HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-04-19 - Minutes - Archive• • • • • MINUTES OF THE APRIL 19, 2005 REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 a.m., April 19, 2005, in the City Administration Building, Room 111, Fayetteville, AR. Robin Ross, Chairperson called the meeting to order at approximately 8:00 a.m. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Others Present: Old Business Robin Ross, Betty Turner, Richard Royal and Deborah Olsen Janet Richardson Fredia Sawin, Laura Higgins and Jan Simco (Fay. Housing Auth.), Regina Pierce, LCSW (Vice President -Ozark Guidance Center) A. Update and Further Discussion on the Policy to Allow a Police Officer to Live in Public Housing for Security Purposes -Ms. Sawin advised that she has sent a letter to the City to see if there is anybody that is interested which is the way that Springdale Housing Authority had done their process. Per Ms. Sawin this letter was sent to Chief Frank Johnson of the Fayetteville Police Department and she hopes to get an interested party soon. If an officer is found that desires to live in public housing, then the paperwork will be submitted to FIUD. B. Update and Further Discussion on Diversity Training for the Housing Authority Staff -Dr. Ross advised that the training was scheduled for July 20, 2Q05 at the Jones Center and lunch would be served. Dr. Ross will provide the actual room at the Jones Center prior to the meeting and will remind everyone on the agenda at the July 19, 2005 board meeting. C. Update and Further Discussion on Housing Consultant Representative -Ms. Sawin stated that a newspaper ad was placed in the N.W. Arkansas Times/Gazette, however, the ad did not get placed on the NAHRO website due to some kind of oversight. Ms. Sawin passed out a copy of the ad placed in the newspaper. Ms. Sawin explained that she would be sending out the RFP to five or six different companies and she is also trying to get some referrals from Jesse Westover at HUD. Dr. Ross stated she would also do some checking around and suggested contacting Kathleen Randall of the N.W. Housing Coalition to see if she has any ideas. Ms. Sawin said she may see about putting the ad through again on the NAHRO website. D. What to Name the Non -Profit 501 -C3? -Ms. Sawin advised that the process to start a non-profit is at the point where a name needs to be given for the • • • • • • organization. Mr. Crouch, attorney for the Housing Authority is just waiting for this name to proceed with the process. Mr. Royal suggested a contest to name the organization with the winner receiving money. Ms. Sawin advised she could send out a letter to the tenant's residing in public housing. Dr. Ross also felt it would be good to include all of the community and would place an ad in the paper. (This article actually ran on April 20, 2005 and was placed in the N.W. Ark. Times by the reporter present at the meeting). It was determined that the winner would receive $50.00. New Business A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Regular Meeting -Minutes of the previous meeting were amended to correct the spelling of "motion" to "motioned" under "Old Business, Section A", add the word "by" after "seconded", under Section C and the word "and" after "Harrison", under Section D., add the word "to" after "activity". Ms. Turner then motioned to accept with these corrections, seconded by Mr. Royal and carried unanimously. B. Approval of March 2005 Financial Statements -Ms. Sawin explained the new financial statements and that now they would be looking at figures calculated by Lindsey. These figures should be more accurate, but they will be a month behind. Ms. Sawin advised that expenses would still be for the current month. Questions were asked by the board then Mr. Royal motioned to accept, seconded by Ms. Turner and carried unanimously. D. Discussion of the New Public Housing Occupancy Policy and the New Housing Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program Guidelines - Ms. Sawin included in the packet these two items. In response to questions raised by the board on Homeownership, Item E. "Presentation from a 1 -lousing Authority Staff Member for the First Quarter" was included under "D." Ms. Simco reviewed the new policies for homeowner- ship under the Housing Choice Voucher Program. Dr. Ross suggested having someone from the Ft. Smith Housing Authority come to a future board meeting and give a presentation on their Homeownership Program. Other questions and suggestions were given by the board. A resolution will be presented at the next regular board meeting to adopt the Homeownership Program into the Section 8 Rental Assistance Administrative Plan. Ms. Simco then reviewed over her other duties at the Housing Authority. Ms. Simco was thanked by the board for coming and invited back for possible training on writing grants and the different grants available. C. Presentation by Regina Pierce, LCSW, Vice President Ozark Guidance -Ms. Pierce gave an outline of the Ozark Guidance's objectives and all of the different services they offer. Discussion was made on the new partnership between Ozark Guidance and the Housing Authority in the handling of an additional 10 vouchers for issuance to Ozark Guidance clients. Questions and remarks were made by all present and Ms. Pierce was thanked for coming and