS, after the public hearing the Planning Commission voted to make a recommendation to the City Council on the petition of McClinton Brothers Company for rezoning. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. That an ordinance be adopted for the purpose of rezoning property on the north side of Cato Springs Road north of and adjacentto McClinton's Second Addition from I-2 Heavy Industrial District to R -1B Single Family Residential District as petitioned. PASSED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of February , 1965. APPROVED: J. F. PALMER, CHAIRMAN Theres of property from • _Road* adjourned.meeting was then Chairman Date: Secretary Letson Clark's preliminary subdivision plat of Tomlyn Valley • View Addition to be returned to engineer ...................... 114 December 15,_1964 Minutes of November 3, November 5, November 10 and November 17 approved ..................................................... 115 Public hearing held on rezoning petition of McIlroy Bank. Recommendation made .......................................... 115, 116 RESOLUTION PC 16-64 ..................0............................ 116 Preliminary plat of LeMon Clark's Tomlyn Valley View Addition approved ..................................................... 116, 117 Final subdivision plat of Virginia Hills Addition approved 0000.... 117 Paul E. Sullins lot division problem discussion and action taken .. 117 Recommendation made to accept 40 foot street west off the Old Wire Road .................................................... 117 Report given from Chairman of Housing Code Committee .00.0.0....... 116 February 2, 1965 Public hearing held on Planning Commission's petition for re- zoning property in Meadowlark Addition and on south side of Cato Springs Road ......................................... 1193 1202 122 Public hearing held on rezoning petition of McClinton Brothers .... 120 Minutes of December 15, 1964, approved ............................ 120 Discussion had on regular annual meeting .......................... 121 By -Laws of Planning Commission to be amended ...................... 121 Preliminary subdivision plat of Red Arrow Addition approved 0000... 121 • Corrected preliminary subdivision plat of W. G. Shipley Addition requested by Planning Commission ............................. 121 Otis Stobaugh's building problem on Lot 4 of Kenilworth Place referred to Subdivision Committee ............................ 121 Recommendation made on rezoning petition of McClinton Brothers 0000 122 RESOLUTIONPC 1-65 ................................................ 122 February 12, 1965 Recommendation made on Planning Commission's petition for rezon- ing property in Meadowlark Addition and on south side of Cato Springs Road ............................................ 1232 1242 125 RESOLUTIONPC 2-65 ................................................ 125, 126 February 16, 1965 Discussion had on need for action on housing ordinance ............ 127 Minutes of February 2, 1965, approved ............................. 127 By -Laws proposed amendment discussed and approved ................. 127 Officers for Planning Commission elected .......................... 127 W. G. Shipley's preliminary subdivision plat discussed ............ 126 March 2, 1965 Minutes of February 12, 1965, and February 16, 1956, approved 0000. 129 Report on W. G. Shipley Addition not ready ........................ 129 No report made on Otis Stobaugh's building problem ................ 129 Preliminary subdivision plat of Hillside Addition returned to subdivider for revision ...................................... 129 • Preliminary subdivision plat of Eastwood. Addition referred back to Subdivision Committee 0000.. .................. 130 James Sanders appeared before Planning Commission with project to widen Fifteenth Street .................................... 130 James Vizzier reported application for recertification of Workable Program submitted ................................... 130 March 23, 1965 Public hearing held on rezoning petition of Bill Bequette, Joe Wilson and Argil Bartholomew ................................. 131 Public hearing held on rezoning petition filed by E. R. Moore ..... 1.31, 132 Public hearing held on the Planning Commission's petition for rezoning of property in Park Village Addition. Recommendation made by the Planning Commission .............................. 132 RESOLUTIONPC 3-65 ................................................ 132, 133 Recommendation made on rezoning petition of Bill Bequette, Joe Wilson and Argil Bartholomew ................................. 133 RESOLUTIONPC 4-65 ................................................ 134 Recommendation made on E. R. Moore's rezoning petition ............ 135 RESOLUTIONPC 5-65 ................................................ 135 Preliminary subdivision plat of Eastwood Addition approved ........ 135, 136 Bill Graue's preliminary subdivision plat of Lee Addition was submitted to Subdivision Committee ........................... 136 More time requested by Planning Commission on acceptance of deed for street in Rochier Heights ................................ 136 RESOLUTIONPC 6-65 ................................................ 136 April 9, 1965 Minutes of March 2, 1965, and March 23, 1965, approved ............ 137 • Further consideration given to W. G. Shipley subdivision plat.::::. 137 Preliminary subdivision plat of Lee Addition approved 137 .%Oleva Hebberd's preliminary subdivision plat of Hillside Addition approved ............................................ 