HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-05-10 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF • THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Special Session at 8:00 a.m., Monday, May 10, 2004, in the City Administration Building, Room 111, Fayetteville, AR. Janet Richardson, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at approximately 8:00 a.m. Commissioners Present: Nancy Bolin, Randy Coleman, Gary Garten, and Janet Richardson Commissioners Absent: Dusti Miller Others Present: Fredia Sawin, Laura Higgins (Fay. Housing Auth.), Councilman Rhodes (City of Fay.), Pat Watson, Charlie Morasch (NW AR Times) Due to Ms. Watson running late, agenda was changed to start with Section C, then Section A and last Section B. • New Business C. Resolution Approving Calculation of Performance Funding System Operating Subsidy -Per Ms. Sawin this is a HUD Form due by May 14, 2004 related to public housing operating subsidies and due to the deadline it needed to be presented prior to the regular meeting scheduled for May 18, 2004. Mr. Garten motioned to approve, seconded by Mr. Coleman and carried unanimously. A. Legal Representation Fees/Authorization-Ms. Richardson advised that due to the conflict of the Housing Authority's present attorney the commissioners cannot use him in the current lawsuit. In order to have legal representation, Ms. Richardson stated that we must approve expenditure funds to hire an alternative attorney. Ms. Sawin did check with the insurance company, Summit Risk, and a denial of coverage was submitted to each commissioner. Ms. Richardson contacted HUD and they will reimburse attorney fees, however by using our local line item funds that have already been budgeted for legal fees it could be done quicker and in one "shot". Ms. Richardson then motioned to approve, seconded by Mr. Garten and carried unanimously. B. Public Vote From April 20'h, 2004 Executive Session -Ms. Richardson advised that this was added to conclude the business that was started in the Executive Session conducted on April 20`s, 2004. After receiving legal advice it was is determined that a public vote must be taken on the actions and that it must be done by the same commissioners who voted in the executive session. Ms. Richardson motioned to conduct a public vote, seconded by Ms. Bolin and carried unanimously. Ms. Richardson stated that the public vote would be taken on whether or not a written reprimand be given to the Executive Director, Fredia Sawin for disregarding a board directive. Ms. Richardson then requested a vote. Ms. Bolin and Mr. Garten voted "Aye" and Mr. Coleman and Ms. Watson voted "Nay". Ms. Bolin advised that the vote in executive session was unanimous. Ms. Richardson checked with legal council and you can change your vote in the public session and what happens in the executive session is not binding, however Ms. Richardson advised she would have to check with the attorney on how to break the tie vote they now have. Mr. Garten then changed his "Aye" vote to a "Nay" vote making the final vote three "Nay" votes and one "Aye" vote. Ms. Bolin then requested for the record that it was an unanimous vote in the executive session. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ATTEST: Secretary RESOLUTION NO. 704 PHA/IHA Board Resolution U.S. Department of Housing OMB Approval No. 2577-0026 (Exp. 6/30/2001) Approving Operating Budget or Calculation of and Urban Development PP 9 P 9 9 Office of Public and Indian Housing • Performance Funding System Operating Subsidy Public reporting burden for this collection of Information Is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing Instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person Is not required to respond to, a collection of Information unless that collecton displays a valid OMB control number. This information Is required by Section 6(c)(4) of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937. The Information is the operating budget for the low -Income housing program and provides a summary of proposed/budgeted receipts and expenditures, approval of budgeted receipts and expenditures, andjustification of certain specified amounts. HUD reviews the Information to determine if the operating plan adopted by the PHA and the amounts are reasonable and that the PHA is in compliance with procedures prescribed by HUD. Responses are required to obtain benefits. This Information does not lend Itself to confidentiality. Acting on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of the below -named Public Housing Agency (PHA)/Indian Housing Authority (IHA), as its Chairman, I make the following certifications and agreements to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regarding the Board's approval of (check one or more as applicable): (date) ❑ Operating Budget Submitted on: ❑ Operating Budget Revision Submitted on: ❑X Calculation of Performance Funding System Submitted on: 5/10/04 Revised Calculation of Performance Funding System Submitted on: I certify on behalf of the: (PHA/IHA Name) Fayetteville Housing Authority that: • I. All regulatory and statutory requirements have been met; 2. The PHA has sufficient operating reserves