HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-03-16 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF 0 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 a.m.; Tuesday, March 16, 2004, in the City Administration Building, Room 326, Fayetteville, AR. Janet Richardson, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at approximately 8:00 a.m. Commissioners Present: Pat Watson, Nancy Bolin, Janet Richardson Commissioners Absent: Gary Garton and Randy Coleman Others Present: Fredia Sawin, Laura Higgins (Fay. Housing Auth.) Charlie Morasch (N.W. Arkansas Times) Consent A eg nda • The minutes of the previous meeting were amended to correct "is" to "are" on page 2 under New Business, Section B, correct "I" to "Aye" under New Business; Section B and to also include Ms. Bolin as the one person who voted "Nay" and under Standing Committee Reports correct "FFS" to "FSS". With the corrections motion was made by Ms. Richardson to approve, seconded by Ms. Watson and carried unanimously. Remainder of Consent Agenda was then approved by motion from Ms. Bolin, seconded by Ms. Richardson and carried unanimously. Old Business A. Discussion of Bids for Physical Needs Assessment -Ms. Sawin gave an update and advised that she negotiated with the company and had them re -bid for 15-20%. These price levels were included in the commissioner's packets. Ms. Bolin reminded Ms. Sawin that the,negotiation needed to be for only 20% per Mr. Garton. Ms. Bolin added a request for a Management Assessment to be done as well. Ms. Bolin motioned to have a -RFP drawn up and out within two weeks, seconded by Ms. Richardson and carried unanimously. Executive Director's Report Questions were asked concerning the Executive Director's Report and were answered is and explained by Ms. Sawin. Ms. Sawin then reviewed the remainder of her report. Concerning the FSS Coordinator position, Ms. Bolin motioned that the new employee must have a degree in Social Work, seconded by Ms. Richardson and carried unanimously. Ms. Bolin asked questions about the new smoking ordinance established in Fayetteville and whether Ms. Sawin had addressed this issue. Ms. Sawin advised that she would investigate this issue with the City Attorney and find out for sure whether this law will indeed affect the lobby area of the Highrise where the night watchman sits during the evening and night hours. Ms. Sawin will e-mail the results of this information to the board members by Friday, March 19, 2004. (This was later extended to Tuesday, March 23, 2004 due to Ms. Sawin being out of the office). New Business A. Presentation by Ledford Engineering Representative -Discussion was made concerning the amount of information that Mr. Hoeschen could impart to the board. Ms. Richardson motioned that they hear from the Ledford Engineering Representative only in regard to services currently provided, seconded by Ms. Bolin and carried unanimously. Mr. Hoeschen came in and was directed by Ms. Richardson as to what he could present to the board. He then gave his presentation, was asked a few questions and then left the board meeting. B. Review of all Contracts the FHA has with Ledford Engineering -Since it was determined that Mr. Hoeschen could not review his contracts, Ms. Sawin gave an overview of each contract and it's cost. C. Modernization Coordinator Position -Ms. Bolin discussed her reasons for desiring someone to be hired to this position in lieu of contracting it out. Discussion was made by all present. Motion was made by Ms. Bolin to create the position of Mod. Coordinator and be in place by the 2004 budget. More discussion was made concerning this position between the commissioners. Ms. Bolin motioned again, seconded by Ms. Watson, the motion carried with two "Aye" votes and one "Nay" vote made by Ms. Richardson. Time frame was then set for Ms. Sawin to have a job description made and placed in the paper by Monday; March 22, 2004. (This was later amended to Tuesday, March 23, 2004 due to Ms. Sawin being out of the office). It was also added by Ms. Bolin that this person be hired and in position within 60 days or by the end of May 2004. D. Annual Plan and Five Year Plan -Ms. Bolin suggested that the executive director be in charge of doing the Annual Plan and Five Year Plan however, agreed that it would be better to present this issue when all the board members are present and discuss it at a later date. E. Standing Committee Reports 0 1. Strategic Planning -Gary Garton not present -no report given. • 2. Public Relations -Janet Richardson gave her report. 3. Resident Servies-Randy Coleman not present -no report given. 4. Family Self -Sufficiency -Pat Watson gave her report: 5. Housing -Nancy Bolin had no report at this time will wait for assessment for any more items to bring up. Ms. Richardson advised that she had tentatively scheduled a board training session for Tuesday, March 23, 2004 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Ms. Richardson will contact the absent board members and meeting will either be confirmed for this time or rescheduled. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned to go into executive session to discuss personnel issues. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ATTEST: �_ 'Secretary FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701-5928 PH: (479)521-3850 FAX: (479)442-6771 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT MARCH 11, 2004 1. Please find enclosed, copies of the Audit for fiscal year ending September 30, 2003. These were received on Wednesday (March 10th, 2004) the day I e-mailed the Board Agenda asking for additions. 2. Please also find enclosed the cost proposals from National Facility Consultants, Inc. for the 15 percent level and the 20 percent level, as requested at the last Board Meeting. The price seems to have lowered for the 15 percent and the 20 percent • compared to the first bid on 10 percent at the cost of $8,764. If the Board is considering the 100 percent assessment, as the HUD representatives have advised, we may want to assess one site at a time and reschedule our five year plan as necessary so that one years Capital Funds allotment covers each years assessment and brings each site up to viability. 3. Public Housing has it vacancies, 4 at Morgan Manor, 1 at Lewis Plaza, 4 at Willow Heights and 2 at Hillcrest Towers, The Section 8 Program has approximately 20 voucher openings which include the drops for March, April and the remaining enhanced vouchers to be filled. Some of the Public Housing Tenants were on the Section 8 Waiting list and were contacted to fill these openings, which in turn has caused a larger than normal turnover in Public Housing. 0 The Lawn Mowing/Care Contract has been re -bid. Five RFP proposals were sent out. Two bids were received. Out of these two bids, Quality Lawn Service was the most qualified. (The Lawn Mowing contract has not been re -bid since 1992) The Lawn Care for Lewis Plaza and Willow Heights was upgraded so as to make the grounds look nicer and the upkeep easier. This Contract is for a 12 month period in the amount of $1,396.00 per month. The Tenant's Council for Lewis, Willow and Morgan will be involved in holding programs for the Children during next weeks Spring Break. The programs will be conducted at the Lewis Plaza Community Center. McGruff the Crime dog and Sparky the Fire dog will be available to give presentations. The Mission Northwest Group will hold movie nights. One day will be set aside for computer learning and computer games. FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY is #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701-5928 PH: (479)521-3850 FAX: (479)442-6771 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT MARCH 11, 2004 1. We received notification on January 21st, 2004 from the HUD Financial Management Center that our office will finally receive funding for the Family Self Sufficiency/Homeowner Coordinator. The effective date of this award of grant funding is from 1/1/2004 to expire on 12/31/2004. We have sent to HUD for a budget revision to include this funding. The total grant amount is for $36,600. • 2. The Public Housing Director (Kyra McCown) has started interviewing Work Study recipients for the Lewis Plaza Community Center Learning Lab position. She has also talked to another College Student who is interested in doing a summer reading program at the Learning Center. Maintenance is building an office for the Police Sub -Station and should have it finished by the end of this month. We had the computer technicians scheduled to connect the computer internet but found that the phone system needs to be upgraded, as soon as this is done, the technicians will complete their task and then schedules can be set in motion in connection with the Work Study person, Mission Northwest and our tenant volunteers. 3. Public Housing has 5 Vacancies, 3 at Morgan Manor, 1 at Lewis Plaza and 1 at Willow Heights. The Section 8 Program has mailed out about 90 contacts from our waiting list to fill the remaining enhanced vouchers. Our funding for these extra vouchers started on February 1, 2004. 0 r� u RESOLUTION NO. 700 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE FINANCIAL AUDIT STATEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2003 WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority has received the financial audit statements for fiscal year ended September 30, 2003 and has reviewed them. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY: That the Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority accept the financial audit statements and forward them to the HUD offices for review. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS QDAY OF A r -2004 • ATTEST: SECRETARY �-Z 0 THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY