HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-07-17 Minutes96 MINUTES OF A CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING • The Fayetteville Planning Commission met in the City Council Room in the City Administration Building at 4:00 P.M. on Friday, July 17, 1964, in a;mpecial meeting. Members present: Bill Dalton, Wade Fincher, Allan Gilbert, Jr., and Bryan Walker. Others present were Harold E. Lieberenz, City Building Inspector, Mrs. Henry Seay, W. C. Rogers, L. M. McGoodwin, Loris Stanton and A. D. McAllister Members absent: J. F. Palmer, Suzanne Lighton, Clark McClinton, Henry Shreve and Ernest Jacks. The meeting was called to order by Bill Dalton who was acting chairman in the absence of J. F. Palmer. Mr. Dalton reported that the purpose of this meeting was to hold a public hearing to hear the petition of Be C. Snawder and Jessie Snawder, husband and wife, in which a request was made for the change in zoning of property in the northwest part of the City of Fayetteville. Arkansas, from R-2 Two Family Residential District to I-lA Light Industrial District. The real estate in question is located south of Poplar Street, east of Skull Creek and west of the railroad and is more particularly described as follows: All of Blocks 7 and 11, and all of Block 8, except Lot 6 and that portion of Lot 5 lying West of Skull Creek, all in Parkers' Plat of Dalley View Acres, an addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Also all of the North 432.95 feet of Lots 230 24 and 25 of Evans Farm, a subdivision of the City of • Fayetteville, Arkansas, lying West of the right-of-way of St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad and East of Skull Creek, containing in all 41.73 acres, more or less. Mr. A. D. McAllister, attorney for petitioners, and Mr. Loris Stanton presented evidence as to why the rezoning should be approved. There was no one present at the meeting to object to the proposed rezoning. There was no further discussion; therefore the Chairman declared the purpose of the public hearing having been accomplised, the meeting adjourned. After the hearing was over, the members met to consider.other problems. Mrs. Henry Seay, who owns two acres of property adjacent to Mr. W. C. Rogers' proposed &ddition,:appeared before the Planning Commission to discuss a problem. She voiced her objection to the proposed plat because if the plat is approved as it is drawn up now, her access from Highway 71 North would be cut off. She felt that the Planning Commission should make some provision for access to her property. Mr. W. C. Rogers and Mr. L. M. McGoodwin stated that they felt since no easement had been reserved in the deed, Mrs. Seay could obtain an access to her property by purchasing any lot out of three which would be adjacent to her property. This would also give her access to the utilities that Mr. Rogers is installing in his • subdivision. As there was no quorum present, no further action could be taken on these matters. • 9'7 There was no further discussion; therefore the acting Chairman declared the meeting was adjourned. Approved: Respectfully submitted, gf±v±�.o //, /9& V