to meet the working capital needs of its developments; 3. Proposed budget expenditures are necessary in the efficient and economical operation of the housing for the purpose of serving low-income residents; 4. The budget indicates a source of funds adequate to cover all proposed expenditures; 5. The calculation of eligibility for Federal funding is in accordance with the provisions of the regulations; 6. All proposed rental charges and expenditures will be consistent with provisions of law; 7. The PHAAHA will comply with the wage rate requirements under 24 CFR 968.110(e) and (f) or 24 CFR 905.120(c) and (d); 8. The PHAAHA will comply with the requirements for access to records and audits under 24 CFR 968.1 10(i) or 24 CFR 905.120(g); and 9. The PHA/IHA will comply with the requirements for the reexamination of family income and composition under 24 CFR 960.209, 990.115 and 905.315. •I hereby certify that all the Information stated within, as well as any Information provided In the accompaniment herewith, is true and accurate. Warning: HUD will pi osecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (t 8 U.S.C.1001, 1010,1012:31 U.S.C. 3729.3802) Board Chairman's Name (type) Janet Richardson Date 5/10/04 Previous edl0on is obsolete/ / form HUD -52574(10195) V ref. Handbook7575.1 U.S. Department of Housing HA Calculation and Urban Development Occupancy Percentage Office of Public and Indian Housing •for a Requested Budget Year (RBY) PHAIIHA-Owned Rental Housing Performance Funding System (PFS) 1a. Name and Address of Fayettville Housing Authority #1 North School Avenue FaVettville, AR 72701 act: (Person who can beat answer q Tanner (Lindsey and Com act's Phone No: (htdWe area oode) OMB Approval No. 2577-0066 (Exp. 9/3012004) 3. RBY Beginning 4. Type or aubmhslon: 5. PASILOCCS Prolecl No: 6. Report Date: (Check one box) 7. Data Source: Date: (moldayyyyy) [ x 10 iginal Oiginal (mo/daylyyyy) [ x ] Actual Day [ J form HUD -51234 10/1//2004 [ ] Revision No. () FW7031 3/31/2004 ( ] Average for ( ] Rent Roll Actual Month ( X J Per PHA Part A. Actual Occupancy Data as of Report Date B. Units Occupied 233 9. Units Available 252 10. Actual Occupancy Percentage (Divide line B by line 9; multiply by foo and round to nearest whole) 92% Stop 11. If the HA -wide occupancy percentage shown on line 10 is 97% or greater and the HA believes that an average & occupancy rate of at least 97% is sustainable for the RBY, then check the box below. You have completed the form Note and do not need to proceed further. [ ] High Occupancy HA: Occupancy Percentage is ---> Use 97% as the Projected Occupancy 12. Units vacant as of Report Dale (subtract line a from line 9 and enter result) I I Stop 13. If the result on line 12 Is five or fewer vacant units and the HA believes that during the RBY: 1) the Inventory (line 9) & will not change; and, 2) the number of vacant units on line 12 will be vacant for the full RBY, then check the box below. Note You have completed the form and do not need to proceed further. • [ ] High Occupancy HA with five or ---> Use line 19 for the Projected Occupancy fewer vacant units Percentage on Part B, line 11 of form HUD -52723 Part B. Distribution of Actual Vacancies by Major Cause Given below are circumstances and actions recognized by HUD as possible causes of vacancies that are beyond the control of the HA to correct. If appropriate, please distribute the number of vacant units reported on line 12 among these causes. Attach sheet Identified with HA name and address, the RBY beginning dale, and ACC number. Use the sheet to describe, for each circumstance; when the circumstance occurred; the location of the units Involved; why the circumstance is preventing the HA from occupying, selling, demolishing, rehabilitating, reconstructing, consolidating or modernizing the vacant units; and the likelihood that these circumstances will be mitigated or eliminated in the RBY. • 14. Units vacant because of IWgation (e.g. uolb Nat are belrp hen "cant as pan Of combordered or Huaapprnrad d...weaaes, plan) 15. Units vacant because of Federal, Tribal, State laws of general applicability. (Note do M kudude writs vacant onb because they do rxx meet minknurn construction or habitability stmadarda.) 16. Units vacant due to changing market conditions 17. Units vacant because of natural disaster liA. NIV 19. RMC -managed units vacant because of failure of HA to fund approvable request for Federal modemizatIon fundi" Is line for use only by RMcs) 20. Units vacant because of casualty loss and need to settle Insurance claims 21. Total Units Vacant Due To Circumstances Beyond the HA's Control Enter sum of lines 14-20 0 22. Units vacant after adjusting for circumstances beyond the HA's control (subtract line 21 from line 12) 19 Stop 23. If the result on line 22 Is five or fewer vacant units and the HA believes that during the RBY: 1) the Inventory (line 9) a will not change; and, 2) the number of vacant units on both lines 21 and 22 will be vacant for the full RBY, then check Note the box below. You have completed the form and do not need to proceed further. [ J High Occupancy HA with five or fewer vacant units —> Use line t0 for the Projected