HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-10-19 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF • THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Annual Session at 8:00 a.m., October 19, 2004, in the City Administration Building, Room 326, Fayetteville, AR. Janet Richardson, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at approximately 8:00 a.m. Commissioners Present: Janet Richardson, Robin Ross, Betty Turner Commissioners Absent: Richard Royal Others Present: Fredia Sawin, Laura Higgins (Fay. Housing Auth.), Gary Lee (Management Resource Group), Kim Gross and Representatives of Seven Hills Shelter; Brenda Thiel (City of Fay. Council), Bob Davis, Southeast Residents, Rep. of local newspapers Old Business A. Due to time constraints Mr. Gary Lee of Management Resource Group, Inc. was moved up on the agenda to present his finalized management needs assessment • report. Mr. Lee reviewed his written report with the board members and highlighted some of the suggestions he had made. Mr. Lee advised that the Fayetteville Housing Authority is run well and efficiently. The suggestions made in his report are more operational issues than major issues and therefore do not need to be addressed immediately. Questions were asked by the board members mainly around the conversion of public housing to Section 8 vouchers. Mr. Lee stressed that this did not have to be done this way and is only another option. Other suggestions made by Management Resources are UPCS Inspections, streamlining policies, computer software upgrade, minimum rent changes, eliminate Mod Coordinator position and maintenance department recommendations. Ms. Richardson thanked Mr. Lee for his time and presentation of his review. B. Discussion of the proposal made by Seven Hills was also moved up on the agenda and the time was turned over to them. Lowell Grisham of the Seven Hills board asked that this issue be tabled as they are now looking at another option with the City of Fayetteville and possibly sharing property located off of Huntsville Rd. Mr. Grisham did add that if this did not work with the City, they would like to come back to the Authority board to make a decision on their offer to build transitional housing on the Morgan Manor site. Motion was then made by Ms. Richardson to table this decision. Ms. Turner so moved to accept, seconded by Ms. Ross and carried unanimously. 0 Consent Agenda • Ms. Richardson asked that all items be removed from the Consent Agenda to discuss separately. New Business Item I. -Minutes of Previous Regular Meeting -Under New Business, Section A, Ms. Richardson requested the word "potential" be added to Mr. Earnest's offer of replacement land. And under New Business, Item IX, Ms. Richardson asked that the wording be amended to show "to conduct Ms. Sawin's personnel evaluation" in lieu of "possible salary increase". Item II. -Minutes of Special Meeting -Ms. Richardson requested that the following be added to the second page first paragraph, "After the special meeting it was discovered that it is not a requirement of HUD that Seven Hills prove that that their project will benefit two-thirds of the population of Morgan Manor". Ms. Ross then motioned to accept the Regular Meeting minutes and the Special Meeting minutes with these changes, seconded by Ms. Turner and carried unanimously. Item III. -Approval of September 2004 Financial Statement -Financial statement was reviewed, Ms. Richardson asked for a motion to accept the September Financial Statement. Ms. Turner so moved to accept, seconded by Ms. Ross and carried unanimously. • Item IV. -Approval of Resolution No. 714 to amend the By -Laws of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas -Ms. Richardson asked that the following be corrected under Article VI -Selection of Resident Board Member, Section 5, that the wording "may" be replaced with "does not" constitute disqualification... Ms. Richardson asked for a motion to accept with this change. Ms. Ross so moved to accept, seconded by Ms. Turner and carried unanimously. Item V. -Approval of Resolution No. 715 Acknowledging the Cessation of the Amendment to the Procurement Policy -Ms. Sawin explained that approximately one year ago the board voted to amend the Procurement Policy to reflect the amount to ask for bids be lowered from $2,500.00 to $1,000.00., but only for a one year period. Ms. Ross asked if it helped or hindered the Housing Authority in its operation. Ms. Sawin explained that it hindered more in time than anything else and could affect turnaround of the apartment. Ms. Ross asked if Ms. Sawin could provide a breakdown of how many times bids had to be done, the amount of time spent on it and any other pros and cons. Ms. Ross then motioned to table this issue until information is received, seconded by Ms. Richardson