HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-03-17 Minutes• 68 MINUTES OF A CM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The Fayetteville City Planning Commission mat in the Municipal Court Room shortly before 4:00 p.m, on Tuesday, March 17, 1964, to take action on the rezoning petition of property owners on Lollar Lane and Trenton Boulevard in the Park Village Addition (See Minutes of March 10, 1964). A quorum was present for this meeting: J. F. Palmer, Suzanne Lighton, Allan Gilbert, Jr., Ernest Jacks and Wade.Fincher. There was a short discussion had on the petition during which time Ernest Jacks said he would like to go on record as having stated that he does not agree in matter of principle,:bat'.as far as practicality he would consent to the rezoning. Allan Gilbert moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the petition for the rezoning of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 89 9, 10 and the west 15 feet of lot ll in Park Village Addition be granted as petitioned. The motion was seconded by Suzanne Lighton and passed unanimously. The Chairman also voted for the rezoning. RESOLUTION PC 4-64 WHEREAS, on March 10, 1964, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the petition for rezoning of real estate in Park Village Addition from Rr2 to R -P; and • WHEREAS, on March 17 at a special meeting of the Planning Commission a recommendation was made to the City Council, NOF', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE FAYETTEVILLE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF FAYETTEVILIE, ARKANSAS. SECTION 1. That lots 1 through 10 and the west 15 feet of lot 11 in Park Village Addition be rezoned from Rr2 Two Family Residential District to RrP Professional Office Residential District as petitioned. PASSED AND APPROVED this P]'�d�, of 1964. The Chairman adjourned this special session at 4:10 p:m. _ 0 The Fayetteville City Planning Commission met in a special meeting on Tuesday, March 17, 1964, at 4:10 p.m, in the City Council Chambers in the City Administration • Building. 69. Members present: Suzanne Lighton, J. F. Palmer, Ernest Jacks and Allan Gilbert, Jr. Also present were Bryce Davis, J. W. Shepherd, Harold E. Lieberenz, City Building • Inspector, and nine (9) interested parties besides Mr. Charles Atkinson, attorney for Ralph D. Brophy. Members absent: Henry Shreve, Bryan Walker, Bill Dalton, Clark McClinton and Wade Fincher. • • Chairman J. F. Palmer called the meeting to order. Chairman Palmer reported that the purpose of the special meeting was to hold a public hearing to hear and consider the petition of Ralph D. Brophy for the rezoning of property east of North Collage Avenue and north of East Township Road. Mr. Palmer said that those in favor of the petition would now be heard. Attorney Charles Atkinson was present to represent Ralph D. Brophy, who could not attend this hearing because of illness. Mr. Atkinson asked the Planning Commission for permission to withdraw Mr. Brophy's rezoning petition because there is some question about.the.correct legal description and ownership. There was not a quorum present, but it was the unanimous opinion of those members present that the Planning Commission should grant Charles Atkinson's request that the rezoning petition of Ralph D. Brophy be -withdrawn. Chairman Palmer declared that since the petition for rezoning had been withdrawn, there would be no further public hearing. Although a quorum was not present, several items were still presented to the Planning Commission for study and opinions. The Building Inspector presented a plat of Bryce Davis' proposed Rolling Hills Addition which is located east of the Northridge Subdivision. There was a street problem which needed consideration. Bryce Davis, who was present at the meeting, said the land to the north between Township Road and the proposed Rolling Hills Addition is owned by Roy Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong is neither ready to subdivide his property nor is he willing to sell. Mr. Davis said he had no objections to running an extension to his north property line of the eastern most street shown on his proposed subdivision plat and would even be willing to put in both streets if the Planning Commission felt both were needed. After discussion it was the opinion of the Planning Commission members present that both streets were not necessary because of the proximity of Brairwood Avenue to the west. The next problem to be discussed was that building and street problem of J. W. Shepherd. Mr._Shepherd owns property off Highway 71 North; this property does not front on a street. Mr. Shepherd has applied for a permit to build on his property. The Building Inspector gave a brief history of the problem. Mr. Lieberenz said that before the real estate in question came inside the city limits, Mr. Shepherd sold property fronting on Highway 71 North to Bob Stout and Mr. Stout built his present home upon this real estate. At the time Mr. Shepherd sold Bob Stout the real estate he kept a 241 foot drive to his house and to additional real estate which he had purchased. Said real estate is located between Mr. Shepherd's home and J. C. Cox's Auto Salvage. It is upon this real estate which Mr. Shepherd wants to build. Mr. Shepherd, who attended this meeting, said that Johnnie Bassett had a 46 foot strip of land between the Bassett property and Mr. Cox's property, but Mr. Shepherd was doubtful about Mr. Bassett dedicating this 46 feet for street purposes. '70 After a short discussion, it was the opinion of those members present that the • 24# foot strip of land Mr. Shepherd is now using for an inlet and outlet should be dedicated to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, for street purposes to meet a 50 foot street which is to be dedicated to the City of Fayetteville. Arkansas, for street purposes. • 0 The building problem of Morris Unsell on property located between Davidson Street and Rebecca Street was discussed by the Planning Commission. Harold Lieberenz explained that Morris Unsell wanted to maintain the 25 foot private drive part way. This drive would be curbed and guttered. Mr. Unsell planned to build duplexes upon the lots which the property would be divided into. Mr. Lieberenz said there was some question as to whether Washington Avenue should be extended north. The general opinion of those Planning Commission members present was that Washington Avenue need not be extended between Davidson Street and Rebecca Street because it terminated on Prospect Street a block north of Rebecca Street. There was discussion on Roy Adams's subdivision plat of property between Hawthorn and Prospect Streets in regard to whether or not the 5 foot street widening of Gregg Avenue should be maintained. It was the Planning Commission's opinion that this 5 feet should be maintained. Chairman Palmer read Resolution 8-64 from the City Council regarding amendments to Ordinance No. 1239. RESOLUTION 8-64 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, TO -WIT: SECTION 1. That the procedure whereby City Council may initiate amendments to the zoning ordinance is inadequate, and should be amended to allow the City Council to hold public hearings on questions of amending the zoning ordinance, at a regular or special Council meeting, and take action upon the petition for amendment immediately after the hearing. SECTION 2. That this matter is hereby referred to the planning commission with directions that a public hearing be held as soon as possible on this proposal and that after the said public hearing the planning commission is directed to make their recommend- ations to the City Council forthwith. PASSED AND APPROVED this 11th day of March, 1964, ATTEST: T Guy E Brown DavisGUYBROWN, MAYOR GEORGE J* DAVIS, CITY CLERK � • • 40 Chairman Palmer real a list of committees which he recommended for this year. He asked that a list of the committees be mailed to the.Planning Commission members for consideration at the neat meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION COMMITTEES FOR THE YEAR 1964 SUBDIVISION COMMITTEE - Suzanne Lighton,'Chairman Bryan Walker ZONE REVISION COMMITTEE - Henry Shreve, Chairman Clark McClinton HOUSING CODE COMMITTEE - Ernest Jacks, Chairman Wade Fincher PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE - Allan Gilbert, Jr. Bill Dalton NOTE: These above committees and committee members are not official as of this this date. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted,