HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-10-21 - Minutes - Archive• MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 a.m., Tuesday, October 21, 2003 in the office of the Authority #1 North School Ave., Fayetteville, AR. Gary Garton, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at approximately 8:00 a.m. Mr. Coleman was recognized as being absent as he had to travel out of state. Commissioners Present: Gary Garton, Pat Watson, Nancy Bolin, Janet Richardson Commissioners Absent: Randy Coleman Others Present: Fredia Sawin, Laura Higgins, M.D. Atwell, Butch Drain, (Fay. Housing Auth.), Travis Dotson and Brian Pugh (City of Fayetteville) Minutes of the Previous Meeting Ms. Bolin requested that the acceptance of the minutes of the September 17, 2003 regular • meeting be postponed until the next regular meeting as she did not receive her packet in time to review them. This was carried and agreed upon by Mr. Garton. Financial Statement Review of the September 2003 financial statement was also postponed until the next meeting. Executive Director's Report The contents of the Executive Director's Report dated October 16, 2003 was reviewed by Ms. Sawin and discussed between the commissioners. It was determined by the commissioners that no motion was needed for the director's report. Old Business Discussion on assessment of all public housing properties done by an architectural engineering firm was continued. Ms. Sawin stated she had been checking around the state looking for a firm to handle this issue. Because of the cost there will need to be at least three bids, so it needs to be advertised. Ms. Richardson did not believe that it would need to be advertised nationwide and that it could stay within the state, but she will check with Jesse Westover at HUD and report back. 40 • Discussion on a public housing representative was continued by Ms. Bolin. It was noted that a tenant's organization is starting at one of the public housing sites. Per Ms. Sawin no stipend has been paid to the representatives at this time at least until they are fully organized and a president has actually been put into place. No further steps have been taken at this time to establish monetary assistance for the representative. There has been no formal plan or outline for the resident counsels responsibilities at this time. Ms. Sawin stated that they haven't got anything started yet and it is still in the works. Discussion continued on the whereabouts of the three computers replaced by the Housing Authority. Ms. Bolin questioned Mr. Garton if he had an answer to this. Mr. Garton presented this question to Ms. Sawin who directed it to the maintenance supervisor Mr. Atwell. Mr. Atwell stated that one of the computers was destroyed by him. Ms. Sawin stated the question of the remaining two computers needed to be directed to Mr. Bromo Wilson, the prior executive director. Mr. Garton advised that he would contact Mr. - Wilson and report at the next meeting. Ms. Richardson advised that the computers needed to be taken off of the inventory. Ms. Sawin agreed that she would. Ms. Bolin again questioned the accounting contract with Lindsey & Co. Mr. Garton thought that these questions were answered at the last board meeting and reviewed those answers with Ms. Bolin. Ms. Bolin again asked why the prior administrator salary was not amended down when the Lindsey and Co. contract was put into place. Ms. Bolin felt that this should have been a consideration of the board at that time. Ms. Bolin requested • to see the accounting contract for Lindsey and Co. to review the general cost. Ms. Bolin wished to review the expenditures from the September regular meeting which she thought were excessive. Ms. Watson requested specific charges. Contract labor charges were again discussed as Ms. Bolin felt some of the charges were excessive. Ms. Richardson stated that they felt they had covered this issue with the amendment to the procurement policy requiring three bids if charges go over $1,000.00. Ms. Bolin brought up using employees as contract labor. Mr. Garton advised that this issue had been addressed and that the Housing Authority has complied and is no longer doing this practice. Ms. Sawin gave her response to Mayor Coody's letter and advised that she would be meeting soon with Hugh Earnest and that the Housing Authority will partnership with the city on whatever issues are needed. Ms. Richardson brought up the issue of having the regular meetings at city hall. Discussion was made concerning this idea. Mr. Travis Dotson and Brian Pugh of the City of Fayetteville arrived and presented information on their trash program and recycling programs with the city. Questions were raised by the commissioners and answered appropriately. Mr. Dotson reviewed the options to the Housing Authority and their desire to work together with this agency in helping with the trash issue. Mr. Dotson expressed his appreciation of the Housing Authority's cooperation with their office and that the Housing Authority was doing an • exceptional job with disposing of their trash and the work they were doing with their . recycling program. Mr. Dotson and Mr. Pugh then left the meeting with Mr. Atwell to tour the housing sites. William Drain then presented his reasons for being in the meeting and to make sure that he had not done anything illegal concerning the contract labor questions. The commissioners reassured him that he had done nothing illegal and the issue relates to the Housing Authority. Discussion then returned to the letter from the mayor. Ms. Bolin asked to change the regular meetings to city hall. Mr. Garton agreed and requested that Ms. Sawin place this meeting on the City's monthly schedule for November 2003. New Business Resolution #690 -Approving Operating Budget for Public Housing Ms. Bolin did not receive this in advance and requested that voting be moved to the next meeting. Ms. Watson pointed out this would be the second month that the budget has not been approved. Mr. Garton moved to approve the budget and to leave it open that if there are any questions and the board needed to look at modifications then we can go back and modify the budget at the next meeting. Mr. Garton made motion to approve, but requested the executive director to place this as an agenda item for the next month's meeting. Motion was seconded by Ms. Richardson, motioned carried by three I votes and • one nay vote. Resolution #691 -Amendment to Procurement Policy Fredia Sawin emphasized the hardship of obtaining three bids when contract labor exceeds a $1,000.00 limit. Mr. Garton advised that we may have to come back to this issue later if it gets too cumbersome. Mr. Garton made motion to approve, seconded by Ms. Bolin and carried unanimously. Resolution #692 -Authorizing submission of Public Housing Assessment and Resolution #693 -Authorizing submission of the Section 8 Management Assessment Ms. Richardson pointed out that these two reports are factual and could not be changed. Ms. Sawin stated the results come directly from the computer. Mr. Garton made motion to approve as presented, seconded by Ms. Richardson and carried by three I votes. Ms. Bolin abstained from voting on these two resolutions. Ms. Sawin gave her report on the Community Care Workshop which was attended by her and Ms. Richardson. Future meetings will be attended by Ms. Sawin and other commissioners on the board. Ms. Bolin requested that the board skip discussing the board goal clarification as outlined on the agenda due to time constraints. • Ms. Bolin asked for another board retreat for strategic planning at which time they could discuss some of the board's goals. Ms. Bolin proposed that they schedule another date • for strategic planning. Ms. Richardson stated that until the board could get along better that all the training in the world would not help. Ms. Bolin suggested a mediator to help resolve some issues. Ms. Richardson made a motion that instead of meeting for strategic planning that the board has a mediation retreat. Ms. Richardson agreed to take care of locating a mediator and contacting them to set up an appointment time. Ms. Bolin brought up questions about the election process for commissioners. Ms. Bolin questioned Ms. Watson if she would be applying for another term. Ms. Watson advised that she wouldbe. Ms. Bolin suggested that the board needed to establish some type of process for the selection of commissioners. Ms. Bolin will get with Mr. Coleman and draw up an outline to present at the next regular board meeting. Adjournment to go into executive session as outlined on the agenda was postponed due to Randy Coleman's absence. However, Ms. Bolin requested to go ahead and move into executive session to discuss other personnel issues. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS • Chairperson ATTEST: 0 FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY • #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701-5928 PH: (479)521-3850 FAX: (479)442-6771 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT OCTOBER 16TH, 2003 1, The Fayetteville Housing Authority staff conducted a tenants meeting on September 18th, 2003 at the Lewis Plaza Head Start Building. There was a very good turn out. We also had three Commissioners present. Police Chief Hoyt talked with the tenants about hopefully getting a Police Substation set up in this building. He sounded very confident that it could be done as long as his man power and funds could accommodate. Committees were formed among the tenants and another meeting is scheduled for October 21st, 2003 at 5:30p.m. Any one wishing to attend will be welcome. • 2. Another bit of information concerning the Lewis Plaza Head Start- Community Center. Mr, Randy Coleman and our maintenance foreman (M. D. Atwell) attended an auction at the University of Arkansas. On behalf of the Housing Authority, a palate of computers and other equipment was purchased for $375.00. We have several volunteers currently working on these computers to install hard drives and at this time there are four computers up and running. The Mission Northwest Arkansas volunteers have been the most dedicated and should be able to help out with other projects once we get it started. Mr. Coleman has been very dedicated to getting people involved and getting other volunteers set up. We will be working on getting a Work Study person to fill in the gaps of time. I also would like to mention that we have received donations from the Springdale Office Furniture Services in the way of computer tables and a conference table. 