HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-08-15 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF THE AUGUST 15, 2006 REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING • AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 a.m., August 15, 2006, in the City Administration Building, Room 326, Fayetteville, AR. Robin Ross, Chairperson called the meeting to order at approximately 8:00 a.m. Commissioners Present: Robin Ross, Janet Richardson, Deborah Olsen Richard Royal and Betty Turner Commissioners Absent: None Others Present: Fredia Sawin and Laura Higgins (Fayetteville Housing Authority), Hugh Ernest (Seven Hills Board), Rick McCabe (Public Housing Security Officer) Old Business • A. Determine Methodology of Selecting Hourly Rate Consultant and Schedule of Meeting to Complete Selection Process -Dr. Ross suggested having Ms. Sawin review the bids and determine if Quadel's hourly rate is reasonable with the other bids and if so have Ms. Sawin accept their bid. If it is determined that they are not reasonable, it can be discussed at the next board meeting. Ms. Olsen motioned to accept as outlined, seconded by Ms. Turner and carried unanimously. B. Executive Director's Annual Evaluation -Format Discussion -It was agreed by the board to leave the format as it was for this year's evaluation however, under Section II, Item #2 and Item #7 needed to be removed as they no longer applied. Dr. Ross proposed that next year's evaluation carry double the weight under Section 5 and Section 6. Motion was made by Dr. Ross to remove Item #2 and Item #7 under Section II of the current evaluation form, so moved by Ms. Richardson, seconded by Ms. Olsen and carried unanimously. Ms. Richardson requested a new evaluation form be sent to her and the completed reviews need to be returned to Ms. Sawin within the next week. The completed forms will then be compiled and discussed at the next meeting. New Business A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Regular Meeting -Ms. Richardson motioned to accept the July 18, 2006 Minutes, seconded by Ms. Olsen and carried unanimously. 40 B. Approval of July 2006 Financial Statements -No questions asked by the board so • motion was made by Ms. Olsen to accept the July 2006 Financial Statements, seconded Ms. Turner and carried unanimously. C. Approval of Resolution No. 775 -Resolution Approving Operating Budget for Fiscal Year Ending 09/30/2007 -Ms. Sawin reviewed some of the changes made and questions were asked by the board. Ms. Sawin also mentioned that the Public Housing van may need to be replaced this year and that amount was included in this budget outline. Motion was then made by Ms. Richardson to accept Resolution No. 775, seconded by Ms. Olsen and carried unanimously. D. Approval of Resolution No. 776 -Resolution Approving Operating Budget Revision for Fiscal Year Ending 09/30/2006 -Ms. Sawin reviewed the changes and why they were made. Motion was then made by Ms. Olsen to accept Resolution No. 776, seconded by Ms. Richardson and carried unanimously. E. Introduction and Presentation by Mr. Rick McCabe (Public Housing Security Officer) Currently Residing in Morgan Manor -Ms. Sawin introduced Mr. McCabe to the board and he reviewed his responsibilities, some of the issues he has run into at Morgan Manor and what he is trying to do to eliminate these problems. Questions were asked by the board and Ms. Olsen suggested that Mr. McCabe possibly wear some kind of security shirt and also if he could patrol the other sites. Mr. McCabe was thanked for his presentation and Dr. Ross requested that these two issues be put on next months agenda to discuss. F. Seven Hills $150,000 Grant Funds -Transitional Housing -Mr. Ernest gave his presentation of partnering with the Fayetteville Housing Authority to build eight • units of transitional housing on the Morgan Manor site. Mr. Ernest explained that they needed $150,000 of matching funds to continue. Mr. Ernest has talked to a Mr. Slater from the Department of Housing & Urban Development and he thought that the Housing Authority may be able to use their capital funds and Mr. Ernest also suggested that the CDBG office may be able to contribute some money. The cost to building these units would run anywhere from $100.00 to $140.00 per square feet. Dr. Ross requested a motion to get