HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-15 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY • OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS • • The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 a.m., Wednesday January 15th, 2003 in the office of the Authority #1 North School Ave., Fayetteville, Arkansas. Janet Richardson, Chairperson, called the meeting to order. Commissioners Present: Richardson, Watson, Clinehens, Garton Commissioners Absent: None Others Present: Bromo Wilson, Fredia Sawin Emily Williams (Homeless Liaison with Fayetteville Public Schools) The Minutes of the December 18th, 2002 Regular Meeting were corrected to note that Ms. Christine Childress did not resign but declined to take another term. After further discussion, the December 18th 2002 Regular Meeting Minutes were approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously. Ms. Watson asked questions concerning payments to individuals for contract labor and what the labor consisted of. Ms. Richardson requested information on how the signing of checks is handled. Mr. Wilson acknowledged that the Housing Authority has a check signing machine that has Mr. Charles Clinehens and his signature to authorize a check. After further discussion, the December Financial Statement was approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously. Mr. Gary Garton was elected as chairperson to serve a one year term which will end January, 2004. Ms. Pat Watson was elected as vice chairperson to serve a one year term which will end January, 2004. Mr Wilson presented the board with the five applications received to fill the opening of a commissioner. Ms. Watson noted that they all five have good attributes for the job. It was further decided that the board would meet on Wednesday, January 29th, 2003 (two weeks from today) to conduct interviews with the five applicants. Mr. Wilson will contact each applicant and the interviews will be set up at fifteen minute intervals. Mr. Wilson updated the board as to the correspondence with Jesse Westover with the HUD Office and when they will conduct the commissioner training. Mr. Westover conveyed to Mr. Wilson that training would take about two to three hours and can be held at our discretion. Mr. Wilson will get back with Mr. Westover to get this set up for our next board meeting on February 19th, 2003. PAGE 2 • Ms. Emily Williams handed out a proposal presented by the Northwest Arkansas Housing Coalition Public Housing Task Force concerning the procedure for application taking. I realize the Housing Authority has changed it to where applications are now accepted by appointment, if a person works or is going to school. This will help tremendously. However, if the Housing Authority would allow interested third parties to collect, and turn in for clients, the applications required to apply for public housing and the Section 8 voucher program, it would make it easier on our clients by consolidating appointments, cut down on the time the applicant has to spend on the process, it can be turned in during the required hours and it would remove a barrier for our clients who might not apply under this system. We believe the Housing Authority would also benefit from this because the applications turned in by the third parties will have a greater chance of being correct, the time required from the staff for that application will be cut, time and money will be saved if applications do not require mailing. • • Ms. Sawin relayed to Ms. Williams that to do this would mean that the Housing Authority would have to rely and trust that the third party person conveys to each client the importance of certain obligations, on the part of the applicant, in order for them to remain on the waiting list. We also must trust that the paper work, in which they usually sign at the time of application taking, will be reviewed and signed by each applicant under the third party's supervision. This process will take the Housing Authority out of the loop of being one on one with our applicants and making it to where they will only come in to our office at the time we are housing them. We also take a copy of all adult members ID's, when taking an application, this would mean that we would have to trust that the third party individual has verified this person to be the one applying. All this information is needed so that we can send for criminal and other reports that must be considered when housing any applicant. This process will entail training of the third party individuals which our staff does not have the time to do. If for some reason an applicant cannot make it during the office hours required to make an application, I myself would not mind taking an application after 5:OOp.m. The sacrifice to do this far out weighs the price of changing our policies which could make us liable. Mr. Garton concluded to Ms. Williams that the Housing Authority Board will review this proposal and make a decision. Motion was made, seconded and carried unanimously. • • • PAGE 3 Ms. Richardson made mention to the board that she has talked to Carol Hart, with LifeStyles, to see if anyone has been approved for the Section 8 program under the new disabled guidelines. Ms. Hart confirmed that one has been leased up and she is very pleased with that. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRPE T -ON ATTEST: • • • FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY 01 North School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701 PHONE: 501-521-3850 January 27, 2003 Nancy Bolin 1704 N. Oakland Fayetteville, AR 72703 Dear Ms. Bolin: This letter is just a reminder that interviews for the Fayetteville Housing Authority Board of Commissioner opening will be held on Wednesday, January 29th, 2003. Please come to the Fayetteville Housing Authority office, #1 North School Ave., on the above date for this interview. Your time is scheduled for 9:15 a.m. You may need to come in by 8:45 a.m. just in case they get started earlier. If you have any questions pertaining to this interview, please feel free to call or come into our office. Sincerely yours, Fredia Sawin Public Housing Director fs • January 27, 2003 Board of Commissioner: Please be informed that a special meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 29th, 2003 at 8:00a.m. This meeting is scheduled to elect a new commissioner to fill the present opening. Below is a list of applicants that will be coming in for an interview and the times which they are scheduled. 8:15a.m. 8:30a.m. 8:45a.m. 9:00a.m. 9:15a.m. Gregory Herman Randy Coleman Leora Jackson Hugh Higginbotham Nancy Bolin If you have any questions concerning this schedule, please feel free to call or come in. Sincerely yours, Fredia Sawin Public Housing Director • • • FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY #1 NORTH SCHOOL AVE. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701-5928 PH: (501)521-3850 FAX: (501)442-6771 February 5, 2003 Gary Garton Fax #443-1529 Per your request the following is being faxed to the above number. Gregory Herman, 26 W. Davidson St., Fay., AR 72701 Randy Coleman, 592 Betty Jo Drive, Fay., AR 72703 Leora Jackson, 3001 Wedington Dr. Apt. 1185, Fay., AR 72703 Hugh B. Higginbotham, 2188 E. Tall Oaks Dr., Fay., AR 72703 Nancy L. Bolin, 1704 N. Oakland, Fay., AR 72703 Fayetteville Housi Authority /�FGs<-GL Fredia Sawin • S for Appointments to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees »».xc»»»»»»PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE ALL ANSWERS«««««««««« NAME: Iv L Lit;) 14 �. SW/ (If married, please give spouse's first name here) ' ADDRESS: (To be eligible to serve on a committee you must be a registered voter residing in the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville) (104 bi.OoJt(Gma. Residence Street Address -etroi L U_ City 5 GHQ. Nailing Address —101),--)1,315 Zip Code City TELEPHONE HUMBER: Home Business Zip Code ?YIt1 3r}5 C6-la-r1L4-7-19 OCCUPATION/ IIA:IE OF EMPLOYER: Dp-WealfirlrlSichyr "Pali LIJktl CC>. REFERENCE: 14 c.,9L' brad! ye -v r Name 3lo \Ub-u ti ai Address �7 S-c3(o9 Please Do Not Write Dere Circulation: 1: 2: 3: 4: Terminate: Appointed: Term Expires: Replaced: Other: Phone CHOICE OF COMMITTEE: FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PLEASE PRET' OR TYPE HERE why you woad like to he considered for appointment to this committee, and what particular qualifications you feel you have: c.ttol�, RETURN T!:!t. AVPLICATION " ; Bromo Wilson, Executive Director, Fayetteville Housing �uthority / #1:North School Avenue / Fayetteville, AR 72701 1• • • Attachment — Nancy Bolin I am interested in serving on the Housing Commission for numerous reasons. Housing has always been a primary interest of mine. I am a homeowner and own rental property. In previous years, I was a low-income, single -parent, which I feel gives me a personal insight into the needs of this population. In May of 2000, I received a Masters in Social Work, with emphasis in non-profit administration. I have been employed with EOA of Washington County, as Operations Manager for the past three years. In my position with EOA, I am responsible for the administration of a number of State and Federal Grants. I am also the President of the Board and founding member of Sage House, Inc., an organization in the process developing a transitional housing facility for single -parent families. • APPLICATION FORM for Appointments lo City Boards, Commissions, and Committees j»>>)PLEASE PRlld'I' OR TYPE ALL ANSWIi P•S«“<<<<“ <«««<< 46A- ,'a::r glvc epowo: Circ: l: Hann: here) ADDRESS: (To be eligible to serve on a committee you must be a registered voter residing In the corporate .li.miIn of the City or Fayetteville) Nailing A:Idr:^_a 11 Zip Code TELEPHONE FUNI:KN: Hume iHess V%Z cr --A _ A- 83cb OcCIPA•r1OIi:•IL;:r: uF• EIirLnsr.I:: ,C1 it e Please Do Not Write Here Circulation: 1: 2: 3: 4: Terminate: Appointed: •1'crm Exptres: Replaced: Other: (REFERENCE: ddress Phone J CHOICE OF LoONI r'IC:I•:: FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTlIOR1TY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PLEASE PRI IF mt iYI'I•: HERE why you would like to be considered for appointment to this committee, and ;:fiat p/rirti.cular qualificatious you feel/you have: S - 2 fl osint Ly(u7%et Ce*&fi t1#1e vi:e2r�r1 , aic/,Stid.Y 4/vl L 0/A/ f-d4w*A1 J c l 2� /:ar/ t A4 /ro ir�c_4 n 1,, -t r�sle � ,��066, /1*5 /Jd � cf� a -02L 64,16 ” ,t1L Ye" ACTin;fl •r': 'FI'I.I'.A•FIor+ '" : Broino Wilson, Executive Director, F'aynttevi1le Housing Authority / 111 North School Avenue / Fayetteville, AR 72701 for • Appointments to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees • >>>1.