0- • PAGE 2 3. In regards to the 2004 Operating Budget, I have contacted the Lindsey budget representative and talked with her concerning the questions from the September Board Meeting, The Garbage and Trash is lumped into the contract cost which is budgeted at a total of $163,490.00. Although Mr. Wilson budgeted the cost at $35,000 for the previous budget year, the revision lowered it down to $16,220. Please keep in mind that Contract Costs covers a number of items i.e. Garbage, Pest Control, Termite Control, Elevator, Lawn Service, Skilled Work, Cleaning and Interior Painting, Maintenance Cell Phones and Boiler/AC inspection. But the bottom line of all these expenditures cannot exceed the budgeted amount of $163,490. Any item going over its budgeted amount will be revised at the end of the year. The Travel costs are not a controlled budget item and cannot be predicted. This line item will always have to be revised down or up at the end of the year as the case may be. The budget line item for Drug Awareness and Elderly Services (under Tenant Services) are for programs approved by the HUD office in • connection with tenant services set up usually by Grants or special funds received from HUD. These are possible budgeted items in the future as we get more tenant programs started. 4. The Fayetteville Housing has received the letter of acceptance on our additional 35 Section 8 Vouchers. We are waiting for the funds to be received and guidance from the HUD office as to the list of voucher recipients at Grandview Apartments. I will keep you updated as more transpires on this. 5. Public Housing currently has 15 vacancies, 6 at Hillcrest Towers, 6 at Willow Heights, 3 at Lewis Plaza and none at Morgan Manor. Section 8 is currently full. 0 .. , • FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY #1 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701-5928 PH: (479)521-3850 FAX: (479)442-6771 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT OCTOBER 16TH, 2003 1. A Tenants Council Meeting was held on October 21st, 2003 and Officers were elected. Ms. Deanna Rhine from Lewis Plaza as President, Ms. Carolyn Harp from Willow Heights as Vice President and Ms. Deborah Olsen from Morgan Manor as Secretary. Their first Official Tenants Council Meeting was conducted on November 3rd, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. They have also written their first Community News letter. Please see attached. The Learning Lab is up and running. The Tenants Council will be responsible to nominate volunteers to open it two nights a week • and we have volunteers from the Mission Northwest group to come on Saturdays or Mondays to help with some learning activities for the children and adults. We are currently working on getting the internet in place and the center is in need of electrical and plumbing work. 2. We have once again received notice from the HUD Financial Center that another $8,933 will be recaptured from our Section 8 funds for the fiscal year of 2003. Please see attached letter. From the 2002 fiscal year recapture, so far only $80,015 has been withheld, out of the $120,395 threatened to be withheld. They have notified us that starting January, 2004 they will start deducting the remainder of the $120,395. 3. Public Housing has 9 Vacancies, 2 in Hillcrest, 3 at Lewis Plaza, 4 at Willow Heights and none at Morgan Manor. Section 8 is in the process of leasing the 35, newly funded units, as enhanced vouchers through Grandview Apartments. What isn't used by Grandview, will be pulled from our Waiting List. 0 IV • Page 2 4, The Family Self -Sufficiency Grant has been recommended for Funding, per the HUD web site. We have not received official notification from the area HUD Office. But according to this announcement we should receive $36,600. Please see attached /istin4. Will let you know more as word is received. 5. Please find attached a letter from the City of Fayetteville Waste Management Division. • 0 Commvni+y 7�ew5 )Novem6e►' 2603 October 21, 2003 The community council was elected for Residents in Public housing. 'Phis Committee is to better serve our community. With this Committee residents have a say in the changes to take place in our communities. Tile counsel is: President- Deana Rhine - Lewis Plaza Vice President- Carolyn Harp -Willow Heights Secretary- Deborah Olsen - Morgan Manor We will have a meeting on the first A'londay of every month at 5:301).m. Our first meeting will be held at Lewis Plaza November 3,2003 at 5:301mul We need ideas for fund raising, this is money we as a community can use for community needs, Cook outs, activities for adults & children. • With the computer lab getting under way, we would like to have something for all. We need all the volunteers we can get for the neighborhood watch program in Willow Heights, Morgan Manor and Lewis Plaza This Committee will work with the Police to get the program started. We also need volunteers for the community center. People that have to do community service, (the 8 hours a month) can do there service at the community Center here at Lewis Plaza. We need people to help get the building prepared, also to help open the center everyday. We hope everyone participates If your 80 or 8 We all can make a difference and have fun doing it! There will be a suggestion box at each meeting, if you cannot be at the meeting call or take the suggestion to the Housing Authority. We need everyone to make this work. If you need transportation in order to attend these meetings Please contact Freida, Kyra, Debra, committee member, or your neighbor. 0 PJOENTo,,, • � �* �oOLJ�"J *GG) •9e'7N DEVEVO • U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Financial Management Center 2345 Grand Boulevard, Suite 1150 Kansas City, MO 64108-2603 HUD Home Page: ioww.hud.gov October 29, 2003 FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY # 1 NORTH SCHOOL AVENUE FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 Dear Executive Director: Subject: Recapture of Excess Section 8 Program Reserves — Housing Choice Voucher Program Public Law 105-18, enacted into law on June 12, 1997, requires the Department to complete an assessment and to recapture excess Section 8 program reserves on an annual basis. Pursuant to this law, the Department has completed the annual assessment for the Federal Fiscal Year 2003. This letter is to notify you that excess Section 8 program reserves were identified and have been recaptured from your Housing Agency's (HA) Housing Choice Voucher Program. Upon completion of the recapture each housing authority's program reserve balance should generally be equal to one month of current year Housing Assistance Payments cost. The recapture amount will be identified as "FY 03 Recapture" on Line 11 or Line 15, Contingency Reserve or ACC Program Reserve, of the HUD approved form HUD -52681 for the affected housing authority's year. Your program reserve account balance has been reduced by the following amount: Housing Authority Number Recaptured Amount AR181 $8,933 The recapture process has no impact on the balance sheet equity accounts for HAs that have converted to the GAAP -based accounting system. Therefore, no adjusting entries are required for these HAs. However, if your HA has not adopted a GAAP -based accounting system, a journal voucher should be prepared to adjust the general ledger account balances with the following entries: DR 2827 Reserved Surplus - Program Reserve Account CR 2810 Surplus - Unreserved Surplus Should you have any questions, please contact your Financial Analyst at the Financial Management Center. Sincerely, 0 Division Director Barbara A. Lamb Uydi uy+:nl A L1,4 al a+Orbn „�, no,u cni• 0 Division Director U.S. Department of Housing Urban Development • Family Self -Sufficiency Recommended For Funding • • Applicant name Arkansas Stuttgart Housing Authority Benton Public Housing Authority Fayetteville Housing Authority While River Regional Housing Authority Harrison Housing Authority Pope County Public Facilities Board Mississippi County Public Facilities Board St. Francis County Housing Authority Lee County Housing Authority Pulaski County Housing Agency McGehee Public Residential Housing Facilities Stale Subtotals: California Housing Authority of the County of Los Angeles Oakland Housing Authority Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles City of Fresno Housing Authority Housing Authority of the County of Kern Housing Authority of the City of Upland Housing Authority of the County of San Mateo Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara Housing Authority of the County of Merced Housing Authority of the County of San Joaquin Housing Authority of the County of Stanislaus Housing Authority of the County of Riverside Housing Authority of the County of Fresno Oxnard Housing Authority Housing Authority of the County of Monterey Housing Authority of the City of Benecia Housing Authority of the County of Butte Consolidated Area Housing Authority of Sutter County Marin Housing Authority of the County of Marin Kings County Housing Authority Housing Authority of the City of Vallejo Housing Authority of the City of San Jose Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara San Diego Housing Commission Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo Fairfield Housing Authority Housing Authority of Alameda County Housing Authority of the City of Long Beach Housing Authority of the City of Madera City of Compton Housing Authority Housing Authority of the County of Santa Cruz Housing Authority of the City of Napa Housing Authority of The City of Livermore $ Funded $24,792 $29,759 $36,600 $37,370 $57,347 $33,627 $69,137 $53,086 $23,230 $33,452 $30,000 $1,046,990 546,814 $125,000 $3,175,732 $241,905 $105,418 $33,489 $121,200 $114,592 $125,000 $102,393 $55,035 $104,680 $47,470 $244,763 $59,287 $60,188 $118,170 $39,576 $48,480 $105,930 $60,352 $125,000 $46,811 $125,000 $250,000 $48,106 $100,402 $125,000 $206,193 $52,904 $43,026 $62,500 $125,000 $47,190 19 0 '; I THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS October 28`h, 2003 Fredia Sawin #1 North School Fayetteville, AR 72701 Dear Ms. Sawin This letter is in response to the visit by Travis Dotson and Brian Pugh on Tuesday, October 21" at the Housing Authorities Board Meeting. After discussion with Board members and Housing Authority employees we feel that the best direction to take for trash disposal is to remain with the current system of containers provided by the City. We think that the employees at the Housing Authority are doing an admirable job with the limited resources available to work with including employees and equipment. As an example, recycling is being accomplished by the employee staff when the City cannot provide collection because of equipment constraints and recycling procedure concerns. • To this end, we are extremely grateful that the authority feels recycling is important enough to provide this service to your residents. The problem of illegally dumping bulky materials is of great concern to the City and the Authority. This problem is not easily solved. After the meeting we were given a tour of the facilities by M.D. Atwell. While driving around the facilities looking at the trash containers we noticed the absence of bulky items left by trash containers. We know illegal dumping of bulky items is a common occurrence but it highlights the great job being done with the employee staff by keeping the facilities neat and orderly. Hopefully with the suggestion of cameras or even fake camera's positioned at spots frequented by illegal dumpers this problem can be rectified or at :east slowed. If we can be of further assistance please don't hesitate to call or e-mail us at bpuah0ci.lavettevillc.arus or tdotson@ci.favetteviIle. ar us. Sincerely, �y— /77?