HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-16 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF • THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 a.m., Tuesday, December 16, 2003 in the City Administration Building, Room 326, Fayetteville, AR. Gary Garton, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at approximately 8:00 a.m. Mr. Coleman was recognized as being absent. Commissioners Present: Gary Garton, Pat Watson, Nancy Bolin, Janet Richardson Commissioners Absent: Randy Coleman Others Present: Fredia Sawin, Laura Higgins (Fay. Housing Auth.), Emily Williams (Fay. Schools), Hugh Earnest (City of Fayetteville) Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda which includes the approval of minutes of previous meeting, • approval of minutes of special meeting, approval of November Financial Statement and the Executive Director's report was reviewed and approved by motion from Mr. Garton, seconded by Ms. Richardson and carried unanimously. Old Business Ms. Sawin passed out the drafted Request for Proposal for the physical needs assessment of public housing properties. The RFP was reviewed by Ms. Sawin and a list of engineering firms were presented to the board members. Ms. Bolin advised that the RFP looked good and she appreciated Ms. Sawin's work. Ms. Bolin and Ms. Richardson did advise Ms. Sawin to check with HUD for the appropriate advertising method. Ms. Bolin asked if there were special funds to provide for this and Ms. Sawiti advised she thought you had to use the operating funds to pay for it. Ms. Bolin asked how the commissioner was selected for the last opening on the board. Ms. Richardson advised there were approximately 10 candidates and each one was interviewed and a rating system was developed to determine who to choose. Ms. Sawin advised that for Ms. Watson's term expiring December 31, 2003, there has been only one applicant. Ms. Bolin advised Mr. Coleman had a couple of candidates, but no application had been submitted by them. As there were no other applications, Ms. Richardson motioned to nominate Ms. Watson, Mr. Garton seconded, Ms. Bolin opposed and Ms. Watson was unable to vote for herself. Ms. Bolin stated she thought there needed to be a 11 quorum of three people and asked for this to be tabled until the next meeting and all • agreed. Ms. Bolin nominated Randy Coleman as Chairperson for the year 2004, seconded by Mr. Garton and carried unanimously. Mr. Garton motioned to nominate Janet Richardson as Vice Chairperson, seconded by Ms. Bolin and carried unanimously. Ms. Sawin gave her report on the Fast Forward -Strategic Planning meeting attended by her and Ms. Bolin at the Jones Center. Ms. Sawin advised it was a very informative meeting and provided ways to get strategic planning started and programs to make it work. You need to define your mission, your needs, clarify your vision and then your strategic planning. Ms. Sawin stated it was a very informative meeting. Ms. Watson will attend the next meeting with Ms. Sawin in January 2004. Ms. Sawin will give Ms. Watson notice of the date. Mr. Garton and Ms. Sawin will get together soon to plan a strategic meeting. New Business Committee Reports -Ms. Bolin outlined the committees established at the recent workshop. The Resident Services Committee will be chaired by Randy Coleman. Nancy Bolin is the chair of the Housing Committee. Strategic Planning is Gary Garton. Public Relations will be Janet Richardson. The new Family Self-sufficiency will be chaired by Janet Richardson and Pat Watson. Two ad hoc members for this committee will be Ralph • Nissan and Kathleen McCarty. Ms. Bolin asked that a plan from each committee chair to be reported at the annual meeting for the year and if there is time at the regular meetings to have a committee report each month. Ms. Bolin gave her report as the Housing Committee chair. Ms. Bolin and Ms. Sawin attended a meeting with the Markham Hill Development group. Ms. Bolin questioned the board if they were interested in the possibility of replacing Hillcrest Towers. With this agreement Markham Hill Development could then go forward and present the board with their plans. Ms. Richardson was not sure if there was enough information to go forward with. Ms. Bolin clarified that she just wanted to know if the board wanted to even entertain the notion or if they had no desire to move forward on this issue. Mr. Garton advised that if we could improve our housing stock with little or no change then obviously there would be a level of interest. Mr. Earnest of the City of Fayetteville provided the board with their status of this development on a city level. After all discussion was made on the issue Mr. Garton finalized by stating the consensus is to move forward to see what the developer has to offer to the Housing Authority. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned and into executive session to discuss personnel issues. 0 0 THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ATTEST: Secretary • • • FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701-5928 PH: (479)521-3850 FAX: (479)442-6771 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT December 11, 2003 1. Mr, Randy Hoeschen with Ledford Planning and Engineering will be coming to our office on December 16th, 2003 to conduct a Pre -Bid Conference for our 2003 Capital funds. This years bids will be presented on renovation of the office and plumbing upgrades for Willow Heights and Morgan Manor. 2, Mr. Randy Coleman, the Public Housing Staff, the Fayetteville Fire Department and other invited city officials will be presenting • a Christmas Party to all Public Housing residents at the Community Center in Lewis Plaza. It will be held on December 19th, 2003 from 6p.m. to 8p.m. Gifts for the children and food will be provided by donations from the Fire Department, Mr. Randy Coleman, Ms Nancy Bolin and the Housing Authority. Commissioners are invited to attend. 3. Public Housing has 6 Vacancies, 2 in Hillcrest, 2 at Lewis Plaza, 2 at Willow Heights and none at Morgan Manor.. Section 8 has leased up around 10 of the 35 newly funded vouchers. The remaining 25 will be leased up from our Section 8 Waiting list. Contacts will go out around the first part of January, 2004, 4. The 2002 Capital Funds have been expended in regards to the construction contract. The remaining $54,959.34 will be put into the Public Housing General Fund Account. This should help to build up our expendable fund balance. r1 u I 0 PAGE 2 December 11, 2003 5. As requested in the November Regular Board Meeting by Ms. Bolin, the following is a brief outline of the events and actions taken concerning the requirements for the Public Housing Community Service. A. Received PIH Notice 2003-17 from HUD - Reinstating the Community Service requirement. B. Notification sent to all Public Housing Residents on July 31st, 2003 in regards to this requirement and the guidelines. C. Mailed Public Housing Lease Addendum to all residents on October 17, 2003 with a 30 Day Comment Period. Also Posted in Office Lobby Area. D. November 18th, 2003 Resolution # 694 & 695 updating • the Housing Authority Occupancy Policy and Lease Agreement were adopted by the Board of Commissioners. E. November 21st letters were mailed to each resident to alert them as to whether they were exempt or not and what the requirements were to comply. F. On an ongoing basis, at each resident's annual re-exam and upon move -in, their lease agreement is updated with the addendum and the waivers are signed if they are exempt. At their re -exams the files are noted as to whether they are in compliance. No evictions can be done until the resident has been given the opportunity to comply and several notifications (with a right to a grievance hearing) have been mailed. E