Occupancy sitar ndiustment for vacancies bevond its control Percentaae on Part B. line 11 of form HUD -52723 8% Stop 25. If the result on line 24 Is 3% or less and the HA believes that during the RBY: 1) the Inventory (line 9) & will not change; and, 2) the number of vacant units on lines 21 and 22 will be vacant for the full RBY, then check Note the box below. You have completed the form and do not need to proceed further. ] High Occupancy HA: 3% or less vacancy rate after adiustment for vacancies beyond control This form replaces form HUD -52728-A thru-C which have been canceled. Previous edition Is obsolete. ---> Use line 10 for the Projected Occupancy Percentaae onPart B. line 11 of form HUD -52723 form HUD -52728 (0312003) Page 1 of 3 ref Handbook 7475.13 • 9 Part C. Status of Units Undergoing Modernization as of Report Date If changes occur atter the Report Date but prior to submission of this form the most current status will be shown. 26. Protected Units Occupied Units Vecenl Units a: Number of units that are under modernization construction contract awarded or force account work started 45. Total Unit Months for Vacant Units In Funded Mod. And Under Construction or Funded for Construction Sum the vacant units of lines 26s and b; multiply by 12 b: Number of units not under construction contract but included in a HUD -approved modernization budget where the time period for placing the units under construction two FFYs after FFY of approval) has not yet expired. 0 27. Unprotected Units: Number of units Included in a HUD -approved modernization budget where the time period for placing the units under construction two FFYs after FFY of approval) has expired. If any of the vacant units on lines 26a or b will be reoccupied during the RBY, enter that number limes the average number of months during the RBY these units will be reoccupied. Part D. Units Estimated to be Available for Occupancy During RBY (a) No. of Units MrMg. Moo Mos. In RBY c o. o nl Mos. a X b 28. Units Available as of Report Date Enter Line 9 252 12 3024 29. Additional Units Available During RBY because of Devele menVA uiaition of PFS -Eligible projects + 0 + 0 30. Units Unavailable During RBY because of Demolition/Disposition/Conversion Actions Approved By HUD 228 0 31. Total Add lines 28 and 29; subtract line 30 252 8% 3024 Average Number of Vacenl Units In RBY Adjusted for Modernization Divide line 49 by 12; round to nearest whole Part E. Units Estimated to be Occupied During RBY 19 32. Units Occupied as of Report Date enter line 8 233 12 2796 33. Additional Units Occupied during RBY because of Development/ Acquisition of PFS-EII ible Projects + + 0 34. Reocoupancy during RBY of Units Vacated for Circumstances Beyond the HXs Control + + 0 35. Reoomfipancy during RBY of Vacant Units in a Funded Modernization Program + 12 + 0 36. Occupied Units in Funded Modernization Program Being Vacated during RBY 0 37. Occupied Units Being Vacated during RBY because of Demolition/Disposition/Conversion Actions Approved by HUD. If there are occupied units that become vacant after the Report Dale but before the start of the RBY because of circumstances and actions beyond the HXs control, piece that number here ( ) and Include in total shown on 37. Attach separate sheet with same Information requested in Part C. 0 38. Total Add lines 32-35, subtract lines 36 and 37 233 2796 Part F. Occupancy Percentage DurinRBY 39. Total unit Months of Occupancy Enter line 38c 2796 40. Total unit Months Available for Occupancy Enter line 31c 3024 41. Occupancy Percentage for RBY Divide line 39 by line 40; multiply 100 and round to nearest whole 92% 42. Average Number of Vacant Units During RBY Subtract fine 39 from line 40; divide result by 12 and round to nearest whole 19 Stop 43. If the result on line 41 Is 97% or higher or if the result on line 42 is five or less, then check the appropriate box below. You have 8 completed the form and do not need to proceed further. Note [ [ a. High Occupancy HA: Occupancy Percentage .....> Use 97% as the Projected Occupancy Is 97% or higher for the RBY Percentage on Part B, line 11 of form HUD -52723 [ [ b. High Occupancy HA with five or ••--> Use line 41 for the Projected Occupancy fewer vacant units Percentage on Part B, line 11 of form HUD -52723 Part G. Vacancv Percentaae for RBY Adjusted for Modernization 44. Total Unit Months of Vacancy In RBY Enter line 40 less line 39 228 45. Total Unit Months for Vacant Units In Funded Mod. And Under Construction or Funded for Construction Sum the vacant units of lines 26s and b; multiply by 12 0 46. If any of the vacant units on lines 26a or b will be reoccupied during the RBY, enter that number limes the average number of months during the RBY these units will be reoccupied. 0 47. If any of the occupled units on lines 26 a or b will be vacated during the RBY for mod. Construction, enter that number limes the average number of months during the RBY these units will be vacated. + 0 48. Total Unit Months for Vacant Units In Funded Mod. And Under Construction or Funded For Construction in RBY Add line 45; less line 46' plus line 47 0 49. Total Unit Months of Vacancy in RBY Adjusted for Modernization Enter line 44 less line 46 228 50. Vacancy Percentage for RBY Adjusted for Modernization Divide line 49 by line 40; multiply by 100; and round to nearest whole. 