�-7 Travis Dotson Brian Pugh Commercial Sales Representative Waste Reduction Coordinator City of 1 :n ctteville City of Fayetteville 0 • RESOLUTION N0. 690 PHA/INA Board Resolution U.S. Department of Housing OMB Approval No. 26n-OM(exP.Bra0=1I n Budget or Calculation of and Urban Development Approving Operating ud9 Office of Public and Indian Housing Performance Funding System Operating Subsidy Pubtie reporting burden for this collection of information isestimated to average 15 minttaspar response, including the time/or reviewing in31ruetions.3eerching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the date needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless that cultecton displays a valid OMB control number. This information is required by Section e(c)(e) of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937. The information is the operating budgetforthe bio -income housing program andprovides a summary mary ofproposedlbudgeted receipts and expenditures, approval olbudgeledrecelpts andexPtmtitures, andlusf'diationof certain specilled amounts. HUD reviears the information to determine if the operating plan adopted bythe PHAand the amounts aro reasonable andthatthe PHA is in compliance with procedures proscribed by HUD. Responses are "had to obtain benefits. This information does not lend itself to confidentiality. Acting on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of the below -named Public Housing Agency (PHAylndian Housing Authority (IHA), as its Chairman, I make the following certifications and agreements to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regarding the Board's approval of (cheek one or more as applicable): (date) IJ Operating Budget Submitted on: 09/17/03 ❑ Operating Budget Revision Submitted on: ❑ Calculation of Performance Funding System Submitted on: ❑ Revised Calculation of Performance Funding System Submitted on: • I certify an behalf of the: (PHA/IHA Name) that: 1. All regulatory and statutory roquircments have been mer 2. The PHA has sufficient operating reserves to meet the working capital needs of its developments; 3. Proposed budget expenditures arc necessary in the efficient and economical operation of the housing for the purpose of serving low-income residents; 4. The budget indicates a source of funds adequate to cover all proposed expenditures; S. The calculation of eligibility for Federal funding is in accordance with the provisions of the regulations; 6. All proposed rental charges and expenditures will be consistent with provisions of law; 7. The PHA/IHA will comply with the wage rote requircmcnts under 24 CFR 968.110(e) and (0 or 24 CFR 905.120(c) and (d); 8. The PHA/IHA will comply with the requirements for access to records and audits tinder 24 CFR 968.110(i) or 24 CFR 905.120(g); and 9. The PHAAHA will comply with the requirements for the reexamination of family income and composition under 24 CFR 960.2099 990.115 and 905.315. I hereby certify that all the Information stated within, as well as any information provided in the acoompeniment herewith. is We and accurate. lemming;HUDWMMsecutof sedoirnsandstaleme�.CavvcimmayresWin"IaMlwdWpenedies.(1aU.S.C.t001,1010,1012;31U.S.C.372g,3e02) • BoarddCC 'YmanY Nam* (type) ori IJ a 9 Dam � a r V C- • Gr-� O ►J r V. /oil /&3- Prev6ous"Won i3obsolete MUdWM AMIN I I LSDT 2002-ZT-d3S • OPERATING BUDGET • r1 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing .. .... .. ._ .... _, . . , . . , ...... ..: ... 11 .. r. ArIWO3 KT 204d SLTS 89Z T05 1 MNP,j� A3SCN I l farm 1-11.10.62564 (3/95) LS:hT £002-21-d3S IX Orig. Rev. Na se Nrnberso zoos I W 12 mo. Other 01 (X1 PHAAHA -Owned Rental Housing 02 ( 1 INA Owned Mutual Help Homeownership 031 1 PHAAHA Leased Rental Housing 04l ) PHAAHA Owned Turnkey 111 Homeownership OS ( 1 PHAAHA Leased Hemeownerehip s. N" afPubsc Hmmi g AWwkr (RWM Fayetteville Housing Authority L Address (Cly,Scale, ZIP code) N1 North School Avenue Fayetteville, AR 72701 g. ACC Number FW7031 h. PASA.00C3 Pmkst Na AR09700104S L MM FbW Oless Little Rock AR j. N0. al Owaang UNs 252 R. No. a1lAM 1Im01s _ A3024 m No, oPajeds 2 : ......;: �.. . . jAcaL pesaiption 1 Aebmis Lael F.sel Yr. 2002 PUM 2 Ix ESICAMee I )orAdual Cwrard 6udgsr Yr. 2003 PUM 3 R*uselsdeud WECimatee PHAMA Eslbrrdaa HUD Medifcaions PUM 4 Amurd (turf mN$10) PUM 6 Amsurd (re NeeteMtla) Home Buyers Monthly Payments For: oto 770 o nses 0.ao 0.00 0.00 020 77112 Earned Home Payments Account 0.001 0.00 0.00 030 1 77141 Nonroutine Maintenance Reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00 040 Total &eek -Evan Amount sun of 010, 02D a 030 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 OW 771 Excess or De6at N Break -Even Amount 0.00 0.00 'o 0.00 OW 7790I time 8uysm Monthly Pa nts - Contra 0.00 n0 0.00 Operating Receipts 070 13110 OweIG Rerltels 104.02 9&11 10324 312,200 080 3120Xcess Utilities 1.32 1 1.32 4900 090 1 31901 Nandwelling Rentals 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 100 Total Rentsl bmome sum of lines 070 080 and 090 106.34 98.38 100.65 316,200 110 361 teltereet on General Fund Investments 1.37 0.91 0.99 3,000 120 3890 Other Oper&Wm Receipts 21.70 1$. 4.66 13.11011 130 Told Operating Income (cin of lines 100, thru 120) 128.41 116.29 '110.121 333,000 Operating EMmeliturea-Admintstra0m: ' 140 4110 Administrative Salaries 25.00 29.37 28.02 84,72D 150 4130 Legal Expense 1.95 0.68 3.641 11,000 TWO 4140 Staff Traird a 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1 0 �4M Travel 1.44 1. 2.98 8 180 Idd 4170 Accounting Fees 0.39 2.15 2.09 6 330 190 4171 A Fees 0.28 0.38 0.38 1 ISO 200 �Moo anses 25SI 437 4.75 14360 210 Total I Adrninlstration Expense (sum Of 140 tiau 20D) 31.621 34.75 41.84 128,610 Tenant Services: 220 4210 Salaries 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 230 240 4220 1 423al Recreation. Publications and Other Services Contract costs - Trainin and Other 0.001 1.93 1.97 5.950 0.0DI 0.00 0.00 0 250 ITotal I Tenant Services Expense (scan of 220 Ovu 240) mool 1.93 1.971 6,950 Utmuss: 2W 43101 Water 11.13 10.31 10.97 33.1 W 270 280 43=1 43301 Electricity Gas 17.50 16. 14.03 16.81 15.46 15.1 5QG30 45770 290 300 310 4940 4 498 Fua1 Labor Other utilities expense 0.00 0.00 12.81 0.00 0.00 11.88 0.00 0.00 1257 38 010 320 Total I Utilities Expense sun of line 260 tiv0 tine 310) 55.121 51.74 55.481 187 770 204d SLTS 89Z T05 1 MNP,j� A3SCN I l farm 1-11.10.62564 (3/95) LS:hT £002-21-d3S E • • Nem. Feyettevltie Housing Authority September 30,2004 um No. Md. Ho. Description 1 Ad,d. Last Rival Yr, 2002 PUM 2 (xIEzd w ( Ior Aeeut Curwd Budaa Yr. 2003 PUM 3 �Reqwsftd Bud rdEstemles PK44Mq Eetlmaes HUO Maddimtiord PUM 4) Amount (To Newea flo) _ PUM 161 (ro Nearea its) Ordinary Maintenance 330 1 44101 and Operation: Labor 36.76 39.82 42.28 127 860 340 44 Materials 27.Se. 29.71 30.09 91000 350 1 44301 Contract Costs 63.74 46.4 54.06 163,490 360 Total Orth Malnt d Operation Exp lines 330 to 350) 118.06 115.93 128.44 382,350 Protective services: 370 4460 Labor 14.62 15 17.80 53.640 380 M70 dine' 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 390 4480 Conoaet Costo 0.00 0.00 1.32 3,990 400 Total Protective Services Expenses lines 37010 390) 14.62 15.46 18.12 57,830 General Expense: 410 451 Insurance 13.48 17.68 21.17 64A20 420 452 Payments in Lieu of Taxes 4.76 4.91 840 453 Terminal Leave Payments 0.00 0.00 0 440 454 E loe Benefits Contributions 33.44 31.58 95,50D 450 457 Colla n s 14.88 45,43W 460 459 General Expense r287.82 0.00 0.00 0 470 TOW TOU1 Generel Expense (mn d UMs 410 to 480 62.90 7254 219,380 480 Totdi RouL Exp.(sum cr 210,250 320, 400, and 470)282.71 317.38 959,770 Rent fm Leased Dwe0ings: 490 471 Rent b Ownors of Loosed Ovvellin s O.lx) 0.00 0 500 Total Operate Expense sum of lines 48D end 480) 287.8 282.71 317.38 858,770 Nonroutlne Expenditures: 510 461 Extraordina Maintdnanee 21.5 16. 5.65 17.080 520 75MG Ra IaoementofEgtipnent 0.00 1.73 aoo 0 530 754 Setlarmer0 and Additions 0.00 3.08 0.00 0 540 Total Nonroutine Expend. (sum lines 510.520, and 53 21.52 21.01r323.03 17,080 550 ToW O Expenditures (am of lines 500 and 540 309.34 303.72 976,&50 Prior Year Adjustments: 560 6010 PriorYearAd' ents Residual 0.00 0.00 0 oder Expenditures: SM Defcie In Ret m%W Recei at End of Prior F Y 0.00 0.00 0 S60 Tata) Operating Expendihase, including prior year adj and other ex d. Iine 550 + or - pre 560 line 570 309.34 303.723. 976,050 L 590 1 Residual Receipts (or Deficit) before HUD Conurib. and vline 1 minus line 580 -180. -187.44 -212.91 643 HUD Contributions: 600 801 SWe Annual Contrib. Eamod-Leamd:Curnvd Ymr 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 0 610 8011 Prior Year Ad' Debit Credit 0.001 0.00 8111 Told Basic Annual Contribution (5ne 600 plus lie 810) 0.001 0.00 0.00 0 630 8020 Conhib EamedOp, Sub,;Cur Yr Fend edR173.20 172.98 208.10 628 BO 640 M date PFS Ad 11. 6.99 21,M 650 other : Unfunded 0.00 -14.57 44 050 660 Other (specify): 0.00 0.00 0 670 Tota Years a lin 8 11.37 -7.57 907 680 6020 Total r. Sub.