HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-05-19 MinutesI • r1 U 81 MINUTES OF A CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The Fayetteville Plannin Commission met in the City Council Room in the City Administration Building at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 19, 1964* Members present: J. F. Palmer, Ernest Jacks and Wade Fincher. Others present: Leonard Greenhaw, Tom Feathers, J. D. Eagle, Harold E. Lieberenz, City Inspector, Jimmy Seville, Mrs. Russell Benedict, Mrs. Preston L. Hathcock, Mrs. Glen Rose, and two other interested parties. McClinton,Members absent: Clark Suzenne Lighton, Bill Dalton,:. Gilbert and Henry Shreve. The meeting was called to order by Chairman J. F. Palmer. Mr. Palmer reported that the purpose of the meeting was to hold a public hearing to hear:the petition of Tom Feathers, Guardian of the person and estate of Lessie Stringfellow Read, for the change in zoning of property in the northwest area of the intersection of Highway No. 16 and No. 112. Mr. Palmer asked that those persons in favor of the petition be heard. Leonard Greenhaw, attorney for petitioner, spoke in behalf of the petitioner. Mr. Greenhaw explained that the rezoning of said real estate is requested so that a supermarket could be constructed on said real estate by Thomas F. James who has entered into a contract with the Guardian, Tom Feathers, for the purchase of afore- said real estate, which contract is contingent and conditioned upon said real estate being rezoned to C-1, which real estate sales contract has been approved by the Probate Court of Washington County, Arkansas. Mr. Greenhaw said the guardian was required to have the property appraised two ways: For residential use and for commercialappraisers appraisersJudge T. F. Butt. These .: property zoned as is, R�lB. was valued at ••• ••• the property would be valued at $400000. The Probate Court., going upon the appraisers report, approved the sale for commercial use. The .. automatically .: if 0e estote is not rezoned as Detitioned. There being no further discussion from the proponents, the opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mrs. Preston L. Hathcock's home is located on Hall Avenue. She also owns property at the southwest part of the intersection of Highway 16 and 112. She said she had had several opportunities to see the property for commercial use provided it were rezoned, but she wished to maintain and sell the property for residential use. Mrs. Hathcock wanted to know when commercial expansion would stop. Two or three years ago the property owners in the area protested to rezoning property in the surrounding neighborhood. Mrs. Russell Benedict, 535 Oliver Avenue, had the understanding there was already a large grocery store planned for the area. She felt that the neighbor- hood would be over serviced. Kyle Engler, 836 North Highland, wanted to know what assurance the people had that the rezoning would nbt keep going on and on: Mrs. Glen Rose, 927 Hall, inquired if the area were large enough for a shopping center. She also was of the opinion that more than one grocery store would be over servicing the area. Mr. Jimmy Seville, representing Thomas J. James, felt the rezoning for the location of the supermarket would help the property immensely. Businesses locating in the area would help the growth which is bound to come. There was discussion between the property owners and Mr. Seville in regard to the proposed rezoning. J. F. Palmer, Chairman, p6inted out that North Street was to be 60 feet wide according to'the Major Street Plan. He mentioned that the Planning Commission was hoping that the portion necessary to straighten and widen North Street would be dedicated by the property owners. Mr. Seville said he could not make any commitment until he had talked to Thomas F. James. Mrs. Preston Hathcock stated that it was her understanding that North Street was to be opened before any businesses were permitted to be constructed and • such action was a condition of the rezoning done a few years ago. There was no further discussion; therefore the Chairman declared the purpose of the public hearing having been accomplished, the meeting was adjourned. As there was no quorum present, no further action could be taken. 0