8% 51. Average Number of Vacenl Units In RBY Adjusted for Modernization Divide line 49 by 12; round to nearest whole 19 Stop 52. If the result on line 50 Is 3% or lower or If the result on line 51 Is five or less, then check the appropriate box & below. You have completed the form and do not need to proceed further. Note [ I e. High Occupancy HA: Vacancy Percentage Is ---> Use line 41 for the Projected Occupancy 3% or less far the RBY after Modernization Adjustment Percentage on Part 8, line 11 of form HUD -52723 I I b. High Occupancy HA: five or fewer vacant ---> Use line 41 for the Projected Occupancy units after Modernization Adjustment Percentage on Part B, line 11 of form HUD -52723 This form replaces forms HUD -52728-A thru-C which form HUD -52728 (03/2003) have been canceled. Previous edition Is obsolete. Page 2 of 3 ref Handbook 7475.13 CI Part H. Vacancy Percentage for RBY Adjusted for Both Modernization and Beyond Control Circumstances 53. Total Unit Month of Vacancy In RBY Enter line 44 228 54. Total Unit Months of Vacancy In RBY Due to Modernization Enter line 48 0 55. Total Unit Months of Vacancy in RBY Due to Beyond Control Vacancies (Enter line 21 time 12; less my entry made on line 34c) 0 56. Total Unit Months of Vacancy After Above Adjustments Enter line 53 less lines 54 and 55 228 57. Vacancy Percentage for RBY Atter Above Adjustments (Divide One 58 try line 40; multiple by 100; and round to nearest whole.) S% 58. Average Number or Vacant Units In RBY After Above Adjustments (Divide line 56 by 12; round to nearest whole) 19 Stop 59. It the result on line 57 Is 3% or lower or If the result on line 581s five or less, then check the appropriate & box below. You have completed the form and do not need to proceed further. Note t J a. High Occupancy HA: Vacancy Percentage Is 3% or ---> Use line 41 as the Projected Occupancy less for the RBY after Modernization Adjustment Percentage on Part B, line 11 of form HUD -52723 t J It. High Occupancy HA: eve or fewer vacant ---> Use line 41 as the Projected Occupancy units after Modernization Adjustment Percentage on Part B, line 11 of form HUD -52723 Pan I. Adjustment for Long Tenn Vacancies If the HA estimates that It will have a vacancy percentage of more than 3% for Its RBY and more than fire vacant units after adjusting for vacant units undergoing modernization and vaundes beyond Its control, the IIA will exclude as of Its long. tsou vacancies Of any) horn Its count of units available for occupancy and use this section to detemdne Its projected occupancy percentage. 60. Total Long-term Vacancies (Subtract vacant units shown on lines 21, 26a, and It from line 12. Analyze remaining vocandes and Identify those units that have been vacant for more than 12 months as of the Report Dale. 61. Unit Months of Vacancy Associated With Long -Term Vacancles (Multiply line 60 by 12) 0 82. Total Unit Months Available for Occupancy In RBY Adjusted for Long -Term Vacancies (Subbed line 61 from line 31(c)) Use this UMA number In all other PFS celwlafions. 3024 63. Occupancy Percentage for RBY Adjusted for Long -Term Vacancies DMde line 38(c) by Una 112; multiply by log and round to nearest whole) 92% 04. Average Number of Vacant Units in RBY after All Adjustments Subtract line 60 from line 58 19 65. Total Unit Months o1 Vacancy In RBY after All Adjustments Subtract line 81 from line 58 228 66. Vacancy Percentage for RBY Adjusted for Long -Term Vacancies (Divide line 85 by une e2; multiply by 100 and round to nearest whole) 8% Stop 67. Il the result on Ilne 83 Is 97% or higher or if the result on Ilne 641s rive or less or if the result on line 178 is 3 % or & less, then check the appropriate box below. You have completed the form and do not need to proceed further. Note ( j a.High Occupancy HA: Occupancy Percentage ---> Use 97% as the Projected Occupancy Percentage on Part B. Line 11 is 97% or higher for the RBY after Long -Term of form HUD -52723. Use the UMA result on line 621n Vacancies Adjustment. calculating PFS eligibility. • ( j b.High Occupancy IIA: Five or fewer vaunt ---> Use line 63 as the Projected Occupancy Percentage on Part B, line 11 units after Adjustments for Long -Term Vacancies of form HUD -52723. Use the UMA result on line 621n calculating PFS eligibility. t J c. High Occupancy HA: Vacancy Percentage ---> Use line 63 as the Projected Occupancy Percentage on Pert B, line 11 is 3% or lower for the RBY after Long- of form HUD -52723. Use the UMA result on line 62 In Term Vacancies Adjustment calculating PFS eligibility. Pen.). Protected Occupancy Percentages for Low Occupancy HAs It the HA cannot determine an acceptable Projected Occupancy Percentage for the RBY ustrry the above approach. It will use this section. The HA will use the lower of either 97% or that percentage based on having fire units vacant for the RBY. Either percentage can be adjusted for vacant units undergoing modemizatton construction and vacancies beyond IIs control. 