HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-12-18 - Minutes - Archivefir MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 18, 2006 REGULAR MEETING OF THE • HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 a.m., December 18, 2006, in the City Administration Building, Room 326, Fayetteville, AR. Betty Turner, Chairperson called the meeting to order at approximately 8:00 a.m. Commissioners Present: Janet Richardson, Deborah Olsen, Betty Turner and Richard Royal Commissioners Absent: None Others Present: Fredia Sawin and Laura Higgins (Fayetteville Housing Authority) Old Business A. Update of Seven Hills $150,000 Permanent Supportive Housing Grant Proposal - Mr. Ernest met with Ms. Sawin and advised that January 2007 was the deadline to • use the $150,000.00 grant however Seven Hills will ask HUD for an extension to keep it open. A task order was submitted to Quadel to do a RFP to hire a contractor. Ms. Sawin spoke with Quadel on December 15, 2006 and they have advised that a non-profit developer would have to be utilized as the job is not big enough for a regular developer to handle. A letter is being sent to Mr. Grisham of the Seven Hills Board that the Housing Authority is still interested in the grant. Ms. Sawin stated that the deadline to apply for ADFA is in February 2007 and there is not enough time to get anything submitted for this year, so application could be made to submit for next year's grants. Ms. Sawin will submit prior information concerning this item to Mr. Royal due to his absence from the last couple of board meetings. B. Further Discussion of Preference for Homeless Individuals and Families as Requested in Reference to the Violence Against Women Act -Ms. Sawin advised that NAHRO has submitted information to agencies to be able to include this Act in the agency's administrative policies, leases etc... A decision will still have to be made on the preference, whether it is needed or not. Resolutions will be forthcoming in the next couple of months on this issue. C. Discussion to Possibly Change the Time and Place of Regular Monthly Board Meeting -Ms. Richardson advised that due to a lack of interest, she was going to withdraw this item from the agenda. New Business 0 • A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Annual Meeting -Ms. Richardson motioned to accept the November 21, 2006 Minutes, seconded by Mr. Royal and carried unanimously. B. Approval of November 2006 Financial Statements -Mr. Royal motioned to accept the November 2006 Financial Statements, seconded by Ms. Olsen and carried unanimously. C. Executive Director's Report -Ms. Turner requested that this item be moved to Item C and the Election of Housing Authority Commissioner be moved to Item D. All board members approved. Ms. Sawin reviewed her written report and announced that the Public Housing Christmas Party was a great success and a good night for fellowshipping. D. Election of Housing Authority Commissioner for Term Expiring 12/28/06 -As Ms. Richardson's application was being reviewed, she excused herself from the meeting. The board reviewed the two submitted applications and it was agreed that both Janet Richardson and Mark Kinion were very qualified to fill this position. After much deliberation, Ms. Olsen motioned to approve Mark Kinion to fill the position expiring 12/28/06, seconded by Mr. Royal and carried unanimously. Ms. Sawin will notify Mark Kinion of his selection to the board. Ms. Richardson was then asked to return to the meeting and was thanked for her many years of service and all of her accomplishments. The board requested that Ms. Richardson still come to the meetings and continue to be involved if she wanted to. Ms. Richardson thanked everyone for their support and for the good things that were done during her time on the board. Ms. Sawin also thanked Ms. • Richardson for all she has done while on the board and all the help she gave. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS b 0 L x Chairperin Z. Wff • ' 'v C 9 FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY 01 #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701-5928 PH: -(479)521-3850 FAX: (479)442-6771 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT December 12, 2006 1. The Lindsey Budget and Balance Sheets for October, 2006 were not received in time for this Board Meeting. You will have two months in your next Board Meeting Packet. 