educating the board and Housing Authority staff. F. Discussion of Is' Item on the Management Needs Assessment -Adm. Dept. • Evalution and Recommendations-UPCS Inspections -Ms. Sawin advised that two maintenance men were sent to UPCS training and are awaiting their certifications at which time they will start doing inspections on the apartments. Dr. Ross will get with Ms. Sawin to decide which item to put on next month's meeting and how to divide them up Dr. Ross still would like to discuss criminal activity (Housing Authority mailed copies of the regulations to each board member) and also the application form. Dr. Ross also requested that Ms. Sawin bring another copy of the Management Needs Assessment to their agenda setting meeting. G. Executive Directors Report -Ms. Sawin reviewed over her written report. Dr. Ross requested that Ms. Sawin draw up a policy that requires any new board member to attend one training meeting within their first year and a total of two meetings over their five year term. This policy needs to be presented at the next regular board meeting. Ms. Olsen and Ms. Turner requested to attend the next Fall NAHRO meeting scheduled in September 2005. Ms. Sawin announced the scholarship given to a public housing tenant's son, Avalon Gunelic. Dr. Ross thought it would be a good idea to do a press release and asked Ms. Simco if she would be willing to do this. Dr. Ross also requested that the press release include Ms. Sawin's position as new District 1 President for area Housing Authorities. Ms. Sawin advised the board that the Housing Authority received a $22,660. dividend check from the self insured program. Dr. Ross requested that the board discuss different ways to utilize this money and asked for it to be on next month's agenda. Also, Ms. Sawin will check with Mr. Royal on the status of the Shriner Circus tickets. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS a'rperson ATTEST: Secretary Fayetteville Housing Authority Housing Choice Voucher Home Ownership Program Summary The Fayetteville Housing Authority hereby implements the Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program in Washington County, Arkansas. This program is established pursuant to regulations issued by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and found at Consolidated Federal Register 24 Part 982. The Homeownership Program uses funding received under existing Annual Contributions Contracts to subsidize monthly mortgage payments. The Homeownership assistance will take the form of monthly assistance payments in order for one or more family members to purchase a dwelling. ELIGIBILITY - PARTICIPANTS Participation is limited to families that have a Housing Choice Voucher and have participated in the Housing Choice Voucher Program for at least one year. Eligible families must be in compliance with their lease, program requirements, and program family obligations. Participation in the Home Ownership Program is voluntary. 2. The family must be a first-time homeowner. That is, the family may not include any adult who had an ownership interest in a residence during the 3 years before commencement of homeownership assistance. In addition, a head of household or spouse that has previously defaulted on a mortgage obtained through the homeownership option is barred from participation. 3. The family must meet minimum annual income requirements: • a. For a disabled family, the monthly Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit for an individual living alone multiplied by twelve; b. All other families, the Federal minimum wage multiplied by 2,000 hours. 4. One or more adult members of the household must be currently employed on a full time basis (at least 30 hours per week) and be continuously employed at least one year prior to commencement of homeownership assistance. (This requirement does not apply to elderly or disabled households ) I 5. At least one adult must successfully complete pre -purchase homebuyer counseling as evidenced by a certificate of completion from the counseling agency. The counseling will be provided by Consumer Credit Counseling Service, the HUD -approved housing counseling agency in northwest Arkansas. The topics covered in the counseling will include but not be limited to: *Home maintenance *Budgeting and money management *Credit counseling *How to obtain homeownership financing and loan pre -approval. 6. The family will have 180 days to locate and purchase a home. Rental assistance will be continued until the home purchase is completed and the family takes possession of the home. II. ELIGIBILITY - UNITS/PROPERTIES The home may be a one -unit property or a single dwelling unit in a condominium. The home may be existing or under construction. • The home must undergo two inspections: An initial Housing Quality Standards inspection and an inspection by an independent, professional home inspector. The family pays for the independent inspection with their own funds. A copy of the inspection is given to the Fayetteville Housing Authority and the Fayetteville Housing Authority determines if any repairs are necessary prior to purchase. Manufactured homes are eligible if located on a permanent foundation. The family must own fee title to the real property on which the home is located OR acquire the right to occupy the home site for at least forty years. The PHA will conduct a Housing Quality Standards inspection at least annually after purchase. The following are not eligible units under this program: - A public housing unit; -A unit receiving Section 8 project -based assistance; -A nursing home, board and care home, or facility providing continual psychiatric, medical or nursing services; -A college or other school dormitory; -On the grounds of penal, reformatory, medical, mental, or similar public or private institutions. III. DOWN PAYMENT AND FINANCING I . The family is required to contribute at least 3 percent of the purchase price as down payment and at least one percent of the purchase price must come from the family's personal resources. 