HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-11-16 - Agendas - Final• • • FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY 111 NORM SCHOOL AVE. FAY IIEVILLE AR. 7 70 5920 P11:1501) 521-3850 FAX )501) 4426771 November 10, 1994 NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority will hold its regular monthly meeting Wednesday. November 16. 1994 8:00 A.M. at the Offic of the Authority. • AGENDA 1 Roll Call 2. Minutes of the October 19, 1994 meeting. 3. Financial Statement for October 1994 4. Other Business • Bromo Wilson / Executive Director a APPLICATION FORM for Appointments to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees i%>> >>>>>i»»»>>>PI.EASE I'RLNT OR 'T'I'E AI,I. ANSWERS«««««««««« NAME: D11_22j cJsp,s Z% / -TPA- -7' (If married, please give spouse's first name here) ADDRESS: (To be eligible to serve on a committee you must be a registered voter residing in the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville) Residence Street Addrdss R4tri-74L,,z C,iz.o0,=r_ A2 72753 City 'Lip Code Mailing Address City Zip Code TELEPHONE HUMBER:: Hone ac 7- »> cL 1:i I:: ineSS 441't4 • OCCUPAT1Oti/IIA:IE OF EMPLOYER: , /„z2 REFERENCE: (-1;/}rL,7 �i}27oi,1 urine .� -..a (C ash i��y ,£ -7-?,i J i 1 i,z Address 44`f — (4 Lf4-Lf- Phone Please Do Not Write Here Circulation: 1: 2: 3: 4: Terminate: Appointed: Term Expires: Replaced: Other: CHOICE OF COMMITTEE: FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PLEASE PRI committee, Tr OR TYPE HERE wliy you would ,.ike to he considered for appointment to this and ghat particular qualifications you feel you have: RETURN '1 I'; ;,I'I'LTCA'I EON Authority / #IAorth.School '" [ Bromo Wilson, Executive Director, Fayetteville Housing Avenue / Fayetteville, AR 72701 y RESOLUTION NO. /9D RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF PUBLIC HOUSING MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT PROGRAM (PHMAP) CERTIFICATION FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9/30/94 WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority is required to review the Annual PHMAP Certification and authorize the submission of the PHMAP Certification and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority did review the attached PHMAP Certification for Fiscal Year Ending 9/30/94 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY: That the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners and the Executive Director of the Housing Authority are authorized to execute the attached PHMAP Certification for Fiscal Year ending 9/30/94. ^ , PASSED AND APPROVED THIS gi DAY OF 47A4:49>%6611994. 611994. ATTEST 'get - SECRETARY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRPERSO • • • 1 • • • Public Housing Management Assessment Program (PHMAP) Certification U.S. Departmar.: of Housing and Urban De rdopment Office of Public and Indian Housing 7460.5 CHG-1 (APPENDIX 1 OMB No. 2577-0156 (exp. 12/31/94 UIlc reporting burden for thiscolection of Information Is estimated toaverag=3 harper response, Including the time for reviewing Instructions, searching existnr sources. gathering and maintaining Me data needed. and completing and reviewrc ne collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden eternal( or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reduce ris burden, to the Report Management Officer, Office of Information Policiw and Systems, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington. D.C. 2-:10-3600 and to the Olfico of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reductior Project (2577-0156). Washington, D.C. 20503. Do not send this completed form to aC., of these addressees. Instructions: A PHA's responses to this certification form must ba the F_1; s actual data: e.g., prior to any adjustments for modification and/o; exclusion requests to the Indicators. Round percentages to two decimal a:-.:ces. . PHAs Name: Fayetteville Housing Authority #1 North School Avenue Fayetteville, AR 72701 Indicator 1: Vacancy Number & Percentage Total vacant units 6 Actual vacancy percent for the reporting month or a snapshot picture of the actual vacancy percent at the end of the reporting period 2 Adjusted vacancy percent 1or the reporting month or a snapshot picture of the adjusted vacancy percent at the end of the reporting period a/, Percent reduction of actual vacancies over prior three years Indicator 3: Rents Uncollected Balance of rents uncollected as a percentage of total rents to be collected -' Indicator 5: Unit Turnaround System has been established to track unit turnaround System Yes or No) `0 2.0% Yes Anmial average rttimbei of calendar days for vacant unit to r ` be prepared tor re -rental and for a new lease to take effect For Fiscal Year Ending: 9/30/94 Percent of units meeting HOS Submission