HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-07-25 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF THE JULY 253 2013 REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 6:OOpm, Thursday, July 25, 2013, in the City Administration Building, Room #111. Matthew Cabe, Chairperson called the meeting to order at approximately 6:OOp. Commissioners present: Matthew Cabe, Leon Jones, Jr., Jon Edwards, and Mike Emery. Christopher Terry joined the board after unanimous vote. Others Present: Fredia Sawin and Deniece Smiley (Fayetteville Housing Authority), Steve Clark, and Matthew Petty. New Business: A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Regular Board Meeting - no corrections or Changes to the June 27, 2013 Regular Meeting minutes — the Board approved unanimously. B. Approval of June 2013 Financial Statements — June 2013 Financial Statements Were reviewed and there being no questions the board approved unanimously. C. Election of New Board Member — Board Commissioner will serve from 06/27/13 to 12/28/14. Meeting was placed in close session for interview and discussion of interviewed applicants. After a unanimous vote, Christopher Terry was invited to join the board. D. Approval of Resolution # 966- Accepting the Financial Audit Statements for Fiscal Year which ended September 30, 2012. Leon Jones, Jr. made motion to accept Resolution #966, seconded by Mike Emery. E. Approval of Resolution # 967- Approving Fiscal Year 2014 Public Housing Operating Budget. Leon Jones, Jr. made the motion accept Resolution #967, seconded by Mike Emery. F. Discussion on Options to Spend Remaining Funds in the 2012 Capitol Fund Emergency Grant for Hillcrest Towers. Fredia Sawin informed the Board that she had contacted HUD and they informed her that options pursued would not qualify for emergencies and that any funding that was not obligated would be recaptured by HUD for other housing authorities. G. Update on Emergency Performance Contract — No information on status of Emergency Performance Contract from HUD. H. Presentation from Matthew Petty on Affordable Housing. — Matthew Perry shared a proposal for private /public sector partnership in replacement for the Lewis Plaza Housing Complex. The board expressed their interest and for future Participation. Update on Lewis Plaza Redevelopment Project — Steve Clark of Steve Clark & Associates. Clark presented information on RAD (Rental Assistance Demonstration) program that HUD is promoting and its feasibility for properties owned by Fayetteville Housing Authority. He proposed to provide the board with report on potential financial savings. J. Executive Directors Report — Fredia Sawin reviewed her written report. K. Jon Edwards requested and was granted the opportunity to read signed petition from the residents of Hillcrest Towers residents objecting to housekeeping rules that were proposed by staff. The Board determined that action was premature and assured Jon Edwards that the Board would have final vote on any new rules that are adopted. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned until the next scheduled Regular Board Meeting on August 29, 2013. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS !- SO?. CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: SECRETARY