0 Enter 97% If HA has more Ulan 140 units. If 140 or fewer units, determine occupancy percentage based on 5 vacant units, for RBY. (Take 60 unit months and divide by line 62;mulfipy by 100 and round to nearest whole. 97% and Beyond Control Vacancies nuIUDN by 100 and round to newt 70. Projected Occupancy Percentage for Low Occupancy HA (Take the percentage on fine 68 and subtract the percentage shown on line 69. Use the result as the This form replaces forms HUD -52728-A thru-C which form HUD -527728 (0312003) have been canceled. Previous edition Is obsolete. Page 3 of 3 ref Handbook 7475.13 VENDOR TRANSACTION REGISTER Fayetteville Housing Authority • DATE RANGE SEARCH FOR: 10/01/2002 TO 09/30/2003 Vendor: Ark Employment Security D 0100327 Reference Date Description Vendor 0 Type G/L Account No. ..................................................................................... APF 118478 01/14/2003 Ark Employment Security D 100327 AP 1 01 1111.1 0 1 01 4540.8 5 APF 118832 04/03/2003 Ark Employment Security D 100327 APF 119265 07/30/2003 Ark Employment Security D 100327 • AP 1 01 1111.1 0 1 01 4540.8 5 Debits Credits 0.00 0 141.94 141.94 0.00 5 141.94 141.94 0.00 _____________ 948.68 _____________ 948.68 0.00 TOTALS: _____________ 948.68 ----- 948.68 AP 1 01 1111.1 0 0.00 558.58 1 01 4540.8 5 558.58 0.00 _____________ 558.58 _____________ 558.58 FINAL TOTALS: _______ 1649.20 _____________ 1649.20 PAGE 1 1 PFS FICA Add-ons PHA Fayetville Housing Authority FYE: September 30, 2005 • DATA: Base Year Rate 5.85% 2003 Rate' 7.65% Base Year Base $14,100 2003 Base $80,400 2005 payroll subject to FICA using Base Year Base $176,674 2005 payroll subject to FICA using 2003 Base $300,341 PFS Requested Year Base Year Rate 5.85% limes 2005 Payroll Subject to FICA Using Using Base Year Base $10,335 2003 Rate 7.65% times 2005 Payroll Subject to FICA Using Using 2003 Base $22,976 Total Add-on (Enter on Line 25, HUD -52723) $12,641 Base Request Percentage of Salary Year Year from Low Rent Executive Director $7,050 $24,250 50% Admin Assist/Sec 8 Dir $2,820 $7,700 20% PH Director $141100 $32,700 100% • PH Assist/Inspect $14,100 $22,800 100% Sec 8 Assist/Inspect. $0 $0 0% Sec 8 Receptionist $0 $0 0% $0 $0 0% $0 $0 0% $0 $0 0% $0 $0 0% $0 $0 0% $0 $0 0% $0 $0 0% Working Foreman $14,100 $35,700 100% Maintenance Mech A $14,100 $250900 100% Maintenance Mech A $14,100 $241300 100% Maintenance Mech A $14,100 $22,300 100% Maintenance Mech B $14,100 $18,900 100% Estimated Overtime $51000 $5,000 100% FSS Coordinator $14,100 $27,040 100% Night Watchman $14,100 $18,304 100% Night Watchman $140100 $14,643 100% Night Watchman $10,982 $10,982 100% Night Watchman $7,322 $7,322 100% Estimated Overtime $2,500 $20500 100% • Admin Taxable Travel $0 $0 Ten Sve Taxable Travel $0 $0 Maintenance Taxable Travel $0 $0 Protective Svc Taxable Travel $0 $0 Total $176,674 $300,341 Calculation of Other Income (line 20, HUD -52523) PHA: Fayetville Housing Authority FYE: September 30, 2005 Estimates: Excess Utilities Employee Rent Police Unit N/D Rents from Off Line Units Community Room/Non-Dwelling Rent Tenant Damages Cingular Tower Laundry City / PILOT Adj. Adult Center 2002 $54,959/2003 $38,000CFP Transfer 1406 Sub -Total Less: Employee Rent Equal or Below AEL Non -Dwelling Rent Non -Rental Other Income Net Other Income PUM • r1 U $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $18,600 $6,000 $720 $4,800 $92,960 $123,080 $0 $123,080 $0 $0.00 • n n a • r TxT� Ov C:0 p m�F r r m m v m o D g o C S o C o' o C < YL i C ZE o '0 3 o u o m o m� _m O t a= p my D '" 3 3 S O E X c d g $ $ A m A °o_ m s ' mm O 3^^^ N r N D m Z 0 ns 2{ 8 u rtA=°= a '° $ ^ a G p g sA a° H v m m �i a m m cm g3 cm cry.. -°• $ o' 3 `� 3 9, m a $ E ffi g y m r �Qm n o' k o = m 2. n 1 n g3 3 3 o a 5"� o a r D s w 8 N A a W W W ID W W W W F' p V A 2 Q n C 0 J 0 OI J O m � m m IJ m o O C O ° � nt o n _ 0 5 = 3 N u o o' � • n n a • r TxT� Ov C:0 p m�F r r m m v m o D g o C S o C o' o C < YL i C ZE o '0 3 o u o m o m� _m O t a= p my D '" 3 3 S O E X c d g $ $ A m A °o_ m s ' mm O 3^^^ N r N D m Z 0 ns 2{ 8 u rtA=°= a '° $ ^ a G p g sA a° H v m m �i a m m cm g3 cm cry.. -°• $ o' 3 `� 3 9, m a $ E ffi g y m r �Qm n o' k o = m 2. n 1 n g3 3 3 o a 5"� o a r D s w 8 N A a W W W ID W W W W F' p V A 2 Q n C 0 J 0 J J J OI J O m � m m IJ m J J J N A W W J J m IJ A o O O m kl vm $ Operating Fund Calculation of Operating Subsidy • a) Name and Address of Public Housing Agency Fayelviile Housing Authority #1 North School Avenue Fayetteville, AR 72701 d) Number of HA Units e) Unit Months Available (UMAs) 2 1 3024 • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Hoy g) ACC Number: FW7031 Section 2 OMB Approval No. 2577-0029 (exp.10131/2004) b) Budget Submission to HUD required t J Yes I J No c) Type of Submission 02 x Original Revision No. Operating Fund Project Number 1)DUNS Numi AR097001055 1 809775059 "Requested" year units from latest form HUD -52720-A (see instructions) 252 Relained Rental InIxme UMAs 3024 • Must be shown In Agency flan Comp X 1104 50% of Income = 39433 Una Oct $155.91 x 103 Line 9 = 40516 Line W. S129.64 x 97% Line 11• 39398 DNerence 526.07x504' 1304 (RETAINED RENTAL INCOME) Previous edition is obsolete for PHA Fiscal Years Page 1 tone 14UD-52723 (1/2001) beginning 1/1/2004 and