>>: >»»»»>PLEASE PRIMP OR TYPE ALL ANSWERS«««««C«<C««< NAME: 1 Ml2t-(YV/ (If married, please give spouse's first name here) ADDRESS: (To be eligible to serve on a committee you must be a registered voter residing In the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville) /'V•1// n/�'J Jam/, 6t- lei �.� ...-360 nceSLree;4driea t (R- 140/ b Zip Code City`„ '0157°K orK Q -S- 3 q Mailing A d/'ciy/ kit 7 27 Z CLy v 1 f e. Zip Code TELEPHONE HUMBER: home 61/..);Mf— ;his iness 2, 3/s—Business (/ft yqi- 14-6do •OCCUPATION/IIIV!E OF EMPLOYER:' 7dq I- tivi�1 S� J(JUrif lorCoi1 Aw., f .7get4i'.JJ%/7 JPr✓Irt REFERENCE Haute Address Phone Please Do Not Write Dere Circulation: 2: 3: 4: Terminate: Appointed: Term Expires: Replaced: Other: CHOICE OF COMMITTEE: FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PLEASE PRI;IT OR 'T'I'E HERE why yot would like to I,c considered for appointment to this committee, and what particular . 1 qualifications you feel you have: wa `� \:Fs- o\D n.ei1I11— �t Att. LOctl2� jm nrclar its j�sru' 0.6ow& A di/JCdC. NJitfd ird so IL+% otsti 1 in L.✓L1DA. r✓&¢ a Huh 1;11 '1 2,_ tj AAP cpt.aIII V4ebtervo i/�1/1 PAMML ' %{ . en�1t,(40 ( 4 4140 w1(4 e G rest; ib ply �in/Dwleiyy ADA. !r i�' %P�e '4 Iirn LSO. td/4. �4 46014144C RETiniN TCI'; :1I'I'LICATEON Iii Bromo Wilson, Executive Director, Fayetteville Housing • Authority / #1:North School Avenue / Fayetteville, AR 72701 • for Appointments to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees • >>>>: •;»»»»»PLEASE PRLIJI' OR TYPE ALL ANSWEII8<C««««««C <<“ NAME: G1G�1 iiM / (If married, please give spouse's first name here) ADDRESS: (To be eligible to nerve on a committee you must be a registered voter residing in the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville) L4 W• PANIpSON �C• iddeence Street VAddress A ?o1 f6�1/ Ziip/Code Ma U1$ Ac ires:�I City q - TELEPHONE NUMBER: home 1101 • VolI•Rr` go • 91. 575% 310 Sip Code Business OCCUPATION/NAME OF EMPLOYER: J op A • 51/41100 or liallt REFERENCE: ilni e Address Please Do Not Write Here Circulation: 1: 2: 3: 4: Terminate: Appointed: Term Expires: Replaced: Other: Phone CHOICE OF COMMITTEE: FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PLEASE PRld'1' OR TYPE HERE why committee, and what particular you world like to he considered for appointment to this qualifications you feel you have: wovvo viP stb Re coN s-vp-ep ep Pork lits• t ofP-'Q N 0!PvDaer 1 (My ADuftnn -Th B whibeelion or THE co Mom a 5 On • RETURN Tri'; 'I'PL1CATION In Bromo Wilson, Executive Director, Fayetteville Housing • Authority / 91;North School Avenue / Fayetteville, AR 72701 • NAME (If for Appointments to City Boards, Commissions, (7 oo and Committees »::» i»>i»»»PI.IiASE PRINT OR TYPE ALL ANSWERS«««««««C««< ..�/ spouse s f �ohna 0, pinnae spouse's Eitel' name here) ADDRESS: (To be eligible to nerve on a committee you gust be a registered voter residing In the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville) i2JBE. - l Il tOaKr ,Or:✓n Rerdoencae t eu; A4drf!e. s,+R 72:7(93 11-"- �y City / a/ fl ZipCode E 7 aJ/ (90. -Ks pr' Mkaellng Acre ;a AIC• 7270-3 City• Zip Code 479/41itil70r/1.• 47918'7//B?J6 TELEPHONE HUMBER: home Business Please Do Not Write Here Circulation: 1: 2: 3: 4: Terminate: Appointed: Term Expires: Replaced: Other: OCCUPATION/UA:IE OF EMPLOYER: • p%% 1 / 1 1 ry hl/s:c.Jav, (re 1:red) -pa in tfavi is a 701e-9 n. Lo 1�..,ic REFERENCE: Jgrry ...FA atIl eJ(e f fo r flame . sYo E. A I F4rti+cev /t, A' 7 2:7 0-3 Address �.�.��>< CKs., Pr a y, Address 4179- s7/•. G7s>o • Phone CHOICE OF (:OHtIIT•rEE: FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE HERE why yot would like to he considered for appointment to this committee, and what particular qualifications you feel you have: JScca`ap_e_ 011 M7 broad x,,. J die_ O* l;✓eg a/42 f✓et_ QF c;'Q�:ae�s_•oT '�t~tg� .reg m T- w�J etica.j Arae L i c c. ; n a /e, 'hate t r �n✓e_//�i �/4, xeccI s' .* oar 7'4, 10.✓ c,h)e.-.1r Trow a+- /fie d?c-os-.t�sa4_:a /etrppeet; ✓ J-- e:. %a/i .a ✓ e_ :1. a.a✓ rt. sere_ - A a. us- .w.4 arer✓ e4re. f,' e;r nee40.,3:•",s Asr Kaa:wryry, and 4k.4r et5Id' RETURN IuP; ',1'I'LICATEON 1„ ', Bromo Wilson, Executive Director, Fbyetteville Housing "'Authority / u1;North School Avenye / Fayetteville, All 74701 *a bis, p a g s i o n 4, re E r e: e --Pert -C'4I 0)". . P