HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-04-14 Minutes• MINUTES OF A CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The Fayetteville City Planning Commission met in a special meeting in the City Council Chambers in the City Administration Building at 4:00 P.M. on Tuesday, April 14, 1964. Members present: J. F. Palmer, Suzanne Lighton, Bill Dalton, Allan Gilbert, Jr., and Ernest Jacks. Others present were: J. F. Robinson, attorney for petitioners Dr. R. E. Clack and Constance Clack; Bass Trumbo, attorney for Mr. J. A. Russell and Frances D. Russell; Mr. J. A. Russell, petitioner; Grace Ramsey, interested property owner. Members absent: Henry Shreve, Bryan Walker, Clark McClinton and Wade Fincher. Chairman J. F. Palmer called the special meeting to order. Chairman Palmer reported that the purpose of this meeting was to hold a public hearing to hear and consider two rezoning petitions. The first petition to be heard was that of Dr. R. E. Clack and Constance M. Clack. The petitioners requested a change in zoning of lot 6 in Block 11 of the Original Plat of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. The zoning change requested was from an R-4 Multi -Family Residential and Dormitory District to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District, Chairman Palmer asked that those persons present who favored the petition for rezoning to be heard. J. F. Robinson, attorney, was present to represent the petitioners. Mr. Robinson said • Doctor Clack was unable to atterdthe hearing as he was out of town. According to Mr. Robinson, Warren Segraves would be the architect who would design the building. Mr. Robinson mentioned the reasons as stated in the petition why this change in zoning would not conflict with surrounding land uses. He said he felt that the petition and the drawings explained the request. Chairman Palmer asked those present who objected to the zoning change as requested to be heard. Grace Ramsey, 215 West Meadow Street, said she was present in behalf of herself and her neighbors. Miss Ramsey said she and her neighbors were not aware the property of Doctors E. M. Eidson and Letson Clark had been zoned C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District. At the time all thought in terms of an R -P. Professional Zone. She was oppossed to the rezoning of Doctor Clackts property as petitioned, but she said she would approve of the property being rezoned to R -P. Also, Miss Ramsey mentioned the parking problem. She stited:.she would like the parking on Meadow Street to be eliminated. Miss Ramsey said she would not speak for the renters in the area, but the majority of the property owners were of the same opinion in regard to the parking. Chairman Palmer asked if Doctor Clack planned to have more than two professional people in the building. Mr. Robinson said he would rather leave this unanswered as he was not certain of Doctor Clack's future plans. Mr. Robinson, however, said he • felt that the R -P zone would not suit Doctor Clack's purposes. There being no further discussion on the rezoning petition of Doctor Clack, Chairman Palmer declared that the purpose of the public hearing having been accomplished, the hearing on said petition was adjourned. T 75 The second petition on whcih a public hearing was held was that of Mr. J. A. Russell • and Frances D. Russell. This petition was filed by the petitioners! attorney, Bass Trumbo. The petitioners requested a change in zoning of their property behind (east) the Chief Motel and Restaurant which is owned and operated by the Russells. This property has been petitioned to be rezoned from R-lA Single Family Residential District to C-2 Thoroughfare Commercial District. Bass Trumbo said that this property in question had been purchased by the petitioners May 10, 1960, at which time all of the property was zoned for commercial purposes. The petitioners desire to expand their operations and utilize the eastern part of the real estate in question. The intentions of Mr. and Mrs. Russell are to utilize this entire area for commercial purposes in connection with the operations of the Chief Motel and Restaurant. Mr. J. A. Russell told the Planning Commission that he planned to erect apartments rather than motel units. There was no one present to be heard against the petition; therefore J. F. Palmer declared the purpose of the hearing having been accomplished, the hearing was adjourned. After the hearing was held on both petitions for changes in zoning, the Planning Commission took formal action on the petitions. Bill Dalton moved that the Planning Commission in the form of a resolution recommended to the City Council that the petition of Doctor R. E. Clack and Constance M. Clack • for the rezoning from R-4 to C-1 of lot 6 in Block 11 of the Original Plat of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, be granted as petitioned. The motion was seconded by Suzanne Lighton and passed unanimously. i'eiHH!-YciHHHHHF;FihidFCAHF#iH't�.FIHHHHEY2;-7HHHHH;-7liHHHEiHHHF:HHHHHHHHHHHFi£iHHHHHHHt-;HHHHEfFif�•H(�,iHHHHyHHHHH} RESOLUTION PC 5-64 1411EREAS, a public hearing was held at 4:00 P.M., Tuesday, April 14, 1964, in the City Administration Building by the City Planning Commission; and WEREAS, after said hearing the Planning Commission voted to make a recommendation to the City Council on the rezoning petition of Dr. R. E. Clack and Constance M. Clack. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE FAYETTEVILLE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS. SECTION 1. That lot 6 in Block 11 of the Original Plat to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, be rezoned from R-4 Multi -Family Residential and Dormitory District to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District as petitioned by Dr. R. E. Clack and Constance M. Clack. PASSED AND APPROVED this ./4 -4,b -ay of 0 76 • During the hearing on the above-mentioned petition there was discussion on the parking problem on Meadow Street. In conjunction with this discussion, Suzanne Lighton moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that parking on Meadow Street between Church Avenue and Locust Avenue be eliminated. The motion was seconded by Ernest Jacks and pass6d unanimously. #;FYC#3HHE#iFii-Ycir�: YriFif-YHk�(-".�iHHHFkiHHHHHHHF#iFni4#HEMiHt#i4H ,HHHFiEifiHtiEiEiHHti£-tfiHHHHHt RESOLUTION PC 6-64 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEV ILLE, ARKANSAS: That the City Council give consideration and study the possibility of eliminating parking on Meadow Street between Locust Avenue and Church Avenue because of the traffic hazard created. PASSED AND APPROVED this H"day of awG iHHHFG##iFiF#iHHHHFiHH4il#IHHHHFiFRiHFiHHHHHH fiHHFi£i • Formal action on the petition of J. A. Russell and Frances D. Russell was taken by the Planning Commission. Bill Dalton moved that the Planning Commission in the form of a resolution recommend to the City Council that the petition requesting a change in zoning from R -IA to C-2 of property east of the Chief Motel and Restaurant on Highway 71 North be granted as submitted. The motion was seconded by Allan Gilbert, Jr., and passed unanimously. LJ iHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHfiHHHHHFIf#1HHHHfiEiY.HHHHHHHHHHHci'rIHFtHHHh## RESOLUTION PC 7-64 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing at 4:00 P.M., Tuesday, April 14, 1964, in the City Administration Building; and WHEREAS, after said hearing the Planning Commission voted to make a recommendation to the City Council on the rezoning petition of J. A. Russell and Frances D. Russell. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS. SECTION 1. That that real estate owned by J. A. Russell and Frances D. Russell and situated east of the Chief Motel and Restaurant be rezoned from R-lA Single Family Residential District to C-2 Thoroughfare Commercial District as petitioned. PASSED AND APPROVED this / qday of k , 1964. • 0 Public hearing dates for future petitions were discussed: Allan Gilbert, Jr.,' moved that the Planning Commission held a public hearing at the earliest possible date to consider rezoning property west of U. S. Highway 71 (South) across from Allied Van Lines, Inc., and Southwest Piano & Van Service, Inc. The motion was seconded by Bill Dalton and passed unanimously. Hearing date was set for May 5. Other hearings were scheduled to be held May 12. These include the rezoning petition of Ed McClelland and the proposed amendment of Zoning Ordinance No. 1239, ARTICLE IX AMENDMENT 2. Amendment Procedures for Members of the City Council (See Resolution 8-64 from the City Council). There was discussion of whether a person should be appointed secretary and vice- C.h airman during the absence of Suzanne Lighton when she takes her trip to Europeo it was decided the Chairman would take care of the secretarial duties during Miss Lighton's absence. There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Date: 2J7a t°sl 1Qly-41