HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-01-28 MinutesThe Fayetteville City Planning Commission met in special session in the City Council Chambers in the City Administration Building at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 28, 1964. Members present: Ernest Jacks; Allan Gilbert, Jr.; Clark McClinton and Suzanne Lighton. Also present were the following: Harold E. Lieberenz, City Building Inspector; Hugh Dill, petitioner; Sidney P: Davis, Jr., attorney; Clyde McClintock and his wife; W. C. Rogers, petitioner; James D. Cypert, attorney; Carl Yates, engineer; Be L. Lewis; H. C. Agee; Clifford Ward; J. 0. Wasson and J. Be Pomfret of the University of Arkansas. Members absent& Henry I Shreve.e J. F. Palmer; Bill Dalton; Wade Fincher and Bryan This special meeting was called to order by Vice chairman Suzanne Lighton who presided in the absence of Chairman J. F. Palmer. Miss Lighton reported that the purpose of this special meeting was to hold a public hearing to hear and consider the petition for rezoning submitted by We C. and Cleada. Rogers, husband and wife, and ,. petition for rezoning submitted . • Hugh We and Kathryn Dill,, husband and quorumAlthough a of the Planning Conmd sion was not present at the hearing, Miss Lighton reported that the hearing would be held and action would be taken at a later meetings • The Vice chairman reported a request had been made that the rezoning petition of W. C. Rogers and Cleada Rogers be heard first due to an appointment of a representative of Mr. Rogers. Mise Lighton said if the other petitioner, Mr. Hugh W. Dill, had no objections, Mr. Rogers' petition would be heard first. Mr. Sidney P. Davis, Jr., attorney for Hugh W. Dill, reported that his client had no objections. Suzanne Lighton explained the usual procedure of the public hearings held by the Planning Commission, MiAs Lighton asked that each person be as brief as possible when given the opportunity to be heard, The Vice chairman said that each person who wished to be heard would be and declared that those present who favored the raw zoning petition of We C. and Cleada, Rogers,, husband and wife,, and wished to be heard would not be so. James D. Cypert, attorney for W. C. Rogers, and Carl Yates, engineer for the petitioner, were present to represent the petitioners and to answer any questions the interested parties or the Planning Commission might have relative to Mr. Rogers, proposal. James Cypert said his clients had requested a zoning change from RrlB Single Family Residential District and al Open Land District to C-2 Thoroughfare Commercial District of real estate 300 feet East of the East line of U. S. Highway 71 extending 600 feet East along the South line of Harold Street, thence South for a distance of 1,422 feet, more or less, thence West to a point 300 feet East of the East line of U. S. Highway 71 and thence in a.Hortherly direction 300 feet from and parallel to the East line of Us S. Highway 71 to the beginning point. Approximately one half of • this property petitioned for rezoning is located in a al Open Land District. The proposed zoning change, as Mr. Cypert pointed out, would not conflict with surrounding land uses, existing buildings or depreciate property value of Is adjacent propertys With the exception of one wall area north of Harold Street,, t area petitioned to be rezoned is adjacent to areas already zoned C�2 or is adjac to areas owned entirely by the petitioners and is to be developed by the petitionj as a desirable residential neighborhood. L: - - 1 • 11 � 1 - - I FA ♦114 11= =1 AI• - 1: 11 •Ill I - - 1 Clark McClinton for his own benefit and for the benefit of anyone else interested read from Zoning Ordinance No. 1239 what was permitted and prohibited in the C-2 Thoroughfare Commercial Zone. There was nothing more to be added at this point; therefore the opponents of the petition for rezoning were given the opportunity to speak. Mr. H. C. Agee, 1315 Stubblefield Road in the Stubblefield Addition east of the property in question, acted as spokesman for those people living in the Maplecrest Addition to the north and the Stubblefield Addition to the east. Mr. Agee and property owners in the two previously mentioned additions were of the opinion that • the 600 additional feet being requested for rezoning would.devaluate property and create a traffic problem. Harold Street is not wide enough to satisfactorily serve as a collector street. The amount of traffic would begreatlq increased with the residential area to the south and to the east emptying into Harold Street from the proposed north -south street shown on the drawing presented by W. C. Rogers. The houses in both additions were built on the assumption the zoning would remain residential in use. Mr. Agee said that although these people who lived in the Maplecrest Addition and the Stubblefield Addition did not favor the rezoning as requested, they were pro- pared to offer in compromise the rezoning of the property from a point 300 feet east of the East line of U. S. Highway 71 east along the South side of Harold Street to Lee Street and if the north -south street shown on the submitted drawing