-cw, r. line 630 + or - fee 670 104.36 200.53 808 379680 Total HUD Contributions (sum of line 620 ant 680) 184.36 200.53 806.379700 Residual Receipts (or Dencit) (sum of line 590 plus line 890 Enter here and on line 810 -3.OB -1238 (37,477:1 form HUD -52664 (3195) Previous odidone are obsolete Pogo 2 of 4 ref. Handbook 7475.1 LS:Ci £002-21-d35 n L_ -A • Name erPFWBW Fayetteville Housing Authority Fbcal Yes Ergine September 30, 2004 Part II,Provlslon for and Estimated or Actual Operating Reserve at Fiscal Year End 780 Operating Reserve PHAIIHA Estimates HUD Modifications Part l-MaxL0 . Res. -End of Current Budget Year 740 2821 PHAAHAIeased HoushtS4 c.23 or 10(c) 50% of line 480, column 5 form HUD -52564 790 Comments: Lindsey and Company Ina has replaced Operating Reserves on the Operating Budget with Expendable Fund Balance In an effort to make budgeting more compatible to the FDS. We appreciate your opinions and comments on this matter. PHA INA Approval Name Fredia Sawin Tina 2xeeutive Director Signature Name Title Signature 1700d SLTS B92 i05 L Mbd1,W A3SON I l Data N= form HUD -52564 (31951 LS:VT £002-2T-d3S Part II,Provlslon for and Estimated or Actual Operating Reserve at Fiscal Year End 780 Expandable Fund Balance at End of Prev FY -Actual for 09130/02 135,075 x I Audited I I Unaudited 790 Income/Expense Difference -Current Budget Yr (check one) Excluding Fired Assets EstimstedforFYE 09!30/03 x3 Actual for FYE 4,870 800 Fx endable Fund Balance of Current Budget Yr (cheek one) x Estimated for FYE 09MI03 7 Audited Unaudited 139,945 810 Estimated Income/Expense Difference 08/30!04 Enter Amount from fine 700 (37,477) Fixed Assets Enter Re lacements/Addnions/Senernents above Cap P 0 820 Estimated Expendable Fund Balance End of Req, Bud Yr 09130/04 (Sum of Ones 800 and 610) 102.468 Total Projected Operating Expense Per Month 81,404 830 1 Estimated Number of Months Expendable Fund Balance Req Bud Yr. 1.26 Comments: Lindsey and Company Ina has replaced Operating Reserves on the Operating Budget with Expendable Fund Balance In an effort to make budgeting more compatible to the FDS. We appreciate your opinions and comments on this matter. PHA INA Approval Name Fredia Sawin Tina 2xeeutive Director Signature Name Title Signature 1700d SLTS B92 i05 L Mbd1,W A3SON I l Data N= form HUD -52564 (31951 LS:VT £002-2T-d3S R 5.7 . Ii e N O r -I L J 0 �r 14:57 LINDSEY COMPANY 1 501 266 5175 ti mmHT m R IMi ° coo_ ° � s Mir coo i �53Figi 6 i i o �• � o� g3 w �w 0 i2.Dw0��m& gg�g6 'QI O n o n mDD r o m ri 6 �. C f � LQ�q w L W V V N N 0 M M Om m g� A A 8 4 4 O O M•� w•O��MMNm+ Oyyyy o O W W N O W IJ�+IJA ONO N+V V �S 2 $g $800,0 2{252511 S �+ 0 IT a. NLIL 33s N !J N IJ IU m� a 3 • V W O� a N� m � N O �� J 3 w 03 �. gg��yyQQ s0000`d" ° � T ~ N MM�JM�.t M M MN M M .Nmy� Mw� w•�� W Op+ }}(�jj��jj o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 31 eRg C a•'es000ee000� o w1 LIZ 0 °w~•°a~Mo �a�oo�M•'eee � oeooQ000 9 D N N MM y aw�m�w�M w�M M ma o oy�mt�)ta*{ a un � O O O O O G O O O O A 0 0 0 0 0 0+ Fy 9H• Y p� paT g 9 n c 3 w m P $ 44q F$ $g i��j B X r, we dt Tt 7R 7R XIF 8 y N 7R 2R + e m m m 9 I wrr 3 ° Ii e N O r -I L J 0 �r 14:57 LINDSEY COMPANY 1 501 266 5175 ti mmHT m R IMi ° coo_ ° � s Mir coo i �53Figi 6 i i o �• � o� g3 w �w 0 i2.Dw0��m& gg�g6 'QI O n o n mDD r o m ri 6 �. C f � LQ�q w L W V V N N 0 M M Om m g� A A 8 4 4 O O M•� w•O��MMNm+ Oyyyy o O W W N O W IJ�+IJA ONO N+V V �S 2 $g $800,0 2{252511 S �+ 0 IT a. NLIL 33s N !J N IJ IU m� a 3 • V W O� a N� m � N O �� J 3 w 03 �. gg��yyQQ s0000`d" ° � T ~ N MM�JM�.t M M MN M M .Nmy� Mw� w•�� W Op+ }}(�jj��jj o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 31 eRg C a•'es000ee000� o w1 LIZ 0 °w~•°a~Mo �a�oo�M•'eee � oeooQ000 9 D N N MM y aw�m�w�M w�M M ma o oy�mt�)ta*{ a un � O O O O O G O O O O A 0 0 0 0 0 0+ Fy 9H• Y p� paT g 9 n c 3 w m P $ 44q F$ $g i��j B X r, we dt Tt 7R 7R XIF 8 y N 7R 2R + e m m m 9 I I SEP -12-2003 0 § 0 1 501 268 Bs (� /z§§ || } L}_ ■Ia& Fr Fr !a �� � (4 | , |� ir � |� k�/� . �| ! k��� �f � § !• | |i ! ƒ! B - | �■ °0000000a| . . |�k =`%� ■ ■ � § 22asas#ss„s s - 0000� 00000 �0000 � ! -----9000;- ;°° §r k s | SEP -12-2003 14:58 LINDSEY COMPAN' ffi 9 Q� is r O C �• �a 9 = d P 8 e o m P LL R M I a m a s 6 6 � aT• i o a a �• a p26 331e �• m 2� i m a _i 0 0 0 c e o m o v o o �' O O `O v v o v o 0 0 0 aig a 0 • Operating Budget U.S. Depanment of Housing Schedule of Administration and Urban Development F)q)enses Other Than Salary Office of Public and Indian Housing OMB Approval No. 2577-0026 (Exp. 10/31/97) Public Reporting Burden forthis collection of Information is estimated to average 1.0 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing date sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Reports Management Officer, Office of Information Policies and Systems, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D. C. 20410-3600 and to the the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project(2577-0026) Washington, D.C. 20503, Do sent this completed form to ether of the above addressees. Name of Housing Authority: Fayetteville Housing Authority Locality: 01 North School Avenue Fa etteviee AR 72701 Fiscal Year End: September 30, 2004 (1) Description (2) Total (3) Man ment (4) Development (5) Section 8 (6) Other 1 LegalExpense 11600 11000 0 500 0 2 TrainingCo uter faoftrrare 8 Mena emertTreiNn 0 0 0 0 0 3 Travel Trips to Conventions and Meetings Iist and provide ustification 11900 5950 0 5950 0 4 Other Travel Outside Area of Jurisdictim 3000 1500 0 1500 0 5 Within Area of Jurisdiction 3000 1500 0 1500 0 6 Total Travel 17900 8950 0 8960 0 7 Accountim 11790 6330 0 5480 0 8 Auditing 2300 1150 0 1150 0 9 Sundry Rental of Office Space 930 01 0 930 0 10 Publications 4000 2900 0 1100 0 11 Membership Dues and Fees (list organization and amount 1400 700 0 700 0 12 Telephone, Fax, Electronic Communications 8090 2810 0 2280 0 13 Collection Agent Fees and Court Costs 800 600 0 0 0 14 Administrative Services Contracts See Summa Below 2400 1600 0 800 0 16 Forms, f,`Mtiona and Office Supplies 7200 3550 01 3850 0 16 Other Sundry Expense(provide breakdown) 1 01 00 0 34001 0 17 Total Sundry 27220 14360 0 12880 0 18 Total Administration Expense Other Than Salaries 70710 41790 0 28920 0 014. Fiscal Agent Fees $560. Balance for Saflware License Fee, Computer Support and Office Equipment Maintenance. •To the best of My knowledge, 84 the information stated herein, as well as any information provided in the accompaniment herewith, is true and accurate. Waming: HUD wig prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal andfor civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001. J010, 1012•, U.S.C. 3729, 3801) . Signature of authorized representative & Date: X Page 1 form HUD -52571 (3195) 892 Tes I 14,11d&W A3SCN1-1 BS:PT 2002-2I—d3S 0 • Operating Budget U.S. Department of Housing Summary of Budget and Urban Development and Justifications Office of Public and Indian Housing OMB Approval No. 2577-0020 (Exp 10131/97) Public Reporting Burden for this collection of Information is astlnmted to avees0e .075 fours pr response, Including the Oma for nwiewno instructions, rens rng existing data sm"& ga0haring and msintaing the data needed, and centhleang and roviewng the collection of infommtian. Send comments m9ariing Nis burden esOnate or arty ether aspect of this collection of nfmmatbn, aWudoa suagesdoro for reducing this burden, to the Reports Management Officer, Office of information Policies and Systems. U.S. Department at Homing and Urban Development, Washington, O.C. 20410-3600 and to the OHce of Narlegement and Budget Paperwork Reduction Hans of local lousing Authority: Fayetteville Housing Authority North School Avenue .0 Year Ending: September 30, 2004 Dwelgno Rental: Explain basis for estbnsla. For HUD -aided fovrferl housing. other than Section 23 leased bouskp. sesta gaunt of haat availabb tocol HA rnomhly rent mill. the number of duallirlg wits available for occupancy and Me number accepted les the caro menth end. Cole HA policy rwiaiora and ersemic and other factors which may result in a greater or lesser average monthly rent roll during On Requested Budget Year. For Section 23 Leased housing, state the number of units under leesa, the PUM tease pries, and uhathr or not the cost of utilities Is Included. H not included, explain methad for paymnd at utgdy costs by HA mc)or tenant. Based on PFS calculations. 103.24 x 31024 = 3121198 Excess Uttlltbr. (NOT for Section 21 Lessed hosing.) Check appropriate spaces in item 1, and explain '01Mf . U oder Item 2, explain basis for determining excess b5ty consumption. For example: Gat.. Individual check melte at OH -100.1, proration of exoeat over agowances at ON -100.2, etc, Cite effective date of 01*600 rN1y allowances. Explain anticipated changes in glbworaea or olhr factors which vA came a eignh&ant change in the Oehl amount O exeese utility charges during the Requested Budget Year. 1. Utility Services Surcharged: Gas❑ ElecOktty❑ Other X❑ (Specify) A/C 2. Comments: HI Rise $12. per month fro AC June through September. Monthly Average 1000.50 X 4 = 4002 Nondwa0mg Rant: (NOT for Section 23 Leased housing). Complete Item 1, sp6d(Ang each space rented, to whom, and the rental tensa. For example: Commonly Building Spate - Nursery School - See pr month, oto. Che chargee anticipated during the Requested Budget Yew affecting estimated NumdMaYing Rental Inca rho. Spam Rented Community Room Non PFS NID Rents from Off Line Units • 3. Grrrrnernte: Monthly Average To VAom 0 X 12 = Rental Terme )II[OX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 form HUD -52573 OIW Previous a fti onsare obsolete Page 1 of 4 ref Handbooks 7475.1 Interest m Cederal Palm tnwmneted: State e�ueJJa,m�uRt wwaaent General Fund iay.dnuw and mI> e a 4 go at the Genera Fad a represents. Cgogn f WestalCM Neh"imommod ar doomaa l o-...m..y rewmN dvp6g ram, oQMana mpaWlmws, Dion wnhdr vM ellaot aainilad a Wal mouhlytom w4odmeala in we Requested A Year. Explain Wee W 4drendtan of - brrmg baerem Ipwina popra Dazed on PFS calculation $3,000.00 Other Comments on Estiwaes of opus" Rocatlat :Om cvmmai man d r in mean storm at vAid va pemm a aha undench ndnp ofthe WI's pmspecdw Operr•Fra Raea4 rauaam chap MnearwwBiggerYon. Far Seddon 23 Leamed housnt; explain halls foresdnats ofut8ydwaea ataama. Cell Tower $81000 City/PILOT Adjustment Adult Center $4,800 Tanen Damages $3,000 Other $0 Police Unit $0 Ertiployee Rent so CFP Transfer 1406 s0 Total 0 $13,800 Operating Expenditures su twvofStaWtaardS+laayDao CmONIe aro eumry ealaerm Na hada darronrermn Glace on Fennla43S2500. Sahedulaal Atl Peralarg and Sslirni, as loeem; Cahrrrm (1) Enter the