HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-03-19 - Agendas - Final MINUTES OF THE MARCH 19, 2009 REGULAR MEETING OF THE , HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 6:00 p.m., March 19, 2009, at the Hillcrest Towers Community Room, # 1 North School Ave., Fayetteville, AR. Olivia Horn, Chairperson called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m. Commissioners Present: Olivia Hom, Hugh Earnest, Mark Kinion and Leon Jones, Jr. I Commissioners Absent: Beautiful Gibson Others Present: Fredia Sawin and Laura Higgins (Fayetteville Housing Authority Old Business A. Review of Bylaws to decide if Change is needed in the Language for Replacing a Tenant Commissioner-The board agreed not to change anything in the wording as it now stands. However, the committee reviewing the bylaws (Leon Jones, Jr. and Beautiful Gibson) will discuss their findings at the next regular board meeting. B. Discussion to Change Date of Regular Board Meeting-Mr. Earnest motioned to move the Regular Board Meeting to the fourth Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in Room 326 at the City Administration Building, seconded by Mr. Jones and carried unanimously. New Business A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Regular Meeting-Mr. Earnest requested that the minutes be amended under Section E, Discussion of Emergency Planning for Disasters to have the RFP to hire a consultant to break down the charges of each site with the most important site being Hillcrest Towers and see what the cost would be or if there would be even be a need for an emergency plan at the other sites. Mr. Earnest motioned to accept the February 27, 2009 minutes with this amendment, seconded by Mr. Kinion and carried unanimously. B. Approval of Special Meeting Minutes, March 9, 2009-Mr. Earnest requested that the amount of the grant as indicated in the minutes of the Special Meeting be amended to $200,000.00. Mr. Earnest then motioned to accept the Special Meeting minutes with this amendment, seconded by Mr. Jones and carried unanimously. C. Approval of February 2009 Financial Statements-Ms. Sawin announced that David Land with Lindsey & Co. will be conducting a training meeting with the commissioners on April 14, 2009. Financial Statements were discussed and Mr. Kinion motioned to accept the February 2009 Financial Statements, seconded by Mr. Jones and carried unanimously. D. Approval of Resolution No. 836, Adopting a Policy to Write-Off Checks from Fayetteville Housing Authority Funds Outstanding over Six Months from Date of Issuance-Ms. Sawin explained that the auditors suggested that we have a policy in place when checks are written off of our account every six months. This list of checks would then be submitted to the board for their approval. Mr. Kinion motioned to accept Resolution No. 836, seconded by Mr. Earnest and carried unanimously. E. Approval of Resolution No. 837, Regarding the Award of American Recovery Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Capital Grant Funds 2009-Ms. Hom announced that the resolution is concerning the stimulus package passed by the government to help public housing and stimulate the economy. The Fayetteville Housing Authority will be awarded the sum of $453 ,067.00 in grant funds for the improvement of public housing. Mr. Earnest motioned to accept Resolution No. 837, seconded by Mr. Jones and passed unanimously with four "ayes" and zero "nayes". Ms. Sawin reviewed with the board where she felt this money could be best used which came directly from the current five year plan. It was determined that the money could be applied to remodel the kitchens of approximately 135 units. After discussion Mr. Kinion motioned to apply the grant to remodeling the kitchens of the Hillcrest Towers apartments, seconded by Mr. Jones and carried unanimously., F. Executive Directors Report-Ms. Sawin reviewed her written report. Ms. Sawin announced that there would be an Arkansas NAHRO meeting conducted in Springdale on April 15, 2009. All five commissioners will attend. Also the Hillcrest Towers Community Center Tenant Council is holding a Fashion Show Garden Party on April 17, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. The commissioners were invited to attend and also invited to help sell the $5.00 tickets to go toward a donation to the Hillcrest Tower Community Center Kitchen Renovation Fund. As per the prior meeting Ms. Sawin provided the breakdown of the larger amounts as shown on the Delinquent Accounts Report and explained that the newer refrigerator was junked because the motor/compressor went out which happens occasionally. In the future Ms. Sawin will include an explanation on her report for anything that may look out of the ordinary. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, AR KANSAS �M_ I CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: SECRETARY I I i I i i i I I i