empties into Harold Street as shown that Harold Street be widened to sufficiently handle the traffic, but if the northmsouth street dead ends before reaching Harold Street that only the entrance -be widened. Mr. Agee remarked that all persons felt that such a compromise was reasonable. A petition with the signatures of 36 persons who felt that the real estate located between Highway 71 -North and the -Missouri Road owned by W. C. Rogers should be developed in such a may that would be of benefit to the area; that the C-2 zone should not -extend past Lee Street and that streets should not empty into Harold Street was submitted to the Planning Commission for the records. This petition was attached to W. C. and Cleada Rogerst petition for rezoning so that the material would readily be available for public inspection. • Mr. H. L. Lewis, Jr., 213 County Road (Harold Street), strongly opposed the zoning change requested. Mr. Lewis said that the proposed C-2 Zone could come (east) back to the front of his house. She ,proposed street would empty into Harold Street in front of his house. Mr. Lewis felt that this adjacent C-2 Zone as proposed and • the north—south street which would feed traffic into Harold Street would devaluate his property and affect himself or any future buyer. Mr. Lewis remarked he assumed the people in the Stubblefield and Maplecrest Additions had no objections to the house which was moved in on the south side of Harold Street across the street from his home being.usid as a church which is not permitted in the Rr-1B-Single Family Residential District. i If a church were considered without consulting the people, Mr. Be L. Lewis felt that anything could and would be done. He also remarked that when the subdivisions were developed they were set back far enough to make an allowance forthe commercial zone along the highway. Clifford Ward, 1403 Stubblefield Road, said Mr. Agee bad expressed his feelings relative to the soning.change. Clyde McClintock, builder and property owner of real estate within the Maplecrest Addition, felt that if the zoning were changed for the benefit of the entire city no one would object, but this proposed zoning change would benefit only one person. • J. 0. Wasson, 104 Alice Street, was of the opinion that the proposed expansion of the C-2 Zone should not go any further east than Lee Street. Ernest Jacks asked W. C. Rogers if any restrictions had been made. Mr. Rogers said he had not as yet composed any.restructions for the property being considered; however restrictions were contemplated. Nr. Rogers briefly explained his past experiences with building and developing both commercial and residential areas. Mr. Rogers contended that more and more of the businesses of today want areas of greater depth than the 300 -foot width along U. S. Highway 71 which is too narrow for a commercial zone to be of meaningful use. The businesses require a great deal of space for buildings, driveways, parking areas and landscaping. He told those present how regretful Springdale is today because of its past narrow strip zoning. Mr. Cypert injected for consideration whether small commercial strips are more attractive to small or large businesses and which is the moat desirable. With the objectors' concern of the traffic problem, Mr. Cypert said Mr. Robeers,if the petition were granted, had consented to dedicate for street purposes 10 feet off the north side of his property to make Harold Street fifty (50) feet wide. It was also mentioned that Ralph Stubblefield plans to continue his subdivision farther east and had proposed to widen Harold Street. This widening of Harold Street and the proposed east -west street to the south as shown on the plan submitted by W. C. Rogers would alleviate the traffic problems. Mr. Cypert pointed out that Mr. Rogers owns additional property to the east and to the south. This additional land would be developed for residential use; henceforth the streets would be beneficial in several respects: The residents in the proposed residential development would not have to depend entirely upon Harold Street as an inlet-outlet since the street to the south • running east -west and connecting Highway 71 North and the Missouri Road would serve the same purpose; the residents could use the proposed south street as a means of entering the commercial area; and Harold Street, therefore, would continue to be used by those persons now using it. • Mr. Be L. Lewis had several questions directed to Mr. James Cypert and Mr. W. Co Rogers concerning why the people in Maplecrest were not considered and given a buffer zone. A rather lengthy discussion_followed. Mr. Agee speaking in behalf of those parties whom he represented said his people still would oppose the rezoning even if Mr. W. C. Rogers provided the restrictions Mr. Lewis questioned whether or not any restrictions could be made binding on future property owners. Miss Lighton replied that if the property owner were to put restrictions upon the property, the restrictions could be made binding, but neither the Planning Commission nor the City Council can require that such restrictions be put on the property. James Cypert