The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville,
Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 a.m., Wednesday
February 19th, 2003 in the office of the Authority #1 North
School Ave., Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Gary Garton, Chairperson, called the meeting to order.
Commissioners Present: Garton, Watson, Clinehens, Bolin,
Commissioners Absent: None
Others Present: Bromo Wilson, Fredia Sawin
Emily Williams (Homeless Liaison with
Fayetteville Public Schools), Yolanda
Fields (with the City of Fayetteville
Community Development) and Kare
Takemoto (with Lifestyles)
The Minutes of the January 15th, 2003 Regular Meeting were
approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously.
Mr. Wilson noted that the Housing Authority fire insurance has
gone up from $16,000 to $38,000 in one year. Our public housing
has experienced two fires within the past year. However, this
has nothing to do with the raise in fire insurance. All Housing
Authority's over the state of Arkansas will have to pay this
After further discussion, the January, 2003 Financial Statement
was approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously.
Ms. Watson conveyed a welcome to Nancy Bolin who is the new Board
member taking the place of Christine Childress.
Mr. Wilson updated the board as to what is progressing with the
current capital grant funds. These funds will be used to replace
the windows at Willow Heights, to flush out the heating system
here at Hillcrest Towers and to put security screens on the two
front balcony windows of each apartment here at Hillcrest Towers.
There will be a pre-bid conference this week and bid openings
w ill be on the 25th of this month. There will be a contract to
be let by the next board meeting. If everything goes as planned,
the work for this capital grant funds will start in June, 2003.
Mr. Garton and Ms. Richardson both talked to Mr. Jesse Westover,
w ith the HUD office, and the date set up for the Board training
w ill be at the March board meeting on the 19th. Please plan to
spend at least two to three hours for this training. Mr. Wilson
w ill send out a reminder in the board packets for the March
Ms. Bolin asked that Mr. Wilson contact a Mr. Bill Brown with the
EOA office to inquire as to the weatherization funds under the
EOA Federal Energy Assistance Program. It is very possible that
they will be able to provide services at no cost to the
Fayetteville Housing Authority.
Ms. Richardson presented a thank you card from Ms. Christine
Childress in regards to the plaque which was given to her for
her many years of service to the Board.
Mr. Wilson announced that he had mailed a check to the Housing
Coalition for membership dues. The contact persons listed on the
membership form was Ms. Fredia Sawin and myself. Ms. Richardson
noted that all the board members needed to be added to this list
so that they can be involved in any meetings and activities.
Ms. Watson quoted that she enjoys very much the Housing Coalition
News Letter which keeps us up to date as to what is going on.
Ms. Bolin inquired as to if the board has reviewed and made a
decision on the proposal from the Housing Coalition concerning
the Housing Authority application process. Ms. Williams again
explained to the Board as to what the proposal entailed. Ms.
Richardson mentioned that she had asked the HUD lawyer, John
Munday, in response to this proposal and what the guidelines
were. He responded that it could be done but that he did not
recommend the Board or Housing Authority to do this. Ms. Sawin
acknowledged that she also was concerned with the legal aspect of
the proposed changes.
Ms. Bolin suggested that the board should set up a task force to
study this proposal along with the HUD rules as set by the
Federal CFR regulations.
Mr. Garton and Ms. Bolin volunteered to be on this task force.
Ms. Garton asked Ms. Sawin to gather the information needed for
this task force to study and address this proposed issue.
Ms. Williams, Ms. Fields and Ms.Takemoto reiterated to the board
how this issue would be important to their clients and would make
the process smoother and more accommodating. Ms. Williams
relayed to the board that this issue is being made into the
monster that it is not. We are trying to better serve our
clients and deal with this in a precise efficient manner.
Mr. Clinehens stated that we want to make the Housing Authority
more accommodating without any undue risk of lawsuit. I think we
are all willing to change the policy as long as it is legal.
Ms. Bolin and Mr. Garton advised the board and its guest that
this issue would be reviewed and addressed hopefully at the next
board meeting.
Ms. Watson mentioned to the board that the Council on Aging has
a project to print and sale cook books for funds that will be
used for special projects with the Council on Aging i.e. redo the
resale shop and buy new kitchen equipment. This project has
crawled and is now walking, it has taken three years to finally
get it started. The cook book has lots of good recipes and old
wives tales from some of the tenants here at Hillcrest Towers who
are 80 and 90 years old. The cook books will be sold at ten
dollars each. Ms. Betty Turner has fronted some money and we
have collected about $600 for orders. However we still need
around $495 before the cook books will be printed. Mr. Garton
proposed that the Bank of Fayetteville would be willing to give a
loan for this amount to the Council on Aging at no interest cost.
Ms. Watson conveyed to the board that the Council on Aging
Director, Ms. Janet Linebaugh, has been approached about this
situation but does not seem to be cooperative when it comes to
this cook book project. Ms. Bolin offered to Ms. Watson that she
would be an advocate on their behalf in regards to Ms. Linebaugh
since she knows the lady well.
Ms. Richardson pointed out that there is need to address all
these negative things about the Housing Authority and would like
to get with Ms Watson and others to write a press release for
the news paper to acknowledge all the good things going on here.
Ms. Bolin asked Mr. Wilson if she could have copies of the
Housing Authority's five year plan and the budget. The
Springdale Housing Authority has provided me with copies of
theirs. Mr. Garton concluded that Mr. Wilson would be able to
gather up the needed paper work for Ms. Bolin.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Appointments lo City Boards, Commissions, and Committees
>>>>> '.j>»»»»>PLI ASE PRINT OR TYPE ALL ANSil EI1S«««««<««««<
NAME: On\LM L f l l✓1 .� M SW7
(If married, p. else give apahse's first name here)
ADDRESS: (To be eligible to nerve on a committee
you must be a registered voter residing in the
corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville)
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PLEASE PItIIIT OR TYPE IIEItE why you would like to he considered for appointment to this
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Eye c.
`RETURN 1!IS APPLICATION H„ ; Bromo Wilson, Executive Director, Fayetteville Housing
"'Authority / #11North School Avenue / Fayetteville, AR 72701
Attachment — Nancy Bolin
I am interested in serving on the Housing Commission for numerous reasons. Housing
has always been a primary interest of mine. 1 am a homeowner and own rental property.
In previous years, I was a low-income, single -parent, which I feel gives me a personal
insight into the needs of this population.
In May of 2000, I received a Masters in Social Work, with emphasis in non-profit
administration. I have been employed with EOA of Washington County, as Operations
Manager for the past three years. In my position with EOA, 1 am responsible for the
administration of a number of State and Federal Grants. I am also the President of the
Board and founding member of Sage House, Inc., an organization in the process
developing a transitional housing facility for single -parent families.