Quadel involved, the Housing Authority attorney, whoever else and move forward on this issue with Ms. Sawin as the key contact. Dr. Ross stated that if at any time there is a road block and the Housing Authority can't move forward anymore, then the process can be stopped. Mr. Royal motioned to move forward, seconded by Ms. Turner and carried unanimously. A meeting is scheduled for August 25, 2006 with Seven Hills and the builders. Ms. Richardson and Dr. Ross will attend as Ms. Sawin will be out of town. Time and exact location will be given at a later time. Mr. Ernest was thanked for his time and presentation. G. Executive Directors Report -Ms. Sawin reviewed her written report and announced that the HUD office had accepted the Housing Authority's five year plans. Ms. Sawin advised that the bids came in lower than expected on the playground equipment for Lewis Plaza and they were able to add some extra items with the additional funds. Dr. Ross acknowledged Ms. Richardson's work for starting the process of replacing the playground equipment. Dr. Ross requested a special meeting to discuss reallocating the Capital Grant funds and asked Ms. Sawin to • send the board members a copy of the current allocation. This special meeting is r] L E 0 scheduled for Friday, August 18, 2006 at 12:00 p.m. and will be conducted at 1251 N. Leverett, Fayetteville, AR. After this meeting the board will take a trip to the Morgan Manor site. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE Cl/T�Y OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS �s— Chairperso ATTEST: SECRETARY • FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHOF #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701-5928 PH: (479)521-3850 FAX: (479)442-6771 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT AUGUST 8TH, 2006 1. The Lewis Plaza Play Ground Equipment contract has been executed. The Contract was awarded to ARKOMA Playgrounds & Supply. The bid came in lower than budgeted, therefore we were able to spend the additional funds on picnic tables, benches and extra play equipment. 2. Public Housing has 5 vacancies, 1 at Willow Heights, 0 at Lewis Plaza, 0 at Hillcrest Towers, and 4 at Morgan Manor. The Section 8 Program is full. The Shelter Plus Care Program has 6 participants and the Disaster Voucher Program has 3 participants. • 3. The funds for our 2006 Capital Grant have been forwarded to our LOCCS system. These funds have been budgeted to complete the Lewis Plaza siding work and start on the Hillcrest Towers exterior painting project. 4. The Little Rock HUD Office sent acknowledgment of their approval of our Five Year and 2006 Annual Agency Plans. is �z . RESOLUTION NO. 775 PHA Board Resolution U.S. Department of Housing OMB No. 2577-0026 Approving Operating Budget and Urban Development (exp. 9/3012006) Office of Public and Indian Housing - • Real Estate Assessment Center (PIH -REAL) Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including One time lor reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not collect this information, acid ym are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. This information is required by Section 6(c)(4) of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937. The information is the operafing budget for the low-income public housing program and provides a summary of the proposed/budgeted receipts and expenditures, approval of budgeted receipts and expenditures, and justifxation of certain specified amobns. HUD reviews the information to determine if the operating plan adopted by one public housing agency (PHA) and the amounts are reasonable, and that the PHA is in corlphance with procedures prescribed by HUD. Responses are required to obtain benefits. This information does not lend iset to confidentiality, PHA Name: Fayetteville Housing Authority PHA Code: AR097 PHA Fiscal Year Beginning: 10/01/2006 Board Resolution Number: AR097 • • Acting on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of the above-named PHA as its Chairperson, certifications and agreement to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) approval of (check one or more as applicable): ® Operating Budget approved by Board resolution on: ❑ Operating Budget submitted to HUD, if applicable, on: ❑ Operating Budget revision approved by Board resolution on: ❑ Operating Budget revision submitted to HUD, if applicable, on: I certify on behalf of the above-named PHA that: 1. All statutory and regulatory requirements have been met; 2. The PHA has sufficient operating reserves to meet the working capital needs of its developments; 15 3. Proposed budget expenditure are necessary in the efficient and economical operation of the housing serving low-income residents; 4. The budget indicates a source of funds adequate to cover all proposed expenditures; 5. The PHA will comply with the wage rate requirement under 24 CFR 968.1 10(c) and (f); and 6. The PHA will comply with the requirements for access to records and audits under 24 CFR 968.1 IC I hereby certify that all the information stated within, as well as any information provided in the accomf if applicable, is true and accurate. Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or c U.S.C. 10019 10109 1012.31, U.S.C. 3729 and 3802) the following the Board's the purpose of herewith, penalties. (I8 Print Board Chairperson's Nome: Signature: Date: Dr. Robin Ross 08/15/06 Previous editions are obsolete form HOD -52574 (0812005) DUNS Number 8097750`.x9 OPERATING BUDGET 0. U.S. Department of Housing . and Urban Development Ot(ice of Public and Indian Housing OMB A royal No 2577-0026 M 6121 including; Me time reviewbi9 instructions, searching exatxng data �b average IiS the w0ection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any < -- reportln9 burden for thrs collectcn d infomation'e estimated and reviewing hours pe response, arm d Information Potides and Systems. U.S. Dep: rcos. 9aMerng and malntanirp the data needed, and complatin9 W261, Washingto su estions for reducing this burden, to the Reports 9 ana9enant Olfirar, eMoh Reduction Projed (2577- d this w0action of intar^ation, including 99 d Housing and Urban Devel'111 n , Washmgwn, D.G 7M143800 and ro the Olfim d Mana emad and Budget p 20503. Do nd sent this corn leted form to either a Ue above addressees. d. T of HUD assisted project($) a. Type d Submbeion b. Fiscal Year Ending a No. of months (chef 1 01 [J(] aPHAIIHA -Owned Rental Housing Rev. No 1 September w, 7007 XI 12 mo. ] [ [X1 orig. 02 1 IHA Owned mutual Help Homeownership e. Name of Publk Housing Audionty'PH"HA) 03 [ 1 PHAIIHA Leased Rental Housing Fa ettevllle Housing Authofj 0q () PHAIIHA Owned Tumkey III Homeownership L Address (cdy. Soda- Znp code' 05 [ 1 PHAIIHA Leased Homeownership #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701 L HUDFie1d Office g. ACC Number h. PASILOCCS Project No. Little Rock AR .. FW7031 0 R097001 K No. dull Months m No. of Pmleds j. No. d Dwelling Units Avaihble • LineI Acct No. No. Description Previous editions are obsolete 2 . _.......... _..[x1Estirrates Actuals Re uesbxd Bud aFsOr"e"a Last Fiscal I I or Actual HUD ModielOstxons Yr. current Budge Yr. PHMHA Esturates Amount •2006 Amount PUM (To Ne°rest$10) PUM PUM PUM PUM (To Nearest $`10) 6 4 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (AO 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 148.85 116.59 352570 121.39 1.43 0 1.53 1.43 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.28 118.02 356,890 122.92 1.23 0.96 0.58 17.88 10.08 30 480 22.00 1.52 0.00 20 000 9.42 0.006.61 168.74 135.94 411,090 156.82 29.20 29.95 30.70 92,830 2.36 2.65 331 . 10,000 0.21 0.66 0.83 2 SOD 1.82 1.98 6 000 2.25 2.21 2.21 SSW 1.76 0.41 0.41 1 250 0.38 11.01 10.25 31 IV) 11.26 8.09 9.04 27 350 7.46 56.80 58.73 177,610 54.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.05 0..0 013 400 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.73 0.66 0.79 2 400 0.00 2.03 1.73 5 240 0.78 2.91 2.66 8,040 11.11 10.91 33000 10.89 16.60 17.73 53,610 WAS 19.2 20.70 62 600 19.33 O.W 0.00 0 I 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 I 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 I 14.23 14.74 14.42 43 600 1) 6160 61.72 63.76 192.810 torn HUD -52564 (W-- ref. Handbook 7475.1 Page 1 of 4 Name of PFWR Fayetteville Housing Authority •LineI AcU No. No. for Leased J; • 790 and Description +or - R 0+ 690 year Receipts/Deficit After Depriciation Year Ending September 30, 2007 Actuals I z lEstimates Last Fiscal I l or Actual Yr. Cument Budget Yr. 2005 2006 PUM PUM 1 Amount PUM (To Nearest$10) t i 161 M Unt (To Nearest $10) Previous editions are obsolete Page 2 of 4 ref. Handbook 7475.1 • 11 I• Name of PHMHA Fayetteville Housing Authority operating Reserve 11 Part 1-Maxl.O er. Res: End of Current Budget ___. _........ , __.._. u..ueinn Sec. 23 or 10101 K -Provision for and Estimated or peruar a�pca•e •, dable Fund Balance at End of Prev FY -Actual for I udited Unaudited e/Expense Difference -Current Budget Yr (check one) stimated for FYE Actual for FYE dable Fund Balance of Cunent Budget Yr (check one) Estimated for FYEAudited Unauditedated Income/Expense Difference Amount from line 770Exclufin De reciation tment For Capital Items Line 601 and Gain/Loss of Fc :al Year Ending September 30, 2007 PHAIIHA Estlmates HUD Mo at Fiscal Year End { 291,509 107 Estimated Number of Months Expendable Fund Balance Req Bud Vr. 1.14 lents: Lindsey and Company Inc. has replaced Operating Reserves on the Operating Budget with Expendable Fund Balance and added line Items In an effort to make budgeting more compatible with Financial Statements and FDS Reports. We appreciate your opinions and comments on this matter. PKA I niA Approval Name Fredia Sawin Tide Executive Director Signature Field Office Approval Name Title Signature Previous editions are obsolete Page 3 of 4 Dale Date form HUD -52564 (3195) 1 ref. Handbook 7475.1 • • mmm I I o C C C O O o 0 m_ V) U) Q O n N m ¢ Q Q C a c° e a e o 0 0 0 9z ee e e ems' 0000000 S SSS S S 6 C � o e N M i C m � m a c � w& m 00000000000000 0 0000000000: w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w y c m o m O e n a L � u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � m Nt0+1 NNN � v e ww www � w m. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o � w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w gm m 0 o s` w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w A n y N `m � o Q � m m iU t7mwwwwwwwwww N Nm?mtU OO wwwn' 'j mNmm m m NW V n N mnmcn�m V y o f N w t `') N O 1 f 7 N N N N w V m � w ww wwwww w m W � LL mnmmvm�ww wwwww a Nmvmmowwwr m E mNm�o�Vm m cnnormu> N V til V Nm r air�M�m v W m Nw Nw w v e w www w �i w w w w w y ¢ w w gm W a O a Z o U � N OOmO(�NO m mm mN0 mr( 7 V m N m V m N o m zm m�om o cv m�vrn pmpppronm�n W iU<ggNNN MNNNN w wwwwwww wwwww _ J i! m ONm O�mm0000000 m mm�n cno 000 G+ c N�mmN N�Uwwwwwww mNm OC'lO www Nm f6 m corm O a0�0�0 O m c 7 N m � r n c o� n l7 r W- �a m wwwwwww wwwww mho a W i f 6 O U m m O m o S m o ¢ Q Q LL O 6 U U C C C 49 O J c7 ^ m O U m 0 0 0 V O F�EMME'¢F F 6S me nm� Qauu o— c W Emw ¢mN c"'mmmm� Y C C G C c_ c_ c_ E 0 0 >> d m m m y 2 LL m w¢ LL a ti m x > W • • C O O p Q ❑ O N O L 'm � o 3 T O � - O ° N c O e a u1 m W im 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w w w w w w w w w wwwwwwww w 0 0 0 � ee m N O A0 N n U � N E w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 9 m C 6 W N 0 2 0 0 ❑ W O_ r m 00000000 o O000000000cm .� w w w w w w w w w wwwwwwww w � ow m m m o 0 R W m b LL � — `"0 00000000 0 0aaooa0000 � � v o E W N W W c m w U WR W$ O L N Q m W � A W o ry� F Wg y ,C LL y m d m � L C y N d N o N 'T .5 W m ° a0 c d ❑ x m CL Z m m m m i o Z c m E • m m b w e 9 t n m o = K m m N E O C o � _ m E v o m t Z c - � Q 6 o rn m d o. 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Yes x No Replacements No. Of Items Item Cost Total Cost Capitalize Computer Upgrade & Prh 2 1500 3000 3000 New Vehicle 1 20000 20000 20000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Betterments and Additions: No. Of Items Item Cost Total Cost Capitalize 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total to Capitalize • 23000 Operating Budget Schedule of Administration Expenses Other Than Salary U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing Drove[ No. 2577-0026 (Exp. 6/302001 Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1.0 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Reports Management Officer, Office of Information Policies and Systems, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D. C. 20410-3600 and to the the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (2577-0026), Washington, D.C. 20503. Do sent this completed form to either of the above addressees. Name of Housing Authority: Fayetteville Housing Authority Locality: #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Fiscal Year End: September 30, 2007 (1) Description (2) Total (3) Mana emen (4) Develo men (5) Section 8 (6) Other 1 Le al Ex ense 11000 10000 0 1000 0 2 Training(Computer Software & Management Training)6000 2500 0 2500 1000 3 Travel Trips to Conventions and Meetings Nan McKay O er Train 9000 4500 0 4500 0 4 Other Travel: Local & Other Outside Area -Non Taxable 3600 1500 0 1500 600 5 Taxable Travel Allowance 0 0 0 0 0 6 Total Travel 12600 6000 0 6000 600 7 Accounting 14900 66801 0 5450 2770 8 9 Auditing Sundry Rental of Office Space 2700 0 1250 0 0 01 1250 0 200 0 10 Publications 5000 3400 0 1600 0 11 Membership Dues and Fees (list organization and amount) 3400 1650 0 1650 100 12 Telephone, Fax, Electronic Communications 7500 5000 0 2500 0 13 Collection Agent Fees and Court Costs 0 0 0 01 0 14 Administrative Services Contracts See Summary Below 3100 1800 0 1300 0 15 Forms Stationary and Office Supplies 9500 4500 0 4500 500 16 Other Sundry Expense(provide breakdown 22000 11000 0 11000 0 171 Total Sundry 50500 27350 0 22550 600 18 Total Administration Expense Other Than Salaries 1 97700 53780 0 38750 5170 #14. Fiscal Agent Fees $480. Balance for Software License Fee, Computer Support, Office Equipment Maintenance and Internet Access. To the best of my knowledge, all the information stated herein, as well as any information provided in the accompaniment true and accurate. Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; U.S.C. 3729, 3801) herewith, is Signature of authorized representative & Date: •x Page 1 form HUDZ2571 (3/95) ref Handbook 7475.1 Operating Budget U.S. Department of Housing Summary of Budget and Urban Development and Justifications Office of Public and Indian Housing frublic Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average .075 hours per response, including the time for reviewing Instructions, searching existing data sources, gatthering and maintaing the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Reports Management Officer, Office of Information Policies and Systems, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. 20410-3600 and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (2577-0026) Washington D.C. 20503. Do not send this completed form to either of the above addressees. Name of Local Housing Authority: Fayetteville Housing Authority North School Ave. aetteville. AR 72701 Fiscal Year Ending: September 30, 2007 Dwelling Rental: Explain basis for estimate. For HUD -aided low -rent housing, other than Section 23 Leased housing, state amount of latest available total HA monthly rent roll, the number of dwelling units available for occupancy and the number accepted for the same month end. Cite HA policy revisions and economic and other factors which may result in a greater or lesser average monthly rent roll during the Requested Budget Year. For Section 23 Leased housing, state the number of units under lease, the PUM lease price, and whether or not the cost of utilities is included. If not included, explain method for payment at utility costs bly HA and/or tenant. Based on Current Average: 116.59 x 3,024 = 352,568 Excess Utilities: (NOT for Section 23 Leased housing.) Check appropriate spaces in Rem 1, and explain'Other. Under item 2, explairi basis for determining excess ty consumption. For example: Gas; individual check meters at OH -1001, proration of excess over allowances at OH -100-2, etc. Cite effective date of present utility wances, Explain anticipated changes in allowances or other factors which will cause a significant change in the total amount of excess utility charges during the Requested Budget Year. 1. Utllity Services Surcharged: 2. Comments: Monthly Average Gas Electricity X❑ Other 1080.00 X 4 = 4320 Window A/C Hillcrest Nondwelling Rent: (NOT for Section 23 Leased housing). Complete Item 1, specifying each space rented, to whom, and the rental termsi For example: Community Balding Space -Nursery School - $50 per month, etc. Cite changes anticipated during the Requested Budget Year affecting estimated Non -dwelling Rental Income. 1. Space Rented Community Room Non PFS N/D Rents from Off Line Units 2. Comments: Monthly Average • Previous editions are obsolete To Whom 0 X 12 = 0 Page 1 of 4 forth HUD -52573 (3/95) ret Handbooks 7475.1 Interest on General Fund Investments: State the amount of present General Fund investment and the percentage of the General Fund it represents. Explain cimir stances such as increased or decreased operating reserves, dwelling rent, operating expenditures, etc., which will affect estimated average monthly total investments in the Requested Budget Year. Explain basis for distribution of interest income between housing programs. • $3,720.00 Other Comments on Estimates of Operating Receipts: Give comments an all other significant sources of income which will present a clear understanding of the HA's prospective Operating Receipts situation during the Requested Budget Year. For Section 23 Leased housing explain basis for estimate of utility charges to tenants. Cingular Tower $6,900 Laundry $780 Tenant Damages $18,000 City PILOT Adjustment Hill Crest $4,800 Police Unit $0 Employee Rent $0 06CFP Transfer 1406 $20,000 Total $50.480 Operating Expenditures Summary of Staffing and Salary Data Complete the summary below on the basis of information shaven on Form HUD -52566, Schedule of All Positions and Salaries, as follows: Column (1) Enter the total number of positions designated with the corresponding account line symbol as shown in Column (1), form HUD -52566. Column (2) Enter the number of equivalent full-time positions allocable to HUD -aided housing in management. For example: A HA has three "AN7, positions allocable to such housing at the rate of 80%, 70%, and 50% respectively. Thus, the equivalent full-time positions is two. (8/10+ 7/10+ 5/1(1). Column (3) Enter the portion of total salary expense shown in Column (5) or Column (6), Form HUD -52566, allocable to HU"ided housing in management, other than Section 23 Leased housing. Column (4) Enter the portion of total salary expense shown in Column (5) or Column (10), Forth HUD -52566, allocable to Section 23 Leased housing in management. in Column Column Forth HUD to Modernization (Comprehensive Column (5) Enter the portion of total salary expense shown (5) or (7), -52566, allocable programs Improvement Assistance Program or Comprehensive Grant Program). Column (6) Enter the portion of total salary expense shown in Column (5) or Column (9), Forth HUD -52566, allocable to Section 8 Programs. spe: The number of equivalent full-time positions and the amount of salary expense for all positions designated "M" on Forth HUD -52566 must be equitably distributed to account lines Ordinary Maintenance and Operation -Labor, Extraordinary Maintenance Work Project, and Betterments and Additions Work Projects. HUD -Aided Management Program Equivalent Salary Expense Account Line Total Number Full-time Section 23 Leased ModernizationSection 8 Other of Positions Positions Management Housing only Pmgm= Programs Programs 1 2 4 Administration -Nontechnical Salaries 1/ 7 2.70 92,829 0 0 134514 0 Administration -Technical Salaries 1/ 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 Ordinary Maintenance 8 Operation -Labor 1/ 5 5.00 144,27 0 0 0 0 Utilities -Labor 1/ Other: Protective Services 1/ 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 Extraordinary Maintenance Work Projects 2/ Betterments and Additions Work Projects 2/ 1/ Carry forwardto the appropriate line on HUD -52564, the amount of salary expense shown in Column (3) on the corresponding line above. Carty forward to the appropriate fine on HUD -52564 (Section 23 Leased Housing Budget), the amount of salary expense sham in Column (4) on the corresponding line above. 2/ The amount of salary expense distributed to Extraordinary Maintenance Work Projects and to Betterments and Additions Work Projects is to be included in the cost of each individual oraiecl to be Previous editions are obsolete 0 If I I T•lg Page 2 of 4 form HUD -52573 (3/95) ref Handbooks 7475.1 Specify all proposed now positions and all present positions to be abolished in the Requested Budget Year. Cite prior HUD concurrence in proposed of present justification for such changes. Cite prior HUD concurrence in proposed salary increases for Administration Staff or give justification and pe information. Cite effective date for current approved wage rates (form HUD52158) and justify all deviations from these rates. • See Schedule of All Positions and Salaries. changes Travel, publications, Membership Dues and Fees, Telephone and Telegraph, and Sundry: In addition to 'Justification for Travel to Conventions and meetings shown on Form HUD -52571, give an explanation of substantial Requested Budget Year estimated increases over the PUM rate of expenditures for these accounts or the Current Budget Year. Explain basis for allocation of each element of these expenses. Travel: See HUD 52571 for cost distribution between programs. Planned trips 2 Spring/Fall meetings 3 comm, 3 staff 6 maintenance workshops 3 comm 5 staff 4 days. 1 National NAHRO 2 comm 3 staff 8 days. Local 8 Outside mileage 4 Sundry: Postage $3,455. Budget, Revision, PFS $750. Advertising and Other Miscellaneous $6,795. Utilities: Give an explanation of substantial Requested Budget Year esti nated increases over the PUM rate of expenditures for each Budget Year. Describe and state estimated cost of each element of"Other Utilities Expense . Non -Taxable Mileage COST Water $33,000 Electric $46,200 Security Lights $7,410 Gas $62,600 Fuel $0 Utility Labor/PHA Waste Water Plant $0 Employee Benifits for ULWWP $0 111h Other Utility/Sewer $43,600 5rdinary Maintenance 8 Operation -Materials: expenditures for materials in the Current Budget Year. Total Estimated Costs: $65,000 s. 2 Area meetings, cents per mile. In the Current Give an explanation of substantial Requested Budget Year estimated Increases aver the PUM rate of Ordinary Malmertance 8 Operation -Contract Cost: Ost each ordinary maintenance and operation service contracted for and give the and justify new contract services proposed for the Requested Budget Year. Explain substantial Requested Budget Year increases over the PUM rate for Contract Services in the Current Budget Year. If LHA has contract for maintenance of elevator cabs, give contract cost per cab. Garbage 8 Trash $38,400 Previous budget $34,200 Non -Taxable Mileage $0 Same as previous budget Taxable Maint Travel Allowance $0 Same as previous budget Pest Control $7,800 Same as previous budget Termite Control $5,520 Same as previous budget Elevator $24,000 Previous budget $21,600. Mowing $22,500 Previous budget $21,600. Skilled Work $50,000 Previous budget $45,000. Interior Paining/Cleaning $42,000 Previous budget $38,000. Cable T.V. $620 Previous budget $550. Maintenance Uniforms $1,920 Previous budget $1,680. Maintenance Cell Phones/On Ca $3,300 Same as previous budget. Total $196,060 form editions are obsolete Page 3 of 4 ref cost for each. Cite (3/95) 7475.1 Insurance: Give an explanation of substantial Requested Budget Year estimated increases in the PUM rete of expenddures for insurance Cite changes in coverage, premium rates, etc Boiler $1,000 Fire/Property/Gen Liab $55,000 Public Officials Liab • $8,500 Auto $10,500 Computer $400 Workers Comp $5,000 Fidelity Bond $800 • • Total $813200 Employee Benefit Contribution List all Employee Benefit plans participated in. Give justification for all plans to be instituted in the Requested Requested Budget Year for which prior HUD conwrrence has not been given. Admin Ten Svc Maint Prot Svc FICA on Salaries 7101 0 11037 0 Health Insurance 18000 0 38400 0 Retirement 5700 0 11400 0 Unemployment Ins 200 0 140 0 FICA on Taxable Travel 0 0 0 0 Totals 31001 0 60977 Collection Losses: State the number of tenants amounts receivable to be wriden off and the number and total amount of all amounts receivable vacated tenants as of the month In which the estimate was computed. Possible Write -Offs 55 $55,000 Extraordinary Maintenance, Replacement of Equipment, and Betterments and Additions: Cite prior HUD approval or givej nonmutine work project included in the Requested Budget and for those for future years which make up the estimate on forth HUD -52570. incorporated an or attached to Form HUD -52567 need not be repeated here. SEE FORM HUD -52567 Contracts: List all contracts, other than those listed on page 3 of this forth under Ordinary Maintenance S Operation (CMO). City the name of I of contract, cost of contract, and contract period. Justification must be provided for all contract services proposed for the Requested Budget Year substantial RBY increases over the PUM rale of expenditure for these contracts in the Current Budget Year. form Previous editions are obsolete. Page 4 of 4 re Haaget Year. Year for which both present and for each information motor, type Explain (3195) 7475.1 I• Fayetteville Housing Authority FYE: #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701 TENANT SERVICES: Resident Participation Expense 5240 Recreation, Publications and Other Services Drug Awareness Program 100 Services for Elderly 100 Recreation 200 Total 400 Contract Costs - Training and Other Resident Stipend 2400 Non Taxable Travel 0 • Taxable Travel Allowance 0 Total 2400 PROTECTIVE SERVICES: Materials 2000 Contract Costs 73808 Non Taxable Travel Reimbursments 0 Taxable Travel Allowance 0 Total Prot Svc Contracts 73808 OTHER Other General Expenses 0 Terminal Leave Payments 0 Prior Year Adjustments Affecting Residual Receipts 0 RESOLUTION NO. 776 PHA Board Resolution U.S. Department o1 Housing OMB No. 2577-0026 Approving Operating Budget and urban Development '(exp. 9/302006) Office of Public and Indian Housing - If • Real Estate Assessment Center (PIH-REAC) Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estvmted to average 10 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing insWdions,lsemcbrtg eislm9 data sources. gathering and mantainbg Ore data needed. and completng and reviewog the collection of Wormatim. This agency may not anted this nfomution. antl you are not required to complete Ibis form, unless l displays a currently valid OMB control rumba. This information is required by Section 6(c)(4) of tie U.S. Housing Act of 1937. The infornation 6 the operating budget for the lowmincome public houprogram and provides a summary of Om proposedlbudgeted recegrts and expenditures, approval of budgeted receipts and expenditures, and justification of chsingain specified . HUD reviews the information to determine t the operating plan adopted by the public hang agency (PHA) and the amounts are reasonable, and that the PHA is in complace with procedures prescribed by HUD. Responses are required to obtain benefits. This information does not lend beg to confidentiality. PHA Name: Favetteville Housin¢ Authority PHA Code: AR097 PHA Fiscal Year Beginning: 10/01/2005 Board Resolution Number: 776 CI w Acting on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of the above-named PHA as its Chairperson, certifications and agreement to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) approval of (check one or more as applicable): ❑ Operating Budget approved by Board resolution on: ❑ Operating Budget submitted to HUD, if applicable, on: ® Operating Budget revision approved by Board resolution on: ❑ Operating Budget revision submitted to HUD, if applicable, on: 1 certiN, on behalf of the above-named PHA that: 1. All statutory and regulatory requirements have been met; 2. The PHA has sufficient operating reserves to meet the working capital needs of its developments; 3. Proposed budget expenditure are necessary in the efficient and economical operation of the housing serving low-income residents; 4. The budget indicates a source of funds adequate to cover all proposed expenditures; 5. The PHA will comply with the wage rate requirement under 24 CFR 968.110(c) and (f); and 6. The PHA will comply with the requirements for access to records and audits under 24 CFR 968.11 the following i the Board's the purpose of 1 hereby certify that all the information stated within, as well as any information provided in the accompaniment herewith, if applicable, is true and accurate. Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 10019 1010, 1012.3 1, U.S.C. 3729 and 3802) Print Board Chairperson's Name: Signature: Date. Dr. Robin Ross v 08/15/06 Previous editions are obsolete 0 NARRATIVE STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF REVISED BUDGET NO. FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY AR 0097-001 & 002 FOR PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------ LINE DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL I INCREASED I REV NO. BUDGET (DECREASED) I BUD ----+-----------------------+------------+------------+----- 370 (Ordinary Maint. Labor 1139,210 I 21000 1 1411 W • .m E Extra -Ordinary Maint. 1. Plumb Rep $ 810004 2. Emergency 15,900' 3. Site Wk 81000' 4. Heater Repl.4,000v Total $35,900 Replacement of NON -Expendable Equip. 1. Office Equipment Replacement- Copier, Filling System, Conf Tbl & Chairs, Folding Chairs, Paper Shredders, Security Safe & Unit Hot Wtr Hters Prop. Betterment & Add - Non Exp Equip 1. Phone System Replacement 41,000 PC 3,000 (5,100) 6,100 (1,000) 35, 6, 2, ------------------- ----+------------+------------+----- TOTAL EXPENSES 1183,210 I 21000 1185,: -----------------------+---- --------+----------------- SED ET 10 00 10