2. The family must secure financing for the home purchase from a federally regulated bank, mortgage company, or lending institution. Financing for purchase of a home must be provided, insured, or guaranteed by the state or Federal government and must comply with secondary mortgage market underwriting requirements or generally accepted private sector underwriting standards. 3. Although not required, the Fayetteville Housing Authority strongly advises the family to secure financing from lending institutions that participate in the Arkansas Development Finance Authority's Home To Own Program. A list of participating lenders is available from the Homeownership Coordinator. 4. The Fayetteville Housing Authority will review lender qualifications and the loan terms before authorizing homeownership assistance. The Fayetteville Housing Authority may disapprove proposed financing, refinancing or other debt if they determine that the debt is unaffordable or if they determine that the lender or loan terms do not meet qualifications. 4. The following forms of financing are prohibited: a. Seller financing; b. Balloon payment mortgages and adjustable rate mortgage (ARMs); c. Lease/purchase agreements. IV. CONTRACT OF SALE I. Before commencement of monthly homeownership assistance payments, the family must enter into a contract of sale with the seller of the unit and give the Fayetteville Housing Authority a copy of the contract. The contract of sale must: a. Specify the price and other terms of sale by the seller to the purchaser; b. Provide that the purchaser will arrange for the pre -purchase inspection of the unit by an independent inspector (see paragraph 11 3.); • • • c. Provide that the purchaser is not obligated to purchase the unit unless the inspection is satisfactory to the purchaser; d. Provide that the purchaser is not obligated to pay for any necessary repairs; e. Contain a certification from the seller that the seller has not been debarred, suspended, or subject to a limited denial of participation under CFR part 24. HOMEOWNERSHIP ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS AND HOMEOWNERSHIP EXPENSES The amount of monthly assistance is the lower of the payment standard minus the total tenant payment OR the family's monthly homeownership expenses minus the total tenant payment. The Fayetteville Housing Authority will use the same payment standard schedule, payment standard amounts, and subsidy standards as those described in the Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Plan. Note: The applicable payment standard is the lower of the payment standard for the family unit size or the payment standard for the size of the home. 2. The homeownership assistance payments will be paid to the lender on behalf of the family. Homeownership assistance payments will not be paid directly to the homeowner except in cases where the assistance payment exceeds the amount due to the lender. 3. Homeownership expenses are: a. Principal and interest on the initial mortgage debt and any refinancing of such debt; b. Real estate taxes and public assessments; c. Home insurance and mortgage insurance; d. A $50.00 per month allowance for maintenance expenses; e. A $50.00 per month allowance for costs of major repairs and replacements; f. The applicable utility allowance; g. Principal and interest on mortgage debt incurred to finance costs for major repairs, replacements or improvements for the home. This includes debt incurred by the family to finance costs needed to make the home accessible for a person with disabilities; h. Land lease payments when a family does not own fee title to the real property on which the home is located; i. For a condominium unit, operating charges or maintenance fees assessed by the condominium association. MAXIMUM TERM OF HOMEOWNER ASSISTANCE AND REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTINUED ASSISTANCE The maximum term of assistance is 15 years if the initial mortgage term is 20 years or longer and 10 years in all other cases. These maximum terms do not apply to elderly or disabled families. The maximum term applies to any member of the family who has an ownership interest in the unit during the time the homeownership payments are made or is the spouse of any member of the household who has an ownership interest in the unit during the time homeowner assistance payments are made. In the case of an elderly family, the exception only applies if the family qualifies as an elderly family at the start of homeownership assistance. In the case of a disabled family, the exception applies if at any time during receipt of homeownership assistance the family qualifies as a disabled family. • • • 5. If, during the course of homeownership assistance, the family ceases to qualify as a disabled or elderly family, the maximum term becomes applicable from the date homeownership assistance commenced. However, such a family must be provided at least 6 months of homeownership assistance after the maximum term become applicable (provided the family is otherwise eligible to receive homeownership assistance). 