said he felt that Mr. Rogers would be willing to work out something which would be satisfactory to the property owners in the Maplecrest Addition relative to a buffer zone. Ernest Jacks wondered if the businesses planned would benefit the subdivisions rather than the highway traffic. Mr. Rogers said yes* Mr. Jacks questioned if the proper zone were being petitioned. Xre James Cypert said he felt that his case had been presented and that there Wmia nothing else.to be added to his comentse Mr* Cypert said he would be willing so would Mr# Rogers to meet with the people in the Maplecrest and Stubblefield Addition inorder to.work out a resonable compromise. With this latter statement Vice chairman suggested that both parties meet and be prepared to report on the action at the next Planning Commission meeting which would be Februar7 4. There being no further discussion from either side on the W. C. Rogers* petition for rezoning, Suzanne Lighton reported that the rezoning petition of Hugh W. Dill and Kathryn Dill would be heard. Those present who favored the rezoning petition of Hugh W. Dill and Kathryn Dill were asked to be heard. Mr. Sidney P. Davis, Jr., attorney for Hugh W. and Kathryn Dill, told those present that the petitioners had requested the rezoning of property on Razorback Road. This property is 170 feet north and south and 217 feet east and west and is more particularly described as lots 6, 7 and 8 in Block 1 of the Fairground Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. This property is presently zoned for Rr2 Two Family Residential District and Mr. Dill has petitioned to rezone the property to R.-3 Multi -Family Residential District. Mro Daviszoning surrounding land uses because the property is located across -the street from the University of Arkansas multimofamily apartment dwellings,o the property is within one half block of the Washington County Fairgrounds and county is best suited for R�3 zoning to alleviate young married couples and married students' housing needs,* the general area in question is becoming multionfamily residential Davisnature as reflected by the location of the university multionfamily housing apartments, Mro , or 22 unit apartment house could be erected upon the property and still meet:the requirements of the zoning ordinance; however Mr. Dili plans to build a 12 unit apartment house, •Mr.Universityof the Jacksa not for the Planning Comnissione Mr* stated that he did not • • LI he agreed, but he was to present it to the Planning was at the hearing for information. In the not Mr. University did believe in the validity of sones and residents across Razorback Road west have opposed r ioned that any areas adjacent to the University coni growth and expansion. . Commission. Mr. Pomfret said he Pomfret pointed out that the not in spot zoning; that the zonings in the past; and he meat= erned the University as to There being no one present to be heard in opposition to the petition and no further Suzanne havinghearing been accomplished., the public hearing was adjourned. Date: November 5, 1963 • Harry Lewis' building problem was heard. Action taken ............. 44 City Attorney requested to notify D. D. Bailey and Burl Ramey about selling samller lots from large tracts of land .......... 445 45 Willard Williams'(Marie Starr) lot and building problem on McClinton Street was heard. Action taken ..................... 45 Minutes of October 8 and October 22 approved ....................... 45 Report regarding employing planner given by Chairman ............... 45 November 12, 1963 Public hearing held on rezoning petition of House-Latrecchia-Cates. No action taken as quorum eras not present ..................... 46 Public hearing held on Cliff Mills' petition for rezoning. No action taken as quorum was not present ............ 46, 47 Chairman J. F. Palmer reported on the Arkansas Municipal League Convention of City Planners and Commissioners ................. 47 November 18, 1963 Public hearing held to consider amendment to zoning ordinance for automatic zoning to 0-1 of newly annexed lands. Action deferred ............................................... 48 Rezoning petition of Cliff Mills considered and approved ........... 48, 49 RESOLUTION PC 21-63 ................................................ 49 Rezoning petition of House-Latrecchia-Cates approved ............... 492 50 RESOLUTION PC 20-63 ................................................ 50 December 3, 1963 Several persons in North Washington Avenue area appeared at • meeting because of article in newspaper ....................... 51, 52 Minutes of October 31, November 5, November 12 and November 18 approved...................................................... 52 Preliminary and final platBof Clay Yoe's subdivision of Part of Block 8 of Broadview Subdivision approved ..................... 52 Loy Kinzer's preliminary plat of Kinvrood Second Addition approved .. 52 Roy Adams preliminary plat approved subject to correction in legal description 0000 52 Planning Commission recommended closing of an alley which extends off Gregg Avenue in Block 4 of Wilson -Adams Addition .......... 