HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-10-17 - Minutes - Archive• • • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 a.m., Wednesday October 17th. 2001 in the office of the Authority #1 North School, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Janet Richardson. Chairperson, called the meeting to order. Commissioners Present: Richardson, Childress, Clinehens Commissioners Absent: Watson Others Present: Bromo Wilson & Fredia Sawin The Minutes of the August 15th, 2001 Regular Meeting were approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. The August Financial Statement was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. The September Financial Statement was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION APPROVING ANNUAL SALARY INCREASES. Resolution No. 661 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION TO CHARGE OFF DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS_OF FORMER TENANTS FOR PERIOD 4/1/01 - 9/30/01. Resolution No. 662 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE WRITE-OFF OF CERTAIN NON - EXPENDABLE EQUIPMENT THAT WAS JUNKED. Resolution No. 663 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. Gary E. Garton was elected as a new commissioner to replace Terry M. Duggan and will complete his term that will end 12/28/04. Mr. Wilson advised that compared to past years, the delinquent accounts are running about the same. • • • Page 2 Mr. Wilson commented to the board that the new windows installed under the present Comp Grant funds are tighter and raise up and down easier. The next Comp Grant funds will be used for plumbing and windows for Lewis Plaza and Willow Heights It was brought to the attention of the board that a past commissioner, Sherman Morgan. has deceased. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned, THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS i ATTEST: / IRPERSON SECRETARI APPLICATION FORM for Appointments to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees • >),)>j»»;?i»)»>iiiii»PLEASE PRINT OR TYI'E ALL ANSWERS«««« ««« «« « NAME: bah & • / (If married, please give spouse's first name here) ADDRESS: (To be eligible to serve on a committee you must be a registered voter residing in the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville) • l'7 06 T fie. �Dt,��,, Residence StreeT0tTw ddrse�Ute Pyle- 1210 City_cboic Zip Code Mallin Address —� tete, l l a (Alt City TELEPHONE NUMBER: Home i lisiness N12352_ -Zip Code "j2.1 - la(olo1 444- L44Lr14- OCCUPATION/NAOF EMPLOYER: EniikE��-Lei • bfASAC eC ark-AeutC(. REFERENCE: < lou;.i I11 U GW 1.S Address Please Do Not Write Here Circulation: 1: 2: 3: 4: Terminate: Appointed: Term Expires: Replaced: Other: dame j o. Box tns, t.1e\ieudIC,D�YL'1-1aL LFL4 - ifi-04'4 Phone CHOICE OF CQHi1iCCEE: FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE HERE why you would like to be considered for appointment to this committee, and what particular qualifications you feel youhave: nPr Good. I�f1c Csif2OU�"D Qthe Y rs 1 'o ouinfoy s �ti1D�ltLcs l N OU (E. W I/1 ✓rlu ✓>.'tc� - pprt 11Z�ID nal t ucca ! /IL ¶mks ( vnimunttti tett.loprrK . limas& Dezetits 05%-i4-?