6. If the family received assistance for different homes or from different Public Housing Authorities, the total of such assistance terms is subject to the maximum term described above. 7. Homeownership assistance may only be paid while the family is residing in the home. If the family moves out of the home, the Fayetteville Housing Authority may not continue homeownership assistance after the month when the family moves out. The family or lender is not required to refund to the Fayetteville Housing Authority the homeownership assistance for the month during which the family moves out. 8. Before commencement of homeowner assistance, the family will sign a Statement of Homeowner Obligations (HUD -52649). A copy is attached to and made a part of this plan. VII. PORTABILITY 1. A family may exercise portability, subject to the restrictions on portability included in HUD regulations and Fayetteville Housing Authority policies. 2. The receiving Public Housing Authority must be administering a voucher homeownership program and be accepting new homeownership families. The receiving Public Housing Authority may absorb the family into its voucher program or bill the Fayetteville Housing Authority. 3. The family must attend the briefing and counseling sessions required by the receiving Public Housing Authority. The receiving Public Housing Authority will determine whether the financing for and the physical condition of the unit are acceptable. 4. The receiving Public Housing Authority must promptly notify the Fayetteville Housing Authority if the family has purchased an eligible unit under the program or if the family is unable to purchase a home within the maximum time established by the Fayetteville Housing Authority. VIII MOVING WITH CONTINUED ASSISTANCE A family receiving homeownership assistance may move with continued tenant -based assistance either rental assistance or homeownership assistance. Continued assistance for a new unit cannot begin so long as any family member holds title to the prior home. The Fayetteville Housing Authority will deny permission to move to a new unit with continued voucher assistance due to: a. Lack of funding to provide assistance; b. Denial or termination of assistance in accordance with 24 CFR 982.638; c. Default by the family on an FHA -insured mortgage. DENIAL OR TERMINATION OF ASSISTANCE The assistance may be terminated for the following reasons: a. Failure to comply with the Statement of Family Obligations; b. Mortgage default; c. Conditions for denial or termination of assistance under the voucher program (24 CFR 982.552) or crime by family members (24 CFR 982.553). • • • Statement of Homeowner Obligations Housing Choice Homeownership Voucher Program U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing OMB Approval No. 2577-0169 (exp. 07/31/2007) Public Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 0.25 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed and completing and review- ing the collection of information. This collection of information is authorized under Section 8(y) of the U.S. Housing Act. The information sets forth the family's obligations when participating in the homeownership program under the Housing Choice Voucher Program. 1. Homeowner Obligations. A family participating in the homeownership voucher program of the undersigned public housing agency (PHA) must follow the rules listed below in order to receive homeownership assistance. Any information the family supplies must be true and complete. Each family member (plus any PHA -approved live-in aide for rules associ- ated with criminal activity or alcohol abuse) must: A. Disclose and verify social security numbers and employer identification numbers, sign and submit consent forms for obtaining information (including criminal conviction records of adult household members), and supply any other information that the PHA or HUD determines to be necessary (including evidence of citizenship or eligible immigration status, informa- tion'for use in determining eligibility to receive homeownership assistance, and information for use in a regularly scheduled reexamination or interim reexamination of family income and composition). a Submit any PHA -required reports on the family's progress in finding and purchasing a home. C. (Attend and satisfactorily complete any PHA -required homeownership and housing counseling. a .Select and pay for a pre -purchase inspection by an independent professional inspector. The inspection must be conducted in accordance with PHA requirements. E. 'Enter into a contract of sale with the seller of the unit and promptly provide a copy of the contract of sale to the PHA. The provisions of the contract of sale must comply with PHA requirements. F. Obtain and maintain flood insurance for homes in special flood hazard areas. G. Comply with the terms of any mortgage securing debt incurred to purchase the home (or any refinancing of such debt). H. Promptly notify the PHA in writing when (1) the family is away from the home for an extended period of time in accor- dande with PHA policies, and (2) before the family moves out •of the home. Supply any information or certification requested by the PHA to verity that the family is living in the home or information related to family absence from the home. I. Only use the assisted home for residence by the PHA - approved family members, live-in aide or foster child. No other person may reside in the home. The home must be the family's only residence and no family member may have any ownership interest in any other residential property. Any legal profit making activities in the home must be incidental to the primary use of the home as a residence. The family must not lease any portion of the home or grounds. J. Promptly notify the PHA in writing of the birth, adoption, or court -awarded custody of a child, and request PHA written approval to add any other family member as an occupant of the home. Promptly notify the PHA in writing if any family member no longer lives in the home. K Supply any information as required by the PHA or HUD concerning: (I) any mortgage or other debt incurred to purchase the home, any refinancing of such debt (including information needed to determine whether the family has defaulted on the debt, and the nature of any such default), and information on any satisfaction or payment of the mortgage debt; (2) any sale or other transfer of any interest in the home; or (3) the family's homeownership expenses. L Promptly notify the PHA in writing if the family defaults on a mortgage securing any debt incurred to purchase the home. M. Not commit fraud, bribery, or any other corrupt or criminal act in connection with any Federal housing program. Not engage in drug-related criminal activity or violent criminal activity. Not engage in other criminal activity that threatens the health, safety or right to peaceful enjoyment of other residents and persons residing in the immediate vicinity of the premises. Not abuse alcohol in a way that threatens the health, safety or right to peaceful enjoyment of other resi- dents and persons residing in the immediate vicinity of the premises. Not engage in or threaten abusive or violent behavior toward PHA staff. Not engage in other criminal activity which may threaten the health or safety of persons performing a contract administration function or responsibility on behalf of the PHA (including PHA staff and PHA contrac- tor/subcontractor/agent staff). form HUD -52649 (05/13/2003) ref. Handbook 7420.8 • • • N. Not lease, let, transfer or convey the home except to grant a mortgage on the home for debt incurred to finance purchase of the home or any refinancing of such debt. O. Not receive homeownership voucher program assistance while receiving another housing subsidy for the same home or a different unit under any duplicative Federal, State or local housing assistance program. P. Comply with any additional PHA requirements for family search and purchase of a home and continuation of homeownership assistance for the family. The PHA must attach to this document a list of any such requirements. 2. Termination of assistance. Homeownership assistance may only be paid while the family is residing in the home. The PHA may deny or terminate homeownership assistance for any of the reasons listed below: A The family violates or has violated any family obligation under section 1. B. Any member of the family has been evicted from federally assisted housing in the last five years, or any household member has been evicted from federally assisted housing for drug-related criminal activity in the last three years. C. A PHA has ever terminated assistance under the certificate or voucher program for any member of the family. D. The family currently owes any money to the PHA or another PHA in connection with Section 8 or public housing assistance. The family has not reimbursed any PHA for amounts paid to an owner under a housing assistance payments contract for rent, damages to the unit, or other amounts owed by the family. The family breaches an agreement with the PHA to pay amounts owed to a PHA, or amounts paid to an owner by a PHA. E. Any household member is subject to a lifetime registra- tion requirement under a State sex offender registration program. F. Any household member has ever been convicted for manufacture or production of methamphetamine on the premises of federally assisted housing. G. The family fails to comply, without good cause, with any family self-sufficiency program contract of participation. H. The family fails, willfully and persistently, to fulfill any welfare -to -work program obligations. I. The family has been dispossessed from the home pursuant to a judgment order of foreclosure on any mortgage securing debt incurred to purchase the home (or any refinancing of such debt). J. The PHA determines that homeownership assistance has been provided for the maximum term permitted under the homeownership voucher program, or it has been 180 calendar days since the last homeownership assistance payment on behalf of the family. K. The PHA determines there is insufficient funding to provide continued homeownership assistance. KEEP THIS DOCUMENT FOR YOUR RECORDS amily Name of Head of Household Address, Telephone Number: Names of Other Family Members Signature of Family Representative Date: (dd/mn1/yyyy) ubIlc Housing Agencj Name of PHA Address, Telephone Number: PHA Representative Title Signature of PHA Representative Date: (dd/mm/yyyy) form HUD -52649 (05/13/2003) ref. Handbook 7420.8 FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY • #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701-5928 PH: (479)521-3850 FAX: (479)442-6771 • EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT April 15, 2005 1. The NAHRO Spring Meeting in Little Rock was very informative. We were glad to have Janet Richardson and Rich Royal in attendance with us. It is now official that we will be forced to do the Asset Management (seperate accounting for each project) because we have 252 Public Housing units. Agencies with 250 and below do not have to do the Asset Management. We have 2 Projects but 4 developments. I'm not sure how this will work out until the final guidelines have been set up It was announced that one of our Public Housing tenant's son Avalon Gunelic was awarded a $1,250 Foy Howard Scholarship at this Spring meeting. We were very proud to accept it on his behalf. I was voted as the new District One Director for the next two years. This means that I am in charge of scheduling and instigating meetings for our District which covers Fayetteville, Springdale, Harrison, Yellville & Siloam Springs. The Fayetteville Housing Authority received a $22,660 dividend check from the Housing Authority's Self Insured Program on our Liability and Property Fire & Casualty Insurance. This was a good year and lots of Housing Authority's received this dividend check some more than others all according to your premiums and losses paid. • • • PAGE 2 2. Public Housing has 5 vacancies, 1 at Lewis Plaza, 3 at Willow Heights, 0 at Hillcrest Towers and 1 at Morgan Manor. The Section 8 Program is filled. The Section 8 Program received its year end settlement from the Financial Management Center and our April 2005 Funds were cut by $48,999 therefore, we were forced to dig into our savings account for $40,000 to make up the difference. This is a one time adjustment and will go back to the original amount of $127,913 for the remainder of the year. This settlement is the remaining 2003 overage in accordance with the 105% reserve rule. 3. Two legal issues that I need to announce and make the Board aware of 1. Jim Crouch called me last week to let me know that he had received notification from the Insurance Agency who handled our Fair Housing settlement, approximately 5 years ago, that they have filed a claim through the courts to be reimbursed for the $5,000 deductible. Crouch will be a witness and has asked Kit Williams to represent the Fayetteville Housing Authority in this matter He will keep us informed. 2. The Fayetteville Housing Authority has received a letter from the Arkansas Dept. of Environmental Quality Agency in reference to a complaint concerning the use of our Hillcrest Towers incinerator. They are acknowledging that we should have a permit to run this incinerator and that we will need to apply for one and may have to pay a fine Please find letter enclosed. We called and talked to a gentleman by the name of Cecil Harrell, who is a director at the Arkansas Dept. of Environmental Quality Agency, he asked that we send him all the information on the equipment and how it runs. He is now looking over it and will get back to us. 4. This months Financial Statement is a little different. I will now be using Lindsey's actual Balance Sheets for each program instead of the ones that I use. According to Lindsey, I am not suppose to be keeping up the General Ledger since this is their Job. The balance sheet will be more accurate but a month behind. Let me know what you think. • • • PAGE 3 5. The Fayetteville Housing Authority Has received word from the HUD Grants Office that we will not receive our FSS Grant for the 2004 Fiscal year. There were several Housing Authorities in Arkansas that did not receive a renewal on their FSS Grant. Among those being Siloam Springs and Harrison I called the Grant office to find out the reasoning and was told that only those agencies who checked that they had Homeownership activities within their FSS program received a preference and in turn received the Grant I explained that we had just received our grant as of January of 2003 and had to turn around in July 2003 and reapply for the next years funds. We did not have enough time to get our program off the ground and have any Homeownership activities. The Grant Officer did say that they planned to get a NOFA out by February 2005 to reapply for this grant and should be able to get the funds out sooner than December (maybe July, 2005) for those who qualify. We have sent a letter to our congresswoman Blanche Lincoln since we feel we were not given a chance to get our program up and running before it was taken away. Siloam and Harrison have both had their grants for several years and we know that they were very disappointed We will try again when the NOFA comes out and hope for the best. However, with the recent cuts in funds for the HAP (Housing Assistance Payment) subsidy and the AC (Administrative Cost) subsidy, this is just another hit below the belt that a lot of Housing Authorities are having to take.