52 January 28, 1964 Public hearing held to consider the rezoning petition of W. C. and Cleada Rogers. No action taken ............................ 53, 545 55, and 56 Public hearing held on rezoning petition of Hugh W. and Kathryn Dill. No action taken ........................................ 56, 57 February 4, 1964 Meeting postponed because a quorum could not be present ............ 58 February 11, 1964 Minutes of December 3, 1963, meeting approved ...................... 58 Planning Commission acted favorably on rezoning petition of • Hugh W. and Kathryn Dill ................................... 58 RESOLUTION PC 1-64 ....................................004000060. 58, 59 Rezoning petition of W. C. and Cleada Rogers considered. • Action taken to rezone the property ::::::::::.::::::::::::::: 591 60, 61 RESOLUTION PC 2-64 61, 62 Public hearing date set for rezoning petitions of Ralph Brophy and property owners of lots in Park Village Addition ......... 62 February 18, 1964 Minutes of January 28 and February 11 approved with corrections ... 63 Election of officers of the Planning Commission for 1964 00.109010. 63 March 10, 1964 Park Village Addition rezoning petition considered at public hearing. No action taken until more study is given .......... 64, 65, 66 Public hearing held on James 0. and Mildred Witt rezoning petition. Action taken ...................................... 65, 66 RESOLUTION PC 3-64 ................................................ 66 J. W. Shepherd's building problem referred to Subdivision Committee for study .......................................... 66, 67 March 17, 1964 Further consideration and action taken on Park Village Addition rezoning petition68 RESOLUTION PC 4-64 68 Public hearing held on Ralph Brophy's rezoning petition. Petition withdrawn by attorney for petitioner ................ 69 Street problem in Bryce Davis' Rolling Hills Addition discussed ... 69 Building problem and street"problem. of J.-W.°.:Shepherd, on'_ • Highivay.71 North_ discussed 0000...6000 ........................ 69, 70 Building problem of Morris Unsell and question of extending Washington Avenue discussed .................................. 70 Discussion of street widening in Roy Adams subdivision plat between Hawthorne Street and Prospect Street ...............i. 70 Resolution 844 from City Council on procedures for amendments to the zoning ordinance.discussed ............................ 70 ,Chairman submitted list of committees for the year ......0000...... 71 (Quorum was not present during the entire meeting; therefore no formal recommendation could be made.) .April 7, 1964 Minutes of February 18, March 10 and March 17 were approved 0000... 72 Preliminary subdivision plat of Winbaugh Heights approved ......... 72 Further discussion of Resolution 8-64 from City Council ........... 72 Committees for the year approved .................................. 72 Morris Unsell's building and street problem considered and action taken by the Planning Commission ............................. 72, 73 Sketch of preliminary plats of W. C. Rogers Addition and Oaks Manor Addition presented ..................................... 73 Action taken on question of widening street in Roy Adams Subdivision .................................................. 73 Preliminary subdivision plat of Rolling Hills Addition approved ... 73 Sketch of Coger Addition accepted ................................. 73 No recommendation made on W. G. Shipley Addition .................. 73 Planning Commission discussed recommending vacant building on • Trenton Boulevard and North College Avenue be razed. To consider further ............................................. 73 • April 14, 1964 Public hearing held on Dr. R. E. Clack's rezoning petition ........ Rezoning petition of J. A. and Frances Russell heard .............. Recommendation made on Dr. R. E. Clack's petition .................. RESOLUTIONPC 5-64 ................................................ Parking problem on Meadow Street discussed and action taken RESOLUTIONPC 6-64 ................................................ Recommendation made on J. A. and Frances Russell's petition RESOLUTION PC 7-64 ................................................ Future hearing dates set to be held May 5 (rezoning of property west on Highway 71 South) and May 12 (rezoning petition of Ed McClelland and amendment to the zoning ordinance) ......... Chairman to take over duties of secretary while secretary is on vacation ......................................0.0.00...... • • May 5, 1964 Public hearing held on Chamber of Commerce property on west side of Highway 71 South. Recommendation made ............... RESOLUTIONPC 844 ................................................ Recommendation made to accept 60 foot strip of land on property discussed at public hearing for street purposes .............. Minutes of April 7 and April 14 approved .......................... May 12, 1964 Public hearing held on rezoning petition of Rhea Segraves and M. A. McClelland ............................................. Public hearing held to amend Article IX of Ordinance No. 1239 ..... Recommendation made on rezoning petition of Rhea Segraves and M. A. McClelland .............................................. RESOLUTION PC 9-64 ................................................ Recommendation made to amend Article IX of Ordinance No. 1239 on the procedure for amendment by City Council members ..40660 RESOLUTION PC 10-64 ...........••.•....••.....•.......•• 74 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 77 77 78 79 79 79 80 80 81 81, 82 82 82 May 19,1964 Petition of Tom Feathers for rezoning of Lessie Stringfellow Read property heard at public hearing. No action taken 0000.. 84, 85 May 22, 1964 Preliminary subdivision plat of W. C. Rogers Subdivision approved.. 86 Preliminary subdivision plat of Oaks Manor Addition approved 0000.. 86 Final subdivision plat of Roy Adams Subdivision presented and approved ..................................................... 86 Prelindhary subdivision plat of Coger Addition approved ........... 86 J. A. Vizzier talked to Planning Commission about employing a planner ...................................................... 87 June 9, 1964 Public hearing held on rezoning petition filed by Robert Lee Curtis. No action was taken ................................. 882 89 Minutes of May 5 and May 12 approved 89 Action deferred on Tom feathers rezoning request for the Lessie Stringfellow Read property ............................ 89 July 2, 1964 • Further consideration of Tom Feathers petition for rezoning. Recommendation made 90 RESOLUTION PC 11-64 ............................................... 90, 91 Consideration given to the rezoning petition of Robert Lee Curtis. Recommendation made on the petition ................. 91 RESOLUTIONPC 12-64 ............................................... 91 July 7, 1964 Discussion on street problems of territory to be annexed. Petition for annexation filed by Kitchens, Will and Perry. No quorum present and no action taken .................................. 93 Final subdivision plat of Oaks Manor discussed .................... 93 July 8, 1964 Minutes of May 12, May 22 and June 9 approved ..................... 94 Final subdivision plat of Rollings Hills Addition approved 0000.... 94 Final subdivision plat of Oaks Manor Addition approved ............ 94 W. G. Shipley subdivision plat discussed and referred back to owner ........................................................ 94 Street layout of territory petitioned for annexation by Kitchens, Will and Perry requested by Planning Commission 0000 94 RESOLUTION PC 13-64 ................................................ 94, 95 Mrs. Henry Seay requested consideration be given to street access problems on property SW of W. C. Rogers Addition ............. 95 July 17, 1964 • Public hearing held on rezoning petition of B. C. and Jessie Snawder. No quorum present and no action taken .............. 96 Further consideration given to street access problem of Mrs. Henry Seay. No action taken by Planning Commission 0000. 96 July 27, 1964 Recommendation made on B. C. and Jessie Snawder's rezoning petition ..................................................... 98 RESOLUTIONPC 14-64 ...........................................".... 98, 99 Final subdivision plat of W. C. Rogers Addition approved .......... 99 Street problem in annexed area discussed. Glen Will presented plat of Sunrise Mountain Addition. Street layout approved ... 99 August 11, 1964 Minutes of July 2, July 7, July B, July 17 and July 27 approved ... 100 Street layout in Paul Marinoni's plat of Angus Acres approved 0000. 100 Recommendation made to close Meridth Street in Stubblefield Addition ..................................................... 100 Discussion on future subdivision of R. T. McClinton's property north of Cato Springs Road ................................... 100 Goldie England's letter requesting permission to install beauty shop in R-lA zone given consideration ........................ 100, 101 Building Inspector to call no more meetings until city employs planning consultant .......................................... 101 • August 17, 1964 Deed from Doyle Brooks for street dedication and extension of Hillcrest Avenue accepted 0000 ......................0.00.0.... 102 September 28, 1964 • Minutes of August 11 and August 17 approved ....................... Final subdivision plat of Sunnydale Addition filed by Richard and Kay Coger approved ........................................ Preliminary subdivision plat of Angus Acres approved .............. Final subdivision plat of Winbaugh Heights approved ............... Preliminary subdivision plat of Virginia Hills filed by James R. Hale discussed and referred to Subdivision Committee .... J. A. Vizzier reported on organizational progress being made in planning office .............................................. • • 103 103 103 103, 104 104 104 October 13, 1964 Preliminary subdivision plat of Virginia Hills Addition approved .. 105 Final subdivision plat of Replat of Blocks 2 and 4 in Elmwood Addition approved ............................................ 105 Recommendation on closing of Meridth Street in Stubblefield Addition alearified.......................................... 