2. Public Housing has 4 vacancies, 2 at Willow Heights, 0 at Lewis Plaza, 1 at Hillcrest Towers, and 1 at Morgan Manor, The Section 8 Program is full. The Shelter Plus Care Program has 6 participants and the Disaster Voucher Program has 6 participants. • 3. The Hillcrest Towers annual Christmas Dinner was a huge success. We had over 150 in attendance and the food was served by a local church group (Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). The Fayetteville Fire Department brought Santa and lots of gifts for the children. Fruit baskets, ornaments and gift cards were distributed to the Hillcrest Towers tenants. 4. The Task order has been given to Quadel along with the Architectural drawing for the 28 additional units. They have promised to review the paper work and get back to me sometime by the end of this week. I have written a letter to Mr. Lowell Grisham with the Seven Hills Board to advise them that our Housing Authority is interested in pursuing the $150,000 for the 8 Supportive Housing Units. Mr. Hugh Earnest paid me a visit and stated that the deadline for this grant is January 2007 and that as long as we show an interest to use this grant, they will ask HUD for a one year extension. 0 - �rt?fit -z" rFayettevillek %. �'tTt'ff en`.3�C*"'g•b �cn. t ' wi (� ti ssevi .. h. Tiy T .�,' r ,i"C•el �1pplI't:atto artn II I �St° 11c F1 , , k "-? x. rL'§''r r 1a s *?'. For appoEtmenf,o �tiy.6`oafds> CommissJgns, (18 y✓• 1.LA isident Street Addm S atn6' Wing Address Spouse name (if applicab ��Gkrl•G✓i � ��- (oil c.K��I7'7✓p3-lSOf�` Wtol/:lL Buehiess phone state �ti•Ca�P_oX. rte`k ` Email Address oJs vflnoribs �e s holca Committee .. Length of Rabidency in the City Limits of Fayetteville Are you. a Fayetteville registered voter? Yes No ❑ . '; . 1 What are your qualifications for serving on thisrcommitteey, Inclu1. L, Ni e u Go an j �e pJe matter? : 'r'r %t'ntu STS �oC�ea al/fai«,�a�dls Uu 411 teki el Pd `sod ) "t P ntettd«+otarm �rilL. �/li�ARovp �>+�awAS�aJII "�ou,�plrelY� 5�.�,6iiouk� rJr�ol•ib:eusl prey�aat-Ler: �i� �r:� �o �� . , ' /(w1h ulia 6,ds�2Aldi CArk,F,rl'fie /i/ .A Id • 2. Why would you like to be considered for appointment to this commff ittee?�/AF 7kjOx * eaayse 4"O,.ale1 )esJside 4j/e �%rt{ p� yes<o�oardtS iowN�'s ��Rf lied d�cl _�r°ij rea4 lO�pef ci.,evewfl�l ig, D YA io r u��&Idw -1 dd • e rtovsir+ pU4kOr7s t,o- -q -rv�h d w5lop ere inddfr>err-ev._i !st'_rre✓e. Ltl !!he � ✓`. C {i5 'f'6fL'k 1M be oxnatl u Seavd reseaect. ble a✓ Crea>!r4' HG�n✓A�r Rlb4 n Nea�� i $r'UN� Iva diomw} f..ie¢K 1t7 .tLb – r -i •� o.i'N2e.i /Coal3 /4,�v �6.PrI'. 5a,1"✓Y _ .P ,r, `oNas N oM �atiLf /�1fef� P.O.d 7�� Aar+ v, ;. lei -1.2 A9 g�q).1/z-s`"�3P Name— Address Phone P D 3o X ID.'ia Fa l� kli,'�Ir ',q�2 9:z70 3 Gy�a) day_ Name How did you hear about the opening(s)? NWA Times El Free Weekly ❑ . AccessfayettdIdd.eville.o ❑. Government Channel.t'Y Chamber of commerce ❑ Other❑ •I. I- Please fill out application COMPLETELY and return to, City,Clerkas Dtvision9. ECE 113 W. mountain street, Fayetteville 72701 NOV 2 .9 .2006: Fax to 718-7695 or Email to aty_clerk @ci.fayetteville.ar.us Ifyouhave anyquestionscall575-8323' CITY OF FAYETiEVILLE Offlee Use Only: CITY CLrr Tenn Begins: .. Appointed: Tenn.Expires: .... -Replaced - .. .. .Terminated: 'Resigned: _... F7 EHA Roarrtp Choice of Committee Are you a Fayetteville registered voter? Yes LTJ No ❑ 1. What are your qualifications for serving on this ci �d2c�i e211 i VI P nyj1 ei NInniIie"; Including education and expertise In the subject •t 2. Why would you like to be considered for appointment to this • a poatret vneny 1 lucwit bo 11(F�lf �o�-I,I:r�ue� the, p�i�s �eJ4ta References: N���� utrsl) �So�a �r�is1/,1'tr�Ci'r�da��'leN &72-1 a How did you hear about the opening(s)? NWA Times ❑ Free Weakly ❑ AccessfayettaviiN.org ❑ Government Channel ❑ Chamber of Commerce ❑ Other L' P/ Please fill out application COMPLETELY and realm to: City Clerk's Division 113 W. Mountain Street, Fayetteville 72701 Nov 2. 9 206 Fax to 718-7885 or Email to city_clerk &i.fayetteville.ar.us If you have any questions call 575-8323 CITY OF FAYE17EVILLE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE ce,use only: Term Begins: Tenn Expires: Terminated: Appointed: Replaced: _ Resioned: