HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-01-17 - Minutes - Archive• • MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 17, 2006 REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 a.m., January 17, 2006, in the City Administration Building, Room 326, Fayetteville, AR. Robin Ross, Chairperson called the meeting to order at approximately 8:00 a.m. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Others Present: Old Business Robin Ross, Betty Turner, Richard Royal and Deborah Olsen Janet Richardson Fredia Sawin, Laura Higgins (Fay. Housing Auth.), and James Crouch (Fay. Housing Auth. Atty.) A. Schedule a Date and Time for the Meeting With Quadel Consultants for the Presentation of Their Comprehensive Housing Plan on Either February 15`h or February 16, 2006 -Date was scheduled for Wednesday evening, February 15`h• 2006 at 5:30 p.m. Ms. Sawin will make arrangements for the meeting to be conducted in the City Administration Building, Room 326. New Business A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Annual Meeting -Motion was made by Mr. Royal to accept the December 20, 2005 Minutes, seconded by Ms. Olsen and carried unanimously. B. Approval of December 2005 Financial Statements -Financial statements were reviewed and a motion made by Ms. Olsen to accept the December 2005 Financial Statements, seconded Mr. Royal and carried unanimously. C. Approval of Resolution #760 -Approving Settlement Agreement Between the Fayetteville Housing Authority and General Star National Insurance Co. Attorney James Crouch will be Present as Legal Representation -Mr. Crouch reviewed the case with the board and questions were asked. Mr. Crouch advised that the attorney for the insurance company had offered a settlement of $2,500.00 in lieu of going to court. Mr. Crouch reviewed the options available to the board and a motion was then made by Mr. Royal to give Mr. Crouch authority to settle on the case, motion was then amended by Dr. Ross to include "up to $2,500.00", seconded by Ms. Turner and carried unanimously. (Towards the end of this meeting, Mr. Crouch came back in and announced that the case was settled for $1,875.00). • • D. Discussion was added to agenda concerning the reserves taken from the Housing Authority and the lawsuit initiated by several housing organizations including many public housing agencies. Ms. Sawin explained that this is not a class action lawsuit which means if it is won only those who join in will receive the lost funding back, however it will cost the Housing Authority $3,000.00 to be added to the case. Mr. Crouch explained as much as he could about the case and the possibility of it being won or lost. His professional opinion was that it would be a good idea to join into this case and pay the $3,000.00 and possibly gain back the lost reserves. Mr. Crouch explained that as far as he could tell if the case was appealed by either side and the attorneys wanted more money that the Housing Authority would not be obligated to send any more if the board decided not to continue pursuing. Ms. Olsen motioned to approve the expenditure of $3,000.00 to join the lawsuit and Dr. Ross amended to include "and no further monies will be spent", seconded by Mr. Royal and carried unanimously. (Ms. Sawin will send this motion as Resolution #763 to Dr. Ross for her signature). E Approval of Resolution #761 -Approving the Construction of a Bus Stop Shelter in the Front, North Side of Hillcrest Towers -Ms. Sawin explained that the Fayetteville Community Development Block Grant would like to build a shelter for the bus stop already located on the north side of the Hillcrest Towers Building. This will be installed at no cost to the Housing Authority. Ms. Olsen motioned to accept Resolution #761, seconded by Ms. Turner and carried unanimously. F. Approval of Resolution #762 -Approving Calculation of Performance Funding System submitted on December 20`h, 2005 -Ms. Sawin explained that this is another required HUD form and pertains to the public housing operating subsidy. Ms. Sawin reviewed the form and questions were asked by the board. Motion was then made by Ms. Olsen to approve Resolution #762, seconded by Ms. Turner and carried unanimously. G. Executive Directors Report -Ms. Sawin reviewed her written report. Ms. Sawin publicly thanked all those involved in the December 2005 Christmas party at the Hillcrest Towers Building. Ms. Sawin reminded the board of the meeting set up with Quadel on the 15th of February. She will try to reserve room #326 at the City Administration building or another room if it is not available at that time. This meeting is being conducted to review Quadel's written report already passed out to the board members. H. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS Chairperso ATTEST: ecretary • FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701-5928 PH: (479)521-3850 FAX: (479)442-6771 • • EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT January 10th, 2006 1. The Fayetteville Housing Authority staff would like to thank all the commissioners and tenant council members for their help with the Christmas Dinner. Without you, it would not have been a success. The turn out was larger this year than last. And we hope it keeps getting bigger and bigger. 2. Public Housing has 2 vacancies, 1 at Willow Heights, 0 at Lewis Plaza, 0 at Hillcrest Towers, and 1 at Morgan Manor. The Willow Heights Unit is off line, due MOD use in connection with the 2004 Capital Funds project to replace siding. The Section 8 Program is full. The ADEMA/FEMA KARE program has 136 participants 3. Our Attorney, Mr. James Crouch will be present at our January, 2006 Board Meeting. He will be available to give legal advice and to conduct our possible settlement agreement with General Star National Insurance, by cell phone. 4. The Quadel Consulting Group has contacted us as to when they will be returning for the Board presentation of their Comprehensive Housing Report. The scheduled dates are February 15th and 16th, 2006. We will be setting the date, time and place for this meeting at our January Board Meeting. • • • • • RESOLUTION NO. 760 RESOLUTION APPROVING SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY AND GENERAL STAR NATIONAL INSURANCE CO. Whereas, the General Star National Insurance Co. has filed a lawsuit complaint against the Fayetteville Housing Authority based upon a Liability Insurance Policy and the recovery of a $5,000 deductible. This lawsuit stems from a former Liability claim dating from September, 1999 through July, 2001 and the -final settlement of said claim. Whereas, the trial date was originally scheduled on November 14th, 2005 and then rescheduled to January 23rd, 2006 to be held in Fayetteville District Court, case #CIV 206-05. Whereas, the Fayetteville Housing Authority's attorney, Mr. James Crouch could not be the legal representative in this case based upon the above referenced lawsuit dating from September, 1999 through July, 2001 and his involvement in that settlement. Therefore legal representation was assigned to City Attorney, Mr. Kit Williams. Whereas, the attorney representing General Star National Insurance Co. has contacted the attorney representing the Fayetteville Housing Authority, Mr. Kit Williams, with an offer to settle. Whereas, the Fayetteville Housing Authority's attorney, Mr. James Crouch has been reassigned to this case to give legal representation in the final settlement. Whereas, the Settlement amount approved is $ (f p -ft74 2� 5�r7 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ( ( DAY OF 3 A 1 f , 2006. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ATTEST: CHAIRPERSON RESOLUTION NO. 761 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONSTUCTION OF A BUS STOP SHELTER IN THE FRONT, NORTH SIDE OF HILLCREST TOWERS WHEREAS, Yolanda Fields with the City of Fayetteville Community Development Block Grant Program has asked the Fayetteville Housing Authority to review the possibility of constructing a bus stop shelter on the grounds of Hillcrest Towers. WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville Conunumty Development Block Grant Program has agreed to fund this project pending approval from the Fayetteville Housing Authority Board of Commissioners. WHEREAS, the Fayetteville Housing Authority Executive Director, Fredia Sawin and Maintenance Foreman, Mike Atwell have reviewed several possibilities for the location of this shelter and concluded that the best, most accessible place would be on the front, north side of Hillcrest Towers where there is presently a cement pad, a cement bench and an already designated area that the Ozark Transit stops. WHEREAS, this Resolution will serve as an acknowledgement of the present need for this bus stop shelter and the acknowledgement for the best location for it to be constructed and approval for the City of Fayetteville Community Development Block Program to proceed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 1 1 DAY OF J Milt/ A ri , 2006. ATTEST: ce 66; Satia; SECRETARY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRP ERSONT)1r. RESOLUTION NO. 762 PHAAHA Board Resolution Approving Operating Budget or Calculation of Performance Funding System Operating Subsidy U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing OMB Approval No. 2577-0026 (Exp. 9/30/2006) Public reporting burden for this collection of information Is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, Including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless that collecton displays a valid OMB control number. This information is required by Section 6(c)(4) of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937. The Information Is the operating budget for the low -Income housing program and provides a summary of proposed/budgeted receipts and expenditures, approval of budgeted receipts and expenditures, and Justification of certain specified amounts. HUD reviews the information to determine if the operating plan adopted by the PHA and the amounts are reasonable and that the PHA is In compliance with procedures prescribed by HUD. Responses are required to obtain benefits. This information does not lend Itself to confidentiality. Acting on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of the below -named Public Housing Agency (PHA)/Indian Housing Authority (IHA), as its Chairman, I make the following certifications and agreements to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regarding the Board's approval of (check one or more as applicable): X Operating Budget Submitted on: Operating Budget Revision Submitted on: Calculation of Performance Funding System Submitted on: Revised Calculation of Performance Funding System Submitted on: (date) 12-20-05 1 certify on behalf of the: (PHA/IHA Name) Fayetteville,Housing Authority that: 1. All regulatory and statutory requirements have been met; • 2. The PHA has sufficient operating reserves to meet the working capital needs of its developments; 3. Proposed budget expenditures are necessary in the efficient and economical operation of the housing for the purpose of serving low-income residents; 4. The budget indicates a source of funds adequate to cover all proposed expenditures; 5. The calculation of eligibility for Federal funding is in accordance with the provisions of the regulations; All proposed rental charges and expenditures will be consistent with provisions of law; 7. The PHA/IHA will comply with the wage rate requirements under 24 CFR 968.110(e) and (f) or 24 CFR 905.120(c) and (d); 8. The PHA/IHA will comply with the requirements for access to records and audits under 24 CFR 968.110(1) or 24 CFR 905.120(g); and 9. The PHA/IHA will comply with the requirements for the reexamination of family income and composition under 24 CFR 960.209, 990.115 and 905.315. I hereby certify that all the information stated within, as well as any Information provided In the accompaniment herewith, Is true and accurate. Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. ConvIcUon may result in criminal and/ord.:II penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) • Board Chairman's Name (type) ROBIN ROSS MD Signature 'leak itk Date Previous edition is obsolete 01/17/2006 form HUD -52574 (10/95) ref. Handbook 7575.1 HA Calculation Occupancy Percentage •for a Requested Budget Year PHA/IHA-Owned Rental Housing Performance Funding System (PFS) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing (RBY) OMB Approval No. 2577-0066 (Exp. 12/31/2005) la. Name and Address of PHA/IHA (Include street Address, City, State, Zip Code) Fayetteville Housing Authority #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701 3. RBY Beginning Date: (mo/day/yyyy) 1/1/2006 4. Type of submission: 1 x ] Original [ ] Revision No. ( ) 5. PAS/LOCCS Project No AR09700106D a. Contact: (Person who can best answer questions about this submiss Ion) Karen Tanner (Lindsey and Company, Inc.) 2b. Contact's Phone No' (include area coder 501-268-5324 ext 130 8. Report Date: (Check one box) (mo/day/yyyy [ x ] Actual Day 6/30/2005 [ ] Average for Actual Month Part A. Actual Occupancy Data as of Report Date 8. Units Occupied 9. Units Available 10. Actual Occupancy Percentage (Divide line 8 by line 9; multiply by 100 and round to nearest whole) Stop , 11. If the HA -wide occupancy percentage shown on line 10 is 97% or greater and the HA believes that an average & occupancy rate of at least 97% is sustainable for the RBY, then check the box below. You have completed the form Note and do not need to proceed further. [ ] High Occupancy HA: Occupancy Percentage is 97% or higher and is sustainable for the RBY 12. Units vacant as of Report Date (subtract line 8 from line 9 and enter result) 7. Data Source: [ ] form HUD -51234 [ ] Rent Roll [X]Per PHA Stop Note 240 252 95% Use 97% as the Projected Occupancy Percentage on Part B, line 11 of form HUD -52723 12 13. If the result on line 12 is five or fewer vacant units and the HA believes That during the RBY: 1) the inventory (line 9) will not change; and, 2) the number of vacant units on line 12 will be vacant for the full RBY, then check the box below. You have completed the form and do not need to proceed further. [ ] High Occupancy HA with five or •fewer vacant units Use line 10 for the Projected Occupancy Percentage on Part B, line 11 of form HUD -52723 Part B. Distribution of Actual Vacancies by Major Cause Given below are circumstances and actions recognized by HUD as possible causes of vacancies that are beyond the control of the HA to correct. If appropriate, please distribute the number of vacant units reported on line 12 among these causes. Attach sheet identified with HA name and address, the RBY beginning date, and ACC number. Use the sheet to describe, for each circumstance; when the circumstance occurred; the location of the units involved; why the circumstance is preventing the HA from occupying, selling, demolishing, rehabilitating, reconstructing, consolidating or modernizing the vacant units; and the likelihood that these circumstances will be mitigated or eliminated in the RBY. 14. Units vacant because of litigation (e.g.. unite that ere being held vacant as pan at court-ordered or HUD -approved desegregation plan 15. Units vacant because of Federal, Tribal, State laws of general applicability. (Note do not include units vacant only because they do not meet minimum construction or habitability standards.) 16. Units vacant due to changing market conditions 17. Units vacant because of natural disaster 118iResery IXthiSS::i' - ,•`<,±r.- yL. 19. RMC -managed units vacant because of failure of HA to fund approvable request for Federal modernization funding (This fine for use only by RMCs) 20. Units vacant because of casualty loss and need to settle insurance claims 21. Total Units Vacarit Due To Circumstances Beyond the HA's Control (Enter sum of lines 14-20) 0 22. Units vacant after adjusting for circumstances beyond the HA's control (subtract line 21 from line 12) 12 Note . If the result on line 22 is true or fewer vacant units and the HA believes that during the RBY: 1) the inventory (line 9) will not change; and, 2) the number of vacant units on both lines 21 and 22 will be vacant for the full RBY, then check the box below. You have completed the form and do not need to proceed further. [ ] High Occupancy HA with five or fewer vacant units after adjustment for vacancies beyond its control Percentage on Part B. line 11 of form HUD -52723 24. Vacancy Percentage after adjusting for beyond control circumstances (Divide line 22 by line 9, multiply by 100, and round to nearest whole) 5% Stop 25. If the result on line 24 is 3% or less and the HA believes that during the RBY: 1) the inventory (line 9) & will not change; and, 2) the number of vacant units on lines 21 and 22 will be vacant for the full RBY, then check Note the;box below. You have completed the form and do not need to proceed further. Use line 10 for the Projected Occupancy [ ] High Occupancy HA: 3% or less vacancy rate after adjustment for vacancies beyond control This form replaces form HUD -52728-A thru-C which have been canceled. Previous edition is obsolete. Page 1 of 3 Use line 10 for the Projected Occupancy Percentage onPart B, line 11 of form HUD -52723 form HUD -52728 (03/2003) ref Handbook 7475.13 amim • Part C. Status of Units Undergoing Modernization as of Report Data If changes occur after the Report Date but prior to submission of this form, the most current status will be shown. 26. Protected Units Occupied Units Vacant Units a: Number of units that are under modemization construction (contract awarded or force account work started) 46. If any of the vacant units on lines 26a or b will be reoccupied during the RBY, enter that number times the average number of months during the RBY these units will be reoccupied. b: Number of units not under construction contract but included in a HUD -approved modernization budget where the time period for placing the units under construction (two FFYs after FFY of approval) has not yet expired. 47. If any of the occupied units on lines 26 a or b will be vacated during the RBY for mod. Construction, enter that number times the average number of months during the RBY these units will be vacated. 27. Unprotected Units: Number of units included in a HUD -approved modernization budget where the time period for placing the units under construction (two FFYs after FFY of approval) has expired. 48. Total Unit Months for Vacant Units in Funded Mod. And Under Construction or Funded For Construction in RBY (Add line 45; less line 46; plus line 47) Part D. Units Estimated to be Available for Occupancy During RBY (a) No. of Units (b) Avg. Mos. No. of In RBY (c) No. of Unit Mos. (a X b) 28. Units Available as of Report Date (Enter Line 9) 252 12 3024 29. Additional Units Available During RBY because of Developmen&Acquisition of PFS -Eligible projects + + 0 30. Units Unavailable During RBY because of Demolition/Disposition/Conversion Actions Approved By HUD - - 0 31. Total (Add lines 28 and 29; subtract line 30) 252 3024 Part E. Units Estimated to be Occupied During RBY 32. Units Occupied as of Report Date (enter line 8) 240 12 2880 33. Additional Units Occupied during RBY because of Development/ Acquisition of PFS -Eligible Projects + + 0 34. Reoccupancy during RBY of Units Vacated for Circumstances Beyond the HA's Control + + 0 35. Reoccupancy during RBY of Vacant Units in a Funded Modernization Program + 12 + 0 36. Occupied Units in Funded Modernization Program Being Vacated during RBY - - 0 37. Occupied Units Being Vacated during RBY because of Demolition/Disposition/Conversion Actions Approved by HUD. If there are occupied units that become vacant after the Report Date but before the start of the RBY because of circumstances and actions beyond the HA's control, place that number here ( ) and include in total shown on 37. Attach separate sheet with same information requested in Part C. 0 38. Total (Add lines 32-35, subtract lines 36 and 37) 240 ; , ;...... 2880 Part F. Occupancy Percentage During RBY 39. Total unit Months of Occupancy (Enter line 38c) 2880 40. Total unit Months Available for Occupancy (Enter line 31c) 3024 41. Occupancy Percentage for RBY (Divide line 39 by line 40; multiply by 100 and round to nearest whole) 95% 42. Average Number of Vacant Units During RBY (Subtract line 39 from line 40; divide result by 12 and round to nearest whole) 12 Stop 8 Note 43. If the result on line 41 is 97% or higher or if the result on line 42 is five or less, then check the appropriate box below. You have completed the form and do not need to proceed further. [ ] a. High Occupancy HA: Occupancy Percentage is 97% or higher for the RBY (] b. High Occupancy HA with five or fewer vacant units Use 97% as the Projected Occupancy Percentage on Part B, line 11 of form HUD -52723 Use line 41 for the Projected Occupancy Percentage on Part B, line 11 of form HUD -52723 Part G. Vacancy Percentage for RBY Adjusted for Modernization 44. Total Unit Months of Vacancy in RBY (Enter line 40 Tess line 39) 144 45. Total Unit Months for Vacant Units in Funded Mod. And tinder Consbuction or Funded for Construction (Sum the vacant units of lines 26a and b; multiply by 12) 46. If any of the vacant units on lines 26a or b will be reoccupied during the RBY, enter that number times the average number of months during the RBY these units will be reoccupied. 47. If any of the occupied units on lines 26 a or b will be vacated during the RBY for mod. Construction, enter that number times the average number of months during the RBY these units will be vacated. + 48. Total Unit Months for Vacant Units in Funded Mod. And Under Construction or Funded For Construction in RBY (Add line 45; less line 46; plus line 47) 0 49. Total Unit Months of Vacancy in RBY Adjusted for Modernization (Enler line 44 less line 48) 144 50. Vacancy Percentage for RBY Adjusted for Modernization (Divide line 49 by line 40; multiply by 100; and round to nearest whole.) 5% 51. Average Number of Vacant Units in RBY Adjusted for Modernization (Divide line 49 by 12; round to nearest whole) 12 • Stop bz 8 Note (I a. High Occupancy HA: Vacancy Percentage is . If the result on line 50 is 3°h or lower or if the result on line 51 is five or less, then check the appropriate box below. You have completed the form and do not need to proceed further. 3% or less for the RBY after Modemization Adjustment I I b. High Occupancy HA: five or fewer vacant units after Modernization Adjustment This form replaces forms HUD -52728-A thru-C which have been canceled. Previous edition is obsolete. Page 2 of 3 Use line 41 for the Projected Occupancy Percentage on Part 8, line 11 of form HUD -52723 Use line 41 for the Projected Occupancy Percentage on Part B, line'l 1 of form HUD -52723 form HUD -52728 (03/2003) rel Handbook 7475.13 • • Part H. Vacancy Percentage for RBY Adjusted for Both Modernization and Beyond Control Circumstances 53. Total Unit Month of Vacancy in RBY (Enter line 44) 144 54. Total Unit Months of Vacancy in RBY Due to Modernization (Enter line 48) 0 55. Total Unit Months of Vacancy In RBY Due to Beyond Control Vacancies (Enter line 21 times 12; less any entry made on line 34c) 0 56. Total Unit Months of Vacancy After Above Ad ustments (Enter line 53 less lines 54 and 55) 144 57. Vacancy Percentage for RBY After Above Ad (Divide line 58 by Tina 40; multiple by 100; and round ustments to nearest whole.) 5% 58. Average Number of Vacant Units in RBY After Above Adjustments (Divide line 56 by 12; round to nearest whole) 12 f thlt Note 59. If the result on line 57 is 3 % or lower or te resuon line 58 is five or less, then check the appropriate box below. You have completed the form and do not need to proceed further. [ ] a. High Occupancy HA: Vacancy Percentage is 3% or ---> Use line 41 as the Projected Occupancy less for the RBY after Modernization Adjustment [ ] b. High Occupancy HA: live or fewer vacant Percentage on Part B, line 11 of form HUD -52723 Use line 41 as the Projected Occupancy units after Modemization Adjustment Percentage on Part B, line 11 of form HUD -52723 Part I. Adjustment for Long Tenn Vacancies If the HA estimates that it will have a vacancy percentage of more than 3% for Its RBY and more than five vacant units after adjusting for vacant units undergoing modernization end vacancies beyond its control, the HA will exclude all of Its long- term vacancies (If any) from its co t ! It 1 bl f occupancy and use this section to determine its projected occupancy percentage. 60. Total Long-term Vacancies (Subtract vacant units shown on lines 21, 26a, and b from line 12. Analyze remaining vacancies and identify these units that have been vacant for more than 12 months as of the Report Date.) 61. Unit Months of Vacancy Associated With Long -Term Vacancies (Multiply line 60 by 12) 0 62. Total Unit Months Available for Occupancy in RBY Adjusted for Long -Term Vacancies (Subtract line 61 from line 31(c )) Use this UMA number in all other PFS calculations. 3024 63. Occupancy Percentage for RBY Adjusted for Long -Term Vacancies (Divide line 38(c) by line 62; multiply by 100 and round to nearest whole) 95% 64. Average Number of Vacant Units in RBY after All Adjustments (Subtract line 60 from line 58) 12 65. Total Unit Months of Vacancy in RBY after All Adjustments (Subtract line 61 from line 56) 144 66. Vacancy Percentage for RBY Adjusted for Long -Term Vacancies (Divide line 65 by line 62: multiply by 100 and round to nearest whole) 5% Note B7.If the result on 110063 is 97% or higher or tf the result on line 64 is five or less or if the result on line 86 is 3% or less, then check the appropriate box below. You have completed the form and do not need to proceed further. [ ] a.High Occupancy HA: Occupancy Percentage is 97% or higher for the RBY after Long -Term Vacancies Adjustment. ] b.High Occupancy HA: Five or fewer vacant units after Adjustments for Long -Term Vacancies Use 97% as the Projected Occupancy Percentage on Part 6, Line 1' of form HUD -52723. Use the UMA result on line 62 In calculating PFS eligibility. Use line 63 as the Projected Occupancy Percentage on Part 8, line' of form HUD -52723. Use the UMA result on Ilne 62 In calculating PFS eltgihllity. [ ] c. High Occupancy HA: Vacancy Percentage Use line 63 as the Projected Occupancy Percentage on Part B, line' is 3% or lower for the RBY after Long- of form HUD -52723. Use the UMA result on line 62 In • Term Vacancies Adjustment calculating PFS eligibility. Part J. Projected Occupancy Percentages for Low Occupancy HAs If Ole HA cannot determine an acceptable Projected Occupancy Percentage for the RBY using the above approach. It will use this section. The HA will use the lower of either 97% or that percentage based on having rive units vacant for the RBY. Either percentage can be adjusted for vacant units undergoing modernization construction and vacancies beyond its control. Small Has of 140 units or less will generally want to use a percentage based on five vacant units. 68. Enter 97% if HA has more than 140 units. If 140 or fewer units, determine occupancy percentage based on 5 vacant units, for RBY. (Take 60 unit months and divide by line 62;multiply by 100 and round to nearest whole. Subtract result from 100%) 69. Percentage Adjustment for Modernization and Beyond Control Vacancies (Add lines 48 plus 55; divide that sum by line 62;multiply by 100 and round to nearest whole) 70. Projected Occupancy Percentage for Low Occupancy HA (Take the percentage on line 68 and subtract the percentage shown on line 69. Use the result as the Projected Occupancy Percentage on Part 8, line 11 of form HUD -52723 Use the UMA result on Ilne 62 in calculating PFS elglbility) 97% 0% 97% This form replaces forms HUD -52728-A thru-C which form HUD -527728 (03/2003) have been canceled. Previous edition is obsolete. Page 3 of 3 ref Handbook 7475.13 • JOURNAL ENTRIES BY ACCOUNT NUMBER FOR PHA 1 PROJECT 01 ACCOUNT 4540.8 CODE 5 PAGE 1 Fayetteville Housing Authority Period: 10/01/2004 - 09/30/2005 PH PRJ Account Cd Date Amount Reference/4 Description PR 1 01 4540.8 5 10/26/2004 6.55CR APF 121021 Ark Employment Security D 1 01 4540.8 5 10/01/2004 ••` 1 01 History Totals '** '•• OVERALL TOTALS •`• 6.55 JE00836 Sept Expenses Paid Oct 6.55 Total DR 6.55 Total CR 6.55 Total DR 0.00 Variance MARGIE 6.55 Total CR 0.00 Variance 12/19/2005 Prepared by Lindsey and Company, Inc. 20:23:29 • • • PHA: DATA: PFS FICA Add-ons Fayetteville Housing Authority FYE: Base Year Rate 2006 Rate' Base Year Base 2006 Base 5.85% 7.65% $14,100 $94,200 2006 payroll subject to FICA using Base Year Base 2006 payroll subject to FICA using 2006 Base PFS Requested Year Base Year Rate 2006 Rate 5.85% times 2006 Payroll Subject to FICA Using Using Base Year Base 7.65% times 2006 Payroll Subject to FICA Using Using 2006 Base Total Add-on (Enter on Line 25, HUD -52723) Executive Director Admin. Asst./Sec 8 Director PH Director PH Assistant/Inspect. Sec 8 Assistant/Inspect. Sec 8 Receptionist Working Foreman Maintenance Mech A Maintenance Mech A Maintenance Mech A Maintenance Aide A Estimated Overtime Housing Specialist Night Watchman Night Watchman Overtime Admin Taxable Travel Ten Sve Taxable Travel Maintenance Taxable Travel Protective Svc Taxable Travel Total Base Year September $133,755 $259,661 $7,825 $19,864 $12,039 Request Percentage of Salary Year from Low Rent $7,050 $2,820 $14,100 $14,100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $14,100 $14,100 $14,100 $14,100 $14,100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $14,100 $11,085 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $133,755 $25,125 $7,982 $33,786 $23,682 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $37,057 $26,847 $25,179 $22,997 $21,127 $6,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $18,474 $11,085 $320 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $259,661 50% 20% 100% 100% 0% All Sec 8 0% All Sec 8 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% All Sec 8 100% 100% 100% Calculation of Other Income Part C 01, HUD -52723) AR09700106D • PHA: Fayetteville Housing Authority FYE: September Estimates: Excess Utilities FY 2005 Actual $4,620 Employee Rent $0 Police Unit $0 ND Rent from Off Line Units $0 Community Room/Non-Dwelling Rent $0 Tenant Damages $21,600 City PILOT adjustment for Adult Center $4,800 Laundry $780 Cingular Tower $6,900 CFP Transfer 1406 $20,000 Sub -Total $58,700 Less: Employee Rent Equal or Below AEL 0 Non -Dwelling Rent from Off Line Units 0 Non -Dwelling Rent/Community Room ect. $0 Non -Rental Other Income $54,080 Net Other Income $4,620 PUM $1.53 • • • • • OMB Approval No. 2577-0029 (exp. 06/302006) c 0 Q w n o S 0 N .0 E 9 a M 0 n rd v a a .c — 0 00 c -0 0 o(02°E c JO 10 0 0 m.2 c 0 c a 'c E S 0 0Easa - 0 0 0 M. p O w a •cO n C J9 CE O Q$ j N C N R C E a 0 c 0 0 '0c0ga c .caa r c 0 w E.: c a` 0 0 a E a a o CO c 300 8gooa V c U 0 O N a 0 LL `c n CO v_ c 0 i u u v r -Q {_5 ag 3 I' t w 1x a N o ma. - o a yo 0= 0 $ .o O b. C g,=8` o c w o 0 0 W 2 c CO a C CC F '0 c > E 0 C 0 O N D _ — o a N q E E 0 o t E E D o c n n c 0 0 `c dE y ._ c a r, E 0 0caia TO Y O s _ $0 0 03 n m a a S o V m e p€ 0 v v c a 0 c c c -. D m O °uc{ c o S a M ac310 0 c ` Can! 0=21 nag ow"- E o o C N 0 N N c O p j 0 L -3N E0l z Oxact 00 N 0 i v `E .,a.... co Vw 0 €=="3-2 = a = a c CO xQ O q sr. -4-)i2 N O iC 0 • c E,_sq n $ v 3 10 0 0'wuq ¢rx n€OC vY ca =Q: .2S 7Cd -cE o mac oOnON C K O al V N00O C0 E$ a -€ c 4 0 3 c 2 E m a s `O o 0 a � IL x"0 0 -0 00 E E W OG t --a u M y = 6 t' C onva� C I N V T? W i 0 V 0. a o- 0 41 n 5 400.0 ao m x a m 9 6 Z o 0 > L a or) = o reiocod e) Type of Submission 0 c) Fiscal Year Ending bl Operadno Fund Project Number d) ACC Contract Number AR09700105S 0 5 a o`a o t_ x C C CC 0 yc W > n c N N N Fc -e. b o O < o = o - a 0 O a- L 'cat t a 0 T m 0 O LL LL 0 0 N 00_ 0 N its E 0 0 0 0)0) LTi A c 0 n N O W 0 <o ID N W m ID N N A CO 0 W to0 m 0 m O 0 0 a 0 O 0 CD 10n 0 O L 0 0 v E 00 0 ` N E Q c CO 0C E la o 0 a 2 ' 0 c E c _0 51 F 0 O 0 O 0 (0 N V 0 N N O n O o c 0 0 8 o Inc S C J W 8 E v c E `0 00 0 Oto >c 0 0 0 0 ti ar CS c R L E o J 0 CO Ss akJ 0 m O N J c E 0 0 n O a 0 C o J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO 0 0 Pro -rated at 98.1% Y • OMB Approval No. 2577-0029 (exp. 06/30/2006) O) N 0 O 2 c c N N c o C OE S _ E • o a 0 o C C • m m N 0 • U O N C o N m � `o O j N D m O W J CO Q J 0 W 0 O > N J Wo J J S Q W Ta - U. in 0 • Z 0 Za Et •W 3 C � W O ll M F Q c U 2 ...i —I a `w Q r- r U r a Li - 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 v to0 O O O 10 • m v • E. 6V • n o c • s m O a C E 7 a • m a c • .12 a m O N • v 0 0 G D T a d v tam W CO J m K form HUD -52722-A (10/2001 Previous Editions are Obsolete • • • Operating Fund Calculation of Operating Subsidy PHA -Owned Rental Housing U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing OMB Approval No. 2577-0029 (exp.B/30/2006) Section 1 a) Name and Address of Public Housing Agency Fayetteville Housing Authority #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701 b) Budget Submission to HUD required [ ] Yes [ ] No c) Type of Submission x Original Revision No. d) Number of HA Units 252 e) Unit Months Available (UMAs) 3024 ()Subject FVE September g) ACC Number: FW7031 h) Operating Fund Project Numbe AR09700106D I) DUNS Number 809775059 Section 2 No. Description Part A. Allowable Expenses and Additions Requested by PHA (PUM) U1 Previous allowable expense level (Part A, line 08 of form HUD -52723 for previous year) $28,521 $262.31 sr + T inrci *.r+V1 ,, rvi 114 X45, -,_ „"" i, 02 Part A. Line 01 multiplied by .005 Number of occupied units as of rent roll date 1.31 03 Average monthly dwelling rental charge per unit for current budget year (Part B Line 01 divided by Line 02) 03 Delta from form HUD -52720-B, if applicable (see instructions) 04 Average monthly dwelling rental charge per unit for prior budget year $158.65 04 "Requested" year units from latest form HUD -52720-A (see instructions) Average monthly dwelling rental charge per unit for budget year 2 years ago 252r.t $155.91 -'•'s 5 P a+'- A e Jiu 05 Add-ons to allowable expense level from previous fiscal year (see instructions) 07 50/50 Income split ((Part B, Line 03 + line 06] divided by 2) $130.04 06 Total of Part A lines 01, 02, 03, and 05 $116.41 $263.62 09 Rental income adjustment factor 1.03 07 Inflation factor Metro Washington Projected average monthly dwelling rental charge per unit (Part B, Line 08 times Line 09) 1.029 11 Projected occupancy percentage from form HUD 52728 08 Revised allowable expense level (AEL)(Part A, line 06 times line 07) 12 Projected average monthly dwelling rental income per unit (Part B, Line 10 times Line 11) - $271.26 $116.30 Part 09 Transition Funding 01 Other Income Excess Utilities $1.53 10 Increase to AEL $117.83 03 PUM deficit or (Income) (Part A, Line 14 minus Part C, Line 02) 11 Allowable utilities expense level from form HUD -52722-A '-= - $65.29 Requested by PHA (Whole dollars) HUD Modifications (Whole dollars) 04 Deficit or (Income) before add-ons (Part C, Line 03 times Section 1, e) 12 Actual PUM cost of Independent Audit (IA) (Through FYE 2004) $0.38 13 Costs Attributable to deprogrammed units 14 Total Allowable Expenses and Additions (Sum of Part A, Lines 08 thru 13) $336.93 . Dwelhnq Rental Income 01 Total rent roll as of 12/1/2005 $28,521 sr + T inrci *.r+V1 ,, rvi 114 X45, -,_ „"" i, :' n+ •,. 02 Number of occupied units as of rent roll date 245 03 Average monthly dwelling rental charge per unit for current budget year (Part B Line 01 divided by Line 02) $116A1 04 Average monthly dwelling rental charge per unit for prior budget year $158.65 05 Average monthly dwelling rental charge per unit for budget year 2 years ago $155.91 06 Three-year average monthly dwelling rental charge per unit ((Part B. Line 03+line 04+1ine 05]divided by 3) $143.66 07 50/50 Income split ((Part B, Line 03 + line 06] divided by 2) $130.04 08 Average monthly dwelling rental charge per unit (lesser of part 6, Line 03 or Line 07) $116.41 09 Rental income adjustment factor 1.03 10 Projected average monthly dwelling rental charge per unit (Part B, Line 08 times Line 09) $119.90 11 Projected occupancy percentage from form HUD 52728 97% pyo 12 Projected average monthly dwelling rental income per unit (Part B, Line 10 times Line 11) - $116.30 Part C. Non -dwelling Income 01 Other Income Excess Utilities $1.53 02 Total operating receipts (Part 6, Line 12 plus Part C, l.ine 01) $117.83 03 PUM deficit or (Income) (Part A, Line 14 minus Part C, Line 02) $219.10 '-= - - Requested by PHA (Whole dollars) HUD Modifications (Whole dollars) 04 Deficit or (Income) before add-ons (Part C, Line 03 times Section 1, e) $662,558 Retained Rental Income UMAs Must be shown in Agency Plan Comp X -13.63 50% of Income = Line 03. 5116.41 X 1.03 Line 9= Una 06. 5143.68 X 97% Line 11= Difference -527.25X5031 -13.63 (NO RETAINED RENTAL INCOME) 3024 41217 -42454 -41180 Previous edition is obsolete for PHA Fiscal Years Page 1 beginning 1/1/2004 and thereafter form HUD -52723 (1/2001) me No. I Description Part D. Add-ons for changes in Federal law or regulation and other eligi Project Number: Requested by PHA (Whole dollars) AR09700106D HUD Modifications (Whole dollars) 01 Deficit or (Income) before adjustments sFICA contributions $12,039 02 Unemployment compensation 7 $1,161 03 Family Self Sufficiency Program 03 Operating 02) (If less 04 Energy Add -On for loan amortization adjustments (greater of Part E, Line 01 or Line (0)) $680,729 05 Unit reconfiguration Part F. 06 Non -dwelling units approved for subsidy of Operating 07 Long-term vacant units for Subject Fiscal 08 Phase Down for Demolitions Do not revise after the 09 Units Eligible for Resident Particpation: Occupied Units (Part B, Line 02) 245 01 Utility Adjustment for Prior years 98.1% 42264 10 Employee Units 02 Additional subject fiscal year operting subsidy eligibility (specify) Y }y rj `• 11 Police Units 03 Unfunded eligibility in prior fiscal years to be obligated in subject fiscal year 12 Total Units Eligible for Resident Participation (Sum of Part D, Lines 09 thin 11) 245 '-'t- r�+ *�1� 13 Funding for Resident Participation (Part D, Line 12 X $25) $6,125 14 Other approved funding not listed (Specify in Section 3) IOther(specify) I Other (specify) 15 Total add-ons (sum of Part D, Lines 01 02 03,04,05,06.07,08,13 & 14) $18,171 07 Part E Calculation of Ooeratina Subsidy Eligibility Before) Arliustinnnts 01 Deficit or (Income) before adjustments (Total of Part C, Line 04 and Part D, Line 15) $680,729 02 Actual cost of Independent Audit (IA) FY2004 ( $1,161 ( ) 03 Operating 02) (If less than subsidy eligibility before zero, enter zero adjustments (greater of Part E, Line 01 or Line (0)) $680,729 04 Total amount due HUD to be collected in future fiscal year(s) (total of Part G, Lines 01. thru 03) (Identify individual amounts under Section 3) Part F. Calculation of Operating Subsidy Approvable for Subject Fiscal Year (Note: Do not revise after the subject FY) 01 Utility Adjustment for Prior years 98.1% 42264 02 Additional subject fiscal year operting subsidy eligibility (specify) 03 Unfunded eligibility in prior fiscal years to be obligated in subject fiscal year 04 HUD discretionary adjustments IOther(specify) I Other (specify) 07 Unfunded Portion due to proration o.00% ( $0 ) ( ) 08 Net adjustments to operating subsidy (total of Part F, Lines 01 thru 07) $42,264 09 Operating subsidy approvable tor subject fiscal year (total O7 Hart L, Line Ui and Part F, Line 08) $722,993 HUD Use Only (Note: Do not revise after the end of the subject FY) 10 Amount of operating subsidy approvable for subject fiscal year not funded 11 Amount of funds obligated in excess of operating subsidy approvable or su ject Isco year 12 Funds obligated in subject fiscal year (Sum of Part F, Lines 09 thru 11) (Must be the same as line 690 of the Oper. Bud., form HUD -52564, for the subject fiscal year) Appropriation symbol(s): Part G Memorandum of Amounts Due HUD, Including Amounts on Repayment Seh 01 Total amount due in previous fiscal year (Part G, Line 04 of form HUD -52723 for previous fiscal year) 02 Total amount to be collected in subject fiscal year (identify individual amounts under Section 3) , ( ) ( ) 03 Total additional amount due HUD (include any amount entered on part F, Line 11) (Identify individual amounts under Section 3) 04 Total amount due HUD to be collected in future fiscal year(s) (total of Part G, Lines 01. thru 03) (Identify individual amounts under Section 3) $0 Previous edition is obsolete for PHA Fiscal Years beginning 1/1/2004 and thereafter Page 2 Form HUD 52723 (1/2001) • • Line No. Description Part H. Calculation of Adjustment for Subject Fiscal Year This part is to be completed only after the subject fi' Project Number: Requested by PHA (Whole Dollars) AR09700106D HUD Modifications (Whole Dollars) Section 3 Remarks (provide part and line numbers) I hereby certify that all the information stated herein, as well as any information provided in the accompanimant herewith, is true arid accurate, Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalities. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729,3802) Signature of Authorized HA Representative 8 Date: X Signature of Authorized Field Office Representative & Date: X Previous edition is obsolete for PHA/IHA Fiscal Years beginning 1/1/2004 and thereafter Page 3 form HUD -52723 (1/2001) . ..a, raa, „ab cnuea 01 Indicate the types of adjustments that have been reflected on this form: '; ..: Ull Utility Adjustment jj HUD discrtionary adjustent (Specify under Section 3) 02 Utility adjustment from form HUD -52722-B 03 Deficit or (income) after year-end adjustments (total of Part E, Line 01 and Part H, Line 02) 04 Operating subsidy eligibility after year-end adjustments (greater of Part E, Line 02 or Part H, Line 03) 05 Part E. Line 03 of latest form HUD 52723 approved during subject FY (Do not use Part E, Line 03 of this revision) 06 Net adjustments for subject fiscal year (Part H, Line 04 minus Part H, Line 05) 07 08 Utility adjustment (enter same amount as Part H, Line 02) Total HUD discretionary adjustments (Part H, Line 06 minus Line 07) 09 Unfundedortion of utility adjustment due to proration 10 Unfunded 'portion of HUD discretionary adjustment due to proration 11 Prorated utility adjustmentPart H, Line 07 plus Line 09) 12 Prorated HUD Discretional7 adjustment (Part H, Line 08 plus Line 10) Section 3 Remarks (provide part and line numbers) I hereby certify that all the information stated herein, as well as any information provided in the accompanimant herewith, is true arid accurate, Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalities. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729,3802) Signature of Authorized HA Representative 8 Date: X Signature of Authorized Field Office Representative & Date: X Previous edition is obsolete for PHA/IHA Fiscal Years beginning 1/1/2004 and thereafter Page 3 form HUD -52723 (1/2001) .