total Mmbarof poaibrrs designated with the eerneepandaa account We symbol as shorn in Colum (1), sam MUD.62VA Cohan M Enterlhanu"AwafawivaWdfuWnmposibndleablatc RUDaWodhssnpnmseaaement, tbremmple: ARA rue dune •A�dTyaOion abash rosvdrhousing atonrate m80%,70%,ant50%aspooWsy. Thor, the oquhalmtfuWlmePositions istm. (er10.7n0♦Silo). Ccnonn (3) Enler eu portion oflWl ealary aaI sMen in Cason (5) or cateran (8). From HU032598, al oatle to MUD4ided hmrdrg In mmnaamrm, cow flu n • Sochon 23 Leaned howmg. ODIUM (4) rotor ON Pettnn entad sdery oxpens shown in Odom (5) or Canon (ION Foam HUD52SK ebem0e b Section 23 Leaaad hooting In mamOsrea. Oahmm (5) Enlartia portion atom Glary expenseelm, nOokwn(S)aCGkWM(l),Fan MUD-5M%md=Wto Moatmt2ad=pmFmn(Cempahecom Madmilation Proprana bnproVentent Ank}anao PRIVAM or Cempreheraiw Grad Prvgrmm . Cat" (a) Enter the portion of total Mary expense sheen In Cvkt m (5) or Cehna (a), FoM HUD -5250, allocable t0 Section 8 ProFWe, .. ...... .. .. .....1, .r1` Arxurad Lim Total Manger of Podtlonz 1 Managornom Proven EAulaalam FuI141me Podmore Seim e Mam pnwd Secton 23 Ussm! Hwnna only 4 Madmilation Proprana Section 8 PraFmru 8 Admittistn8on-Nbntedalical Salaries 1/ 6 2,70 84716 0 0 84484 Adm'udatntian-Tedali 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 Ordinary Maintenance 6 Operation -Labor 1/ 61 5.00 127.86001 0 0 Utilities -Labor 1/ Other: Protective Services 1/ 3 1.50 53 840 0 0 0 Extraordinary Mainterrenao VNork Projects 2/ Betterments and Additions Work Propeb 2J eG:P1 COW-2T—d3S 10 Spa* dl proposed new pwelans and all present Positions to he eeorahad In the Requeead Budget Ydar. Date Plbr MD concurrence In proposed ndefng ehenget W praswt iustieotion fm such changes, Cin Pdw HUD cwaeRnw in Proposed Mary isuseses farAdmWalralion staff or give )ualillewion and perineal compoubgry nfomntion. Cie afeeMs dtls ler evert approved wage rata (form HUIMI58) aM Pauly at deviagmle hM theta ra1K See Schedule of All Positions and Salaries. Travat Puhllutlona, BgmeWdUp Dues rod Fees, Telephano and Telegraph, and Bundy: N addition Is'A "Milne au Travel to Conventions wd maejW Mbars t w Foan HUD5t571, she m esptamtbn of sueefantiat Requesnd Budpw YeaesalntW nvosaes ova 1M Ptad nn of espendAura fat IMse s000sds in Uts Curnem BudgetYaw. Explain balls (oral' slesch elanen of naw a>pw,ses. Travel Commissioners Nations $1,200. National NAHRO $1,W0. NARO Legia Conference $1.300. Other NAHRO Meetings 64,400. PHRIDAYS 370D. OSv 36x 32.400. Sprit 50150 between low Rant and Sac S. Other outside $3.000 and $3,000 for local . Them area also 50/50 split Sundry: Low Rent Portion Postage 31,W0. Budget, Revision, 228, PFS $550. Otter Miscellaneous $850. COST Water $33,160 • Electric 550,830 Cans $45,770 Sever 5301010 See. Lights 30 Total $187,770 Total Estimated Casts: $91,000 Odgiral $2003 591,000. Revised to $89,830. Garbage 8 Trash $17,500 Previous budget $35,000 but revised to $16,220. Past Control $6,720 Previous budget 37,1100. Tsmdte Control $2,100 Some as previous budget Ekwator $17,500 Previous budget 316,920. Lawn Service 312,000 Sams as previous budgat Sldlied Work 340.000 Previous budget 315,000. Ctean1eg6Interior Painting 3W,000 Not in provicus budget. Maintenance Cel Phones 320670 Not in previous budget but was coded here. Mier= Inspection $5,000 Same as previous budget PwAoue budget had had 3238000 Tenant Work Contracts, 57,000 Sevier Repair and Other342,000. These are now included in Sldbd work • and eatraordimry mainbsunco Original 2003 budget total $165,820. Revised to $140,320. Total $163,490 P01"11 WW ANUdWOO k3S(INIl 6S:pT [O2 -21-d35 • Nuarancek Gbeen explmadon of vubStandar Roque" BudgetYer esamred ikrnas« in ere PUM rant of expendiams for insurance oter the Current M*i Year. Can awww" it 074srage, premum rale, eh. Fidelity Bond $760 Computer $290 Auto $6,310 Bader $960 POL 53,900 Fir/Gan Ltab $48,940 Workers Corte $20660 Total $64.020 Eatpbyes BaM1ltCentrNrlttor lql oQ Empbyse Bera41 glans prtldpamed in, W,mpwtfwdon for all phos to be kutlMed in are Raqueatd Budget Year for oddch Requenurd Budget Yew fat!Audi prior!RID concurrence has not bean gMn. FICA $20,381 Health Insurance $56,350 Admin $13,320. Maint $26,250. Pmt Svc $14,780. Retirement $18.770 Admin 58.730. Matnt S9,710. Pmt Svc 52,330. Umeryfldymefd Ins $0 Tata) $95,501 Collacdan Lossac state the mlmbw of teranto accounts MNNWG to be wnnat off end the nurnbor and told amount of all sccoads reeomb)e for betll prmmt and • vacated tenant u of fire momh in wtwh 0m aedmefe atm oomputed. .. Possible Writs -Oft 70 $45,000 Extreoramary Maintenace,Replacement of equlpmena and Bettermartes and Addili n cal Pro!" approval r givetusdfcation for each nonrattmeworkpmjecti a eI NIM Requestod Budget and Ford=* brfitum yams eNch make up thecamateon term t1UD62570. Jufibireinfamatlaf hcorporaled on r atfaclyd to Form HUM52567 need not M repeated hare. SEE FORM HUD -62597 Contracts: lie all contracts. odurMan thcse flared on page 3 NMA farm underOldnwy efaira rota a Operation (OMD). CAytM Mme OHM coracerr, type of conama tact of cortaC, and contract period. Jus filiation must he provided for all contact ser*m propmed for tM Requested Budget Year (RB` ). EXpfain eubstentiet RBY Increases over the Pled rate N expomMure for Mace contmm in are Cunard Budget Year. 21'd NEENEEN SLLS 892 SOS I Page 4 of 4 JMcl!,OJ A3SONI-1 6S:61 £002-2S-d3S • Clod �H1D1 • • Fayetteville Housing Authority #1 North School Avenue Fayetteville, AR 72701 TENANT SERVICES: Recreation, Publications and Other Services Resident Participation Drug Awareness Program Services for Elderly Recreation Total Contract Costs - Training and Other Training Travel Materials Total PROTECTIVE SERVICES: Contract Costs: Cell Phone $790 & Alarms $3,200 OTHER Other General Expenses Terminal Leave Payments Prior Year Adjustments Clod SLTS 89Z leg T FYE: 5950 0 0 0 0 0 0 3990 )MdW03 A3SCNrl I September 30, 2004 6S:CT C00Z-Zi-d3S i CI 11 RESOLUTION NO, 691 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO THE PROCUREMENT POLICY WHEREAS, the Fayetteville Board of Commissioners amends the Procurement Policy for a period of one year. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY, that the Procurement Policy is amended as follows: III. PROCUREMENT METHODS B. SMALL PURCHASE PROCEDURES Small purchases of $1,000.00 or less. For small purchases below $1,000.00, only one quotation need be solicited if the price received is considered reasonable. Such purchases must be distributed equitably among qualified sources. If practicable, a quotation shall be solicited from other than the previous source before placing a repeat order. Small purchases over $1,000.00. For small purchases in excess of $1,000.00 but not exceeding $25,000.00 no less than three offerors shall be solicited to submit price quotations, which may be obtained orally, by telephone, or in writing, as allowed by State or local laws. Award shall be made to the offeror providing the lowest acceptable quotation, unless justified in writing based on price and other specified factors, such as for architect -engineer contracts. If non -price factors are used, they shall be disclosed to all those solicited. The names, addresses, and/or telephone numbers of the offerors and persons contacted, and the date and amount of each quotation shall be recorded and maintained as a public record (unless otherwise provided in State or local law). To become effective immediately upon passage hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS_ DAY OF C)C48 2003 ATTEST: TH HOUSING AUT ORITY OF THE CI OF FAYFYT LE RKANSAS SECRETARY CHA RPER N 0 n U 0 RESOLUTION NO. 692 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF PUBLIC HOUSING MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT PROGRAM (PHAS) CERTIFICATION FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9/30/03 WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority is required to review the Annual PHAS Certification and authorize the submission of the PHAS Certification and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority did review the attached PHAS Certification for Fiscal Year Ending 9/30/03 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY: That the Executive Director of the Housing Authority is authorized to execute the attached PHAS Certification for Fiscal Year ending 9/30/03. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 10.4'4- DAY OF OC�0&&2003. ATTEST: ECRETARY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 7 _ CHAIRPERSSN Public Housing Assessment System U.S. Department of Housing OMB No. 2535-0106 (PHAS) and Urban Development (exp. 8/31/2001) Management Operations Certification Real Estate Assessment Center Ppoding burden for this collection of information Is estimated to average 2.15 hours per response. including the time for reviewing instructions, searching exisTTiing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this forth, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. This information is collected to Implement section 502 of the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended, which established specific Indicators to assess the management performance of public housing agencies (PHAS) in all major areas of management operations. PHAS will complete the PHAS Certification, form HUD -50072, and electronically submit It to HUD. If a PHA does not have this capability in-house, the PHA should consider utilizing local resources, such as the library or another local government entity that has Internet access. In the event local resources are not available, a PHA may go to the nearest HUD Public and Indian Housing program office and assistance will be given to the PHA to transmit this PHAS certification. The Information is used by HUD as a component of PHAS to assess all major areas of PHA's management operations, designate PHAS as troubled and PHAS troubled with respect to the program for assistance from the Capital Fund under Section 9, enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with troubled PHAS, and report annually to Congress on the status of troubled PHAS and PHAS troubled with respect to the program for assistance from the Capital Fund under Section 9. This information is required for HUD to fulfill statutory requirements of the 1990 Act. The information collected does not lend itself to confidentiality. Instructions: A PHA/RMC/AME's electronic responses to this certification must be the PHA/RMC/AME's actual data; e.g., prior to any adjustments to the Indicators. Round percentages to the nearest two decimal points. PHArRMC/AME Name I For FV Ending (mm/dd/yyyy) I Submission Date (mm/dd/yyyy) .. - Fayetteville Housing Aiithosity � - 09/30/2003. 