and carried unanimously. Item VI. -Approval of Resolution No. 716 -Approving Submittal for Request of Funds from the City of Fayetteville Community Development Office in Reference to need for an Additional Therapy Room for Children with Disabilities at the Willow Heights Head Start Building-Ms.Sawin gave an overview of Ms. Conley's request to add a therapy CJ room to the Head Start building at Willow Heights. Ms. Sawin stated that she has been in • contact with Community Development and there is a possibility that they can fund this addition. This resolution is to just get things started and to formally request the funds from Community Development and to see if they will be able to allocate funds this year or if this will have to be requested next year. Ms. Ross motioned to approve this resolution, seconded by Ms. Richardson and carried unanimously. Old Business A. Mr. Gary Lee gave his presentation at the beginning of the program. B. Seven Hills also gave their presentation at the beginning of the program. C. Schedule Meeting for David Land of Lindsey & Co. -Ms. Sawin contacted Mr. Land and he committed to either December 91h or December 10`h. It was agreed to meet Thursday afternoon, December 9`h, 2004 around 4:00 p.m. Ms. Sawin will confirm and advise. Ms. Richardson also brought up the meeting with Jesse Westover and John Munday from HUD and board members agreed that November 15`h in the late afternoon or night would be best. (This date was later changed to December 6`n, 2004. Ms. Richardson will confirm with Mr. Westover and e-mail each board member with the confirmation and time). D. Election of Officers -Ms. Turner nominated Ms. Ross for Chairperson, seconded by Ms. Richardson and carried unanimously. Ms. Ross nominated Ms. Turner as Vice Chairperson, seconded by Ms. Richardson and carried unanimously. New Business • A. Executive Director's Report -Ms. Sawin reviewed her report with the board and discussion was made. Ms. Sawin advised that she would bring the Resident Board Member applications to the next regular meeting on November 16, 2004 so that the board can start the selection process. B. Standing Committee Reports -Ms. Richardson asked if they were ready to make a decision on this issue. Ms. Ross felt it would be better to wait until all the board positions are filled and each member present before deciding on whether to continue the Standing Committee Reports or do some other alternative. All agreed that they needed to wait a few months and get more training before any decisions are made. Ms. Ross wanted to go over a few things on the Management Needs Assessment Report with Ms. Sawin. On the UPCS training Ms. Ross asked Ms. Sawin to find out more information as to cost of the training of personnel versus hiring it out. Ms. Turner included the amount of time that would be involved in adding this to the inspector's job description. Ms. Ross also requested that Ms. Sawin look into the cost of adding the Lindsey software as suggested in the report. Minimum rents were discussed and the possibility of raising them from $25.00 to $50.00. Ms. Turner asked for a report of how many tenants that this increase would affect and Ms. Sawin advised she would get exact figures and the possible savings to the Housing Authority. Ms. Ross asked what solution the Authority would do if they exceeded the 0 "nine vacancy rule" and Ms. Sawin advised that overtime would be the best answer and most cost effective way to handle. Ms. Richardson advised that a new committee called the Downtown Partners has invited the board members and Ms. Sawin to be a member. Ms. Richardson will make a copy of the information she has and forward it to Ms. Sawin and each board member and they can decide if they wish to be a member or not. Ms. Sawin advised that the League of Women Voters will be at the Hillcrest Towers on November 17, 2004 and Ms. Ross volunteered to attend with her. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS Ch irperson ATTEST: d "Secietary 0 r FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701-5928 PH: (479)521-3850 FAX: (479)442-6771 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT October 14, 2004 1. The Lewis Plaza Morgan Manor and Willow Heights Tenant Council are gearing up for a Halloween Party for the children. They have been searching out donations and gathering up decorations. They hope to have a big turn out and get lots of parents involved. Their last meeting on October 11th, showed great improvement with 6 adults and 4 children present. They deliver a news letter to every tenant each month .announcing their meeting and the upcoming events. Deborah Olsen has been very dedicated and instrumental in getting this done. We commend her and the other tenants who make an effort to keep this tenant council on track. • 2. The Hillcrest