HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-16 - Minutes - Archive• • • • • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 a.m., Wednesday April 16th, 2003 in the office of the Authority #I North School Ave., Fayetteville, Arkansas. Gary Garton, Chairperson, called the meeting to order. Commissioners Present: Garton, Watson, Clinehens, Bolin, Richardson Commissioners Absent: None Others Present: Bromo Wilson, Fredia Sawin, Randy Hoeschen (Ledford Engineering & Planning LLC) and Bruce Johanson (Johanson Consulting, Inc.) The Minutes of the March 19th, 2003 Regular Meeting were approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously. The March, 2003 Financial Statement was approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE FINANCIAL AUDIT STATEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2002. Resolution No. 681 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. Bromo explained to the board that the Fayetteville Housing Authority charges off delinquent accounts twice per year and turns them over to the Credit Bureau for collection: This delinquent account charge off of $12,594 is considerably less from last year's amount of $19,000 in September, 2002 and $26,000 in Mach, 2002. Fredia acknowledged that the reason for this improvement is due to the turnover rate being Tess compared to last year. Mr. Garton questioned one of the delinquent amounts of $2,526 and how a tenant could get to the point of owing this much rent and damages. Ms Sawin answered that the tenant, under question, was back charged for unreported income of over $1,000 and heti monthly rent went to the Flat amount of $464.00 per month, which she did not pay the last two months she lived in the unit. Ms. Richardson asked as to the time limit that the tenant has before their rent amount is adjusted when they do report a change. Ms. Sawin relayed that this time limit is two months. • Page 2 April 16, 2003 • • RESOLUTION TO CHARGE OFF DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS OF FORMER TENANTS FOR PERIOD 10/1/02 — 03/31/03. Resolution No. 682 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR CAPITAL FUNDS PROGRAM WORK FOR THE YEAR OF 2002 PROJECT AR097001. Mr. Randy Hoeschen with Ledford Engineering & Planning LLC gave brief description of what this contract covers. Window security screens for the south side of Hillcrest Towers, new windows for Willow Heights and cleaning of the heating system for Hillcrest Towers. This contract is for $188,000 which means we are currently under budget by approximately $40,000. After further discussion, Resolution No. 683 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. Mr. Hoeschen further described the upcoming proposed distribution of the Capital Funds for the next five years according to the PHA plan. This plan will be voted on at the next meeting. Mr. Hoeschen explained that a physical needs assessment is done on each site to acquire what items are most important and covered in the five year plan. The Fayetteville Housing Authority receives around $308,000 under the Capital Funds grant annually. The 2003 funds will be proposed to update the plumbing for Willow Heights and Morgan Manor, installation of Playground equipment for Willow Heights and Morgan Manor, range and refrigerators, and a tractor for maintenance. The 2004 funds will be proposed to replace water lines for Willow Heights and Lewis Plaza. The 2005 funds will be proposed to replace the sidewalks at Morgan Manor and for any development which may need it. The 2006 and 2007 funds will be proposed to replace the siding at Lewis Plaza and Willow Heights with the new cement board siding. None of these proposals are set in stone; some items can be changed or moved up according to the needs. This plan is redone each year and submitted to HUD. All commissioners will receive a copy of this proposed five year plan to review before the next meeting. Tenants are allowed input as to the five year plan for the Capital Funds. They recently voiced their concerns at the annual meeting which was held on April l51h, 2003. Most of the items they requested can be covered under operating funds i.e. the Library floor tile. This Agency plan has to be submitted to HUD no later than July 18`h, 2003. Mr. Wilson would like to get it in by June 1, 2003. Ms. Watson mentioned to Mr. Hoeschen that one tenant brought up the fact that some of the top front windows are haitl to open and would like to have these