HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-08-25 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF THE AUGUST 25, 2011 REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 6:00 p.m., August 25, 2011, in the City Administration Building, Room 111, Fayetteville, AR. Leon:Jones, Jr., Chairman called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m. Commissioners Present: Leon Jones, Jr., Olivia Horn, Brittany Kendrick, Hugh Earnest and Matthew Cabe Commissioners Absent: None Others Present: Fredia Sawin and Laura Higgins (Fayetteville Housing Authority), Randy Hoeschen and Jim Bums (Ledford Engineering) Mr. Jones requested that the "Item F." be moved ahead of"Item E." so that the board can go into Executive Session to discuss the Executive Directors evaluation. Old Business AJ Approval of Resolution No. 908 Approving FY 2012 Public Housing Operating Budget -Mr. Earnest and Mr. Cabe attached an amendment to the budget to include the allocation of approximately $588,640.00 in public housing funds. Discussion was made concerning this amendment and Mr. Earnest motioned that the budget of $588.640.00 as presented to the full board by Mr. Hugh Earnest and Mr. Matthew Cabe be adopted, motion did not carry with two "aye" votes and three "nay" votes. Mr. Jones then motioned to accept Resolution No. 908 without the amendment and motion carried unanimously. Mr. Jones requested that Ms. Savin present the board some options on how to spend the additional $140,000.00 at the next regular meeting in September 2011. New Business A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Regular Meeting -No corrections or changes to the July 28, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes and the board approved unanimously. B.. Approval of July 2011 Financial Statements -No corrections or changes to the July 2011 Financial Statements and the board approved unanimously. C. Presentation of Hillcrest Towers Generator Review -Randy Hoeschen (Consultant) and Jim Burns (Electrical Engineer) with Ledford -Mr. Burns presented his generator study to the board and questions were asked. There were four options presented to the board and the costs associated with each explained. D. Discussion of 2011 Capital Fund Budget -Ms. Sawin and the board reviewed the 2011 Capital Fund Budget as presented. After review and discussion concerning the financial options for the generator motion was made by Ms. Homi to start the process for Option #2 as presented in the plan, seconded by Mr. Cabe and carried unanimously. E. Executive Directors Report -Ms. Savin gave her written report. F. Executive Directors Evaluation -The board adjourned to Executive Session. When the board returned Mr. Jones advised Ms. Savin that he would get with her sometime during the following week to review her evaluation. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned until the next scheduled Regular Meeting on September 22, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. I ' THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRPERSON I i