Towers Tenant Council conducted a fund raiser this month using the Hillcrest Towers Parking spaces to sell to attendees of the Blues Bikes and Barbeque event. They earned approximately $870.00. The Hillcrest Towers Community Center earned $239.00 from a rummage sale conducted in the Library of Hillcrest Towers during the Autumn Fest weekend. Both of these funds are used for Hillcrest Towers tenant's events and needs. For instance, the Hillcrest Towers Tenant Council purchased an exercise bike for tenants to use in the Library and they have plans to buy a beauty salon chair to be placed in the Salon area located by the Laundry facility. • 0 PAGE 2 3, Public Housing has 9 vacancies, 1 at Morgan Manor, 1 at Lewis Plaza, 6 at Willow Heights and 1 at Hillcrest Towers, The Section 8 Program has 436 Vouchers under lease with approximately 4 Portable Vouchers searching for units to rent. Portable Vouchers are ones that come from another Housing Authority. Portables are tenants moving to this area who were previously on a Section 8 Program where they moved from and chose to take their voucher with them. If our program is full at the time they port in, we can bill the other Housing Authority for the HAP Payment and the Administrative Fee. However, if we • have an opening at the time they port in, we must absorb them into our program and they now take one of our vouchers and the other Housing Authority's voucher is sent back to them. 4. The Housing Authority has received a total of 8 applications for the resident commissioner position. The letters and applications were mailed to every Housing Authority tenant (Public Housing and Section 8) on October 1st, 2004. The deadline to receive these applications back in our office is November 15th, 2004. 0 RESOLUTION NO. 714 • RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE BY-LAWS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS WHEREAS, Article III -Meetings, under Section 1 is hereby amended as follows: Annual Meeting: The Authority shall conduct an annual meeting which shall be determined by the Board of Commissioners. WHEREAS, Article III -Meetings, under Section 2 is hereby amended as follows: Regular Meetings: Monthly meetings shall be held at the regular meeting place of the Authority as scheduled by the Board of Commissioners. WHEREAS, the following is added to the By -Laws: Article V -Selection of Regular Board Member: 1. When a vacancy occurs, or, when a term expires, the board opening will be advertised in the local papers, on the internet, and/or on public access television. Other board members may make it known in their public contacts that a vacancy exists. When a term expires, the advertisements will begin on December I and Article VI -Selection of Resident Board Member: 1. When a vacancy occurs, or when a term expires, a mailing will be sent to all Public Housing and Section 8 tenants notifying them of the vacancy. The mailing will include a description of the minimum qualifications for board service and an application. The executive staff will be responsible for the actual mailing. 0 continue for 30 days. 2. Interested persons will obtain an application from the Housing Authority office or from the City Clerk at the City Administration Building. The completed application will be turned in to the Housing Authority c/o the Nominating • Committee by December 31. 3. The nominating committee shall consist of the board chair and at least one board member. This committee will meet and screen the applications as soon after the closing as possible. The committee will select five applicants (or fewer, in case fewer than 5 applications are submitted) and arrange for the applicants to be interviewed by the full board. 4. The full board will interview the applicants and rank them in terms of their qualifications for board service. The Executive Director will be involved in the selection process only as a resource with whom to check in case he/she might know something in an applicant's background which might render him/her unsuitable for board service. The final selection of the full board will be sent to the mayor for confirmation or denial. 5. The selection of the board member will normally occur at the January board meeting except in case of a resignation. The nominee's name will be sent to the mayor for confirmation as soon after the January board meeting as possible. Article VI -Selection of Resident Board Member: 1. When a vacancy occurs, or when a term expires, a mailing will be sent to all Public Housing and Section 8 tenants notifying them of the vacancy. The mailing will include a description of the minimum qualifications for board service and an application. The executive staff will be responsible for the actual mailing. 