137, 138 Guy E. Brown's preliminary subdivision plat of Sequoyah Heights Addition approved by Planning Commission ..................... 138 Clay Yoe's final subdivision plat of Eastwood Addition approved ... 138 Further discussion of Shipley Addition ............................ 138 April 13, 1965 . Fred and Emm Shaffer's rezoning petition heard at public hearing and recommendation made by the Planning Commission ........... 139 RESOLUTIONPC 7-65 ................................................ 140 W. G. Shipley subdivision plat discussed and recommendation made .. 140, 141 April 27, 1965 Public hearing held on rezoning petition filed by Joe Smith and recommendation made by the Planning Commission ............... 142, 143 RESOLUTIONPC 8-65 ..........................::.................... 143 Question of accepting deed from Cy and Lettie Carney for 50 foot street discussed and recommendation made ..................... 144 RESOLUTIONPC 9-65 ................................................ 144 No recommendation made on development of property on Brower Avenue. 144 May 4, 1965 Minutes of April 9, 1965, April 13, 1965, and April 27, 1965, • approved ..................................................... 146 Final subdivision plat of Lee Addition approved ................... 146 Final subdivision plat of Hillside Addition approved .............. 146 Final subdivision plat of Red Arrow Addition approved ............. 1463 147 • Richard Walden's preliminary plat of Smyth Addition referred to Subdivision Committee ........................................ 147 Final subdivision plat of Tomlyn Valley View Addition approved .... 147 Further discussion and consideration given to W. G. Shipley Addition ..................................................... 147, 148 Informal plat for John Askew on south side of Cato Springs Road approved by Planning Commission ......................... 148 Cecil Ramey's division of parcel on Bailey Drive into lots referred to the Subdivision Committee ........................ 148 J. A. Vizzier reported on Community Renewal Program application which had been filed ......................................... 148 • June 1, 1965 Minutes of May 18, 1965, approved ................................. 149 J. A. Vizzier submitted suggested committee work for the Planning Commission. No appointments were made ....................... 149 Cecil Ramey required to file an informal plat on property north of Bailey Drive .............................................. 149 Preliminary subdivision plat of Smyth Addition returned to sub- divider and engineer for corrections ......................... 149, 150 June 22, 1965 Public hearing held on Jack Hight and Bob Stout's rezoning petition...................................................... 151 Leo Peel's petition for rezoning heard at public hearing .......... 151, 152, 153 Recommendation made on rezoning petition of Jack Hight and Bob Stout .................................................... 153 RESOLUTION PC 10-65 ............................................... 153, 154 Recommendation made on Leo Peel's rezoning petition ............... 154 RESOLUTIONPC 11-65 ............................................... 154, 155 Informal plat of Richard Greer's "Butterfiled 8" approved ......... 155 Fri TABLE OF CONTENTS July 61 1965 Minutes of June 1, 1965, and June 22, 1965, approved .............. 1 Zoning Ordinance to be amended to reduce time requirement prior to Board of Adjustment hearings .............................. 1 Members of Standing Committees for 1965 appointed ................. 1 Recommendation made to take appropriate action to eliminate health and traffic hazard on NW corner of Trenton & College .. 2 J. A. Vizzier related citizens projects of streetwidening ......... 2 Planning Commission discussed and approved site of Ozarks Electric Cooperative ......................................... 2 RESOLUTION PC 12-65 ............................................... 2 Additional information requested by City Attorney on informal plat of Butterfield 8 ........................................ 3 July 20, 1965 Public hearing held on rezoning petition filed by Harold T. Heckel. Recommendation made by the Planning Commission ......:4 RESOLUTION PC 14-65 .........................:...................... 5 Petition of Preston and Edna Hathcock for vacating an alley and dedicating an alley off Garland Avenue and Wedington Drive was heard. Recommendation made ............................... 51 6 RESOLUTIONPC 13-65 ............................................... 6 Final subdivision plat of Sequoyah Heights Addition approved ...... 6, 7 • August 3, 1965 Minutes of July 6, 1965, -'and July 20, 1965, approved .............. 8 Report from Housing Code Committee accepted ........................8 RESOLUTIONPC 16-65 ............................................... 8 Report from Zone Revision Committee not ready ............:..:..... 9 No report from Subdivision Committee but discussion had on Letson Clark's plat of Tomlyn Valley View Addition ............ 9 Site plan of City of Fayetteville's operations center presented and approved ................................................. 9 RESOLUTIONPC 15-65 ............................................... 9: .- Industrial Park proposed south of the City ........................ 91 10 J. A. Vizzier reported on possibility of Urban Renewal for the square ....................................................... 10 Bill Dalton to contact owner of old building at NW corner of Trenton Boulevard and North College Avenue ................... 