HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-12-15 MinutesMR MINUTES OF A CITY PLANNING CCMPIISSION MEETING • - _ u:: I� r: 11 1 •uw •1 - I F1 • q am 1: • 1: :.11• A# t. • ul • 1 • •I - - _ _ Members present: Suzanne Lighton, Ernest Jacks, Clark McClinton, Wade Fincher Bryan Walker and Henry Shreve, Members absent: Js F. Palmer, Allen Gilbert and Bill Dalton, Others present: Ellis Burgino Vice�president of McIlroy Bank* J. A. Vizzier, Planning Consultant; and- • I The meeting was called to order by Vice�chairman Suzanne Lighton who presided in the absence of Chairman J. F. Palmer, The minutes the November1 and Novembermeetings Planning of the Commission • 1 - _ • •I • • - and u: the members. ResidentialMiss Lighton reported that one of the purposes of the meeting was to hold a public hearing on the petition of McIlroy Bank1br the rezoning from R-2 Two Famil,-p Districtto Neighborhood •111111:rcialDistrict Fifteenth Street 1 •west of U. S.HighwaySouth. Miss1 • I explained 1 procedure of the publicI: 1 the proponents1,• then the opponents be Planning Consultant, to 1: heard.I 1: 1: 1working 1 1: ■ :1 •11•Proposedneighborhoodshopping center.presented whichincludedinformation • 1 market•111 •' • i needed•1 to floor space, the proposes uses for a neighborhood shoppingcentern• zoningrequirementsrelating permitted buildingsetbacks,parking 1' 1signse MroVizzier• 1 1:1 1Commission that the 1 plane to sell 1: propertyinto a shopping Several layout schemes of the buildings, parking and access to the shopping center had been prepared for the KcIlrcy Bank. There was discussion on traffic problems on major thoroughfares, Ellis _ 1 Vice-president of McIlroyBank,was presentto answeranyquestions which 1: PlanningCommission might 1: however, I had 1.already been answered. There1•opponentsI be heard.- • 1 the 1 1: IP: I reported 1:purposethe hearinghaving :1accomplished, 1: 1' 116 to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District that portion of the property hereinafter • described and presently zoned R-2: Beginning at the Northwest Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 16 North, Range 30 West,. running thence South 775.5 feet; thence East 161.7 feet; thence South 106.59 feet; thence North 840East 479.49 feet; thence North 829.62 feet; thence West 640.53 feet to the point of beginning, and containing 12 Acres, more or less. p,. .. - ....: . Typ M---1 --- .:. W a It. - ... . . . I . I .. ............ ...... . RESOLUTION PC 18-64 .: ... ..> Md� TMWOREj BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY PLANNING CaOMSION OF THE CM OF FAYETTEVILLE2 • SECTION 1. That an ordinance be adopted for the purpose of rezoning property on the south side of Fifteenth Street from R-2 Two Family Residential District to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District as petitioned by the Mcllroy Bank, PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 15th day of December APPROVED: J. F. PALMER, CHAIRMAN Miss Lighton being the Chairman of the Subdivision Committee of the Planning Cc=ission as well as the Vice-chairman of the Planning Commission requested that J. A. Vizzier, planning consultant, present the Subdivision Committee's report on Letson Clark's preliminary plat of TONLYN VALLEY VIEW ADDITION, James R. Hale's final plat of VIRGINIA HILLS; and Paul E. Sullins' property on Twenty Second Street. reported.:::: - at its meeting of .- .• recomendation what had been complied W*TaWreW KWqAFAMM if Rm 0 W own .:" Os I .. ..W*1 MAITMJ4 a :.. Md� TMWOREj BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY PLANNING CaOMSION OF THE CM OF FAYETTEVILLE2 • SECTION 1. That an ordinance be adopted for the purpose of rezoning property on the south side of Fifteenth Street from R-2 Two Family Residential District to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District as petitioned by the Mcllroy Bank, PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 15th day of December APPROVED: J. F. PALMER, CHAIRMAN Miss Lighton being the Chairman of the Subdivision Committee of the Planning Cc=ission as well as the Vice-chairman of the Planning Commission requested that J. A. Vizzier, planning consultant, present the Subdivision Committee's report on Letson Clark's preliminary plat of TONLYN VALLEY VIEW ADDITION, James R. Hale's final plat of VIRGINIA HILLS; and Paul E. Sullins' property on Twenty Second Street. reported.:::: - at its meeting of .- .• recomendation what had been complied 117 Letson Clark, who was present at the Planning Commission meeting, participated in • the discussion which followed the planning consultant's report. After the lengthy discussion, Clark McClinton moved that the Planning Commission approve Letson Clark's preliminary subdivision plat of TOMLYN VALLEY VIEW ADDITION provided that the below conditions are met; said conditions to be noted on the latest pre- liminary plat filed with the Planning Commission: 1. The northemsouth street be extended south to the property line; 29 . north—south street .: movedso that it will.: in line with easementthe for the high pressuregasmain, 310 The lots by the high pressure gas mains are redesigned and re- .11i.—redso thatsmallportionsanylot remainto be described by motes and bounds; 4. The 20 foot easement dedicated for street purposes in the northeast corner of the subdivision be shown on the subdivision plat; 5* All streets be given names . do not conflict with street .:u:- existingin subdivisions; 6. All property be shown on the preliminary plat; :.. 7* Property that is not to be developed.: present given number. HenryThe second item upon which J. A. V12zier reported was James He Hale's final plat of VIRGINIA HILLSoo The subdivision committee had recommended the approvpl of the final plat after the engineering problems had been cleared. - - moved thatthe Planning Commission accept the reclommendation of the Subdivision Committee and that Suzanne C. Lighton, Secretary 1 Commission, be is hereby atuhorizedsignthe final subdivision VIRGINIA HILLS ADDITION to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, after the engineer- ing problems have been cleared. The motion was seconded by Clark McClinton and •passed unanimously. r . _ �ii�rt . .uun - . - . 1 c life Ili I 1: - r: - ON440,11ill 8 9 - 14 r: - - a ... 111 0 fo- .: :• - •r :1. r: - :••a 01 •• • -:1 1: u: r• r• r - :. r: Clark McClinton moved that the Planning Commission accept the recommendation of the Subdivision Committee and that because there would be no new streets or no improvements installed that Paul E. Sullins not be required to follow the pro� cedure outlined in the Subdivision Regulations. The motion was seconded by Henry Shreve and passed unanimously. The question - _ a deed for the widening of an existing 25 foot street to • feet - discussed. _ _ wasmoved by Clark McClinton and seconded • : r 1 : • : the Planning Commissionrecommend the City Council the acceptance of a deed for 15 additional feet of street rightwof-way for an existingfoot streeton thewest- • : OldWire Road, northof Calvin Street and south of Broadview Drive* said 15 feet of right-of-way to be added to the north 40 side of the ekistIng street sand to extend west approximately 250 feet. The motion passed unanimously. LI 0 0 118 OrdinancePnrnest Jacks, Chairman of the Housing Code Committee, reported that the proposed Housing Code had been typed by the planning office and was ready for the Committee ,: City Council to study. The Zone Revision Committee of the Planning Commission had no report to make at this time, There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:40 pome Approved: Respectfully submitted, 1965