HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-04-20 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF • THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 a.m., Tuesday, April 20, 2004, in the City Administration Building, Room 326, Fayetteville, AR. Randy Coleman, Vice Chairperson, called the meeting to order at approximately 8:00 a.m. Commissioners Present: Pat Watson, Nancy Bolin, Randy Coleman And Gary Garton Commissioners Absent: Janet Richardson Others Present: Fredia Sawin, Laura Higgins (Fay. Housing Auth.) Carla Williams (Facilitator), Judy Lewis, LCSW and guests, Hillcrest Towers' Residents, Hugh Earnest (City of Fayetteville), Emily Williams (Fayetteville Public Schools), James Crouch (Fayetteville Housing Authority Attorney) and Charlie Morasch (NW AR Times) • Ms. Bolin requested changes in order of agenda due to time constraints. Agenda was changed to reflect Item E and Item G to be completed after the Executive Session, and Item F to be done before Item D. This change to the agenda was then approved by Mr. Coleman, Vice Chairperson. Ms. Williams (Facilitator) recapped some communication barriers that she felt needed to be pointed out prior to the meeting commencing. Consent A eg nda Ms. Bolin requested that the March 16, 2004 minutes be removed from the consent agenda. Mr. Coleman approved and moved the minutes under "Old Business". Ms. Bolin asked questions regarding the Financial Statement for March 2004 which were answered by Ms. Sawin. Mr. Garton then motioned to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Ms. Bolin and carried unanimously. Old Business Ms. Bolin stated she wished to clarify on the March 16th minutes on page 2 that the minutes state concerning the FSS Coordinator position, "Ms. Bolin motioned that the new employee have a degree in Social Work, seconded by Ms. Richardson and carried unanimously." Ms. Bolin wished to bring this to the board's attention that this did occur • at the last meeting and was passed by the board. Under Item D, Ms. Bolin requested the word "suggested" be removed from the minutes as it was not a suggestion but a • responsibility that is a part of the executive director's job description. Ms. Bolin requested that the minutes be altered to reflect that. No motion was made to approve minutes. A. Annual Plan & Five Year Plan -Ms. Bolin requested a follow up on the status of the annual plan and five year plan. Ms. Sawin advised that work would begin on the plans when a Mod. Coordinator is hired and the Physical/Management Needs Assessments are completed. Ms. Bolin advised that the Board also needed to be active in the creation of the annual and five year plans. Mr. Hugh Earnest requested that they (Community Development) also be active in the plan. Mr. Coleman advised Ms. Sawin to keep the City Administration updated on the progress of the plan. New Business A. Judy Lewis, LCSW, President Arkansas Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Chair of National Council of Presidents of the National Association of Social Workers -Ms. Bolin had requested Ms. Lewis come to the meeting to explain the accreditation process, the degrees of a social worker, the roll of the social worker, education of social worker, qualifications and salary range. Ms. Lewis gave her presentation, was asked questions by the board members and thanked for her time and her presentation. • B. Arkansas Board Governance Policies -Ms. Bolin reminded the board that back in the fall they had a training meeting and received `Board Member's Best Board Book of HUD" dated 1993. Ms. Bolin handed out these manuals to each board member and reminded them that one of the job descriptions emphasized over and over in this handbook is the fact that commissioner's responsibility is to develop policies of an organization. Ms. Bolin added that she wanted to remind the board members on the second page of the handbook it indicates per Item "D", a willingness to devote adequate time and effort to attend and participate fully in local authority meetings and to keep fully acquainted on the status of the local authorities operation. Ms. Bolin wanted to remind the board that it is their responsibility to set the policies for the organization. Mr. Coleman thanked Ms. Bolin for bringing this to the board's attention as it is important to adhere to all the policies and procedures and take it seriously. C. Commissioner's Code of Ethics -Ms. Bolin would like to see the Housing Authority Commission raise their standards to the professional level of the Fayetteville Policy Commission. Ms. Bolin contacted them and was told that they operate under a specific planning code of ethics. Ms. Bolin passed out handouts for the Code of Ethics for the Housing Authority Board Members. Ms. Bolin also handed out information taken from the City of Fayetteville website on their rules of order and procedures. Ms. Bolin would like to complete this process of adopting rules and procedures by getting some of the other board members together to complete the process and present it