10 September 14, 1965 Minutes of August 3, 1965, approved ............................... 11 Preliminary subdivision plat of Clyde McClintock's Woodland Park Addition returned to engineer 11 Bobby Thomas' preliminary subdivision plat of Sky View Acres approved ..................................................... 1.1 Preliminary subdivision plat of Replat of Lots 20 and 21 of Green Acres Addition filed by Erstan, Inc., and Ray England approved ..................................................... 111 12 Richard Walden's preliminary plat of Smyth Addition approved fe and building permit to be issued ............ 12 Ray Hughes to file informal plat on property on south side of • Whillock Street .............................................. Preston Hathcock's petition for dedication of alley to be discussed with Glen Wing, attorney for Hathcocks ............. Report from Zone Revision Committee on interpretation of zoning district boundary lines heard by Planning Commission 0000..... Area on Highway 16 East annexed and zoning map to be prepared from aerial photo ............................................ Planning Commission members invited to Country Club to listen to urban renewal representatives ............................. • October 5, 1965 Minutes of September 14, 1965, approved ........................... Leo Peel's preliminary subdivision plat of Parkwood Subdivision approved ..................................................... Report given on preliminary subdivision plat of Woodland Park Addition ..................................................... Further discussion of dedication by Preston Hathcock of an alley east of Hathcock Addition. Recommendation made 00000009 RESOLUTION PC 17-65 ............................................... Copies of Annual Report given to Planning Commission members 0000.. Chairman presented problems on the airport and streets for study... October 12, 1965 Public hearing held on rezoning petition of Motors Finance Corporation .................................................. Public hearing held on the rezoning petition of Jack and Irene Carlisle..........................:.....�.................... Public hearing held on the Planning Commission's rezoning petition for property east of Buckner -Braden Road ............ Public hearing held on Joe and Virginia Morris' rezoning petition.. Jerry Sweetser's rezoning petition heard at public hearing ........ Public hearing held for purpose of amending zoning ordinance to shorten time required prior to Board of Adjustment public hearing. Recommendation made ................................ RESOLUTIONPC 18-65 ............................................... Recommendation made on rezoning petition of Motors Finance Corp.... RESOLUTIONPC 19-65 ............................................... Recommendation made on Jack and Irene Carlisle's rezoning petition. RESOLUTIONPC 20-65 ............................................... Recommendation made on petition for rezoning property on Buckner - Braden Road .................................................. RESOLUTIONPC 21-65 ............................................... Action taken on rezoning petition filed by Joe and Virginia Morris ....................................................... RESOLUTIONPC 22-65 ............................................... Recommendation made on Jerry Sweetser's rezoning petition ......... RESOLUTION PC 23-65 ............................................... kPa 12 12, 13 13 13 14 14 14 14, 15 15, 16 17 18 18, 19 19, 21, 22, 23 23, 24 24, 15 16 19 20, 21 22 23 24 25 25 25, 26 26 26, 27 27 27, 28 November 2, 1965 Minutes of October 5, 1965, and October 12, 1965, approved ........ 29 Jerry Sweetser's rezoning petition referred back to Planning Commission for further study. No action taken ............... 29 Preston Hathcock's petition for dedication of alley to be discussed • with Glen Wing, attorney for Hathcocks................... 12 Report Zone Revision committee on interpretation of zoning district boundary lines ........................................... 122 13 Area on Highway 16 East annexed. Zoning map will be prepared from aerial photo .................................:....... 13' Planning commission members ;invited to country club to listen to representatives on urban renewal ............................ 13 October 5, 1965 Minutes of September 14 approved ................................. 17 14 Leo Peel's preliminary subdivision plat of Parkwood Subdivision.. Carlisle .................................................... ' approved .................................................... • Public hearing held on the planning Commission's rezoning petition 14 Report given on preliminary plat of Woodland Park Addition.......9 18-19 14 Further discussion of dedication by Preston Hathcock of and alley Jerry Sweetser's rezoning petition heard at puvlic hearing....... East of Hathcock Addition and recommendation made.......... Public hearing held for purpose of amending zonigg ordinance 14„15 Resolution P&17T6$............................................ to shorten time required by Board of AdgusAment prior to public 15 , Copies of annual report given to P C members .................... 22 152 16 Chairman presented problems on the airport and streets to P C 83 for study................................:................a Resolution 19-65 ................................................. 239 16 October 12, 1965 Public hearing held on rezoning petitinn of Hotors Flnance corp. 17 Public hearing held ;on the rezoning petition of Jack and Irene Carlisle .................................................... 