0 / 2. At the end of an expired term, the mailing will be sent out on December 1 and the • applicants will have until January 15 to respond. Completed applications shall be sent to the Housing Authority office, c/o the nominating committee. The executive staff will secure the nominations in a lock box for later processing by the nominating committee. 3. The nominating committee will consist of the board chair and at least one board member. This committee will review the applications as soon after the closing date as possible and select the five most qualified applicants (or fewer if there are fewer applicants) and arrange for the applicants to be interviewed by the full board. 4. The full board will interview the finalists and rank them in terms of their qualifications for board service. The Executive Director will only be involved as a resource with whom to check in case he/she knows of anything in the applicant's background which might render him/her unqualified for board service. The name of the final candidate will be sent to the mayor for confirmation or denial as soon after the selection as possible. 5. The selection of a new resident board member, in the case of an expired term, will be made at the January board meeting. Please note that moving out of Public Housing, Section 8 or other reasons may constitute disqualification from board service and-made-an—"Off schedule" replacement -process -necessary. . • PASSED AND APPROVED THIS _! li4W- DAY OF (n C.40 1S,� , 2004. ATTEST; THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 0 1, N RESOLUTION NO. 716 • RESOLUTION APPROVING SUBMITTAL FOR REQUEST OF FUNDS FROM THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE IN REFERENCE TO NEED FOR AN ADDITIONAL THERAPY ROOM FOR CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES AT THE WILLOW HEIGHTS HEAD START BUILDING WHEREAS, the Fayetteville Housing Authority has received a letter from Ms. Ivory Conley with the EOA Head Start Agency requesting that the Housing Authority consider the adding of a room at the Willow Heights Head Start building . This addition would be used as a Therapy room for disabled children. Currently the Hallway and storage closet are being used for this therapy. The need is for a larger and more secluded area for the therapy to be conducted. WHEREAS, the Fayetteville Housing Authority Executive Director has reviewed this request and determined that the need does exist. The Executive Director along with her maintenance staff has researched the cost of this additional room and concluded that based upon the following break down the estimated dollar amount will be $24,305.00. A. Construction Cost - $16,500.00 B. Upgrade of Heating and Air System - $6,205.00 C. Roof for the New Additional Room - $1,600.00 • WHEREAS, the Fayetteville Housing Authority recognizes the need for this Therapy Room which will benefit the disabled children. However, with the current cuts in Operating Subsidy and the Capital Funds being obligated for a five year period based on the agency plan, the Housing Authority does not have funds readily available to accomplish this task. After discussing the situation with the Community Development Director Ms. Yolanda Fields, the community would be better served and it would be more pungent to request the funds for this Therapy Room from the City of Fayetteville Community Development Agency. The parallel is that this would benefit the disabled children of the Fayetteville area and the Community Development funds are geared towards these types of needs. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the city of Fayetteville, Arkansas that this Resolution be approved in order that the Fayetteville Housing Authority Executive Director may formally write a letter to the City of Fayetteville Community Development office requesting these funds for this much needed project. 0 PAGE 2 PASSED AND APPROVED THISI1 "4 # DAY OFOd6&oo,, 2004. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS HAIItPERSON ATTEST: • SECRETARY 0 • • • Head Start/Early Head Start Economic Opportunity Agency of Washington County, Inc. Ivory M. Conley, Director 956 Ray Avenue, HO. Box 1823, Fayellevlllc,Arkansas 72702 ® Phone: (479) 521-5571 Fax: (479) 521-7809 Memo: September 15, 2004 To: Fredia Sawin, Executive Director From: Ivory M. Conley, Program Director Re: Center Addition Fredia, this memo is in reference to our conversation about adding a room on the Willow Heights Center. We need a Therapy Room for children with disabilities. Most of the therapy is conducted in the hallway or the storage closet. I have made a very rough draft of the center floor plan. The proposed space is indicated by a broken line. We could use more space if the opportunity exists. I would be happy to visit the site with you. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. An ct,Qirmative action egacd employer -A United lrlcty Agency