replaced. Mr. Wilson replied that this problem can be reported to maintenance to see if a repair is needed or raise the window for the tenant. Mr. Hoeschen acknowledged that he is total attuned to the Housing Authority. We can put in the plan what is needed i.e. changing the front south windows for the High Rise. There was also mention that some of these windows have a white cloudy look to them where the seal has broken on the double pane and allowed air to come in. Mr. Hoeschen agreed to take a look a these windows to see what can be done. The approximate cost to do the north windows was $20,000. • PAGE.S03 April 4, 2003 • • Ms. Bolin questioned Ms. Sawin as to whether she established some quotes on physical needs assessment and the office management assessment for the board. Ms. Sawin concluded that she called Mr. Hoeschen (our current capital funds, annual and five year plan engineer consultant) to ask what is entailed to accomplish the individual unit assessment and ask that he talk on this subject . Ms. Sawin also relayed that Nan McKay was called for the office management assessment. Nan McKay would have knowledge of how the rent is figured as per our rules and regulations. The phone quote was for around $25,000 but they would need a formal letter to state specifically what assessment is needed before they could give a precise estimate. Ms Sawin also called Mr. Garton to see if he had any ideas. Mr. Garton contacted a consultant firm which will be at this meeting today to discuss what can be done for the office assessment. Mr. Hoeschen reported to the board that he has been doing an annual physical needs assessment for twenty five percent of the Public Housing units to establish the capital funds distribution. In 1994 a physical needs assessment was completed which was very intensive with a spread sheet that covered up to thirty years of possible improvements to be made. We are currently working off of this needs assessment. To do another one is certainly possible. To look at every unit is something we do but will be very costly to the Housing Authority. To give you a figure, we would need to set down and conference as to the exact money amount. The twenty five percent assessments give a good idea for what the needs are. Mr. Wilson made mention that the Housing Authority replaces carpet, drapes, tile and cabinets as needed in each apartment. Ms. Bolin returned that her understanding, from speaking with a representative from HUD, the process of doing the assessment is to look at the whole renovation picture. You may need to think bigger than replacing things. Buildings may need to be replaced or build nbw ones. There are a number of funding opportunities available to the Housing Authority. We need to look ahead five to ten years and make sure that putting money into refurbishing these units is worth it. Replacement may be the better choice. Mr. Wilson replied that there are no funds available to build anymore Public Housing. The Hope project was not renewed due no available funding. Mr. Wilson gave an update as to the Housing Authority's current standing with HUD. The PHAS (Public Housing Assessment Score) score for last year was 85. This year's score has been brought up to 89. We were not inspected by REAC this year because we did so well last year on our public housing inspections. The Section 8 Rental Assistance program is completely full. The Public Housing is 94 percent full, which is up from 92 percent last year at this time. These scores tell us that we are doing better than last year. Page 3 q April 16, 2003 Mr. Wilson reported that Park Lake apartments have decided to opt out of their current contract for 19 Section 8 Vouchers. Our Housing Authority has agreed to take these vouchers into our program. This will happen sometime at the end of July or the first of August 2003. The Housing Authority must first offer these vouchers to the current tenants at Park Lake but if they decide not to move, the voucher comes back to the Housing Authority to be used by someone on our current waiting list. Mr. Garton announced that Mr. Clinehens has turned in a letter resigning as a commissioner of the Housing Authority Board. This letter of resignation is effective as of May 3151, 2003. His reason for this action is due to possible business opportunities out of state that will keep him from being an active board member. Ms. Richardson reiterated that the Board regretfully accepts Mr. Clinehens resignation. Mr. Garton