HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-08-22 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF THE AUGUST 22, 2013 REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 6:00pm, Thursday, August 22, 2013, in the City Administration Building Room #111. Leon Jones, Jr. Vice Chairperson, called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00pm. Commissioners present: Leon Jones, Jr., Jon Edwards, Christopher Terry, and Mike Emery. Others present: Fredia Sawin and Deniece Smiley (Fayetteville Housing Authority), Misty Newcomb, Executive Director of Prism and staff. New Business: A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Regular Board Meeting — no corrections or Changes to the July 25, 2013 Regular Meeting minutes — the Board approved unanimously. B. Approval of July 2013 Financial Statements — July 2013 Financial Statements were reviewed and with there being no questions — the Board approved unanimously. C. Approval of Resolution# 968 - Adopting revised policies for the Section 8 Rental Assistance Program. Christopher Terry made motion to accept Resolution # 986, seconded by John Edwards. D. Approval of Resolution # 969 — Approving the Distribution of Capital Funds as Outlined in the Annual Statement/Performance and Evaluation Report for 2013 Capital Funds Grant # AR37Po9750113. Christopher Terry made motion to accept Resolution # 069, seconded by John Edwards. E. Proposal from Prism Preschool Agency to Lease WILLOW HEIGHTS HEADSTART BUILDING. Misty Newcomb, CEO, made proposal to lease building on October 1, 2013. Leon Jones, Jr. made motion to enter lease agreement with Prism for the Willow Heights building contingent upon the decision of City of Fayetteville agreeing to pay utilities building. Christopher Terry seconded the motion. F. Discussion of HILLCREST TOWERS green houses projects and storage unit �-, options. Jon Edwards informed the Board that the tenants needed additional time to meet and discuss options to proceed. The Board extended time for the tenants to present comments regarding proposed housing policies to public housing authorities staff to September 3, 2013. G. Update on Energy Performance Contract. Fredia Sawin reported to the board that Johnny Wooley and David Farmer with HUD/ Arkansas informed her that actions on Energy Performance Contract would have to be delayed until work on Emergency Fund Grant was closer to completion. H. Presentation from Matthew Petty on Case Studies in Relation to Affordable Housing. Due to a scheduling conflict the presenter was unable to attend the meeting and this presentation was tabled to next month. I. Update on Lewis Plaza Redevelopment Project— Steve Clark & Associates. Steve Clark and Associates were unable to travel to Fayetteville to make meeting. They requested a special meeting to discuss RAD. J! Deputy Executive Director's Report on CDBG Grant Opportunity. Deniece Smiley referred the board to her report and informed them of her decision to forgo seeking a grant at this time. I K. Executive Director's Report. Fredia Sawin reviewed her written report There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned until the next scheduled Regular Board Meeting on September 26, 2013. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS CHAIRPERSON FINSWIN