18 • Public hearing held on the planning Commission's rezoning petition for propert)r east off Buckner -Braden Road ................... 18-19 Public hearing held on Joe and VitginiA Morris rezoning petitibn 19 Jerry Sweetser's rezoning petition heard at puvlic hearing....... 19, 20, 2� Public hearing held for purpose of amending zonigg ordinance to shorten time required by Board of AdgusAment prior to public hearing, Recommendation made ................................. 212 22 Resolution 18-65 .................................................. 229 23 Recommendation made on rezoning petition of Motors Finance Corp. 83 Resolution 19-65 ................................................. 239 24 Recommendation made on Jack and Irene Carlisle's Yezoning petition 24' Resolution 20-65 .................................................. 24,25 Recommendation made for rezoning of property east off Buckner - Braden Road .................................................. 25. Resolution P C 21-65 .............................................. 25, 26 Actibnztaken on rezoning petition filed by Joe and Virginia Morris 26 Resolution P C 22-65 .............................................. 26, 27 Recommendation ;Dade on Jerry Sweetser's rezoning petition......... 27. Resolution P C 23-65 ............................................ 26, 28 21 1965 November 2, 19 5 Minutes of October 5 and October 12 approved...................... 29 Jerry Sweetser's rezoning petition was referred back to the P C by city council for futher study no action taken............. 29 • Final subdivision plat of replat of lots 20 and 21 in Green Acres Additionapproved............................................. 30 J.1. V. reported on application for 701 planning funds........... 30 November 9, 1965 Public hearing hels on rezoning petition filed by A. T. Parker • • and Herbert L. Storthz. recommendation made ........................... 31, 32 Resolution P C 24-65 .............................................. 32 Preliminary subdivision plat of Woodland Park Addition approved.. 32, 33 Richard Walden's final subdivision plat of John Smyth Addition approved .................................................... 33 Site plan of M. 0. BRmay Jr. High School Submitted andapproved.. 33. ResolutioAnP C 25-65 ...............................•.•..••....... 33, 34 Further bonsideration of JerrySweetser's petition for rezoning given en and recommendation m,ade.........................:.......... 34 Resolution P C 26-65 .............................................. 35 November 23, 1965 Public hearing held on Ralph Brophy's rezoning petition............ 37, 38; 3� Public hearing held on rezoning petition filed by Razorvack Tire 48 Mart, znc..................................................... 49 49 38, 39 Recommendation made on Ralph Brophy's rezoning petition............ 39r4F- Resolution r C 27-65 ............................................... 395 40' Recommendation made on rezoning petition of Razorback Tire Mart, Inc.. .............................................. .P 40 Resolution C 28-65...........•••••...........•......•.•.•....•••• 40, 41 J. A. V. reported land use survey had been made of area on Hwy. 16 East ....................................................... 41 P C authorized issuance of building permits to Richard and Kay Coger provided contract for improvements in subdivision (Coger Addition) is signed....................................41 December 7, 1965 Minutes of November 2, November 9, and Nbvpmber 23 approved......... 43 Street name problem ( Waneetak Heights or Willow Avenue) discussed. 43 Subdivision Committee had no report ......:..43 ..................... Zone Revision„Committee setdate to discuss Highway 16 East zoning. 43 Housing Code Committee reported anorther meeting would be held to work 8n code enforcement ....................,........... 43 P C recommended 40' street south off East Township Road be accepted 43. Resolution P C 29-65 ............................•.•.0.0.00...... 43. 4 December 21, 1965 Public hearing held on rezoningpetition filed by Bois Stanton Public hearing held on the rezoning petition filed by P. F. Johnson and Herbert A. Lewis, fir ............................ Public hearing held on the rezoning petition filed by the Wabhin#ton Masonic Lodge ............................................... Public hearing held on the rezoning petition of Audie MiElsap— Frank Potts .................................................. Public hearing held on the rezoning petition filed by J. H. Hellums and Herbert Storthz.......................................... Recommendation made on Bbis Stanton's rezoning petition.......... Resolution P C 30-65 ..............................•.••••••••••.•.. Recommendation made on rezoning petition of P. F. Johnson and Herbert A. Lewis, Jr ......................................... Resolution P C 31-65 ........ ..... ... ................ Recommendation made on rezoning peel lafi ok'washington Masonic Lodge ........................................................ 45, 46 46, 67 47 47, 48 48 48, 49 49 49, 50 50 51 Resolution P C 32-65.......................................... Recommendation made on rezoning petition filed by Audie Millsap and Frank Potta........................................... Resolution P C 33-65........................................... Recommendation made on ;rezoninggpetition filed by J. H. Hellum and Herbert Storthz......................................., Resolution P C 34-65...........................................