10/03/2003 Fayetteville Housing. Autttoiity The management functions for the following sub -indicator (s) have been assumed by an RMC/AME, and the RMC/AME certification will be completed and electronically submitted to HUD (enter sub -indicator numbers or N/A): Sub -Indicator Number 1 Vacancy Rate and Unit Turnaround Time Component Number 1 Vacancy Rate V10000 Total number of ACC days 91980.00 7864.00 V10100 Total number of non -dwelling days 0.00 0:00 V1 00 Total number of employee occupied days 0.00 - 0.00. VTotal number of days where units were deprogrammed 0:00 86:00 V 0 Total number of actual vacancy days 6903.00 V10500 Total number of vacancy days exempted for capital funds 0:00 0.00 V10600 Total number of vacancy days exempted for market conditions 6.60.. 0.00 v10700 Total number of vacancy days where units were exempted due to law or regulations _. 0:.00:- 91.06 v10800 Total number of vacancy days where units were exempted for other reasons 6.00 91.00 - V10900 Percentage pointe reduction of actual vacancies within past three years ozoo k (calculated) V1100o Total available days (Read Only) 91980.00 V11100 Actual vacancy rate (Read Only) 7.50 b V11200 Adjusted vacancy days (Read Only) 91980.00 V11300 Adjusted vacancy rate (Read Only) 7.50 4 Component Number 2 Unit Turnaround Time Note: The following fields are mandatory regardless of the vacancy rate score. V12400 Total number of turnaround days 7864.00 V12500 Total number of vacancy days exempted for capital funding 0:00 V12600 Total number of vacancy days exempted for other reasons - 0.00. V12700 Total number of vacant unite turned around and leased in the PHA's 86:00 immediate past fiscal year V12000 Average number of calendar days units were in down time 0.00 V12900 Average number of calendar days units were in make ready time 0.00 V13000 Average number of calendar days units were in lease up time 91.06 V13100 Average unit turnaround days (Read Only) 91.00 • editions are obsolete. Page 1 of 4 Mono HUD -50072 (8/1999) ref. Handbook 7460.5 Sub -Indicator Number 2 Capital Fund Component Number 1 Unexpended Funds Over Three Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) Old CF10000 Do you have any open capital fund (Components 1 and 2 - CIAP, Comp Grant, LHP; Yes and/or audit related to contract administration Component 3,4 and 5 - Vacancy Reduction and Hope VI) programs? "Open" is any related to the quality of physical work CF11100 • program that does not have a pre -audit and date or that received a pre -audit 0.00 Dwelling rents collected during the fiscal year being assessed CF11200 end date during the fiscal year being assessed. obligated within 2 FFYs 0.00 physical CF10050 Total funds authorized within 3 FFYs funds approved by HUD beyond 2 FFYs - 0.00 CF12400 CF10100 Total funds expended within 3 FFYs funds with time extensions due to reasons outside of PRA's control 0.00 have been CF10200 Unexpended funds to be recaptured 0.00 0:00 CF10300 Unexpended funds approved by HUD beyond 3 FFYs 0.00 CF10400 Unexpended funds with time extensions due to reasons outside of PRA's control 0.00 work that CF10500 Adjusted total unexpended funds (Read Only) 0.00 in the process of correcting Component Number 2 Timeliness of Fund Obligation on-site inspection and/or audit related to contract administration Amount of capital funds expended on approved work items related to the quality of physical work CF11100 Total funds authorized for grants older than 2 FFYs 0.00 Dwelling rents collected during the fiscal year being assessed CF11200 Total funds obligated within 2 FFYs 0.00 physical CF11300 Unobligated funds approved by HUD beyond 2 FFYs 0.00 CF12400 CF11400 Unobligated funds with time extensions due to reasons outside of PRA's control 0.00 have been CF11500 Adjusted total unobligated funds (Read Only) 0.00 corrected by the PEA Component Number 3 Adequacy of Contract Administration CF11700 The date of the last HUD/Army Corps of Engineers on-site inspection and/or audit on-site inspection and/or audit related to contract administration Amount of capital funds expended on approved work items related to the quality of physical work CF11000 The number of findings related to contract administration 0.00 Dwelling rents collected during the fiscal year being assessed CF11900 The number of findings related to contract administration that have been .0:00 physical work corrected by the PEA 0.00 1.18 CF12400 CF12000 The number of findings related to contract administration that the PRA is in the 0.00 have been 0.00 process of correcting 0.00 corrected by the PEA CF12200 The date of the last HUD/Army Corps of Engineers on-site inspection and/or audit CF12800 Amount of capital funds expended on approved work items related to the quality of physical work 6.00 400012.00 revisions during the PEA fiscal year being assessed Dwelling rents collected during the fiscal year being assessed 395272.00 CF12300 The number of findings related to the quality of physical work 0.00 0.00 1.18 CF12400 The number of findings related to the quality of physical work that have been 0.00 not requiring prior HUD 0.00 corrected by the PEA approval during the PHA fiscal year being assessed CF12500 The number of findings related to the quality of physical work that the PHA is 0.00 in the process of correcting Component Number 5 Adequacy of Budget Controls CF12700 Total amount of capital funds expended during the PHA fiscal year being assessed 0.00 CF12800 Amount of capital funds expended on approved work items not subject to budget 6.00 400012.00 revisions during the PEA fiscal year being assessed Dwelling rents collected during the fiscal year being assessed 395272.00 CF12900 Amount of capital funds expended under budget revisions with prior HUD approval 0.00 Percentage of rents uncollected (Read Only) 1.18 during the PEA fiscal year being assessed CF13000 Amount of capital funds expended under budget revisions not requiring prior HUD 0.00 approval during the PHA fiscal year being assessed Sub -Indicator Number 3 Rents Uncollected R10000 Dwelling rent owed by residents in possession at the beginning of the assessed 8343.61 fiscal year, carried forward from the previous fiscal year R10100 Dwelling rents billed during the fiscal year being assessed 400012.00 810200 Dwelling rents collected during the fiscal year being assessed 395272.00 R 300 Rents uncollected (Read Only) 4740.00 0 Percentage of rents uncollected (Read Only) 1.18 Previous editions are obsolete Page 2 of 4 form HUD -50072 (8/1999) ref. Handbook 7460.5 Sub -Indicator Number 4 Work Orders Component Number 1 Emergency Work Orders Total number of emergency work orders U.UU W10600 Total number of emergency work orders corrected/abated within 24 hours 0.00 Average number of days PRA has reduced the time it takes to complete non- Percentage of emergency work orders completed/abated within 24 hours (Read Only) 0.00 emergency work orders over the past three years (enter average number of Component Number 2 Non -Emergency Work Orders W10500 Total number of non -emergency work orders 0.00 of Dwelling W10600 Total number of calendars days it took to complete non -emergency work orders 0.00 W10700 Average number of days PRA has reduced the time it takes to complete non- 0.00 A10200 emergency work orders over the past three years (enter average number of 0.00 A10300 days) (Read Only) 0.00 W10800 Average completion days (Read Only) 0.00 - A10000 Sub -Indicator Number 5 Annual Inspection of Dwelling Units and Systems Component Number 1 Annual Inspection of Dwelling Units and is enforcing the lease A10000 The total number of ACC units 252.00 A10100 The aum of units exempted where the PRA made two documented attempts to inspect 0.00 and is enforcing the lease A10200 Vacant units exempted for modernization 0.00 A10300 Vacant units exempted for other reasons 0.00 A10400 Total number of units inspected using the Uniform Physical Condition Standards 0.00 - A10500 Total number of units inspected meeting the Uniform Physical condition Standards 0.00 A10600 The number of units where necessary repairs were cornipleted to comply with 0.00 Uniform Physical Conditions standard either during the inspection, issued work A11700 orders for the repairs, or referred the deficiency to the current year's or next 0.00 year's modernization program A10700 Adjusted units available (Read Only) 252.00 A10800 Percent of units inspected by PRA (Read Only) 0.00 A10900 Percent meeting Uniform Physical Condition Standards (Read Only) 0.00 Component Number 2 Annual Inspection of Systems including Common Areas and Non -Dwelling Space A11100 Total number of contiguous sites (adjoining with no natural boundaries) 0.00 A11200 Total number of contiguous sites (adjoining with natural boundaries) exempted 0.00 from the inspection of systema A11300 The total number of contiguous sites (adjoining with no natural boundaries) 0.00 where all systems were inspected in accordance with the PRA maintenance plan A11400 Total number of buildings ! 