thereafter revious allowable expense level (Part, line 08 o rm - or previous year) $251.63 yU1S d16 fit A t::kt� f X f 4 f fir, 1 r( C ; j ,;� Ix , r � 1 , ,1 :!O-, i. I .t ,1 1 ry. �.,. )7 A �� 1 ,A"rege ri 'a'o {J k r 1,' y t 'i Jv n4ra`tzi, ,k '.n r� .i'ty 3M J 02 Pert A. Line 01 multiplied b .005 1.26 03 Delta from form HUD -52720.8, if applicable (see instructions) 1�04;1ej 'Average monthly dwelling rental charge per unit for prior budgetyear1 monthly dwelling rental charge per unit for budget'1 year 2 years ago "Requested" year units from latest form HUD -52720-A (see instructions) 252 1 150/50 1 061 divided by 2) 05 Add-ons to allowable expense level from previous fiscal year (see instructions) 06 Total of Part A lines 01, 02, 03, and 05 $252.89 ®- 07 Inflation factor Metro 1.029 08 Revised allowable expense level (AEL)(Part A, line 06 times line 07) $260.22 09 Transition Funding Part C. Non -dwelling 10 Increase to AEL 11 Allowable utilities wleense level from form HUD -52722-A $54.41 12 Actual PUM cost of Independent Audit (IA) (Through FYE 2003) $0.38 13 Costs Attributable to deprogrammed units , a "'..i' r tpi+ a 7eC71 �`� ��� "#X�gt 1�'.'F9 .N t�f1r�i� ?� 'r 4•i �1. .: f{� Ns1 i alet i� '*'D'2.,i`?+'r a„i 74�'A Y�ra J.S?a '" �1 14 Total Allowable Expenses and Additions (Sum of Part A, Lines 08 lhru 13) $315.01 Relained Rental InIxme UMAs 3024 • Must be shown In Agency flan Comp X 1104 50% of Income = 39433 Una Oct $155.91 x 103 Line 9 = 40516 Line W. S129.64 x 97% Line 11• 39398 DNerence 526.07x504' 1304 (RETAINED RENTAL INCOME) Previous edition is obsolete for PHA Fiscal Years Page 1 tone 14UD-52723 (1/2001) beginning 1/1/2004 and thereafter yU1S d16 fit A t::kt� f X f 4 f fir, 1 r( C ; j ,;� Ix , r � 1 , ,1 :!O-, i. I .t ,1 1 ry. �.,. )7 A �� 1 ,A"rege ri 'a'o {J k r 1,' y t 'i Jv n4ra`tzi, ,k '.n r� .i'ty 3M J 1 1�04;1ej 'Average monthly dwelling rental charge per unit for prior budgetyear1 monthly dwelling rental charge per unit for budget'1 year 2 years ago 1 150/50 1 061 divided by 2) 1' Rental Income adjustment factor1 ®- 1 Projected9 111 Projected Occupancy percentage from form 1 52728 Projected average monthly -Illng rental Income per unit (Part B, Line 10 times Line 11) Part C. Non -dwelling Income 1 I 1G 1 11 1 . . - r -: 1 - r , a "'..i' r tpi+ a 7eC71 �`� ��� "#X�gt 1�'.'F9 .N t�f1r�i� ?� 'r 4•i �1. .: f{� Ns1 i alet i� '*'D'2.,i`?+'r a„i 74�'A Y�ra J.S?a '" �1 to sm a Modifications ole dollars) 1 1 3 times Section 1, a) Relained Rental InIxme UMAs 3024 • Must be shown In Agency flan Comp X 1104 50% of Income = 39433 Una Oct $155.91 x 103 Line 9 = 40516 Line W. S129.64 x 97% Line 11• 39398 DNerence 526.07x504' 1304 (RETAINED RENTAL INCOME) Previous edition is obsolete for PHA Fiscal Years Page 1 tone 14UD-52723 (1/2001) beginning 1/1/2004 and thereafter Part D. Add-ons for changes In Federal law or regulation and other eligibility 1 FICA contributions $12,641 02 Unemployment compensation FY 2003. See Attached 1649 02 Total amount to be collected in subject fiscal year (identify Individual amounts under 03 Family Self Sufficiency Program Section 3) 04 Energy Add -On for loan amortization 03 Total additional amount due HUD (include any amount entered on part F. Line 11) 05 Unit reconfiguration (Identify Individual amounts under Section 3) 06 Non -dwelling units approved for subsidy 04 Total amount due HUD to be collected In future fiscal year(s) (total of Part G, 07 Long-term vacant units Lines 01 thru 03) (Identify Individual amounts under Section 3) 08 Phase Down for Demolitions 09 10 Units Eligible for Resident Particpalion: Occupied Units (Part B, Line 02) 233 Employee Units 11 Police Units 12 13 Total Units Eligible for Resident Participation (Sum of Part D, Lines 091hm 11) 233 $5,825 Funding for Resident Participation (Part D, Line 12 X $25) 14 Other approved funding not listed (Specify In Section 3) 15 o a ado -ons sum o a , Ines $200115 Part E. Calculation of Operating Subsidy Eligibility Before Adjustments 01 Deficit or (Income) before adjustments (Total of Part C, Line 04 and Part D, Line 15) $541,029 02 Actual cost of Independent Audi[ (IA) Conducted and paid in FY 2003 $1,150 0 para ng sus y e glity before adjustments (grea er of PartLine 01 or Line 02) (If less than zero, enter zero (0)) $541,029 Part F. Calculation of Operating Subsidy Approvable for Subject Fiscal Year (Note: Do not revise after the subject FY) 01 Utility Adjustment for Prior -years 02 Additional subject fiscal year opening subsidy eligibility (specify) 03 Unfunded eligibility In prior fiscal years to be obligated in subject fiscal year dillikil HUD discretionary adjustments Other (specify) 06 Other (specify) 07 Unfunded Porton due to proration 0.00% ( $0 ) ( ) 08 Net adjustments to operating subsid (total of Part F, Lines 01 thru 07) 23,500 s peal g s s o e or s ec fiscalyear o a o a Ina an Pan F, Line 08 $564,529 HUD Use Only (Note: Do not revise for is oDugatee In SUDJOCt TISC81 year (bum Of Hart h, Llnes U9 thru 11) be the same as line 690 of the Oper. Bud., form HUD -52564, for the subject fiscal year) )priation symbol(s): Part G Memorandum of Amounts Due HUD, Including Amounts on Repayment Sehedules 01 Total amount due