HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-06-09 Minutes83 • MINUTES OF A CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The Fayetteville Planning Commission met in the City Council Room in the City Administration Building at 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 9, 1964. Members present: J. F. Palmer, Bill Dalton, Ernest Jacks, Allan Gilbert, Jr., Wade Fincher and Clark McClinton. Others present were Robert Lee Curtis, Tom Pearson, Jr., and Jim Caldwell. Members absent: Suzanne Lighton (vacation), Br7an Walker and Henry Shreve - Harold Lieberenz, City Inspector was'also absent. The meeting was called to order by Chairman J. F. Palmer. Mr. Palmer reported that the purpose of the special meeting was to hold a public hearing on the petition of Robert Lee Curtis and Marilee H. Curtis for the rezoning from R-2 to R-3 of lots 7 and 8 of Block 6 in the Rose Mill Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. The Chairman declared the hearing open for discussion and requested that those 1-r favor of said petition be heard. Robert Lee Curtis, petitioner, was present and spoke in his own behalf. Mr. Curtis pointed out that an R-3 Multi -family Residential'Zone began on the south side of Berry Street which runs east and west and borders the south lot line of lot 7; that rental property exists on the east two lots (lots 5 and 6 of Block 6) and on the west two lots (lots 5 and 6 of Block 5); and that several other houses in the block are also rentals. Mr. Curtis stated that he wanted to build a six unit apartmentshouse on these lots. The Chairman asked that those who opposed the petition to be heard. Tom Pearson, Jr., attorney at law, appeared before the Planning Commission to protest to the proposed change in zoning and request that the petition be denied. Mr. Pearson represented the property owners in the vicinity of these two lots being considered. He submitted a petition signed by 35 persons an whom stated that opposedthey strongly AMition Mr. Pearson stated that these lots were sold to Mr. Curtis by the party who owns lot 9 of Block 6 with the understanding Mr. Curtis would build his home upon these lots. Mr. Pearson said that he did not witness any verbal agreement regard- ing the sale of the property and the erection of a home; nevertheless the property owners do not desire any apartments in the area. Mr. Curtis said that if the apartment building were built, he would live in one of the units. By living in the units it would help keep the renters under the controlled jurisdication of the landlord. The apartment building would not actually have any front because of its design. beingThere no further dJscussion, the chairman reported that the purpose accomplished,the public hearing having been , I I E la A After the hearing, the Planning Commission members met to consider old Discussion was had on the petition of Robert Lee and Marilee H. Curtis in which a request was made for the rezoning 6f lots 7 and 8 of Block 6 of the Rose Hill Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Clark McClinton moved that action be deferred until further study could be made. The motion was seconded by Allan Gilbert, Jr., and passed unanimouiay, The minutes of May 5 and May 12 were approved as written and mailed to the members of the planning Commission. •_= 11•x_• 1 •11111 •1 _ _ • _ J= 1 •1 .=1 11• - IIS 11 • 1 _ = 1 1 1 • •111111 • 1 • • 1• •• Approved: ILTZ I: 411:1 YKMM:,-�� Respectfully 1 "J