HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-03-20 - Minutes - Archive• • • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville. Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 a.m., Wednesday March 20th, 2002 in the office of the Authority #1 North School Ave., Fayetteville, Arkansas. Janet Richardson, Chairperson, called the meeting to order. Commissioners Present: Richardson, Watson, Clinehens Garton Commissioners Absent: Childress Others Present: Bromo Wilson & Fredia Sawin The Minutes of the February 20th, 2002 Regular Meeting were approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. The February Financial Statement was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. Mr. Wilson discussed the delinquent accounts break down between rent and charges. The Housing Authority sends these delinquent accounts to the credit bureau for collection, we receive fifty percent of the amount they collect. Mr. Garton mentioned that there are collection organizations that charge a fee and you sometimes receive at least seventy percent of the amount they collect. Mr. Garton will get back to Fredia with some names on these collection organizations so that we can check into this. RESOLUTION TO CHARGE OFF DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS OF FORMER TENANTS FOR PERIOD 10/1/01 - 03/31/02. Resolution No. 666 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE WRITE-OFF OF CERTAIN NON - EXPENDABLE EQUIPMENT THAT WAS JUNKED. Resolution No. 667 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. Ms. Richardson asked Mr. Wilson the details on whats involved when she calls the locks system to release the funds for the Capital Grant. Mr. Wilson explained that this call is the approval for Mr. Wilson to draw money from the Capital Grant funds to pay the contracts for work completed. The money will be at the Bank in three days after the approval. The Board of Commissioners formerly invited Ms. Carol Hart, with Lifestyles, to attend the next board meeting. They also acknowledge receipt of a letter from Ms. Hart which regarded concerns with Section 8 Rental Assistance rules which are in conflict with needs of Lifestyles clients. Ms. Richardson will write a letter to Ms. Hart to invite her to the next Board Meeting. Page 2 The next board meeting will be on April 24th, this change is due to a NAHRO meeting from April 16th through April 19th, 2002 which Mr. Wilson and Ms. Sawin will be attending. Ms. Watson asked Ms. Sawin if it would be possible for the office to print out and deliver notices of the upcoming Recycling meeting on March 28th, 2002 at 3:OOp.m. in the Adult Center. This meeting will discuss the new changes in the recycling program for those Hillcrest tenants who participate. Ms. Watson also thanked the maintenance department, M. D. Atwell supervisor, for the fence that was put up in the Adult center, it is very attractive. Ms. Watson mentioned that the funds for janitorial cleaning of the Adult center were cut and whether it would be feasible for the Fayetteville Housing Authority to help out with this problem. This situation will be reviewed by Mr. Wilson and he will get back to Ms. Watson on this matter. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE< ARKANSAS • • • RESOLUTION NO. 666 RESOLUTION TO CHARGE OFF DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS OF FORMER TENANTS FOR PERIOD 10/1/01 -03/31/02 A resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority authorizing the charge off of delinquent accounts of certain former tenants in the AR 97-1 & 2 Housing Projects for period of October 1, 2001 thru March 31, 2002. WHEREAS, in accordance with the Accounting Handbook RHM 7510.0, Chapter 3, Section 13, certain past due accounts in the AR 97-1 & 2 Low Rent Public Housing Projects are considered uncollectable and all means of collections have been exhausted, and there is no reasonable prospect of collections of such delinquent rents and that the probable cost of further efforts to collect said rents would not be warranted. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS THAT: Accounts in the amount designated, due from the former tenants listed on the attached sheets are hereby authorized to be charged off. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ;90 DAY OF 7;14fii.a, 2002 ATTEST: SECRETARY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF CITY OF FAYET VIL i. AR CHAIRPERSON 05/24/2002 01:51:30 AIR BALANCE DDE RuYUGI Rousing Authority, City oI Cayette'iiie Elective Posting Nate: Most Current Data Page i PRA Pri Site Bldg Unit Tenant: and Name =' - "�r1Hp / %N' 1 '� Q R� Amount Due Net Due IF 1 001 A LP 0002-u .1448 BILL RRRYL y�,11) 1 y/�,t!Qb 191 J0 19;2.50 001 A 0 0004-3 13774 "hASBROOCE HADA Ickar y1Z..42 510.00 5:0.00 0111 A LP 11008 A 14021 SPP,ON TRACY SI0:4,12! .V... d0n E86.J0 238.50 001 A LP 00081 14230 DRAIN JEN1IIPER r:tt:r. 943.00 943,00 001 A 0009-A 1:664 Y C 7:J•� � $-O 1192.J0 449.00 1192.00 445.00 ;.P I)U rO'ISTANC% y37 001 A LP 0009-C 13881 MOORE LORI yy 001 A LP 0010-A 1450; cRECEENRIDGE TORY ‘3a.„ j2.02,07) 951.50 952.50 001 A LP 0011-A 1;096 HAULS EEUTA GaA, $',2.00 684,50 684.50 001 A LI' 0011-D 13986 oUHANCER SAMANTHA //;j,7, 0 �40 147.50 14:,50 001 B YR 0019-8 14091 AUsTiN LINDA 3R id,oD 541.J0 547.00 001 8 NH 002.-A 13267 M uONELL RACHAEL .32a .pp fl 9.GO 499.00 499.00 001 8 9R 0020-J 13535 SPARES GWENDOLYN y yg,11n 443.00 443.00 ..a NI 8 la 002'-B 12141 PUSTER STEPHANIE gL6.00 .2)0.31.100 --o- 285:.64 385.00 2394.00 389.00 001 8 RH 0021-k 13283 HUNIGAN LYNNE 3.g9.a> 001 B RH 0023-8 14018 HATPIELD TAMMY 3j6.4.0 /j/.2././ 1511.00 1511.00 001 B WH 0024-A 16:33 SCOTT MELISSA /AZ 0 521.50 521.56 32$ UUI B NH 0.,24-C'45.8 0011E JACO ELINE 33�ytet.p l3.ob 397.00 397.00 001 8 NB 0025-A 13012 GREGORY SARA 31.2.6 airs GO 610.50 610.50 001 8 NH 0627-8 1;,JL2 POTTER ANDRE. a7. ra A�/1jb,dp 2707.50 2707.50 001 8 NH 002'-u 14048 sNODGRASS LARRY 3,� g ,on 1261.00 1'161.00 Hi P MP Om- 14117 BRUNN APRIL 41%4 34ae� i6..5J 704.5J 001 J RR J403 14505 ;ALLEY ROBERT f7, iJ3,GO 210..,0 210.5U 001 J BR 0803 14442 PORTER CLARA -0-: /3. cn 13 00 11,00 001 J OR 080. 14636 RIDGWAY LdLA /SegiA9 Aloe,331.00 331.00 001 J dR 110U 14;72 BURNS ABB 330.01 i7on 2/7.00 277.00 •i 1 001 J RR 1110 12073 PYEE JANICE aoi.00 oy.DD 325.00 325.00 PHA: 1 Protect: 001 Totals Count: 26 2 3/O.i /60 20837.00 20337.00 • .i.. 0329/2002 01:51:30 AiR BALANCE DUI; HEW Housing Authority, City of Fayetteville Effective PuaLlna Date: Most Current Data Page 2 • PHA Pr Site Bldg Unit tenant; and Naae=t. COTiY Amount Due Net Due • 1 002 C MB 3'3-C 14092 NOWEHEE TONYAf / ---.9--------.9-----652.50 05t2.50 I OR C NN JLV- 1;914 J1rES ASHLEY ;4 .. ed �.7.7.00 44 497 XPi 1 002 C NN ;30-C 1378s uuOR NELIS�A f3.oD k/Zter 509.00 n01.00 1 002 C MB 340-0 1191,1 PRITAL ELLNYN 737,l1 42 1215.00 1225.00 1 00'2 C NN ;41-C 14310 TONEY CHRISTY 3 7 .Aa1,� 4.4a 368.00 388.00 1 602 C NN 3.1-C 14743 BONEN BRANDI iat{p --6--- 269.50 209,50 1 002 C NN 414-C 12883 DANiELa CHRIS ,2.6oD67102 904.00 904. 00 1 002 C NN Ylb-C 14211 TURNER uAVID neon -•.-. --. 94.00 e4.U0 1 002 C NN 41b -C 14642 LIMY TEENA yam, -we". ;40.00 340.00 1 002 C NN 4;3-C 14644 KIMBERLIN° JENNIFER g.217 p 402.00 402.00 I 002 C NN 438-C 12283 TIPTOON SHELLEEY J05> r.SQQp 818.50 81°.50 PHA: 1 Project: 002 Totals Count: 11 18.417A4 aj46,517 6159.50 6159.50 PHA: 1 Totals Count: 37 49,3/94 /Wile. 26996.50 2b99b.50 Grand Totals Count: 31 26996.50 2699650 • 1 V • RESOLUTION NO. 667 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE WRITE-OFF OF CERTAIN NON -EXTENDABLE EQUIPMENT THAT WAS JUNKED. WHEREAS, the HUD Manual 7510.1 provides for the write off of certain non -expendable equipment that is junked, and WHEREAS, the most recent list of equipment that has been declared not in working order and non -repairable and has been junked needs to be written oft. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY, that the attached list of equipment be written off the property ledger of the Fayetteville Housing Authority. (see attached list for equipment.) PASSED AND APPROVED THIS Z9 DAY OF m 1€4'2002. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS • /24 otA.c6rtr,_ IRPERSON • ATTEST: ECRE ARY 1• 03f14/2001 08:34:27 LIJru a AS5ET WORT BT DATE and Gil ACCOUNT NOUBER PAGE POR BATES: 10/01/2001 - 0323112002 DATE ASSET DESCalrIIuU Rousing Authority, City of Fayetteville' PUA PRJ ACCOUNT CB ITER SERIAL NUMBER COST 11.001 11/2112001 11/2812001 12118/2001 1221812001 U1j23/2002 02114220112 • • BOT POINT REFRIGERATOR KENMORE REFRIGERATOR KENMORE REFRIGERATOR Kenwore Refrigerator BROWN GAS RANGE BROWN GAS RANGE Brown Gas Range 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 146!,1 1465.1 1465.1 1465.1 1485.1 1485.1 1485.1 4 530 RA -318163 4 419 S-62033236 454 E-8435534 IJJ S-529243715 4 343 9090070 4 291 3940491 4 2b1 89b0041 ACCOUNT TOTAL PROJECT TOTAL PHA TOTAL 333.00 391,00 371.00 353,00 229.30 229.30 229.30 2115.90 2115.90 2115.'10