HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-08-11 Minutese • MINUTES OF A CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The regular meeting of the Fayetteville Planning Commission was held at 4:00 P.M. in the City Clerk's Office in the City Administration Building on Tuesday, August 11, 1964• Members present: J. F. Palmer, Ernest Jacks, Wade Fincher, Suzanne Lighton, Bryan Walker and Allan Gilbert, Jr. Others present were Harold E. Lieberenz, City Inspector, and Paul Marinoni. Members absent: Bill Dalton, Henry Shreve and Clark McClinton. The minutes of July 2, 1964; July 7, 1964; July 8, 1964; July 17, 1964; and July 27, 1964, were approved as written and mailed to the Planning Commission members. The preliminary subdivision plat of Mr. Paul Marinoni was the first item brought before the Planning Commission. Harold E. Lieberenz stated that in checking the plat an error in the description along Wedingtori Drive (Highway 16 West) had been found. Mr. Lieberenz stated that Mr. Marinoni needed to start installing utilities in this subdivision but did not want to begin until the preliminary subdivision rplat was approved by the Plannin• .,:. to approve street layout as shown on the plat. The motion was seconded by Wade Fincher :.. passed unanimously after much discussion. The Planning Commission felt that Mr. Marinoni needed to correct the error in the description along Highway 16 West. There was discussion as to who was to build the bridges across the creek or the drainage ditch. The second item presented was a street closing problem of Mr. Ralph Stubblefield. Mr. Stubblefield had been asked to sell a tract of land to a church, but he would have to close a street inorder for the church to build. After a long discussion, Mr. Allan Gilbert moved that Mr. Ralph Stubblefield be instructed to file a corrected subdivision play showning the street as being closed and upon the filing of this plat the Planning Commission then recommend to the City Council that the street be closed. The motion was seconded by Suzanne Lighton and passed unanimously. Mr. R. T. McClinton's proposed subdivision problem was presented to the Planning Commission. Mr. H. Lieberenz stated that Mr. McClinton has a subdivision in the southwest part of the City located off Cato Springs Road. Recently Mr. McClinton purchased the property between the subdivision and the railroad spur. He would like to know if he has to go through the subdivleion procedure to divide this pro- perty into building lots. After a lengthy discussion, it was the opinion of the members that it might be to Mr. McClinton's advantage to leave the property zoned as it is now and leave it for future industrial sites; however if Mr. McClinton wishes to subdivide the property, he would have to rezone the property and then prepare a subdivision according to the subdivision regulations. " The last item presented to the Planning Commission was a letter from Mrs. Goldie England. Mrs. England requested the Planning Commission to study the problem of installing a beauty shop in her home at 11 West Elm Street. This real estate is located in a R -IA Single Family Residential District which does not permit • beauty shops as home occupations. After a short discussion, the members agreed that under the regulations as now written no help could be given unless Mrs. England chose to request a rezoning of her property. Harold Lieberenz stated that unless it were absolutely necessary, he would not call another meeting for the Planning Commission. The City had employed a planning consultant who would call the meetings and who would work with the Plan- ning Commission. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Approved: Chairman • 0 Respectfully