HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-04-18 - Minutes - Archiver MINUTES OF THE APRIL 18, 2006 REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 a.m., April 18, 2006, in the City Administration Building, Room 326, Fayetteville, AR. Betty Turner, Vice Chairperson called the meeting to order at approximately 8:00 a.m. Commissioners Present: Betty Turner, Deborah Olsen and Richard Royal Commissioners Absent: Robin Ross and Janet Richardson Others Present: Fredia Sawin and Laura Higgins (Fayetteville Housing Authority) Old Business A. Discussion of RFP to Hire a Consultant on an Hourly Basis -This item will be moved to the next regular meeting on May 16, 2006 due to the absence of Robin Ross and Janet Richardson. New Business A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Regular Meeting -Mr. Royal motioned to accept the March 21, 2006 Minutes, seconded by Ms. Olsen and carried unanimously. B. Approval of March 2006 Financial Statements -There being no questions motion was made by Mr. Royal to accept the March 2006 Financial Statements, seconded Ms. Olsen and carried unanimously. C. Executive Directors Report -Ms. Sawin reviewed her written report. Ms. Sawin attended the Seven Hills Board Meeting and it was determined that the Housing Authority would not be unable to come up with the matching funds needed by Seven Hills however, partnering up in the future was definitely an option should any new housing projects arise. Ms. Sawin advised that the ADEMA/FEMA KARE program has now officially ended. Ms. Sawin also included in her packet a copy of the five year Agency Plan -Capital Fund Action Plan so the commissioners can review and see were the funding is going over the next five years. Ms. Olsen asked about the playground equipment at Morgan Manor through the CBDG office. Ms. Sawin will contact Yolanda Fields and find out the status of the grant. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701-5928 PH: (479)521-3850 FAX: (479)442-6771 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT APRIL 11, 2006 1. Update on the Seven Hills Transitional Housing partnership: Called Mr. Charles Blevins with HUD to again discuss what our options are in partnering with Seven Hills and how we might be able to come up with the matching $150,000. Using our Capital funds would not be possible since these are Federal funds. The rule is, you are not allowed to match Federal dollars with Federal dollars. They must be private donations. The other option would be our Non -Profit and using it to acquire donations to use for the matching funds. However, Mr. Jim Crouch tells me that it is not completed. He passed the task onto someone else in his firm that specializes in this area and he promises to check on the progress and get back to me. I attended the Seven Hills Board Meeting on March 29th, 2006. Mr. Hugh Earnest presented his proposals to the Board and gave an introduction as to the reason for my presence. I expressed to the Board that our Agency would very much like to partner with them on this Housing endeavor. However, our dilemma would bethe lack of available funds and the limited time to acquire these funds. I expressed that we thought of our Capital Funds but would not be able to come up with the $150,000 all at once since HUD puts a cap on how much we can use for other housing projects. Then there's the rule of matching federal dollars with federal dollars. I also, mentioned our Non-profit. I gave them a brief description of what we were doing i.e. hired a consultant to develop a Housing Needs Plan and forming a Non-profit to use in connection for future housing. • • • • Page 2 April llth, 2006 Mr. Earnest confirmed that the deadline was March 24th, 2006 but he felt confident that HUD would allow them a little more time before recapturing the grant funds for these eight additional transitional housing units. I reiterated that we definitely would be open to a partnership in the future should any new housing projects arise. 2. Public Housing has 5 vacancies, 2 at Willow Heights, 0 at Lewis Plaza, 2 at Hillcrest Towers, and 1 at Morgan Manor The Section 8 Program is full. The ADEMA/FEMA KARE program has ended. 3. The Lindsey Blue Books did not arrive in time to get the budget pages for Public Housing. They did e-mail the Balance Sheets. Please find enclosed a copy of the RFP for Housing Consultant Professional Services Contract and the 5 year Agency Plan - Capital Fund Action Plan. FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT REQUEST FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The Fayetteville Housing Authority, 1 North School Avenue, Fayetteville, AR 72701 invites interested parties to submit sealed statements of qualifications for consulting services in the following specialty area: HOUSING CONSULTANT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The Fayetteville Housing Authority (FHA) is requesting qualifications from qualified consulting firms or individuals familiar with Public Housing and the requirements of the Department of Housing and Urban Development with regard to Public Housing Agencies. It is FHA's intent to establish a professional relationship with a firm or individual to assist with future housing endeavors. All services will be issued to the contractor by Task Order that will identify the service and the cost for that service by hourly rate. The contract will be for a "Not to Exceed" total dollar amount to be determined by the number of tasks estimated and total estimated dollar amount. Professional consulting firms or individuals interested in being considered for a contract should reply with a statement of qualifications no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday, June 16, 2006. Firms are encouraged to include the participation of economically disadvantaged business enterprises in proposals for the work. The FHA reserves the right to supplement this announcement and to specify additional terms and conditions for providing the services. Page 1 of 3 SCOPE OF SERVICES The FHA recently completed a Housing Needs Comprehensive Plan that identified a strategy to guide our future housing activities for low and moderate income individuals and families. This Plan will be used to direct the Scope of Services and specific tasks thereof. The Plan sets out four levels of action, each building on the prior level(s). Therefore, services to be provided under this contract will focus on these levels: Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Organizational Commitment to Action Focus on Populations Served and Types of Housing Affordable Housing Roles for the FHA Focus on Individual Projects and Multipurpose High Impact Initiatives The levels are summarized in Part IV of the Plan and titled "Strategy Formulation - Next Steps" which is attached to this RFQ. More detailed information regarding these levels is contained in the Plan and may be obtained by request for a charge of $10.00. VENDOR QUALIFICATIONS The format of the Statements of Qualifications is within the discretion of the firms and should include: > The names of the firm owners; > Number of years in business and firm history; ➢ The type of specialty services offered; > The education and experience of the owners and key technical personnel; > The technical expertise of current staff; > The firm's experience in performing specialty services; > Availability of staff; > The firm's equipment and facilities; current or ongoing projects; and > References. Evaluations of the Statements of Qualifications will be based on the following: (1) Competence of the firm to perform the required services as indicated by the technical training, education and experience of the firm's personnel who are likely to be assigned to perform the services (6 to 25 points); (2) Ability in terms of workload and availability of qualified personnel, equipment, and facilities to perform the required services competently and expeditiously (10 to 20 points); (3) Past performance as reflected in evaluation of previous clients with respect to factors such as quality of work and meeting deadlines (0 to 20 points); (4) Hourly rate including all direct and indirect labor costs, overhead, and profit. Note: A "not to exceed" price will be negotiated after the number of tasks and estimated hours of each task are determined (1 to 10 points); (5) Certified statement that the firm is not debarred, suspended, or otherwise prohibited from practice by and Federal state or local agency (failure to provide certification precludes further consideration). Page 2 of 3 • • • The FHA will evaluate the Statements of Qualifications and may hold discussions with individual firms to further explore the firm's Statement of Qualifications. Although cost is important, it is not the sole determining factor. The scope of work and terms and conditions of contract are negotiable. The FHA reserves the right to terminate negotiations with a firm ranked most qualified upon failure to negotiate a contract and enter into negotiations with the firm ranked next most qualified. Terms of Service Three (3) copies of the firm's Statement of Qualifications shall be enclosed in an envelope, sealed, plainly marked on the outside "Housing Consultant Professional Services," addressed and mailed to: Fredia Sawin, Executive Director Fayetteville Housing Authority 1 North School Avenue Fayetteville, AR 72701 Sealed Statements of Qualifications shall be submitted no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday, June 16, 2006. Proposals received after this deadline will not be considered. All questions regarding this Request for Professional Services are to be submitted in writing to the attention of Fredia Sawin at fayettevilleha@moregti.net. Questions will be answered and posted on a regular basis until the time of proposal submittal. The name of the party submitting a question will not be included on the list posted by the FHA. Page 3 of 3 • • Z0PL6040 :awn alld Replacement Housing Factor Funds CFP Funds Listed for 5 -year planning Lewis Plaza Morgan Manor Willow Heights Hillcrest Towers HA -Wide Development Number/Name/HA- Wide PHA Name: Housing Authority Of The City of Fayetteville Capital Fund Program Five -Year Action Plan Part I: Summary Year 1 $ 269,000 t o 0 0 0 148,000 c 0 0 Work Statement for Year 2 FFY Grant: 2006 PHA FY: 2006 EA T 000 0 N In 0 120,000 8,000 b U INJ 0 36,000 Work Statement for Year 3 FFY Grant: 2007 PHA FY: 2007 $ 267,000 120,000 0 0 0 36,000 Work Statement for Year 4 FFY Grant: 2008 PHA FY: 2008 DOriginal 5 -Year Plan ❑Revision No: $ 267,000 120,000 0 0 0 36,000 Work Statement for Year 5 FFY Grant: 2009 PHA FY: 2009 a 1M WHDV11V • a 0.0. O N • 9c, Total CFP Estimated Cost \\\\\\ \ \\ Activities for Year 1 Lewis Plaza HA -Wide 1 Hillcrest Towers Hillcrest Towers _= > 0 a 0 Hillcrest Towers Development Name/Number Activities for Year : 2 FFY Grant: 2006 PHA FY: 2006 al Fund Program Five -Year Action Plan porting Pages—Work Activities New Heating units Engineer Fees & Cost Parking Lot Overlay Shrubbery Maintenance Equipment Ranges and Refrigerators Brick & Balcony Painting Exterior Clean & Antique Major Work Categories $ 265,000 al` 0 0 0 37,000 40,000 1 8,000 10,000 10,000 125,000 Estimated Cost yy D G co yy D o Morgan Manor HA -Wide Willow Heights Development Name/Number Activities for Year: 3 FFY Grant: 2007 PHA FY: 2007 n\\1 Engineer Fees & Costs Maintenance Truck '9 m Kitchen Modernization Ranges and Refrigerators New Heating Units Major Work Categories $ 267,0001 f 37,000 25,000 1 O 0 O 10,000 w to O Estimated Cost Q .LAi�WH3� III • • ZOPL601e :amen and wri nt •a Total CFP Estimated Cost 66 N Morgan Manor I Morgan Manor a co Development Name/Number Activities for Year : .4 FFY Grant: 2008 PHA FY: 2008 uar r uuu rrugrutu rrve- r tall tie -Mill rrau pporting Pages—Work Activities Engineer Fees & Costs New Heating units Phase 2 Kitchen Modernization 1 Ranges and Refrigerators Major Work Categories fag N on 0o o o o 40,000 I 60,000 0 0 o 0 o 8,000 Estimated Cost T a G co Hillcrest Towers FIA -Wide Development Name/Number Activities for Year: 5 FFY Grant: 2009 PHA FY: 2009 1 Engineer Fees & Costs Phase 1 Kitchen Modernization 1 Ranges and Refrigerators Major Work Categories $ 257,000 1 37,000 I 210,000 I 10,000 I Estimated Cost Q .LAj�NllDV.LIV NN P 1 H,, N A N W N N— N N-------- O VD Go ...I D\ to A W N— — O 'D GC J T to A w N— r 0 N 1 ❑Performance and Evaluation Report for Period Ending: PHA Name: Housing Authori of the City of Fa Amount of line 21 Related to Energy Conservation Measures Amount of Line 21 Related to Security — Hard Costs Amount of line 21 Related to Security— Soft Costs Amount of line 21 Related to Section 504 compliance Amount of line 21 Related to LBP Activities Amount of Annual Grant: (sum of lines 2 — 20) 1502 Contingency 1501 Collaterization or Debt Service L1499 Development Activities 1495.1 Relocation Costs 1492 Moving to Work Demonstration 1490 Replacement Reserve 1485 Demolition 1475 Nondwelling Equipment 1470 Nondwelling Structures 1465.1 Dwelling Equipment—Nonexpendable 1460 Dwelling Structures 1450 Site Improvement 1440 Site Acquisition 1430 Fees and Costs 1415 Liquidated Damages A c C 6 1410 Administration 1408 Management Improvements 1406 Operations Total non -CFP Funds Summary by Development Account 61. 287,000 1 10,000 O O 0 30,000 37,000 20,000 a trz0 m Grant Type and Number Capital Fund Program Grant No: Replacement Housing Factor Grant No: 111 Total Estimated Cost 1Final Performance and Evaluation Report placement Housing Factor (CFP/CFPRHF) Part I: Summary Revised O 0 - OD .. et O. Total Actual Cost Expended Federal FY of Grant: 2005 OPL601e :aweu alld ro angal • a7 Q J Ai�WHDV L LY s a 6 N Lewis PI & Willow Hgts x a E 6 R HA -Wide HA - Wide HA - Wide Development Number Name/HA-Wide Activities PHA Name: Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville Annual Statement/Performance and Evaluation Report Capital Fund Program and Capital Fund Program Replacement Housing Factor I Part II: Supporting Pages Ranges and Refrigerators Siding and Insulation Construction Administration 0 0 w Site Improvements Operations General Description of Major Work Categories a to a 0 1430 w 0 LA 0 1406 Dev. Acct No. Grant Type and Number Capital Fund Program Grant No: Replacement Housing Factor Grant No: En y 40 DU'', 1 LS r 1 LS � Quantity 10,000 190,000 LA 0 0 22,000 1 30,000 20,000 Original Total Estimated Cost Revised Funds Obligated Total Actual Cost Federal FY of Grant: 2005 Funds Ex ended Status of Work Q J Ai�WHDV L LY • IOPL60xe --IEu alld Q lMahTHDvfly HA -Wide Lewis Plaza Willow Heights Development Number Name/HA-Wide Activities PHA Name: Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville Program and Canital Fund Program Renlacemenl 03/07 03/07 0 w 0 v Original All Fund Obligated (Quarter Ending Date) 0 N y' m 6 Grant Type and Number Capital Fund Program No: Replacement Housing Factor No: Actual 03/08 03/08 03/08 Original All Funds Expended (Quarter Ending Date) 0 0w 0 d 9 A C w Reasons for Revised Target Dates Federal FY of Grant: 2005 Q lMahTHDvfly