at the next board meeting. Mr. • Coleman stated that he would have no problem in adopting the Robert's Rules of Order as it should already be in place. Ms. Bolin advised that her handout is only • a part and is to be used as a working document. Mr. Garton asked that they get an opportunity to review this document and present it at the next meeting. Ms. Bolin advised she had only finished a portion of it and needed their assistance in completing. Mr. Coleman requested that she e-mail it out and they will form a panel to complete the process. F. Executive Director's Report -Ms. Sawin reviewed her Executive Director's Report. Ms. Bolin stated that she is requesting again that Ms. Sawin notify the board members whenever there is any meeting for NAHRO or other national organizations that the Authority is a member of and Ms. Sawin agreed to do so. D. Review of Board's Motion to Declare that the FSS Coordinator Position must be Filled by a Person with a Degree in Social Work -Commissioners reviewed the directive made at last month's meeting on March 16`h amending the job description for the FSS Coordinator to be filled by someone with a Social Work Degree only. There was much debate and discussion made by both the commissioners and guests in the audience. Mr. Coleman then motioned to amend the motion of the qualifications of the FSS Coordinator to include either a degree in Social Work or equivalent degree of study or related experience, seconded by Mr. Garton, motion carried with three "Aye" votes and one "Nay" vote made by Ms. Bolin. Ms. Bolin wanted it stated for the record that this just once again shows the inefficiency of this board in addition to the lack of professionalism of this board related to this matter. • Mr. Coleman then recognized Mr. Jim Crouch, Fayetteville Housing Authority attorney. Mr. Crouch was present per Ms. Richardson's request to provide legal council on the hiring and firing of personnel. Mr. Crouch outlined the Arkansas Law concerning this matter and also advised the board members that the only individuals allowed in the executive session are the board members and the executive director. The board must state their reasons to the public for going into executive session but they do not have to name the person. Discussion in the executive session must be limited to that personnel matter. The board may then make their decision but they must come back out of the executive session and take a public vote or announce that you have taken no action. Mr. Crouch asked the board if they had any questions and there were none asked. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned to go into executive session to discuss personnel issues. (Due to lack of time after the executive session, Item E and Item G were moved to the next annual meeting). 0 • THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS f hairperson ATTEST: • 0 FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701-5928 PH: (479)521-3850 FAX: (479)442-6771 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT April 13, 2004 1. E-mails were sent out last week asking for changes to the Board Meeting Agenda, at that time, updates on the Facilities Assessment, FSS Coordinator, MOD Coordinator and the Management Needs Assessment were given. To this date I have no further updates on these items. 2. The Lewis Plaza Community Center/Learning Center was the site used to celebrate the annual Easter Feed. Approximately 100 dinners were handed out and delivered to our Public Housing Tenants. The weather was a hindrance but we managed and the attendance was very good. 3. Public Housing has 12 vacancies, 4 at Morgan Manor, 0 at Lewis Plaza, 5 at Willow Heights and 3 at Hillcrest Towers. The Section 8 Program has 431 Vouchers under lease with approximately 20 Vouchers searching for units to rent. 4. I have been asked to keep the board informed as to the meetings that I attend through the month. Since the month of October, 2003 I have attended the monthly meeting for the City of Fayetteville Attainable Housing project. Community Resources is the leader of this program and their goal is to develop a plan to bring attainable housing to Fayetteville. The Fayetteville Housing Authority is a partner to this plan and dedicated to making Homeownership attainable to our recipients of low income housing. I also attended the Housing Coalition meeting for this month. The Housing Coalition organization is currently involved in scheduling training on the annual HUD NOFA in anticipation of applying for available grants that would benefit our community. Also, as previously mentioned in my last e-mail, the Fayetteville Housing Authority will be sending 4 staff members to the Spring NAHRO meeting in Little Rock this month. These meetings keep us abreast of any upcoming changes in regulations and additional training that is needed. PAGE 2 5. The Hillcrest Towers Council on Aging (Adult Center) has been struggling with their budget and funds distribution. Therefore, starting on May 1st, 2004 there will be some changes to the funding