in previous fiscal year (Part G, Line 04 of form HUD -52723 for previous fiscal ear) 02 Total amount to be collected in subject fiscal year (identify Individual amounts under ( ) ( ) Section 3) 03 Total additional amount due HUD (include any amount entered on part F. Line 11) (Identify Individual amounts under Section 3) 04 Total amount due HUD to be collected In future fiscal year(s) (total of Part G, Lines 01 thru 03) (Identify Individual amounts under Section 3) $0 • Previous edition is obsolete for PHA Fiscal Years Page 2 Form HUD 52723 beginning 11112004 and thereafter (112001) • • AR09700105S Part H. Calculation of Adjustment for Subject Fiscal Year This part Is to be completed only after the subiect fiscal vear has ended 01 Indicate the es o �t of adjustments that have been reflected n this form: P 1 Adjustment HUD disc Io u Utility 1 ❑ h nary adjustent Specify un e d r Section 3 's,?!:ie!i?E`<:>!"'>:'r:.rg:?!:?:::<?z;'?:;<sa£?�::"• "'°=r!Y< J< yF : 02 Utilityadjustment from to=HU0-52722-8 03 Deficit or Income after ear -end adjustments total of Part E, Line 01 and Part H, Line 02 04 Operating subsidy eligibility after year-end adjustments (greater or Part E, Line 02 or Part H, Line 03 05 Part E. Line 03 of latest form HUD 52723 approved during subject FY Do not use Part E, Line 03 of this revision O6 Net adjustments for subject fiscal year Part H, Line 04 minus Part H, Line 05 07 Utility adjustment enter same amount as Part H. Line 02 O8 Total HUD discretionary adjustments Part H, Line 06 minus Line 07 09 Unfunded portion of utility adjustment due to proration 10 Unfunded portion of HUD discretionary adjustment due to proration 11 Prorated utility adjustment Part H Line 07 plus Line 09 12 Prorated HUD Discretionary adjustment Part H, Line 08.plus Line 10 Section 3 Remarks (provide part and line numbers) Part F. Line 01 Utility Adjustmei 2003 $239500 I hereby certify that ati the Information stated herein, as welt as any Information provided In the accompaniment herewith, Is true and accurate, Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result In criminal and/or civil penalitles. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729,3802) Previous edition Is obsolete for PHAIIHA Fiscal Years Page 3 form HUD -52723 beginning M12004 and thereafter (112001) APPLICATION FOR OMB Approval No. 0348-0043 FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 2.DATESUBMITTED Applicant Identifier May 10, 2004 809775059 11. TYPE OF SUBMISSION: A plication [� Construction N/A Preapplicalion ❑ Construction 3. DATE RECEIVED BY STATE N/A State Application Identifier N/A 4. DATE RECEIVED BY FEDERAL AGENCY Federal Identifier Non -Construction ❑ Non -construction FW7031 S. APPLICANT INFORMATION Legal Name: Organizational Unit: Fayetteville Housing Authority Fayetteville Housing Authority Address (give city, county, State, and zip code): Name and telephone number of person to be contacted on matters involvin 91 North School Ave. this application (give area code) Fayetteville, AR 72701 Fredia Sawin (479)521-3850 6. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER NNUU�MMBBER (EIN): ®—'y-"-�-'-�-"-8 1 7. TYPE OF APPLICANT: (enter appropriate letter in box) 51 31 5 A, Slate H. Independent School Dist. B. County I. State Controlled Institution of Higher Learning S. TYPE OF APPLICATION: ® New ❑ Continuation ❑ Revision C. Municipal J. Private University D. Township K. Indian Tribe If Revision, enter appropriate lefter(s) in box(es) E. Interstate L. Individual F. Intermunicipal M. Profit Organization A. Increase Award B. Decrease Award C. Increase Duration G. Special District N. Other (Specify) D. Decrease Duration Other(specify): 9. NAME OF FEDERAL AGENCY: Department of Housing 6 Urban Development 10. CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE NUMBER: 11. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE OF APPLICANT'S PROJECT: M1 4 — 8 5 0 "Operating Subsidy eligibility for all projects currently listed on the TITLE: Annual Contributions Contract between 12. AREAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT (Cities, Counties, States, etc.): the PHA and HUD" Washington County, AR 13. PROPOSED PROJECT 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: Start Dale Ending Date a. Applicant b. Project 10/1/0 19/30/05 Washin ton 3rd Same 15. ESTIMATED FUNDING: 16. IS APPLICATION SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 PROCESS? a. Federal $ 541 , O29 a. YES. THIS PREAPPLICATIONIAPPLICATION WAS MADE AVAILABLE TO THE STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 b. Applicant $ PROCESS FOR REVIEW ON: c. State $ 0° DATE d, Local $ 00 b. No. M PROGRAM IS NOT COVERED BY E. O. 12372 [I OR PROGRAM HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED BY STATE e. Other $ FOR REVIEW I. Program Income $ m 431 67617. IS THE APPLICANT DELINQUENT ON ANY FEDERAL DEBT? ❑Yes If "Yes;' attach an explanation. f[] No g. TOTAL $ 972,705 00 D' 18. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, ALL DATA IN THIS APPLICATIONIPREAPPLICATION ARE TRUE AND CORRECT, THE DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DULY AUTHORIZED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE APPLICANT AND THE APPLICANT WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED ASSURANCES IF THE ASSISTANCE IS AWARDED. ' a. Type Name of Authorized Representative Fredia Sawin b. Title Executive Director c. Telephone Number (479) 521-3850 d. Signatuof uthorized Representativ e. Date Signed 05/10/04 Previous Ediffon Usable Standard Form 424 (Rev. 7-97) Authorized for Local Reproduction Prescribed by OMB Circular A-102 Certification for a Drug -Free Workplace • ApplicantName Fayetteville Housing Authority Program/Activity Receiving Federal Grant Funding U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development AR097 Operating Subsidy Acting on behalf of the above named Applicant as its Authorized Official, 1 make the following certifications and agreements to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regarding the sites listed below: I certify that the above named Applicant will or will continue to provide a drug-free workplace by: a. Publishing a statement notifying employees that the un- lawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the Applicant's work- place and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition. b. Establishing an on-going drug-free awareness program to inform employees --- (1) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (2) The Applicant's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; (3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and (4) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace. c. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph a.; d. Notifying the employee in the statement required by para- graph a. that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will --- (1) Abide by the terms of the statement; and (2) Notify the employer in writing of his or her convic- tion for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction; e. Notifying the agency in writing, within ten calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph d.(2) from an em- ployee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Employers of convicted employees must provide notice, includ- ing position title, to every grant officer or other designee on whose grant activity the convicted employee was working, unless the Federalagency has designated a central point for the receipt of such notices. Notice shall include the identification number(s) of each affected grant; L Taking one of the following actions, within 30 calendar days of receiving notice under subparagraph d.(2), with respect to any employee who is so convicted --- (1) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination, consistent with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or (2) Requiring such employee to participate satisfacto- rily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program ap- proved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency; g. Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug- free workplace through implementation of paragraphs a. thru f. 2. Sites for Work Performance. The Applicant shall list (on separate pages) the site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with the HUD funding of the program/activity shown above: Place of Performance shall include the street address, city, county, State, and zip code. Identify each sheet with the Applicant name and address and the program/activity receiving grant funding.) Site A 401 S. Lewis / Site B 10 South Willow / Site C 12th 6 13th Streets Site J ill North School Avenue Check here ❑ If there are workplaces on file that are not Identified on the attached sheets. I hereby certify that all the information stated herein, as well as any information provided in the accompaniment herewith, is true and accurate. Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001.1010,1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3002) Name of Authorized Official Title Fredia Sawin Executive Director • X nature ,r � Date /A/�- p 0 05/10/04 form HUD -50070 (3198) ret. Handbooks 7417.1, 7475.13, 7485.1 8.3 Certification of Payments U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to Influence Federal Transactions Office of Public and Indian Housing Applicant Name Fayetteville Housing Authority 111 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR Program/Activity Receiving Federal Grant Funding AR097 Operating Subsidy The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: (I) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connec- tion with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. (2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or •attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form -LLL, Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying, in accordance with its instructions. 72701 (3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. 1 hereby certify that all the information stated herein, as well as any information provided in the accompaniment herewith, is true and accurate. Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) Name of Authorized Official Fredia Sawin • Signature Previous edition is obsolete Title Executive Director 05/10/2004 form HUD 50071 (3/98) ref. Handb000ks 7417.1, 7475.13, 7485. 1, & 7485.3