HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-10-13 Minutes105 • MINUTES OF A CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The City Planning Commission met in a special meeting in the City Council Room in the City Administration Building on Tuesday, October 13, 1964, at 4:00 P.M. Members present: J. F. Palmer, Suzanne Lighton, Allan Gilbert, Ernest Jacks and Bryan Walker. Members absent: Bill Dalton, Clark McClinton, Henry Shreve and Wade Fincher. Others present: James R. and Ruth Hale; Bob Battenfield of John E. Mahaffey & Associates, Inc.; W. P. Watkins, and J. A. Vizzier. The meeting was called to order by Chairman J. F. Palmer. The minutes of September 28, 1964, were approved as written and mailed to the members. Suzanne Lighton, Chairman of the Subdivision Committee, reported that the committee had met Monday, October 12, to discuss and make recommendations on James R. Hale's preliminary plat of Virginia Hills. Also, the Committee discussed the final plat of Replat of Blocks Two and Four of Elmwood Addition filed by W. P. Watkins, and a sketch of the proposed subdivision to be developed by LeMon Clark. After a lengthy discussion on the preliminary subdivision plat of Virginia Hills, Suzanne Lighton moved that the Planning Commission approve the preliminary plat of • Virginia Hills subject to the elimination of the proposed QUEENS DRIVE; that the corrections to be made by the engineer are made (these corrections are noted on the preliminary plat) and that the subdivider not be required to curb, gutter and pave that portion of proposed KINGS DRIVE from the west side of Queens Drive to the southwest corner of Lot 2 of Block 3 at the present or until such time as the sub- divider may build upon lots 1 and 2 of Block 3 and lots 1 and 2 of Block 1. The motion was seconded by Ernest Jacks and passed unanimously. Chairman J. F. Palmer told the subdivider that he may proceed with his final subdivision plat in accordance with the subdivision regulations (Ordinance No. 1245)• The Subdivision Committee at its meeting of Monday, October 12, did not have time to discuss the final plat of the Replat of Blocks 2 and 4 in Elmwood Addition. This plat was therefore presented to the Planning Commission. Following a short discussion, Bryan Walker moved that the Planning Commission approve the final plat of the Replat of Blocks Two and Four of Elmwood Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, subject to the correction of errors after a more complete check is made by the Plan- ning Office and that after.the plat has been more closely inspected and any correct- ions necessary have been made, the final plat be submitted to the City Council for acceptance. Allan Gilbert seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The petition of Ralph and Roland Stubblefield for the closing of Meredith Street in the Stubblefield Addition was referred back to the Planning Commission by the City Council. A lengthy discussion followed, after which Suzanne Lighton moved that the Planning Commission make clear its intent of the recommendation which had been made at the meeting of August 11, 1964, on the closing of Meredith Street; said intent being that Ralph Stubblefield be instructed to submit an amended final • plat of Stubblefield Addition;said plat being a Replat of Blocks 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Stubblefield Addition, for the purpose of showing Meredith Street as being closed; and upon the submission of this plat, the Planning Commission then and hereby • 49 106 recommends to the City Council that an ordinance be adopted for the purpose of closing the street. The motion was seconded by Allan Gilbert. The motion passed unanimously. Bob Battenfield of John E. Mahaffey & Associates, Inc., presented a sketch of property to be developed as a subdivision by Letson Clark and to make known Letson Clark's intention of submitting a preliminary plat. There was discussion had. James A. Vizzier, Planning Consultant, reported to the Planning Commission on the results of his trip to Fort Worth, Texas. Before the City of Fayetteville may proceed with its application for federal funds and inorder that the Workable Program may be re -certified, there are a few codes which need to be revised, updated and adopted. Ernest Jacks told of the progress being made on the housing code. Mr. Jacks said he had read and compared two versions of a housing code. It was his opinion that the housing ordinance printed by the American Public Health Association, Inc. was more practical as far as the City of Fayetteville's needs and development were concerned. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Approved: MON 91 a ,U,_I Respectfully I=