Date: 12/21/94 101Ye Average number of days to bring non -emergency maintenance Items to HOS Percent of emergency Items corrected/abated within 24 hours ?HA is on schedule, according to its maintenance plan, lo correct unit deficiencies (enter Yes or No) 1.14 100a/a Yes Average number of days to correct identified systems deficiencies ?HA is on schedule, according to its maintenance plan, to correct systems deficiencies (enter Yes or No) N/A Major systems Inspected annually (enter Yes or No) tr-cicator 8: Tenants Accounts Receivable (TARs) The PHA elects to use: (mark one) TheAnnualAverage AnnuaITAR Percent Yes Indicator 6: Outstanding Work Orders Percent of emergency items corrected/abated within 24 hours 100 Percent of outstanding work orders 0 Progress has been demonstrated over the most recent three yearperiod at reducing the time required to complete maintenance work orders (enter Yes or No) Yes Indicator7: Annual Inspection and Condition of Units and Systems System has been established to track Inspection and repair of units and systems (enter Yes or No ) Yes Percentage of units Inspected annually using standards that were at least equivalent to the Housing (Duality Standards (HOS) 100% tacicator 11: Resident Initiatives Policies have been adopted and procedures implemented Scat: (enter Yes or No) Anti-drug strategy/security Yes Resident participation/management Yes Homeownership opportunities Yes Economic developmentsell-sufficiency Yes Number of areas in which PHA has been successful in significantly improving conditions/activities 4 Number of areas in which PHA shows minimal activity 0 We hereby certify that, as of the submission date, the above indicators, tut :he Public Housing Management Assessment Program (PHMAP), are true and accurate for its fiscal year indicated above. The undersigned further certify that, to their present knowledge, there is no evidence to indicate seriously deficient performance that casts doubt on the PHA's capacity to preserve and protect its public housing developrn= and operate them in accordance with Federal law and regulations. Appropriate sanctions for intentional false certification will be imposed.1rrnding suspension or debarment of the signatories. Chairperson. Board al Commissioners : (signature & date • • Resolution approving this certification is req :r A :aced to by: (Executive Director's signature a date) X fist be zaiied to the executed certification. S/ /0ilry Previous editions are obsolete. lone HUD -50072 (9/93 t Handbook 74605 lrg 12 PHA/IHA Verification' The Information of this form has been verified and is accurate to tnr r-st of my knowledge t C U t rr r r C a C rt 0 r * One Unit being Held for MOD ID L 1< v rf rryr e 3. Project Name Instructions Io, completing this form are conlarned in Hanobook 40504. Rep roan Henna emerns 10r 1 Automated Systems for Public Housing AyenUes. Indian H 141l g 4uNOrjtres and Private Owners. .•--0 )Cr. _tO D A p 0 p co 10 V V O O 0 z c O D N a m' h-1 11. Name of Pi1A/IHA 1 U1 N 200 V1 T j O O N n b' O 0 m co c3H 3 v O 'O VGrill m m Title of Official • Adm. Asst. / PHD O 0 Total Non - Dwelling Units � 01 N N 0 0 8. Total Units Available !.. for Occupancy n O D b m m Do b Month -,SI 9. Total Vacant Units (W .R o Date Prepared 4/01/99 .)1 —. .0 A 10 Total Unns Occupied by Low Income Tenants to 0 Co d — ,n p O1 11 Total Units Occupied by Elderly Low - Income Tenants n A O • o n m C O ro c 3 ? �3 n < lC d Cy O O —3x A0 nec p N J p 0 C N 7460.5 APPENDIX 5 4 OPTIONAL WORKSHEET - INDICATOR #3 THE BALANCE OF RENT UNCOLLECTED AS A PERCENTAGE OF RENTS TO BE COLLECTED 10/1/93 - 9/30/94 PHA: Fayetteville Housing Authority FYE: 9/30/94 1. Balance of rents uncollected at the end of the prior fiscal year: 4,700 2. Current dwelling rents charged to residents in the current fiscal year: 286,218 3. Total dwelling rent to be collected (line 290,918 1 plus line 2): 4. Collections received for dwelling rent reported in line 3: 267,740 5. Dwelling rent charges reported in line 3 written off as collection losses during the current fiscal year: 16,627 10/1/93-3/31/94-4,661 4/1/94-9/30/94-11,966 6. Line 4 plus line 5: 284,367 7. Balance of rents uncollected at the end of the current fiscal year (line 3 minus line 6,551 6): 8. Rents uncollected for the current fiscal year (line 7) divided by total dwelling .02 rent charges to be collected in the current fiscal year as reported in line 3 and multiply by 100 to complete the percentage of rents uncollected: % 4 • • • 7460.5 APPENDIX 5 OPTIONAL WORKSHEET - INDICATOR #5 ANNUAL AVERAGE NUMBER OF VACANCY DAYS PER TURNAROUND PHA: Fayetteville Housing Authority FYE:19/30/94 Vacant units in the following categories should calculation of this indicator for a PHA•s immediate a. Units in funded on -schedule CIAP (only) b. Units held off the market included in disposition application; c. Total units in which resident property only is State law requires the property for some period of time, and only for in the law; and d. Total units that have sustained property/casualty only until the insurance claim is adjusted. not be included in the past fiscal year: programs; an approved demolition or has been abandoned, but to be left in the unit the period of time stated damage, but Month/Year Number of Units Re-• Occupied Total Days Vacant Average Days Per Turnaround Oct 1993 8 219 27 Nov 1993 8 242 30 Dec 1993 7 222 32 Jan 1994 10 399 40 Feb 1994 3 36 12 Mar 1994 7 223 32 Apr 1994 5 147 29 May 1994 10 191 19 Jun 1994 9 1 167 19 Jul 1994 7 137 2n Alio 1994 5 48 10 Sep 1994 5 51 10 TOTAL: 84 2,082 25 To calculate the average days per turnaround, divide "Total Days Vacant" by "Number of Units Re -Occupied." • • • RESIDENT INITIATIVES PERIOD 10/01/93 - 9/30/94 ANTI-DRUG STRATEGY/SECURITY Security Lights have been installed at Lewis Plaza. We had received several complaints of too many people hanging out on the grounds at Lewis Plaza at late hours and since installing these security lights, the complaints have cut down. Lewis Plaza has started a crime neighborhood watch program which has helped tremendously when they can report drug activity and other crime in that area. Willow Heights had security lights installed last year. This has helped to cut down on crime in that area. However, we hada problem with young adults and teenagers congregating on the corners. Some of the tenants reported drug dealing with this group. We then reported it to the crime prevention department and asked for extra police patrol in that area. The crime prevention department sent an officer to Willow Heights to talk to some of the tenants, and to maybe get a crime neighborhood watch prograrn set up in this area. Since this visit, the group no longer congregates and we are in hopes to get the watch program started in the near future. Our office and maintenance department participated in drug awareness week October 24th thru 28th by wearing drug free tee shirts. We handed out drug free holloween buttons and stickers to the children who visited our office during that week and sent several to our Head Start teachers for them to distribute out to the children. 2. RESIDENT PARTICIPATION/MANAGEMENT The Resident Program at Hillcrest Towers still meet once a month. This year we have added a bird bath for their enjoyment. We bought two new picnic tables and a barbeque grill for cook outs they have planned. We have worked to get new dryers in the laundry facilities. Lewis Plaza has started a crime neighborhood watch program and they meet every month around the 7th. They have requested and we have provided extra lighting, new fence around wooded area, paint for the playground equipment, new basketball goals, clothes lines refurbished and brush removed. With these crime watch meetings they have had McGruff the crime dog visit, they have invited the fire department to give a presentation on fire prevention, they have had neighborhood cookout parties and neighborhood playground equipment painting. The Youth Center has an after school program that several of our tenants participate in, it provides basketball, swimming, parties and movies to keep the children busy after school and during the summer months. It is called the Youth Outreach Program. The children receive free memberships to the Youth Center. Our Comprehensive Grant will be in its first year starting 1-1-95 which is when we will start construction and letting contracts for more construction. We have been conducting meetings and getting the tenants input as to what they would like and want. 3. HOMEOWNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Listed below are tenants that have been counselled with for Homeownership opportunities. Morgan Manor Manuel Buchanan Debbie Ravellette Lesa Ralston Hillcrest Towers None Lewis Plaza Catherine Douthitt Willow Heights Peggy Talley Taninry Royce Of the above tenants one has purchased a home, one has applied through the Habitat for Humanity Program and been approved and is waiting for construction, one has married and they will be building a home. The The other three tenants do not wish to purchase a home at this time. 4. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/SELF-SUFFICIENCY We currently employ three Housing Authority Tenants. One who is employed full time as Public Housing Assistant/Inspector. We have a Hillcrest Towers Tenant who works part time as a Night Watchman. We have a Morgan Manor tenant who works in our maintenance department and paints and cleans empty apartments on an as need basis. We also employ tenants who ask for jobs as we have work become available that they can do.