and how the community center will be managed. I cannot give you all the details until I know what the final arrangement are. To this date, the plans are for Janet Linebaugh and myself to meet with the tenants and give them an overall presentation of the changes. A partnership contract will be produced outlining the changes and if necessary a budget will be worked out. No Contracts will be signed or a budget approved without a signed resolution from the Board. We are dedicated to keeping our Senior Center open but also understand that changes are coming in order for the new Fayetteville Senior Center to become a success. I am confident that with our tenant volunteers, and their willingness to be involved, the changes will not be a means to an end. • 6 • RESOLUTION NO. 701 RESOLUTION TO CHARGE OFF DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS OF FORMER TENANTS FOR PERIOD 01/1/04 -03/31/04 A resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority authorizing the charge off of delinquent accounts of certain former tenants in the AR 97-1 & 2 Housing Projects for period of January 1, 2004 thru March 31, 2004. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS THAT: Accounts in the amount designated, due from the former tenants listed on the attached sheets are hereby authorized to be charged off. 11 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF 2004 ATTEST: iM SECRETARY 0 THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF CIT F FAYET�EV LE, AR Cjl enZa— CHAIRPEFfSON ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION 701 CHARGE OFF OF FORMER TENANTS DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS 01/01/04 - 03/31/04 ------------------------------------------------------------- APT. NAME RENT OTHER TOTAL ---------+--------------------+----------+---------+--------- 5-B Jeanette Jones 11211.00 826.00 21037.00 8-B Tammy Gilliland 853.00 524.00 11377.00 19-B Dorothy LaBelle 50.00 468.00 518.00 20-B Sylvia Holmes 280.00 539.00 819.00 25-B Barbara Goodhart 194.00 49.00 243.00 25-C Tia Black 119.00 30.00 149.00 27-C Tara Hamby 52.00 418.00 470.00 27-D Joann Jones 0.00 343.00 343.00 326 Kelly McDonald 11432.00 387.00 1,819.00 331 Charity Duncan 170.00 676.00 846.00 355 Raymond McNair 0.00 375.00 375.00 414 Rhea Murray 246.00 613.00 859.00 425 Robin Conley 252.00 531.00 783.00 428 Rebecca Bullard 171.61 246.00 417.61 810 Debra Reidy 16.00 462.00 478.00 1111 Zina Patterson 0.00 208.00 208.00 ------------------------------+----------+---------+--------- • TOTALS 1 5,046.61 1 61695.001 ----------------------------------------------- ------------- TOTAL 11,741.61 ------------------------------------------------------------- • f • r1 U 0 RESOLUTION NO. 702 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE WRITE-OFF OF CERTAIN NON -EXPENDABLE EQUIPMENT THAT WAS JUNKED. WHEREAS, the HUD Manual 7510.1 provides for the write off of certain non -expendable equipment that is junked, and WHEREAS, the most recent list of equipment that has been declared not in working order and non -repairable and has been junked needs to be written off. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY, that the attached list of equipment be written off the property ledger of the Fayetteville Housing Authority. (see attached list for equipment.) PASSED AND APPROVED THISJDAY OF 2004. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS z ;� o I X— CHAIRPERS is ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 702 LIST OF EQUIPMENT TO BE WRITTEN OFF DWELLING EOUIPMENT PROPERTY LEDGER NO. 41465.1 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION / PROPERTY SERIAL NUMBER AMOUNT 306 Brown Gas Range 3V40499 $ 224.25 412 Kenmore Refrigerator S-63430402 371.00 463 Kenmore Refrigerator 560537474 371.00 TOTAL $ 966.25 DWELLING EQUIPMENT PROPERTY LEDGER NO. #1475.1 • $ 0.00 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT PROPERTY LEGDER NO. #1475.2 CI $ 0.00 0 RESOLUTION NO. 703 RESOLUTION APPROVING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES FOR A FACILITIES ASSESSMENT (PHYSICAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT) FOR PUBLIC HOUSING UNITS AR 097-001 & AR 097-002 WHEREAS, the Fayetteville Housing Authority has solicited Request For Proposals from six consulting firms and received two competitive bids from which National Facility Consulting Firm was chosen by the process of evaluation based upon the criteria set out in the invitations. WHEREAS, the Fayetteville Housing Authority Board of Commissioners has approved the proposal for Facilities Assessment (Physical Needs Assessment) as presented by National Facility Consulting Firm at the 20% level in the amount of $7,964.00. • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY that the Executive Director is authorized to execute a contract for services with National Facility Consulting Firm in accordance with HUD guidelines and budgeted amount. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ao-� DAY OF 2004 THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: SSECRETAR •