0:.00 - A11500 Total number of buildings exempted from the inspection of systems / 0.00 A11600 The total number of buildings where all systems were inspected in accordance ° -.0:00. with the PRA maintenance plan A11700 The number of buildings and sites where necessary repairs were completed to 0.00 comply with the Uniform Physical Conditions Standards either during the inspection, issued work orders for the repairs, or referred the deficiency to the current year's or next year's Capital Fund program. A11800 Percentage of contiguous sites (adjoining with no natural boundaries) inspected 0.00 (Read Only) A11900 Percentage of buildings inspected (Read Only) 0.00 • Previous editions are obsolete. Page 3 of 4 farm HUD -50072 (8/1999) ref. Handbook 7460.5 Sub -Indicator Number 6 Component Number 1 Tracking and Reporting Crime -Related Security and Economic Self-sufficiency Problems that reflect the The date that the PBA Board adopted current policies to track crime and crime- 511000 W0 related problema. One -Strike criteria self-sufficiency programa that the PHA requests to be assessed 0 The date that the PBA implemented the current procedures to track crime and PSA can document that current eviction screening procedures resulted in the Yes crime -related problems. eviction of residents who meet the One -Strike criteria reduction and/or economic self-sufficiency 510200 The date that the PBA implemented a current cooperative system for tracking and 0.00 reporting crime to local police authorities 511700 510300 The number of crimes that the PBA reported to local police authorities o.00 510000 Percentage of developments whom PHA can document it tracks crime and crime- 0.00 related problems Component Number 2 Screening of Applicants 510500 The date the PSA Board adopted current screening policies that reflect the One -Strike criteria 510600 The date the PSA implemented current screening procedures that reflect the 0.00 One -Strike criteria 510700 PHA can document that current screening procedures result in successfully Yee denying admission to applicants who meet the one -Strike criteria 510800 The total number of applicants denied who met the One -Strike criteria 0.00 Component Number 3 Lease Enforcement S10g00 The date the PSA Board adopted current eviction procedures that reflect the One -Strike criteria 511000 The date the PSA implemented current eviction procedures that reflect the 6.00 One -Strike criteria self-sufficiency programa that the PHA requests to be assessed 511100 PSA can document that current eviction screening procedures resulted in the Yes eviction of residents who meet the One -Strike criteria reduction and/or economic self-sufficiency 511200 The total number of evictions as a result of the One -Strike criteria 0.00 Component Number 4 Drug prevention, crime reduction and/or economic self-sufficiency program goals 511300 The number of BUD -funded drug prevention/crime reduction and/or economic self- 0.00 sufficiency programs �0 The number of non HUD -funded drug prevention crime reduction and/or economic 6.00 self-sufficiency programa that the PHA requests to be assessed 511500 The number of documented program goals that are related to drug prevention/crime 0.00 reduction and/or economic self-sufficiency 511600 The number of goals the PHA can document it met under the implementation plants) 0.00 for any and all of these programs 511700 Percentage of goals that the PHA can document it met under implementation plants) 0.00 for any and all of these programs (Read Only) Adjustments for Physical Condition and/or Neighborhood Environment. Please enter project number and name and Indicate which area the adjustment for Physical Condition and/or Neighborhood Environment applies for a project, (Check all (hal apply) Project No. Project Name Site Common Building Please attach additional sheets as necessary for additional projects, I certify that, as of the submission date, the above Sub -Indicators, under Public Housing Assessment System Indicator Number 3 Management Operations are two and accurate for the Oscal year indicated. I further certify that, to my present knowledge, there is no evidence to Indicate seriously defident performance that casts doubt on the PHA's capacity to present and protect Its public housing developments and operate them in accordance with Federal law and regulations. Appropriate sanctions for Intentional false certification will be Imposed, including suspension or debarment of the signatory. PyMcl Resolution approving this certification is required. 1 further certify that Board Resolution number approving this tion was passed on (mm/dd/yyyy) Executive Director (signature) Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Previous editions are obsolete. Page 4 of 4 form HUD -50072 (8/1999) 9 s RESOLUTION NO. 693 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF SECTION 8 MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT PROGRAM (SEMAP) CERTIFICATION FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9/30/03 WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority is required to review the Annual SEMAP Certification and authorize the submission of the SEMAP Certification and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority did review the attached SEMAP Certification for Fiscal Year Ending 9/30/03 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY: That the Executive Director of the Housing Authority is authorized to execute the attached SEMAP Certification for Fiscal Year Ending 9/30/03. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS lb -14 DAY OF ��Q�2003 I THk HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF YETTEVI�L) ARK?) SAS CH PSR. N Section 8 Management Assessment U.S. Department of Housing OMB Approval No. 2577-0215 (exp. 8/31/2003) and Urban Development Program (SEMAP) Office of Public and Indian Housing Certification ublic reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 12 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not conduct or sponsor, and you are not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. This collection of information is required by 24 CFR sec 985.101 which requires a Public Housing Agency (PHA) administering a Section 8 tenant -based assistance program to submit an annual SEMAP Certification within 60 days after the end of its fiscal year. The information from the PHA concerns the performance of the PHA and provides assurance that there is no evidence of seriously deficient performance. HUD uses the information and other data to assess PHA management capabilities and deficiencies, and to assign an overall performance rating to the PHA. Responses are mandatory and the information collected does not lend itself to confidentiality. Instructions Respond to this certification form using the PHA's actual data for the fiscal year just ended. Fayetteville Housing Authority 109/30/2003 I 10/16/2003 Check here if the PHA expends less than $300,000 a year in Federal awards Indicators 1 - 7 will not be rated if the PHA expends less than $300,000 a year in Fe eral awards and its Section 8 programs are not audited for compliance with regulations by an independent auditor. A PHA that expends less than $300,000 in Federal awards in a year must still complete the certification for these indicators. Performance Indicators Selection from the Waiting List. (24 CFR 982.54(d)(1) and 982.204(a)) (a) The PHA has written policies in its administrative plan for selecting applicants from the waiting list. PHA Response Yes a No (b) The PHA's quality control samples of applicants reaching the top of the waiting list and of admissions show that at least 98% of the families in the samples were selected from the waiting list for admission in accordance with the PHA's policies and met the selection criteria that determined their places on the waiting list and their order of selection. PHA Response Yes I j/ I No 2. Reasonable Rent. (24 CFR 982.4, 982.54(d)(15), 982.158(()(7) and 982.507) (a) The PHA has and implements a reasonable written method to determine and document for each unit leased that the rent to owner is reasonable based on current rents for comparable unassisted units (i) at the time of initial leasing, (it) before any increase in the rent to owner, and (iii) at the HAP contract • anniversary if there is a 5 percent decrease in the published FMR in effect 60 days before the HAP contract anniversary. The PHA's method takes into consideration the location, size, type, quality, and age of the program unit and of similar unassisted units, and any amenities, housing services, maintenance or utilities provided by the owners. PHA Response Yes Ft—/] No (b) The PHA's quality control sample of tenant files for which a determination of reasonable rent was required shows that the PHA followed its written method to determine reasonable rent and documented its determination that the rent to owner is reasonable as required for (check one): PHA Response At least 98% of units sampled 80 to 97% of units sampled Less than 80% of units sampled 3. Determination of Adjusted Income. (24 CFR part 5, subpart F and 24 CFR 982.516) The PHA's quality control sample of tenant files shows that at the time of admission and reexamination, the PHA properly obtained third party verification of adjusted income or documented why third party verification was not available; used the verified information in determining adjusted income; properly attributed allowances for expenses; and, where the family is responsible for utilities under the lease, the PHA used the appropriate utility allowances for the unit leased in determining the gross rent for (check one): PHA Response IZI At least 90% of files sampled a 80 to 89% of files sampled Less than 80% of files sampled 4. Utility Allowance Schedule. (24 CFR 982.517) The PHA maintains an up-to-date utility allowance schedule. The PHA reviewed utility rate data that it obtained within the last 12 months, and adjusted its utility allowance schedule if there has been a change of 10% or more in a utility rate since the last time the utility allowance schedule was revised. PHA Response Yes Y] No 5. HOS Quality Control Inspections. (24 CFR 982.405(b)) A PHA supervisor (or other qualified person) reinspected a sample of units during the PHA fiscal year, which met the minimum sample size required by HUD (see 24 CFR 985.2), for quality control of HQS inspections. The PHA supervisor's reinspected sample was drawn from recently completed HQS inspections and represents a cross section of neighborhoods and the work of a cross section of inspectors. PHA Response Yes Y] No 6. HQS Enforcement. (24 CFR 982.404) The PHA's quality control sample of case riles with failed HQS inspections shows that, for all cases sampled, any cited life-threatening HQS deficiencies were coffected within 24 hours from the inspection and, all other cited HQS deficiencies were corrected within no more than 30 calendar days from the inspection or any PHA -approved extension, or, if HQS deficiencies were not corrected within the required time frame, the PHA stopped housing assistance payments beginning no later than the first of the month following the correction period, ortook prompt and vigorous action to enforce the family obligations for (check one): • PHA Response Ft—/] At least 98% of cases sampled F-1 Less than 98% of cases sampled form HUD -52648 (8/2000) Previous edition Is obsolete Page 1 of 4 ref. 24 CFR Part 985 7. Expanding Housing Opportunities. (24 CFR 982.54(d)(5), 982.153(b)(3) and (b)(4), 982.301(a) and 983.301(b)(4) and (b)(12)). Applies only to PHAs with jurisdiction In metropolitan FMR areas. Check here if not applicable = • (a) The PHA has a written policy to encourage participation by owners of units outside areas of poverty or minority concentration which clearly delineates areas in its