HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-25 - Agendas - Final MINUTES OF THE JUNE 252 2009 REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 6:00 p.m., June 25, 2009, in the City Administration Building, Room 326, Fayetteville, AR. Olivia Hom, Chairperson called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m. Commissioners Present: Olivia Horn, Mark Kinion and Leon Jones, Jr. Commissioners Absent: Beautiful Gibson and Hugh Earnest Others Present: Fredia Sawin and Laura Higgins (Fayetteville Housing Authority) New Business A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Regular Meeting-Mr. Kinion motioned to accept the May 28, 2009 Regular Minutes, seconded by Mr. Jones and carried unanimously. B. Approval of Special Meeting Minutes-Mr. Jones motioned to accept the May 21 , 2009 Special Meeting Minutes, seconded by Mr. Kinion and carried unanimously. C. Approval of May 2009 Financial Statements-Financial Statements were reviewed, Mr. Kinion motioned to accept.the May 2009 Financial Statements, seconded by Mr. Jones and carried unanimously. D. Approval of Resolution No. 841 , To Charge Off Delinquent Accounts. of Former . Tenants for Period 02/01/09 to 05/31/09-Delinquent accounts were reviewed by the board, Mr. Kinion then motioned to accept Resolution No. 841 , seconded by Mr. Jones and carried unanimously. E. Approval of Resolution No. 842, Authorizing the Write Off of Certain Non- Expendable Equipment that was Junked-Resolution was reviewed by the board, Mr. Kinion then motioned to accept Resolution No. 842, seconded by Mr. Jones and'carried unanimouslyt r r t. . . ,r GHJ r, o .rt.. F. Approval of Resolution No. 843 , PHA Certification of Compliance with PHA Plans and Related Regulations for AR097-Ms. Sawin advised that this resolution is for the five year plan for the public housing program. Questions were asked by the board and then Mr. Kinion motioned to accept Resolution No. 843, seconded by Mr. Jones and carried unanimously. G. Approval of Resolution No. 844, PHA Certification of Compliance with PHA Plans and Related Regulations for AR181 -This resolution represents the five year plan for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. Resolution was discussed and then Mr. Kinion motioned to accept Resolution No. 844, seconded by Mr. Jones and carried unanimously. H. Executive Directors Report-Ms. Sawin reviewed her written report. I. Approval of Resolution No. 845, To Declare up to 40 (Forty) Units at Lewis Plaza Obsolete and Distressed and to Replace with 40 (Forty) New Units and Request Additional-Funds to Cover the Total-Cost- (Item-added to-agenda-at actual meeting).-Ms. Sawin explained that this resolution would be a way to apply for funds to demolish Lewis Plaza due to structural issues and then replace with 40 new units either on the existing property or on other property purchased. Ms. Sawin pointed out that by accepting this resolution it only allows the Housing Authority to apply for the funding and doesn't necessarily mean it will go through. Mr. Kinion motioned to accept Resolution #845, seconded by Mr. Jones and carried unanimously. J. Approval of Resolution No. 846, The Green Community Initiative, to Apply for $630,000.00 to Install Central Air/Heat and Contingent upon the Estimate, Replacing the Roofs at Morgan Manor Apartments (Item added to agenda at actual meeting).-Resolution was reviewed and Mr. Kinion motioned to accept Resolution No. 846, seconded by Mr. Jones and carred unanimously. In reference to Resolution No. 840 the Task Order #3 with R. J. Stidham and Associates needed to be extended. Mr. Kinion motioned to extend Task Order #3, for application of funds for the Capital Fund Recovery Competition Fund to be extended through September 30, 2009, seconded by Mr. Jones and carried unanimously. K. Other Business (Item added to agenda at actual meeting).-Mr. Jones requested that due to the excessive amount of paperwork involved in the board packets that in order to save paperwork, all information needs to be emailed to the Commissioners for their review. Mr. Jones motioned to include in the By-laws that information and correspondence to the board will be emailed to the Commissioners, seconded by Mr. Kinion and carried unanimously. There. being no further business, meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CIT OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CH IRPERSO ATTEST: �//CSlG�iiq SECRETARY