1051 106 Sketch of Leeson Clark's proposed subdivision presented and discussed .................................................... 106 J. A. Vizzier reported on trip to Fort Worth and plans for recertification of the Workable Program ...................... 106 Chairman of Housing Code Committee reported on committee's progress ..................................................... 106 November 3, 1964 Hearing held on petition presented by Monroe Laner for rezoning of property on Rock Street. No quorum present ............... 107 November 5, 1964 Recommendation made on petition filed by Monroe Laner for rezoning property on Rock Street ...................................... 108 RESOLUTION PC 15-64 ............................................... 108 Petition for dlosing certain streets and an alley in Rochier Heights Addition discussed and recommendation made ........... 109 RESOLUTION PC 16-64 ............................................... 109 November 10, 1964 Report given on progress of Housing Code Committee by its Chairman. Action on proposed amendment of zoning regulation for zoning of annexed territory reviewed ................................... Up to date report on action taken on mobile home parks given ...... Street standards within subdivision regulations discussed ......... Preliminary subdivision plat of LeMon Clark's Tomlyn Valley View Addition and the plat of Country Club Estates were referred to Subdivision Committee. Closing of Haddon street referred to Subdivision Committee, also. .............. November 17, 1964 Public hearing held on James Sanders' petition for rezoning. No recommendation was made ................................... Haddon Street recommended to be closed ............................ RESOLUTION PC 17-64 ............................................... Humphrey Heasty presented problem on street width of street west of Old Wire Road and recommendation made ................ RWOJ ll0 110 110, ill 011 112, 113, 114 113 113 113, 114 • • • LePion Clark's preliminary subdivision plat of Tomlyn Valley View Addition to be returned to engineer ...................... 114 December 15,.1964 Public hearing held on Planning Commission's Minutes of November 3, November 5, November 10 and November 17 approved ..................................................... 115 Public hearing held on rezoning petition of McIlroy Bank. and on south side Recommendation made .......................................... 115, 116 RESOLUTION PC 18-64 ............................................... 116 Preliminary plat of Letson Clark's Tomlyn Valley View Addition approved ..................................................... 116, 117 Final subdivision plat of Virginia Hills Addition approved ........ 117 Paul E. Sullins lot division problem discussion and action taken .. 117 Recommendation made to accept 40 foot street west off the Old Minutes of December 15, 1964, approved ............................ Wire Road .................................................... 117 Report given from Chairman of Housing Code Committee .............. 2.18 February 2, 1965 Public hearing held on Planning Commission's petition for re- zoning property in Meadowlark Addition and on south side of Cato Springs Road ......................................... 119, 120, 122 Public hearing held on rezoning petition of McClinton Brothers .... 120 Minutes of December 15, 1964, approved ............................ 120 Discussion had on regular annual meeting .......................... 121 By -Laws of Planning Commission to be amended ...................... 121 Preliminary subdivision plat of Red Arrow Addition approved ....... 121 Corrected preliminary subdivision plat of W. G. Shipley Addition requested by Planning Commission ............................. 121 Otis Stobaugh's building problem on Lot 4 of Kenilworth Place referred to Subdivision Committee ............................ 121 Recommendation made on rezoning petition of McClinton Brothers .... 122 RESOLUTIONPC 1-65 ................................................ 122 February 12, 1965 Recommendation made on Planning Commission's petition for rezon- ing property in Meadowlark Addition and on south side of Cato Springs Road ............................................ 1232 124, 125 RESOLUTIONPC 2-65 ................................................ 1251 126 February 16, 1965 Discussion had on need for action on housing ordinance ............ 127 Minutes of February 2, 1965, approved ............................. 127 By -Laws proposed amendment discussed and approved ................. 127 Officers for Planning Commission elected .......................... 127 W. G. Shipley's preliminary subdivision plat discussed ............ 128 March 2, 1965 Minutes of February 12, 1965, and February 16, 1956, approved ..... 129 Report on W. G. Shipley Addition not ready ........................ 129 No report made on Otis Stobaugh's building problem ................ 129 Preliminary subdivision plat of Hillside Addition returned to subdivider for revision ...................................... 129 Preliminary subdivision plat of Eastwood Addition referred back to Subdivision Committee ..................................... 130