HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-11-10 Minutes• MINUTES OF A CITY PLANNING OOMMISSION MEETING The City Planning Commission met in a special evening meeting at 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, November 10, 1964, in the City Council Room in the City Administration Building. Members present: J. F. Palmer, Suzanne Lighton, Allan Gilbert, Clark McClinton and Ernest Jacks. Members absent: Wade Fincher, Bill Dalton, Bryan Walker and Henry Shreve. Others present: J. A. Vizzier, Planning Consultant; and Bill Parette, Sanitarian. The special meeting was called to order by Chairman Palmer. The Chairman reported that the purpose of this special evening meeting was for discussion of the housing code; zoning of newly annexed territories; mobile homes; and street standards. The Chairman asked Ernest Jacks to present the first item of business. Dir. Jacks reported that at the last meeting of the Planning Commission approximately 2/3 of the proposed housing code had been discussed and notes made on the comments. Mr. Jacks suggested that the remaining portion of the housing code be discussed. • After discussion the Chairman requested that a draft of the proposed code be typed making all changes and recommendations resulting from the two meetings at which there was discussion of the housing code and that copies be made available to the Planning Commission members. Mr. J. A. Vizzier, Planning Consultant, related to the members what had been done conrerning the proposed amendment to the zoning regulations for the zoning of annexed territory. The proposal was that all annexed territory come into the City of Fayetteville automatically zoned 0-1 Open Land instead of R-lA Single Family Residential District. A public hearing had been held by the Planning Commission on November 18, 1963, but no recommendation was made. The Planning Commission felt that the problem should be given to a professional planner for study ones such person were employed. The Planning Consultant reviewed action taken by the Planning Commission at various meetings on mobile homes and parks for mobile homes. There was a short discussion as to where mobile homes should be permitted. Consideration was also given to the issuance of temporary permits for mobile homes. The Planning Consultant was requested to follow through with this study of mobile homes and parks for mobile homes and prepare a recommendation to -the Planning Commission. The last item discussed at length was that of the street standards within the subdivision regulations. J. A. Vizzier had prepared a sketch of typical pave- ment and street cross section. He suggested curb, gutter and pavement in • regular subdivisions, but in the rural subdivisions where there would be other • differences such as lot size, wells £ that paving, gravel shoulders, and an be required. The Planning Commission regarding the street standards. • 40 III it supplying water, and septic tanks, additional right-of-way for drainage members approved the ideas mentioned Before the meeting adjourned, Chairman Palmer referred the preliminary subdivision plat of Letson Clark's Tomlyn Valley View Addition to the sub- division committee; and petition for closing a portion of Haddon Street in Country Club Addition as well as question of accepting a street 35 feet wide was referred to the Chairman of the Street Committee of the City Council and to the Chairman of the Planning Commission for study and recommendation. There was no further business, so the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Approved: Chairman Date approved: CG� i5, l9(�9