introduced Mr. Bruce Johanson from Johanson Consulting firm to give a presentation as to how their overall management assessment program works. Mr. Johanson relayed that his company has been in business for a long time and is operated by his father, brother and himself. We specialize in job evaluation and salary comparability. We come in and get a good understanding of each Job. We interview the employees as well as give them a questionnaire to fill out. From these interviews and questionnaire, we create a draft and evaluate the jobs according to knowledge, problem solving, equipment skills, physical environment etc. We have 15 different factors to make a point base from. The positions are ranked from lowest to highest by points. We then do a salary comparison to similar positions outside of the Housing Authority and other groups. There will be eight to ten different sources that we will compare the salaries to. This comparison will tell us if the salaries are ahead or behind. The points are then taken and integrated into a graft along with the salary ranges for that position. Arkansas salaries change more often because the market is moving quicker. From this graft, we can build a frame work of policies for promotions, transfers and guidelines you can adopt. We try to help the employers with a plan with guidance and a budget to get each position closer to the line of where their salary needs to be. This process may take years but is worth the time and money. Mr. Garton acknowledged that his employers currently use this method and have integrated it into their system. It is a very good tool when hiring new people and if learned, can be used annually when doing evaluations. Mr. Wilson pointed out that the Housing Authority currently has fifteen employees. Six office employees, five maintenance, three full time night watchmen and two part-time night watchmen. • Page tis April 16, 2003 Mr. Johanson gave mention that he has consulted with such businesses as the Jones Center and the Airport. The overall assessment should take no more than thirty to forty- five days. The dollar range will be from $2,000 to $3,000 which averages about $300 per position. Mr. Wilson brought to the board's attention that the area HUD office sends a maintenance grade sheet to each Housing Authority. This grade sheet has six ranking positions. When hiring a maintenance person, they usually start out in this grade sheet according to their skills. We are required to send out a survey each year to other apartment complexes for a comparison to set the hourly pay for each grade of position. HUD sets the minimum wage amount. Ms. Richardson questioned Mr. Johanson as to where would he find those positions in Northwest Arkansas. Mr. Johanson answered that the comparison would be to more than Just other Housing Authority's. Mr. Garton also mentioned that the competition for his employer goes beyond just banks and the same would be true for the Housing Authority. Mr. Garton conveyed his appreciation to Mr. Johanson for coming to this meeting to give his presentation. • After further discussion, the board voted unanimously to accept the Johanson Consulting • firm to complete the Housing Authority management assessment. Ms. Watson announced that Ms. Marie Terrell, tenant of Hillcrest Towers, would like to attend the next Board Meeting in May, 2003 to give her input as to the needs and wants from the tenants of Hillcrest Towers. Ms. Terrell has been asking for a Gazebo that will be placed on the Hillcrest Towers court yard. It is of my opinion, that we should go to a lumber company and find one at a reasonable price and dedicate it to her. Ms. Terrell is a very lovely lady. She worked for a FIUD office in another state. She comes down to water the plants in the flower beds every morning and has been instrumental in getting donations for the Adult Center and getting the garden club to come and plant flower bulbs here at Hillcrest Towers. Ms. Watson also "reported that Hillcrest Towers has been at world war five over the smoking issue. The Housing Authority has put in a smoke handler at $2,663 to hopefully take care of this problem. This smoke handler will be attached to the ceiling above the two tables where the smokers sit. It has been hard for other tenants to come get their mail or Just come to the lobby and visit. After discussion, the board agreed to meet on the 14`h of May 2003 at 8:00a.m., to take a tour of the Fayetteville Housing Authority Public