HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-06-20 - Minutes - Archive• • • MINUTES OF THE JUNE 20, 2006 REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 a.m., June 20, 2006, in the City Administration Building, Room 326, Fayetteville, AR. Robin Ross, Chairperson called the meeting to order at approximately 8:00 a.m. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Others Present: Old Business Robin Ross, Betty Turner, Janet Richardson and Deborah Olsen Richard Royal Fredia Sawin and Laura Higgins (Fayetteville Housing Authority) A. Discussion of RFP to Hire a Consultant on an Hourly Basis -Ms. Sawin updated the board and explained that the RFP had been sent out and approximately 25 companies thus far have responded. Deadline is July 14, 2006 and there will need to be a special meeting set at some point to review the proposals. New Business A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Regular Meeting -Ms. Olsen motioned to accept the May 16, 2006 Minutes, seconded by Ms. Turner and carried unanimously. B. Approval of May 2006 Financial Statements -Financial statements were reviewed by the board and questions asked. Motion was made by Ms. Olsen to accept the May 2006 Financial Statements, seconded Ms. Richardson and carried unanimously. C. Approval of Resolution No. 770 -Resolution Adopting Plan for Housing Police Officers and Security Personnel -Ms. Sawin reviewed the history of this issue and updated the board that an individual had been placed in an apartment at Morgan Manor to provide some security. The board all agreed that this was a good thing and a motion was then made by Ms. Olsen to accept Resolution No. 770, seconded by Ms. Turner and carried unanimously. Ms. Richardson asked if the individual could come to meet the board. Ms. Sawin will set this up for the next regular meeting on July 18, 2006. D. Approval of Resolution No. 771 -Resolution Approving the Public Housing Five Year Agency Plan -Standard PHA Plan -PHA Certifications of Compliance -Dr. Ross explained that this was in follow up to the meeting conducted at Sources • • • • with Yolanda Fields and this is the outline of how the Housing Authority is going to conduct business over the next five years. Ms. Sawin explained that all the necessary meetings are completed and the plan is now ready to submit to HUD. Ms. Richardson asked if this plan could be modified if needed and Ms. Sawin advised that you can modify your plan, it just has to be approved by HUD. Ms. Richardson then motioned to accept Resolution No. 771, seconded by Ms. Olsen and carried unanimously. E Approval of Resolution No. 772 -Resolution Approving the Section 8 -Five Year Agency Plan -Standard PHA Plan -PHA Certifications of Compliance -Ms. Olsen motioned to accept Resolution No. 772, seconded by Ms. Turner and carried unanimously. F. Executive Directors Report -Ms. Sawin reviewed her written report, announcing that the PHAS score had been amended and that the Housing Authority had been raised from substandard to a standard agency. Ms. Sawin also announced the notification of the 2006 capital grant funding in the amount of $316,470.00. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 74144 hairperson ATTEST: • 1' • FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701-5928 PH: (479)521-3850 FAX: (479)442-6771 • • EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT June 19th, 2006 1. We finally received our data base adjustment for the 2005 PHAS Score. We received the one point needed to raise us from substandard to standard. 2. Public Housing has 3 vacancies, 1 at Willow Heights, 0 at Lewis Plaza, 1 at Hillcrest Towers, and 1 at Morgan Manor. The Section 8 Program is full. The Shelter Plus Care Program has 6 participants. 3. HUD has notified our office as to our 2006 Grant funding in the amount of $316,470. We will receive 95% of the monies in August, 2006 and the remaining 5% when the data on PHAS High.Performers becomes available. • • r a9 1111111 oev,-c PUBLIC AND INDIAN HOUSING U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-5000 CAPITAL FUND FY 2006 — FORMULA GRANT FUNDING SHEET PHA Name. Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville PHA Code: AR097 $316,470 Formula Grant PHAs will be required to print the ACC Amendment for each of their grants from the HUD PIH website: http://www.hud.qov/offices/pih/procirams/phicapfund/undex.cfm By signing the ACC Amendment the PHA is agreeing to comply with the Capital Fund Program statute i.e., Section 90) of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, and the regulations including 24 CFR Parts 905, 968, and 941. The PHA is required to obligate 90 percent of this grant within 2 years of the date the funds are made available and to expend 100 percent of the grant within 4 years of the date the funds are made available. Failure to meet the obligation or expenditure deadlines will result in penalties and sanctions for the PHA. Since RHF grants are funded with the Capital Fund appropriation, these grants are also subject to the obligation and expenditure deadlines prescribed in Section 90) and 24 CFR 905.120. (For additional information, see PIH Notice 2006-18(HA) www.hud.gov espanol.hud.gov • • Dear Executive Director Your housing authority's Fiscal Year 2006 Capital Fund Program funding package and a timeline which identifies key dates for processing of the Capital Fund are posted on the website: http://www.hud.gov/offices/wh/programs/ph/capfund/index.cfm The funding package includes a separate funding sheet and Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) Amendment for each grant that you are being provided. A PHA may have up to three different grants: (1) a formula grant; (2) a first increment Replacement Housing Factor (RI -IF) grant; and (3) a second increment RHF grant. To clarify what is described in the Capital Fund Processing Notice PIH -2006-18 (HA), the Department initially will provide PHAs with 95 percent of the total Capital Funds available in FY 2006. The remainder of the Capital Funds will be distributed after the data on PHAS High Performers becomes available. The Capital Fund website will provide information on how and when the remainder of the formula funds will be distributed. You will also receive an email when these additional funds are available for distribution. PHAs will be required to print the ACC Amendment for each of their grants from the HUD PIH website noted above. By signing the ACC Amendment the PHA is agreeing to comply with the Capital Fund Program statute i.e., Section 9(I) of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, and the regulations including 24 CFR Parts 905, 968, and 941. The PHA is required to obligate 90 percent of this grant within 2 years of the date the funds are made available and to expend 100 percent of the grant within 4 years of the date the funds are made available. Failure to meet the obligation or expenditure deadlines will result in penalties and sanctions for the PHA. Since RHF grants are funded with the Capital Fund appropriation, these grants are also subject to the obligation and expenditure deadlines prescribed in Section 9(I) and 24 CFR 905.120. Finally, if you have any questions or want additional information, please contact the Field Office staff in your Jurisdiction. At the Headquarters level, you may contact Virginia Mathis or Regina McGill of the Office of Capital Improvements, at 202-708- 1640. Sincerely /s/ Orlando J. Cabrera Assistant Secretary • • Composite Score Report Page 1 of 1 M.i navi' a ti on rindividual reports integrated assessment subsystem (nass)—reae�e=. =.systems menu REAL ESTATE ASSESSMENT CENTER U.S.DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT PHAS Score Report for Fiscal Year 2005 PHA Information PHA Code: AR097 PHA Name: Housing Authority of the City of Fiscal Year End: 09/30 Fayetteville Explanation PHAS73 Designation Score: Status: Standard Performer PHAS Released Status. Select a PHAS indicator to view details relating to the composite score. PHAS Indicator Original Score Maximum Score Indicator/PHAS Explanation Physical 18 30 Explanation Financial 25 30 Explanation Manesement 23 30 Explanation gesiQtnt 7 10 Explanation PHAS Total Score 73 100 Last Updated: 05/25/2006 PHAS Score Report PHAS Scoring Packet (printable version) The sum of the indicators as displayed may not equal the composite PHAS score shown due to rounding. Ad Di Download Acrobat Reader Comments or Questions? Contact the REAC Technical Assistance Center. lune C https://www 11.hud. gov/HUD_Systems/nass/n_Composite_Score.cfm?pha_td=AR097&part... 6/5/2006 RESOLUTION NO #770 RESOLUTION ADOPTING PLAN FOR HOUSING POLICE OFFICERS AND SECURITY PERSONNEL WHEREAS, there has been an increase in the amount of criminal activity in the Fayetteville Housing Authority's Developments and WHEREAS, Section 519 of the Cranston -Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act permits public housing agencies (PHAs) to allow police officers and other security personnel not otherwise eligible for occupancy to reside in public housing dwelling units under a plan that will increase security for housing residents while minimizing both the reduction of available public housing dwellings units for eligible families and the loss of income to housing agencies. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of Fayetteville, Arkansas that the attached Security Plan and the Dwelling Lease addendum to be adopted and submitted to the Little Rock Area Office for approval. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS o2D+13" DAY OF 2006. ATTEST: 42,k_o SE RETARY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ERSON FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY'S SECURITY PLAN The Fayetteville Housing Authority has a total of 252 units under management with 200 in project AR 0097-01 with 40 units on 10 S. Willow and 40 units on 401 S. Lewis it also has 120 units located at #1 N. School that has it own security. We have 52 units in project AR0097-02 located on 12`h Street. The apartments to be allocated to the police officer would be one at 10 S. Willow one at 401 S. Lewis and one at 324 E. 12th Street. The apartment at 324 E 12`h Street is a two bedroom but we might allocate a three bedroom at 10 S. Willow or 401 S. Lewis. The officer will pay $100.00 in rent on the apartments if they do not provide any patrols and are just going to be a presence in our community and help set up security programs If they agree to provide regular patrols of the premises for five hours a week they will not be charged any rent. All officers will have to pay a $50.00 security deposit and pay for their electric and gas usage. They will also have to pay for any damage they might cause to the unit. The rent that would ordinarily be charge for a two bedroom unit is $363.00 and a three bedroom is $489.00 with a utility allowance of $ 113.00. The Housing Authority has an average cost of $791.00 per year for water, sewer, and trash and pest control on these apartments. In Fayetteville a two bedroom apartment or duplex can be rented for approximately $450.00 plus utilities and a three bedroom apartment or duplex can be rented for $600.00 plus utilities with a six month to a one year lease. These are furnished with dishwasher, garbage disposals, carpet, and central air hi comparison, the Housing Authority can offer a standard apartment with none of the above amenities located in a neighborhood with several disturbances. It is extremely difficult for the Housing Authority to attract police officers to our housing without making it beneficial to them when they can find more attractive housing in the private market. Our developments consist of mostly white resident with some black and hispanic. There are approximately 147 elderly and disabled families with remainder being families with children. The majority of the families are single parent households The surrounding community consists of a mixture of white and black families. There are several homeowners; however the majority is rental units. Of all are projects Morgan Manor has had the most problems over the last couple of years. That is why we are placing an officer at that site first but will work to have other officers at Lewis Plaza and Willow Heights. • • • The Housing Authority will continue to evict when warranted but the amount of criminal activity is increasing. It will be very beneficial to this neighborhood and the surrounding community to have police officers living near them. This officer will be a presence in our community and help the Housing Authority with getting rid of the problems in our neighborhoods With the presence of an officer in our community it will help the other tenants to work together without the fear of retaliation to make their neighborhood safe and free of crime. Crime is imposing a serious threat to the stability and well-being of the residents. This increased amount of visibility of police officers in the community will discourage a lot of the criminal activity. This will increase community satisfaction and trust which will strengthen the community. • • • Standard PHA Plan PHA Certifications of Compliance U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing RESOLUTION N0:'771 PHA Certifications of Compliance with the PHA Plans and Related Regulations: Board Resolution to Accompany the Standard Annual, Standard 5-Year/Annual, and Streamlined 5-Year/Annual PHA Plans Acting on behaffofthe Board of Commissioners of the Public Housing Agency (PHA) listed below, as its Chairman or other authorized PHA official if there is no Board of Commissioners, 1 approve the submission ofthe_standard Annual, X standard 5- Year/Annual or _streamlined 5-Year/Annual PHA Plan for the PHA fiscal year beginning 10111 QThereinafter referred to as" the Plan", of which this document is a part and make the following certifications and agreements with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in connection with the submission of the Plan and implementation thereof 1. The Plan is consistent with the applicable comprehensive housing affordability strategy (or any plan incorporating such strategy) for the jurisdiction in which the PHA is located. 2. The Plan contains a certification by the appropriate State or local officials that the Plan is consistent with the applicable Consolidated Plan, which includes a certification that requires the preparation of an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, for the PHA's jurisdiction and a description of the manner in which the PHA Plan is consistent with the applicable Consolidated Plan. 3. The PHA has established a Resident Advisory Board or Boards the membership of which represents the residents assisted by the PHA, consulted with this Board or Boards in developing the Plan, and considered the recommendations of the Board or Boards (24 CFR 903.13). The PHA has included in the Plan submission a copy of the recommendations made by the Resident Advisory Board or Boards and a description of the manner in which the Plan addresses these recommendations. 4. The PHA made the proposed Plan and all information relevant to the public hearing available for public inspection at least 45 days before the hearing, published a notice that a hearing would be held and conducted a hearing to discuss the Plan and invited public comment. 5. The PHA will carry out the Plan in conformity with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Fair Housing Act, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. 6. The PHA will affirmatively further fair housing by examining their programs or proposed programs, identify any impediments to fair housing choice within those programs, address those impediments in a reasonable fashion in view of the resources available and work with local jurisdictions to implement any of the jurisdiction's initiatives to affirmatively further fair housing that require the PHA's involvement and maintain records reflecting these analyses and actions. 7. For PHA Plan that includes a policy for site based waiting lists: The PHA regularly submits required data to HUD's MTCS in an accurate, complete and timely manner (as specified in PIH Notice 99-2); • The system of site-based waiting lists provides for full disclosure to each applicant in the selection of the development in which to reside, including basic information about available sites; and an estimate of the period of time the applicant would likely have to wait to be admitted to units of different sizes and types at each site; • Adoption of site-based waiting list would not violate any court order or settlement agreement or be inconsistent with a pending complaint brought by HUD; • The PHA shall take reasonable measures to assure that such waiting list is consistent with affirmatively furthering fair housing; • The PHA provides for review of its site-based waiting list policy to determine if it is consistent with civil rights laws and certifications, as specified in 24 CFR part 903.7( c)( I). 8. The PHA will comply with the prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of age pursuant to the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. 9. The PHA will comply with the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 and 24 CFR Part 41, Policies and Procedures for the Enforcement of Standards and Requirements for Accessibility by the Physically Handicapped. 10. The PHA will comply with the requirements of section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, Employment Opportunities for Low -or Very -Low Income Persons, and with its implementing regulation at 24 CFR Part 135. 11. The PHA has submitted with the Plan a certification with regard to a drug free workplace required by 24 CFR Part 24, Subpart F. 12. The PHA has submitted with the Plan a certification with regard to compliance with restrictions on lobbying required by 24 CFR Part 87, together with disclosure forms if required by this Part, and with restrictions on payments to influence Federal Transactions, in accordance with the Byrd Amendment and implementing regulations at 49 CFR Part 24. • Page 1 of 2 form HUD -50077 (04/30/2003) • • 13. The PHA will comply with acquisition and relocation requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 and implementing regulations at 49 CFR Part 24 as applicable. 14. The PHA will take appropriate affirmative action to award contracts to minority and women's business enterprises under 24 CFR 5.105( a). 15. The PHA will provide HUD or the responsible entity any documentation that the Department needs to carry out its review under the National Environmental Policy Act and other related authorities in accordance with 24 CFR Part 58. 16. With respect to public housing the PHA will comply with Davis -Bacon or HUD determined wage rate requirements under section 12 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act. 17. The PHA will keep records in accordance with 24 CFR 85.20 and facilitate an effective audit to determine compliance with program requirements. 18. The PHA will comply with the Lead -Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act and 24 CFR Part 35. 19. The PHA will comply with the policies, guidelines, and requirements of OMB Circular No. A-87 (Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments) and 24 CFR Part 85 (Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State, Local and Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments.). 20. The PHA will undertake only activities and programs covered by the Plan in a manner consistent with its Plan and will utilize covered grant funds only for activities that are approvable under the regulations and included in its Plan. 21. All attachments to the Plan have been and will continue to be available at all times and all locations that the PHA Plan is available for public inspection. All required supporting documents have been made available for public inspection along with the Plan and additional requirements at the primary business office of the PHA and at all other times and locations identified by the PHA in its PHA Plan and will continue to be made available at least at the primary business office of the PHA. Fayetteville Housing Authority ARO97' PHA Name PHA Number/HA Code _St andard PHA Plan for Fiscal Year: 20_ x St andard Five -Year PHA Plan for Fiscal Years 24_6- 2010, including Annual Plan for FY 2016 St reamlined Five -Year PHA Plan for Fiscal Years 20_ - 20_, including Annual Plan for FY 20_ 1 hereby minty that all the information stated herein, as well as any mtormation provided m the accompaniment herewith, is true and accurate. Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) Name of Authorized Official Dr. Robin Ross Title Chairperson Signature 1/�,�,�c,\\ ►�jY�,{,-� _,., X 1.11/MA 1 V — Date June 20, 2006 Page 2 of 2 form HUD -60077 (04/30/2003) • • Standard PHA Plan PHA Certifications of Compliance U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing RESOLUTION NO. 772 PHA Certifications of Compliance with the PHA Plans and Related Regulations: Board Resolution to Accompany the Standard Annual, Standard 5-Year/Annual, and Streamlined 5-Year/Annual PHA Plans Acting on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of the Public Housing Agency (PHA) listed below, as its Chairman or other authorized PHA official if there is no Board of Commissioners, !approve the submission ojthe_standard Annual, X standard 5- Year/Annual or _streamlined 5-Year/Annual PHA Plan for the PHA fiscal year beginning 10/11 05hereinafter referred to as" the Plan", of which this document is a part and make the following certifications and agreements with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in connection with the submission of the Plan and implementation thereof 1. The Plan is consistent with the applicable comprehensive housing affordability strategy (or any plan incorporating such strategy) for the jurisdiction in which the PHA is located. 2. The Plan contains a certification by the appropriate State or local officials that the Plan is consistent with the applicable Consolidated Plan, which includes a certification that requires the preparation of an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, for the PHA's jurisdiction and a description of the manner in which the PHA Plan is consistent with the applicable Consolidated Plan. 3. The PHA has established a Resident Advisory Board or Boards, the membership of which represents the residents assisted by the PHA, consulted with this Board or Boards in developing the Plan, and considered the recommendations of the Board or Boards (24 CFR 903.13). The PHA has included in the Plan submission a copy of the recommendations made by the Resident Advisory Board or Boards and a description of the manner in which the Plan addresses these recommendations. 4. The PHA made the proposed Plan and all information relevant to the public hearing available for public inspection at least 45 days before the hearing, published a notice that a hearing would be held and conducted a hearing to discuss the Plan and invited public comment. 5. The PHA will carry out the Plan in conformity with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Fair Housing Act, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and title 11 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. 6. The PHA will affirmatively further fair housing by examining their programs or proposed programs, identify any impediments to fair housing choice within those programs, address those impediments in a reasonable fashion in view of the resources available and work with local jurisdictions to implement any of the jurisdiction's initiatives to affirmatively further fair housing that require the PHA's involvement and maintain records reflecting these analyses and actions. 7. For PHA Plan that includes a policy for site based waiting lists: • The PHA regularly submits required data to HUD's MTCS in an accurate, complete and timely manner (as specified in PIH Notice 99-2); • The system of site-based waiting lists provides for full disclosure to each applicant in the selection of the development in which to reside, including basic information about available sites; and an estimate of the period of time the applicant would likely have to wait to be admitted to units of different sizes and types at each site; • Adoption of site-based waiting list would not violate any court order or settlement agreement or be inconsistent with a pending complaint brought by HUD; • The PHA shall take reasonable measures to assure that such waiting list is consistent with affirmatively furthering fair housing; • The PHA provides for review of its site-based waiting list policy to determine if it is consistent with civil rights laws and certifications, as specified in 24 CFR part 903.7( c)( 1). 8. The PHA will comply with the prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of age pursuant to the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. 9. The PHA will comply with the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 and 24 CFR Part 41, Policies and Procedures for the Enforcement of Standards and Requirements for Accessibility by the Physically Handicapped. 10. The PHA will comply with the requirements of section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, Employment Opportunities for Low -or Very -Low Income Persons, and with its implementing regulation at 24 CFR Part 135. 1 I. The PHA has submitted with the Plan a certification with regard to a drug free workplace required by 24 CFR Part 24, Subpart F. 12. The PHA has submitted with the Plan a certification with regard to compliance with restrictions on lobbying required by 24 CFR Part 87, together with disclosure forms if required by this Part, and with restrictions on payments to influence Federal Transactions, in accordance with the Byrd Amendment and implementing regulations at 49 CFR Part 24. Page 1 of 2 form HUD -50077 (04/30/2003) • • 13. The PHA will comply with acquisition and relocation requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 and implementing regulations at 49 CFR Part 24 as applicable. 14. The PHA will take appropriate affirmative action to award contracts to minority and women's business enterprises under 24 CFR 5.105( a). 15. The PHA will provide HUD or the responsible entity any documentation that the Department needs to carry out its review under the National Environmental Policy Act and other related authorities in accordance with 24 CFR Part 58. 16. With respect to public housing the PHA will comply with Davis -Bacon or HUD determined wage rate requirements under section 12 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act. 17. The PHA will keep records in accordance with 24 CFR 85.20 and facilitate an effective audit to determine compliance with program requirements. 18. The PHA will comply with the Lead -Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act and 24 CFR Part 35. 19. The PHA will comply with the policies, guidelines, and requirements of OMB Circular No. A-87 (Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments) and 24 CFR Part 85 (Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State, Local and Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments.). 20. The PHA will undertake only activities and programs covered by the Plan in a manner consistent with its Plan and will utilize covered grant funds only for activities that are approvable under the regulations and included in its Plan. 21. All attachments to the Plan have been and will continue to be available at all times and all locations that the PHA Plan is available for public inspection. All required supporting documents have been made available for public inspection along with the Plan and additional requirements at the primary business office of the PHA and at all other times and locations identified by the PHA in its PHA Plan and will continue to be made available at least at the primary business office of the PHA. Fayetteville Housing Authority AR181 PHA Name PHA Number/HA Code St andard PHA Plan for Fiscal Year 20_ X St andard Five -Year PHA Plan for Fiscal Years 20 06- 2010, including Annual Plan for FY 2006 St reamlined Five -Year PHA Plan for Fiscal Years 20_ - 20_, including Annual Plan for FY 20_ 1 hereby certify that all the information stated herein, as well as any mtormanon provided in the accompaniment herewith, is true and accurate. W arning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) Name of Awthodzed Offidal Dr. Robin Ross Title Chairperson Signature x 1 Date June 20, 2006 Page 2 of 2 form HUD -50077 (04/30/2003)