jurisdiction that the PHA considers areas of poverty or minority concentration, and which includes actions the PHA will lake to encourage owner participation. PHA Response Yes Fv_1 No (b) The PHA has documentation that shows that it took actions indicated in its written policy to encourage participation by owners outside areas of poverty and minority concentration. PHA Response Yes Fy No (c) The PHA has prepared maps that show various areas, both within and neighboring its jurisdiction, with housing opportunities outside areas of poverty and minority concentration; the PHA has assembled information about job opportunities, schools and services in these areas; and the PHA uses the maps and related information when briefing voucher holders. PHA Response Yes F✓ No (d) The PHA's information packet for voucher holders contains either a list of owners who are willing to lease, or properties available for lease, under the voucher program, ora list of other organizations that will help families find units and the list includes properties or organizations that operate outside areas of poverty or minority concentration. PHA Response Yes a No (e) The PHA's information packet includes an explanation of how portability works and includes a list of neighboring PHAs with the name, address and telephone number of a portability contact person at each. PHA Response Yes F& No (0 The PHA has analyzed whether voucher holders have experienced difficulties in finding housing outside areas of poverty or minority concentration and, where such difficulties were found, the PHA has considered whether it is appropriate to seek approval of exception payment standard amounts in any part of its jurisdiction and has sought HUD approval when necessary. PHA Response Y052] No 8. Payment Standards. The PHA has adopted current payment standards for the voucher program by unit size for each FMR area in the PHA jurisdiction and, if applicable, for each PHA -designated part of an FMR area, which do not exceed 110 percent of the current applicable FMR and which are not less than 90 percent of the current FMR (unless a lower percent is approved by HUD). (24 CFR 982.503) PHA Response Yes 5-71No Enter current FMRs and payment standards (PS) 0 -BR FMR $330.00 1 -BR FMR $416.00 2 -BR FMR $547.00 3 -BR FMR $738.00 4 -BR FMR $764.00 • PS $330.00 PS $416.00 PS $547.00 PS $738.00 PS $764.00 If the PHA has jurisdiction in more than one FMR area, and/or if the PHA has established separate payment standards for a PHA -designated part of an FMR area, attach similar FMR and payment standard comparisons for each FMR area and designated area. 9. Annual Reexaminations. The PHA completes a reexamination for each participating family at least every 12 months. (24 CFR 982.516) PHA Response Yes O NOE] 10. Cored Tenant Rent Calculations. The PHA correctly calculates tenant rent in the rental certificate program and the family rent to owner in the rental voucher program. (24 CFR 982, Subpart K) PHA Response Yes Z No Ej 11. Precontract HOS Inspections. Each newly leased unit passed HOS inspection before the beginning date of the assisted lease and HAP contract. (24 CFR 982.305) PHA Response Yes No 12. Annual HOS Inspections. The PHA inspects each unit under contract at least annually. (24 CFR 982.405(a)) PHA Response Yes [�:] No = 13. Lease -Up. The PHA executes assistance contracts on behalf of eligible families for the number of units that has been under budget for at least one year. PHA Response Yes n NoF_] 14a. Family SellSuffiolency Enrollment The PHA has enrolled families in FSS as required. (24 CFR 984.105) Applies only to PHAs required to administer an FSS program. Check here if not applicable PHA Response a. Number of mandatory FSS slots (Count units funded under the FY 1992 FSS incentive awards and in FY 1993 and later through 10/20/1998. Exclude units funded in connection with Section 8 and Section 23 project -based contract terminations; public housing demolition, disposition and replacement; HUD multifamily property sales; prepaid or terminated mortgages under section 236 or section 221(d)(3); and Section 8 renewal funding. Subtract the number of • families that successfully completed their contracts on or after 10/21/1998.) or, Number of mandatory FSS slots under HUD -approved exception Previous edition is obsolete Page 2 of 4 form HUD -52648 (8/2000) ref. 24 CFR Part 985 b. Number of FSS families currently enrolled c. Portability: If you are the Initial PHA, enter the number of families currently enrolled in your FSS program, but who • have moved under portability and whose Section 8 assistance is administered by another PHA Percent of FSS slots filled (b + c divided by a) F 14b. Percent of FSS Participants with Escrow Account Balances. The PHA has made progress in supporting family self-sufficiency as measured by the percent of currently enrolled FSS families with escrow account balances. (24 CFR 984.305) Applies only to PHAs required to administer an FSS program. Check here if not applicable = PHA Response Yes = No Portability: If you are the Initial PHA, enter the number of families with FSS escrow accounts currently enrolled in your FSS program, but who have moved under portability and whose Section 8 assistance is administered by another PHA Deconcentration Bonus Indicator (Optional and only for PHAs with jurisdiction in metropolitan FMR areas) The PHA is submitting with this certification data which show that: (1) Half or more of all Section 8 families with children assisted by the PHA in its principal operating area resided in low poverty census tracts at the end of the last PHA FY; (2) The percent of Section 8 mover families with children who moved to low poverty census tracts in the PHA's principal operating area during the last PHA FY is at least two percentage points higher than the percent of all Section 8 families with children who resided in low poverty census tracts at the end of the last PHA FY; or (3) The percent of Section 8 mover families with children who moved to low poverty census tracts in the PHA's principal operating area over the last two PHA FYs is at least two percentage points higher than the percent of all Section 8 families with children who resided in low poverty census tracts at the end of the second to last PHA FY. PHA Response Yes F7 No 57/ If yes, attach completed deconcentration bonus indicator addendum. I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the above responses under the Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) are true and accurate for the PHA fiscal year indicated above. I also certify that, to my present knowledge, there is not evidence to indicate seriously deficient performance that casts doubt on the PHA's capacity to administer Section 8 rental assistance in accordance with Federal law and regulations. Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal andlor civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) 0xecutive Director, signature Chairperson, Board of Commissioners, signature Date (mnVdd/yyyy) Date (mm/dd/yyyy) The PHA may Include with its SEMAP certification any information bearing on the accuracy or completeness of the information used by the PHA in providing its certification. form HUD -52648 (8/2000) Previous edition is obsolete Page 3 of 4 ref. 24 CFR Part 985 SEMAP Certification - Addendum for Reporting Data for Deconcentration Bonus Indicator • PHA Name Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Principal Operating Area of PHA (The geographic entity for which the Census tabulates data) Special Instructions for State or regional PHAs. Complete a copy of this addendum for each metropolitan area or portion of a metropolitan area(i.e.,principal operating areas) where the PHA has assisted 20 or more Section 8 families with children in the last completed PHA FY. HUD will rate the areas separately and the separate ratings will then be weighted by the number of assisted families with children in each area and averaged to determine bonus points. 1990 Census Poverty Rate of Principal Operating Area Criteria to Obtain Deconcentration Indicator Bonus Points To qualify for bonus points, a PHA must complete the requested information and answer yes for only one of the 3 criteria below. However, State and regional PHAs must always complete line 1) b for each metropolitan principal operating area. 1) a. Number of Section 8 families with children assisted by the PHA in its principal operating area at the end of the last PHA FY who live in low poverty census tracts. A low poverty census tract is a tract with a poverty rate at or below the overall poverty rate for the principal operating area of the PHA, or at or below 10% whichever is greater. b. Total Section 8 families with children assisted by the PHA in its principal operating area at the end of the last PHA FY. c. Percent of all Section 8 families with children residing in low poverty census tracts in the PHA's principal operating area at the end of the last PHA FY (line a divided by line b). Is line c 50% or more? Yes a NoF-1 2) a. Percent of all Section 8 families with children residing in low poverty census tracts in the PHA's principal operating area • at the end of the last completed PHA FY. b. Number of Section 8 families with children who moved to low poverty census tracts during the last completed PHA FY. c. Number of Section 8 families with children who moved during the last completed PHA FY. d. Percent of all Section 8 mover families with children who moved to low poverty census tracts during the last PHA fiscal year (line b divided by line c). Is line d at least two percentage points higher than line a? Yes No a 3) a. Percent of all Section 8 families with children residing in low poverty census tracts in the PHA's principal operating area at the end of the second to last completed PHA FY. - b. Number of Section 8 families with children who moved to low poverty census tracts during the last two completed PHA FYs. c. Number of Section 8 families with children who moved during the last two completed PHA FYs. d. Percentof all Section 8 mover families with childrenwho moved to low poverty census tracts overthe lasttwo completed PHA FYs (line b divided by line c). Is line d at least two percentage points higher than line a? YesF-1 No If one of the 3 criteria above is met, the PHA may be eligible for 5 bonus points. See Instructions above concerning bonus points for State and regional PHAs. • form HUD -52648 (8/2000) Previous edition is obsolete ref. 24 CFR Part 985