Housing sites. • Page )% April 16, 2003 Mr. Garton announced that Mr. Wilson has verbally given notice that he will be resigning from his position as Executive Director and would like to be gone by June Ise, 2003 Mr. Garton advised Mr. Wilson that this notice should also be given in writing as an official representation of his retirement. Mr. Garton relayed to the board that since Ms. Bolin would be applying for this position and will be notifying HUD for a waiver, she would be under the conflict of interest policy and will need to be excluded from any voting privileges and decisions as to the next Executive Director that will be hired. Ms. Bolin acknowledged that she is agreeable to this decision; however she would like this to go no further than this board. Ms. Bolin replied that she is currently very happy with her employer. The board discussed the issue as to replacing Mr. Charles Clinehens. It was agreed and voted unanimously that Mr. Randy Coleman will replace Mr. Clinehens as Board of Commissioner. This vote was reflected from the previous opening for a commissioner back in January, 2003. It was decided that since they had conducted interviews, for a probable commissioner, Just a few months ago, that there was no need to go through this process again. It was suggested that the second in line for the previous opening should be the one chosen for this opening. This person was Randy Coleman. Mr. Coleman will be contacted before the next meeting to announce this decision. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: g697tafitrALt— SECRETARY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRPERSON • • • APl'L.LCATION FORM for Appointments Lo City Boards, Commissions, 0 ' and Committees >>>>>>>>PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Ali. ANSWERS<<“<<“<<<C<C««C NAME: /1fCeJ S IZ.yJ-lit -----, ------ — (If mdrr.ied, p ,ase give sponse's first: name here) ADDRESS: (To be eligible to serve on a committee you must be a registered voter residing in the corporate .limits of the City of Fayetteville) e t re•.r Add ss %1/r Clt Zip Code Mailing A'I Irvss LC /L !,(p Code Replaced: TFLEPIIOIiF Iiill•:n: Home YXC2,f33-1/5-7 Other: us i ness r� V/Z SfirfrA _ OCCUPA'1'LOI;; II,;:R( OF EMPLOYER: IiiffitAtail a<13 Please Do Not Write dere Circulation: 1: 2: 3: 4: 'terminate: Appointed: Term Expires: 72 263 REFERENCE: ddress Phone CHOICE OF Oe;Ss- J Inlr uir:: FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PLEASE PRI;!'! ni: Til'E. HERE why you wonld like to he considered [or appointment to this committee, and what pdrtLcu[ar qualifications you feel /you have/:/ tea,"' (//.S<i�C.yrawe - eekti oh<e, „atp r//ad ��GIA� Se.t",lc � i 4141,/eks, aiielatabeK y RE•TIRN. T': 'r11.ICATION in : Orono Wilson, Executive Director, Fyayetteville Housing Authority / #1 North School Avenue / Fayetteville, AR 72701 fijayaleariV, eeti' • April 7, 2003 Bromo Wilson Fayetteville Housing Authority 1 N School Ave Fayetteville, AR 72701 Dear Bromo, SUBJECT RESIGNATION Due to changes in my position and schedule, at AEP I think it's in the best interest of The Fayetteville Housing Authority Board of Commissioners, if I resign from the Board. I can no longer devote the time needed to be an effective Commissioner. I see some exciting and challenging opportunities ahead for The Fayetteville Housing Authority, and it would be rewarding to continue to be a part of it, but I feel the time is right for me to leave. We have a good Board, and I know from our interviews to fill the last Commissioner vacancy that there are many talented, and qualified people who can take my place. My resignation is effective May 31, 2003. Sincerely, • CharlesCS E Cline • 300 N COLLEGE AVE FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 • RESOLUTION NO. 681 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE FINANCIAL AUDIT STATEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority has received the financial audit statements for fiscal year ended September 30, 2002 and has reviewed them. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY: That the Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority accept the financial audit statements and forward them to the HUD offices for review. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS • ATTEST: 2003 THE JUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY FAYETTEVIL , A'KANSAS C • IRPERSON • • • RESOLUTION NO. 682 RESOLUTION TO CHARGE OFF DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS OF FORMER TENANTS FOR PERIOD 10/1/02 -03/31/03 A resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority authorizing the charge off of delinquent accounts of certain former tenants in the AR 97-1 & 2 Housing Projects for period of October 1, 2002 Thru March 31, 2003. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS THAT: Accounts in the amount designated, due from the former tenants listed on the attached sheets are hereby authorized to be charged off. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS /f -DAY OF ATTEST: SECRETARY 2003 HOUSING `t THORITY OF OF FAY V LE, AR CHAIR• :SON 04/09/2003 14:42'15 I A/R BALANCE DUB REPORT Housing Authority, City of Fayetteville Page 1 PHA Prj Site Bldg Unit Tenant and Name 4113 01 A LP 0005-B 12223 PRINCE Formal SecDep Cr TRICIA Due 104.00 .75.25 Net Due 104.00 75.25 /J�GA�r -011' %J i emil.Amount /CYANQ 001 A LP 0006-A 15396 SULLINS JESSE mi ^/3 % 1095.75 1095.75 1 001 A LP 0012-A 14570 HAYES RONDA 319.50 3 1 001 H WH UOZD-c 14631 HEAVES TAMMY319.50 41.264'..1878.75 1878.75 vva tl wn uuLl-tl 19u14 PAK7 EN JAMES .; '/ dzt � 2526.00 2526.00 1 uur tl wA vv l3 -a IN WAua TRALI 00r n- mr r n ..+a %rein n :ra0nss aaaafl *1•110*1•110^'"`/..(dt JJ.� o3-.00 53.00 UAREZ GENEVIVE Gado Uhl( l 989.25 989.25 1 001 J HR 0301 10641 HEIAES ROGER -•12--• 1,/. Lj(�/f 21.00 21.00 1 001 J HR 0304 11185 THOMPSON GENEVA -Ow" V2.10/ 42.50 42.50 ` 1 001 J HR 0310 13860 HERRERA DEBRA/21. AS". 386.25 386.25 1 001 J HR 0510 11821 PAGAN DAL a'j],00 /SO4 Z( 371.25 371.25 1 001 J HR 0608 10895 MCDONALD KATHLEEN /O:L.fb 102.00 102.00 iO 1 001 J HR 0911 14212 NESTOR THOMAS aticea, 140.00 140.00 1 001 J HR 1008 10932 FRANKE CLBPFIE Ail 111/r400 53.00 53.00 1 001 J HR 1111 14638 WHITE RICHARD iO + /93.00 143.00 143.00 �.- 1 001 J HR 1205 11851 HENDREN HOWARD ,.p / /.p 120.00 120.00 1 001 J HR 1207 14482 PETTIE BILL o// 6210 678.50 678.50 PHAt 1 Project: 001 Totals Count: 18 r 4 :VALID 9099.00 9099.00 • • 04/_/2003 •.14:42:15 A/R BALANCE DUE REPORT Housing Authority, City of Fayetteville Page 2 • • PHA Prj •02 Effective Site Bldg Unit Tenants and Name C MM 324-C 14392 JACOBS Posting Date: Most Current Date 5 Amount Due 817.50 Net Due 817.50 Formal SecDep Cr ANNAGALA REQ s• otH£,p, 40n0j 99 3a / 1 002 C MN 32E -C 15014 BLACKBURN TANESHA G 2o4049675.00 675.00 1 002 C MB 330-C 14866 JONES CATHERINE fIJqetbI 113.00 113.00 1 002 C OB4 340-C 14857 PORTER LOZELLE �.Od /Jiaa 653.00 653.00 1 002 C MM 416-C 14698 PARRISH RONALD /2092.00 200149 1237.00 1237.00 PHA: 1 Project: 002 Totals PHA: 1 Totals Count: 23 Grand Totals Count: 23 Count: 5 ii itn .A7ii-1 3495.50 3495.50 ;afar y j, 12594.50 12594.50 12594.50 12594.50 • • • • • RESOLUTION NO. 683 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF CONTACT FOR CAPITAL FUNDS PROGRAM WORK FOR YEAR OF 2002 PROJECT AR097001 WHEREAS, The Fayetteville Housing Authority received bids on February 25 2003 for Capital Funds Work for 2002 Funds and which bids have been opened, tabulated and found in proper form and are listed on attached pages: AND WHEREAS, the lowest bid has been reviewed, and is within the Capital Fund budget, and Ledford Engineering & Planning, LLC firm, after review, recommend that we award contract to Johnson Mech. Contractors Inc. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY: 1. That the contract for this work be awarded to Johnson Mech. Contractors Inc in amount of $188,900.00 2. That the Executive Director of the Housing Authority is hereby appointed to serve as Contracting Officer for the project. The Contracting Officer is also delegated by the Authority to execute the contract and all change orders of the project. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS /G = DAY OF ATTEST: 7ECRETARY 2003 THE OUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF i:YETTEVIL `, ARKANSAS et Vral CHAIRPER'iN • 0 • C)f Q � � Q� uD F Q "w 4t "'cv [ zL to ..2 Nes-, N e•intd � Oq Fes" 0O1--1' -4 �. '' 0 CD zAT.z G.L. 4 AWS A� • CONTRACTOR Mid Continental Mike Gray 400 E. Hudson Fort Scott, KS 66701 620-223-3700 Ameritech of Arkansas 110 N. 15S Street West Helena, AR 870-572-6244 wford Builders Inc. [Crawford Main Street Crory, AR 72101 1-731-2091 Maco General Contractors 124 West Railroad Monticello, AR 71655 870-367-6921 Dixon Contracting Inc. P. O. Box 1512 Van Buren, AR 72957-1512 479-452-5818 Johnson Mechanical Contractors 513 Prairie Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 479-442-5051 Upq—.Foto