HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-02-17 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF ITHE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 a.m., Tuesday, February 17, 2004, in the City Administration Building, Room 326, Fayetteville, AR. Janet Richardson, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at approximately 8:00 a.m. Carla Williams (Facilitator) reviewed communication rules for listening and talking. She also explained that she would help keep the agenda on track. Commissioners Present: Gary Garton, Pat Watson, Nancy Bolin, Janet Richardson, Randy Coleman Commissioners Absent: None Others Present: Fredia Sawin, Laura Higgins (Fay. Housing Auth.), Carla Williams (Facilitator), Brenda Thiel (Fayetteville City Councilmember), Hugh Earnest (City of Fayetteville) Charlie Morasch (N.W. Arkansas Times) Hugh Earnest explained his reason for being present at the meeting. Advised that he would step back from the Markham Hills Proposal and apologized to the board and specifically to Nancy Bolin. Ms. Thiel introduced herself and stated that she represented the Ward that was the target area for the Markham Hills Proposal. Mr. Morasch from the Times was also recognized by the board. Consent Agenda The minutes of the previous meeting were amended to correct Carla Williams as the Facilitator in lieu of Mediator. The Executive Director's Report was removed from the consent agenda. Consent Agenda was then approved by motion from Ms. Bolin, seconded by Mr. Garton and carried unanimously. Old Business Mr. Coleman reiterated that the Executive Director's Report should not be placed in the consent agenda and done separately on the agenda. A. Bids for Physical Needs Assessment -Ms. Sawin gave an update of the current status of were we stand on the bidding process. Two bids were received, one done at 100% by Ledford and one done for 10% by National Facilities. Discussion was made by the commissioners and Mr. Garton motioned to go forward for Ms. Sawin to negotiate up to 20% with National Facilities, get back with the commissioners on the result, and three would get together to approve, seconded by Mr. Coleman and carried unanimously. B. Mediation Contract Revisions -Ms. Bolin e-mailed all the commissioners the Mediation Contract revisions. Ms. Bolin did not feel that it was necessary for the executive director to notify the commissioners about the meeting three weeks in advance and didn't remember this being an issue, so it was taken off. The next issue under Item #6 needs to include the budget resolution and any other documentation. Under Item #7, the correct terminology is "consent agenda". The consent agenda includes items that require a vote, etc..., such as resolutions. The Executive Director's Report needs to be removed from this list. The final change is "Family Sufficiency" needs to be changed to "Family Self -Sufficiency". Mr. Garton made a motion to approve as outlined by Ms. Bolin, seconded by Ms. Richardson and carried unanimously. New Business A. Hugh Earnest of the City of Fayetteville gave his report at the beginning of the meeting. B. Resolution Authorizing the Award of Contract for Capital Funds Program Work for Year of 2003 Project AR097001-Ms. Sawin advised that this should have been placed under "Old Business" as it did not get voted on and apologized for that error. Ms. Sawin then outlined what was included in this bid and that it was necessary to vote as the bid is only good for 60 days which would be March 7, 2004. Ms. Richardson advised that she had contacted HUD about possible training on the bidding process and Jesse Westover from HUD has agreed to come on March 8, 2004 which would be after the 60 day period. The meeting is still needed and is scheduled for Monday, March 8`h at 10:00 a.m. and the location will be announced later. Ms. Bolin expressed her opinion and did not feel comfortable with the bidding process or the amount for the office renovation. Ms. Bolin recommended that the board not approve this resolution as there was no permission to move forward with this process from the board. Ms. Richardson stated that there is several processes to consider in this situation and certainly must think of the future of Hillcrest Towers and if something could possibly change in six months. However, on the other hand it is needed as it has been 17 years since anything has been done to the office and it would make the value of the building go up. Ms. Watson expressed that she felt that Hillcrest Towers would be going nowhere and stated the city would never let it happen as it was a historical place. Mr. Garton expressed his opinion that the renovation needed to be done and that putting it off is not the answer, that upgrading the facility would make it a nicer place to work and a nicer place for the people coming into the office. Bolin then expressed her opinion that this issue was moved forward without the approval of the board. Ms. Richardson advised that Ms. Sawin had given an explanation of how this came to be in her Executive Director's Report. Ms. Sawin proceeded to summarize the written explanation to the board. Ms. Williams (Facilitator) requested that Ms. Sawin may need to review her explanation verbally. Ms. Sawin did advise that she did inform the board of the changes in the office plans in her prior Executive Director's Reports for Sept. 12, 2003 and Dec. 11, 2003. Ms. Sawin then outlined the information as given on her written explanation. Mr. Coleman thanked Ms. Sawin for her explanation and also expressed his desire to move forward. Mr. Garton motioned to approve this resolution, seconded by Mr. Coleman, the motion carried with four "I" votes and one "Nay" vote. C. Resolution Establishing Policy for Capitalization of Property for Financial Control Purposes- Ms. Sawin reviewed the resolution to the board members, Ms. Bolin motioned to approve, seconded by Mr. Coleman and carried unanimously. D. Selection of Nominating Committee for Board Member Election Process -Ms. Richardson advised that the deadline for the application process for the re-election of the resident board member is due March 9, 2004. Ms. Richardson felt they needed to get together and come up with a more specific form for the steps needed to go through and put in writing. Ms. Richardson, Ms. Bolin and Mr. Coleman agreed to get together and come up with a written guideline for procedures for electing board members every year. Mr. Coleman also requested that the application process remain as confidential as possible. E. Standing Committee Reports 1. Strategic Planning -Gary Garton -No Report 2. Public Relations -Janet Richardson -Ms. Richardson advised she is trying to get organized and setting up files at home. Ms. Richardson reported she went to the City's Master Plan meeting to see what they had. The master plan did inidicate that one of the three problem buildings was the Towers. Ms. Richardson talked with the firm handling this plan and made them aware of the good things that the building provides for the community and was glad she could put in a good word. Ms. Richardson also advised that she is saving the newspaper articles surrounding the Housing Authority and we will be putting together a scrapbook. 3. Resident Services -Randy Coleman -Mr. Coleman reported that a Valentine's Party was held for the residents and it was a success. He has been coordinating with Fredia Sawin and Kyra McCown and staying up to date on what is going on at the community center. Also, Mr. Coleman is working on his goal of obtaining a possible police substation on one of the public housing sites. He is staying in contact with the local police station and working with them on getting this accomplished. Mr. Garton offered his assistance in helping Mr. Coleman as the bank has a good relationship with the police department. Mr. Coleman also advised that the computer workstation is almost up and running and should be within the next 30 days. is • t 9 4. Family Self -Sufficiency -Pat Watson -Ms. Watson reviewed the status of the employment of the FFS Coordinator with Fredia Sawin. Ms. Sawin advised that we had received written word of the award. Ms. Sawin stated that she would be revising the budget and should be done within 30 days. Ms. Richardson suggested that the hiring process go ahead and get started. Ms. Bolin advised that Ivory Conley, the director of Headstart has also agreed to be on the committee. Mr. Coleman directed Ms. Watson to stay in contact with Ms. Sawin in getting this position filled. Ms. Sawin advised she would get with Ms. Watson and the other people who will be on the committee and put together a job description. Mr. Coleman requested that the board be e-mailed on the status in the next couple of weeks. 5. Housing -Nancy Bolin-Ms.Bolin reported that she had a meeting set up with the Markham Hill Developers for next Monday on February 23, 2004 at 10:30 a.m. All commissioners could attend except for Gary Garton. Ms. Bolin advised she would get back with each commissioner and let them know where the meeting will be held. According to Ms. Bolin these developers would like to replace Hillcrest Towers and pointed out some of the different options. Ms. Bolin also would like to ask them if the Towers is not replaced on maybe working with them to redo the outside and make it more presentable. Ms. Bolin also advised that she and Mr. Coleman were looking at a possible computer lab at Hillcrest Towers. Ms. Bolin also suggested possibly using capital grant funds to build community centers at the other public housing sites. F. Board Evaluation Retreat -Ms. Bolin recommended that the board get together for another retreat in the near future. Ms. Richardson questioned when this would be scheduled for. Ms. Bolin advised it would be late March or April and she would set up the meeting and advise the board. Ms. Richardson advised that the matter of the sexual harassment workshop for the maintenance staff needed to be cleared up from the January 2004 Executive Session to discuss personnel issues. Ms. Sawin advised the board that a workshop was conducted for the maintenance staff and some of the office staff on February 12, 2004. They will be returning to finish the workshop for the remaining office staff that did not get to attend. Ms. Sawin advised that the meeting was very informative. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned to go into executive session to discuss personnel issues. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ATTEST: • o ecretary • 0 FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701-5928 PH: (479)521-3850 FAX: (479)442-6771 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT FEBRUARY 12, 2004 1. We received notification on January 21st, 2004 from the HUD Financial Management Center that our office will finally receive funding for the Family Self Sufficiency/Homeowner Coordinator. The effective date of this award of grant funding is from 1/1/2004 to expire on 12/31/2004. We have sent to HUD for a budget revision to include this funding. The total grant amount is for $36,600. 2. The Public Housing Director (Kyra McCown) has started • interviewing Work Study recipients for the Lewis Plaza Community Center Learning Lab position. She has also talked to another College Student who is interested in doing a summer reading program at the Learning Center. Maintenance is building an office for the Police Sub -Station and should have it finished by the end of this month. We had the computer technicians scheduled to connect the computer internet but found that the phone system needs to be upgraded, as soon as this is done, the technicians will complete their task and then schedules can be set in motion in connection with the Work Study person, Mission Northwest and our tenant volunteers. 3. Public Housing has 5 Vacancies, 3 at Morgan Manor, 1 at Lewis Plaza and 1 at Willow Heights. The Section 8 Program has mailed out about 90 contacts from our waiting list to fill the remaining enhanced vouchers. Our funding for these extra vouchers started on February 1, 2004. E RESOLUTION NO, 698 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR CAPITAL FUNDS PROGRAM WORK FOR YEAR OF 2003 PROJECT AR097001 & ARO97002 WHEREAS, the Fayetteville Housing Authority received bids on January 07, 2004 for Capital Funds Work for 2003 Funds and which bids have been opened, tabulated and found in proper form and are listed on attached pages: AND WHEREAS, the lowest bid has been reviewed, and is within the Capital Fund budget, and Ledford Engineering & Planning, LLC firm, after review, recommend that we award contract to Dixon Contracting, Inc. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY: 1. That the contract for this work be awarded to Dixon Contracting, Inc. in amount of $169,000.00 2. That the Executive Director of the Housing Authority is hereby appointed to serve as Contracting Officer for the project. The Contracting Officer is also delegated by the Authority to execute the contract and all change orders of the project. PASSED AND.APPROVED THIS AY OF '3e,&WY2004 THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKAN AS IRPERSON ATTEST: �SECRETARY E� s f t FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY AR37P09750103 Bid Tabulation Johnson Mechanical Contractors, Inc. 513 Prairie St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Lic. # 0004651002 Dixon Properties P. O. Box 10917 Fort Smith, AR 72917 BASE BID $1897700.00 $169,000.00 t i Limited Denial of Participation and Voluntary Abstention List Page 1 of 1 '.gloom I fyy U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Limited Denial of Participation and Voluntary Abstention List as of 01/12/2004 Search Results for "Dixon Contractin ,Inc.": 0 Entry Found All LDPs http://www-domino4.hud.govIECIComplianceILDP2. nsfIActive?SearchV iew&Query=(Ful... 1/12/2004 Affiliate Address d[[jice[jE jF Person Number http://www-domino4.hud.govIECIComplianceILDP2. nsfIActive?SearchV iew&Query=(Ful... 1/12/2004 17 Ledford Engineering & Planning, LLC engineering • planning • construction management 11762 Douglass Street • Suite tot File 1119-09 February 17, 2004 Mrs. Sandy Dixon Dixon Contracting, Inc. P.O. Box 10917 Fort Smith, AR 72917 RE: FAYETTEVILLE 2003 CFP BID AWARD Dear Mrs. Dixon: Arlington, TN 38002 901 • 867 • 7800 Fax 901 • 867 • 7820 Email kledford®bellsouth.net On behalf of the Fayetteville Housing Authority, I am pleased to announce the award of the 2003 Capital Fund Program AR37PO9750103 to Dixon Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $169,000, which is your base bid. A Pre -Construction Conference will be held on Tuesday, February 24, 2004, in the office of the Housing Authority at 1:30 p.m. At the time of the meeting, plan to have a representative of your firm in attendance to discuss the contract conditions, progress schedule and general requirements of the work. Your bid failed to include four documents identified in Specification Section 01302, Page 9. They are Certification of Bidder regarding Section 3 and Segregated Facilities (00482), Certification of Prime Bidder regarding Equal Employment Opportunity (00820), Certification by Prime Bidder regarding Non -Segregated Facilities (00820), and Contractor's Certification Concerning Labor Standards and Prevailing Wage Requirements (00851). Please provide these documents to the Housing Authority prior to or at the time of the Pre -Construction Conference. You are requested to submit three copies of your proposed progress schedule, schedule of payments, payment bond, performance bond, and certificates of insurance at this meeting. Please check to make sure the notice of cancellation is 30 days on the insurance form instead of the usual 10 days. You may use the forms provided in the Project Manual or provide the Bonds on alternate bonds from your Surety. Sincerely Randy Hoeschen, PHM RH/rjh CC: Fredia Sawin, Executive Director Ledford Engineering & Planningo LLC engineering • planning 6 construction management 11782 Douglass street • suite i 0 FWi67 38802 901 A 901 + 887 6 7800 Pak 901 & 887 + 7820 Email kledfordobellsouth.net File 1119-09 January 9, 2004 Ms. Fredia Sawin Executive Director Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville #1 North School Fayetteville, AR 72701 RE: CFP PROJECT NO. AR37P09750103 Dear Mrs. Sawin: We received bids on the referenced project January 7; 2004 and after reviewing all bids, the low bidder is Dixon Contracting, Inc. We have checked the List of Parties Excluded from Federal procurement or Non -Procurement Programs and/or Limited Denial of Participation as directed by Circular Letter No. IV NAS -94-65 to see if the low bidder has been debarred, suspendedi or has a Limited Denial of Participation (LPD) by the U. S. Government: The low bidder is not on this list. The contractor failed to submit a Certification of Bidder Regarding Section 3 and Segtegated Facilities (00482)„ Certification of Ptime Bidder Regarding Equal Opportunity (00820), Certification by Prime Bidder Regarding Non -Segregated Facilities (00822), and Contractor's Certification Concerning Labor Standards and Prevailing Wage Requirements (00851). These are considered an informality and the contractor has been advised to provide these documents to the blousing Authority. We therefore, recommend the award of the contract to Dixon Contracting Inc., in the amount of $169,000. I have included a copy of the List of Parties Excluded which indicates they are not on the List and a Bid Tabulation. Sincer Randall J. Hoeschen, AICP Project Manager RJH/jc . IEnclosures RESOLUTION NO. 699 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING POLICY FOR CAPITALIZATION OF PROPERTY FOR FINANCIAL CONTROL PURPOSES WHEREAS, Local Housing Authorities are required to establish a policy for the capitalization of property for financial control purposes; WHEREAS, the Fayetteville Housing Authority wishes to rescind Resolution No. 143, dated 2/14/74 (RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING POLICY FOR CAPITALIZATION OF PROPERTY FOR FINANCIAL CONTROL PURPOSES). WHEREAS, the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville adopts the following capitalization policy for the purpose of determining, distinguishing and recording materials and non -expendable equipment and personal property purchased or acquired in connection with the development, management, and maintenance of public housing developments owned or operated by this Authority. A. If the initial cost of apiece of equipment and/or other personal property is Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or more and the anticipated life or useful value of said equipment or property is more than (1) year, the same shall be capitalized and recorded as non -expendable equipment and charged as a capital expenditure. B. If the initial cost of the piece of equipment and/or personal property is less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or its useful life is less than one (1) year regardless of cost, the same shall be treated and recorded as materials or inventory and charged to maintenance, administration, or tenant service expense. C. The Executive Director, or the Executive Director's designee, is authorized and directed to determine whether each piece of equipment or other personal property that is acquired by the Housing Authority in connection with the development, management and maintenance of the properties owned or operated by the Housing Authority, shall be classified as material or non -expendable, as defined in the preceding sections. Also, the Executive Director shall use due discretion to classify as non -expendable equipment those items of equipment costing less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) which, to his/her judgment, should be so classified, such as bulk purchases that could have a significant impact upon operating results. The Executive Director is further directed to ensure that the determination is documented in the appropriate records of the Housing Authority and retained for the information and guidance of its personnel and for audit purposes. PAGE 2 D. Useful Life of Assets Management has the responsibility to estimate useful lives and residual values of depreciable assets. The following useful lives may be used in the calculation of depreciation. Site Improvements 15 years 10% residual value Dwelling Structures 40 years 10% residual value Non -dwelling Structures 40 years 10% residual value Improvements done under Grants 20 years no residual value Office Equipment 7 years no residual value Maintenance Equipment 7 years no residual value Automobiles 7 years no residual value Dwelling Equipment 7 years no residual value Stoves & Refrigerators 7 years no residual value Computer Equipment (Hardware) 3 years no residual value Computer Software 3 years no residual value BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of Fayetteville, Arkansas that the above Capitalization Policy is adopted; PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 1 �?4 DAY OF P�9MO L (' 2004. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS HAIRPERSON ATTEST: Fayetteville Housing Authority #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone: 479-521-3850 Fax: 479-442-6771 February 2, 2004 Dear Fayetteville Housing Authority Commissioners: Please find enclosed a copy of the bid break down from Dixon Contracting Inc. Also, please find enclosed a copy of correspondence from Mr. Randy Hoeschen as to the extra money it will take to rebid this contract. As of this date, the Housing Authority has paid a total of $19,800.00 from our 2003 Capital Funds for Schematic/Preliminary Design, Design Development and Bidding/Construction Documents Phase. Invoices attached. The HUD area office has advised that to rebid this contract could force a higher bid giving the fact that the scope of work to be done is less. Please also understand that this bid is good for 60 days. Also, doing away with the Office Renovation means we have to come up with more designs and schematics to spend this money based on our five year plan. The plans for the office renovation are located here in the office if any commissioner would like to look at them. Basically it entails turning the conference room into a two offices with a briefing area. A portion of the Library will be turned into the Conferenceibreak room. There will be new flooring (tile) installed. Repainting of walls, a new furnace/AC system will be installed and a file room enclosed off the Conference room. f Page 2 The steps to obtaining a bid are as follows: 1. FY2003 Capital Funds are awarded by HUD. 2. Budget revision is sent in to HUD explaining how the funds will be spent. 3. Upon approval of the Budget, the Engineering firm sets up the bid documents i.e. Schematic/Preliminary design. 4. Advertisement is set out for bids to be received and a preliminary bid opening is scheduled. This gives the contractors a chance to look at the bid documents and compare it to visual of work to be done. 5. The actual bid opening date is set up. 6. Sealed bids are received from those interested contractors and are opened in their presence and the acknowledgment of the low bidder is announced. 7. The bid is then presented to the board for approval. 8. Upon approval, the scope of work is scheduled. Please let me know if any further information is needed. Thank you, .,?;f "a Fredia Sawin Executive Director fs 11 Fayetteville Housing Authority #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone: 479-521-3850 Fax: 479-442-6771 February 6, 2004 Dear Fayetteville Housing Authority Commissioners: In July, 2003 it was voted by the board to let Mike Atwell (Fayetteville Housing Authority Maintenance Foreman) handle the bids to get the office renovation completed. The funding for this office renovation would come out of the remainder of the FY2002 Capital funds. Since the office renovation was listed as an item in our five year plan and the majority of the remaining funds would be used for this purpose, the capital funds (Federal Regulations) paper work is still involved. Mr. Atwell contacted four construction contractors (James Waddell, Harrison Davis Const., Corner Stone Const., and The Handyman Const.) to place bids. It was the contingency among all the contractors that the amount of money involved in doing the paper work was more than what was involved in doing the work and therefore Mr. Atwell was not able to get any bids on the construction part of it. The reasoning for Mr. Atwell to handle the bids was to save money by not involving the engineering firm or architectural designs. However, in looking at the bid from Dixon and the money billed from Ledford Engineering Firm, the money that would have been saved (based on the office renovation being 27 percent of the bid) is around $17,000.00. 0 • Page 2 The Office renovation was going to be spent out of Capital Funds. Based upon our Financial PHMAP scores and Lindsey calculations are operating funds were at 1.9 expenditure and needed to be at 6 months expenditure according to HUD regulations. The $54,959.34 received back from our FY2002 Capital Funds went directly into our operating funds to help out with the six months expenditure we needed to be. Had we spent part of this $54,959.34 on the office renovation and not used it to our operating expenditures, than the money spent towards insurance and the City of Fayetteville PILOT payment amounting to approximately $61,000 ($9,864 PILOT, $47,557 Fire and Liability Insurance, $3,659 Workman's Comp Insurance) would have taken a big chunk out of our bank account. Last year around this time, Mr. Wilson borrowed around $35,000 from Sec 8 funds to pay for these insurance premiums. This year, because of the $54,959.34, we did not have to do this. Therefore, with this being said, as an Executive Director, I made the decision to put the FY2002 remaining Capital Funds into our our Operating Expenditures and lump the Office Renovation in with the FY2003 Capital Funds bid. My decision was based on the fact that the office renovation was going to be spent out of Capital funds whether it was the FY2002 year or the FY2003 year and that the remainder of the FY2002 Capital Funds (54,959.34) was needed to build up our expenditure fund. I did consult with Mr. Garton as to his opinion but made the decision based upon our efforts to get the bids without success, the need to get the office renovation completed and the need to build up our six months expenditure. Please let me know if any further information is needed. Thank you, Fredia Sawin Executive Director fs