/.. Low + OYtbdstro.4 e D iwi-.s. • RETURN TNI:; APPLICATION to Bromo Wilson, Executive Director, Fayetteville Housing Authority'/ #1:North School Avenue / Fayetteville, AR 72701 RESOLUTION NO. 661 RESOLUTION APPROVING ANNUAL SALARY INCREASES • WHEREAS, the Approved budgets for the Housing Authority allows for salary increases for certain personnel: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY the regular annual increases of salaries listed below are approved effective October 1, 2001. NAME & POSITION Bromo Wilson Executive Director Fredia Sawin Administrative Assistant & Public Housing Director Laura Higgins Section 8 Director Krya McCown Section 8 Assistant & Inspector Debra L. Jones Public Hous. Asst & Inspector glen K. Stacy Rec/Sec Mikeal Atwell Maintenance Working Foreman Lynn Smith Maint-Mechanic David J. Butt Maint-Mechanic Rick Durham Maint Aide A 11 All Robert R. Waller Maint Aide B Night Watchmen PASSED AND APPROVED THIS *EST; SECRETARY PRESENT SALARY PROPOSE SALARY $49,940 $51,940 36,510 37,970 31,280 32,530 25,980 18,720 11,.510 28,800 21,280 20,370 15,910 1.5,080 14,060 AY OF 27,020 19,760 18,000 29,950 22,130 21,190 17,990 16,390 14,620 2001 THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE TY OF FAYETT LEKANSA AIRPERSON • • • RESOLUTION NO. 662 RESOLUTION TO CHARGE OFF DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS OF FORMER TENANTS FOR PERIOD 04/1/01 -09/30/01 A resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority authorizing the charge off of delinquent accounts of certain former tenants in the AR 97-1 & 2 Housing Projects for period of April 1, 2001 thru September 30, 2001. WHEREAS, in accordance with the Accounting Handbook RHM 7510.0, Chapter 3, Section 13, certain past due accounts in the AR 97-1 & 2 Low Rent Public Housing Projects are considered uncollectable and all means of collections have been exhausted, and there is no reasonable prospect of collections of such delinquent rents and that the probable cost of further efforts to collect said rents would not be warranted. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY' OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS THAT: Accounts in the amount designated, due from the former tenants listed on the attached sheets are hereby authorized to be charged ofi'.I PASSER AND APPROVED THIS j / 4—DAY OF ( 01 ATTEST: %//ffid SECRETARY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF $TY OF FAYETTEVILLEAR IIAIRMAN 01728/2001 12,44:25 AiR BALANCE DUE REPORT Rousing Authority, City of Eayetteyiiie Page i Effective Posting bate. Bost Current Data PrJ 00 Site Bldg A LI` Unit 0002-C Tenantt 13930 and Race CAR'LMItIliRY CRYSTAL Poraldi ' --- ti" '6K f�p,� Acount Due Het Due 150,00 150,00 , 1 UU A LP 0JU6 A 13290 ROBERTs ROBIN �.. p qrJ 220,0 t . 0 J UU A LP UU08 B 12r1u HARJU HARP •spd3i ,q.?) 664.00 654.00 00 A LP 0009-8 13180 BAKER RACHEL p 2310,40 ;15.00 16.uu 00 A LP 0010-A 12273 MINOR BRENDA he/ .. ,aygm 847.00 847.00 00 A LP 0011-8 129o2 BALE} Avis - - - 422.Ou 42.00 IU 1 UU -e Diu r(1' n noir, -.0.- 466.UU 8.00 UUI A LP 0013-8 12989 AUSTIN ELPZABETH ^A; 565.00 5o5.0U WI B lid 0019-A 40.13 TAYLOR KATHY it w9, 452;.)0 4521.50 001 B WH 0010-B 11141 BuLUA LISAdp / 9bo0 2116M6118.00 1 UUI B vu UULU-u IJLBl Matt enNJAUR 0 yA 41).00 45 .UU 001 8 EH 0022-D 13494 BURSE BETHANY /Ulan, 32i.itie, 1690.00 1690.00 uu1 B YN U014 -U 10e, kICH`RDJUN DORA 1.24,,Ljp 928.00 928.00 UUI B IB UUzo-8 1309i UAKXEtT YIuTORIA p $9a,1D 926.30 916.50 Uul H tH tut; -id 11450 MI JERR1 Ele.to 110.00 130.00 UUI B NB UUL6-n 1404; BROWN CHANT, 321.00 321.00 ilidalp 001 B NH 0030E 13781 BnRRON BOBBIE moi- ,qp 651.00 652.00 001 H WE OUiu-D 11341 NILSUN KIMBERLY lett MI 77'.25 712.25 OU1 J Btt UiUu I16 H0 NATTu7 CLARn -1, 72. O Li til 71 •O uU1 J Ilk 1.14u6 11842 BRANSTRYtXR Cs0RGE -D- tp, 40.00 40,00 uu1 J BN u1UJ 14015 FALL DAN /. 4..)0 4i�51) 0.0 001 J BR 0802 13648 SALEM LIBBY AW /31,01 140.00 140,00 Out J BE 0808 11699 MOOD RLLARD ',5'k.00 352. 11 U J4J L ' eir, 0 r: s- R‘ce, 8".00 85.00 •8151 J B1r lull X1115 UAIULLOLI JJSRPH Jaen alzA b 15o.J0 326.00 UUI J HR 1103 12229 TATE Wank! 4.ehen 227,E 88',.00 883.00 t 1 U) 4 0RHONDA ter n.50 1.50 1 VUI J HR ILUB ILL.', cIABATUARI LUIS ifigQp Ale 0 26.00 20.00 PHA: 1 Project: 0U1 'Totals ' Count: 28 , $soZ 17792.75 17792.75 09/2812001 12:53:51 OR BALANCE DOE REPOki Rousing Authority, City of Pay tievilie Effective Posting Date: Most Cu rent Data Page PRA Pri Site Bldg Unit Tenant; and Name Formal i, Oji J Amount Due Bet Due 769.00 769.00 Jut Ci N 302-C 12103 HODS BETTY —arm 1 JJ2 C B 341-C 11313 EDMAD6 64NDRA 300017 jgzek, 889,50 889,50 1 002 C BB 342-C 12054 MEATS KATHLEEN 7ya00 gy-Alto 150,uU 156,00 1 002 C BN 3421-C 13549 LUuKADdE LAMA 31 , , ;jet* 034,uU 034.00 1 002 C 416-C 15il.50 152(,50 NN 12984 H0RN8ACE TABITBA?Ay' Ir. ,fes 1 'AL U BB 414-0 1;409 P6kR' ANAL „ IU .Uu ;04.uU I . U , r -U 2 A BRIAN aa— '„(,40,ett. 201.00 201.00 750.00 7 6.00 i 02 C NN 433-8 1854 BiNCBE'i APRIL (i 4o a,.id :t7% f I 002 C NB 435-C 13369 UARkBTT JEW Pl— yw,ygp 421.00 421.00 PHA: 1 Project: 002 Totals Count: 4 214(2.149 3,y6G,G1, 6058.00 6058.00 PHA: i Totals Count: 37 i /D��?,ja /3j/PZ 23856.75 23850.75 Grand Totals Count: 37 /4294•14ii )frit 23850.75 23850.75 • • L • • • RESOLUTION: NO. 663 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE WRITE-OFF OF CERTAIN NON -EXPENDABLE EQUIPMENT THAT WAS JUNKED. WHEREAS, the HUD Manual 7510.1 provides for the write off of certain non -expendable equipment that is junked, and WHEREAS, the most recent list of equipment that has been declared not in working order and non -repairable and has been junked needs to be written off. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY, that the attached list of equipment be written off the property ledger of the Fayetteville Housing Authority. (see attached list for equipment.) PASSED AND APPROVED THIS /74101Y OF (91 ATTEST:TEf SECRETARY" THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS IRPERSON 09/t4/2001 13:15:37 FOR BATES: 05/01/2001 - 09/30/2001 6A. 0511012001 05/29/2001 06113/2001 0112012001 01/22/2001 09/04/2001 • • DISPOSED ASSET REPORT Hi DATE and GIL ACCOUNT ROMERR PAGE i Rousing Authority, City of Fayetteville ASSET DESCRIPTION PHA PRJ ACCOUNT CD HIEN SERIAL HUMBER COST Brown Cas Range KENMORE REFRIGERATOR HOT POINT REFRIGERATOR HOT POINT REFRIGERATOR KENMORE REFRIGERATOR Benson Refrigerator 001 1465. 001 1465. 001 1465. 001 1465. 001 1465. 001 1465. 4 251 8960038 4 525 5-52350749 4 415 SA -344542 4 498 SA -344993 4 458 E-64334916 4 129 0948601969 ACCOUNT TOTAL PROJECT TOTAL PRA TOTAL 230.15 371.00 333.00 333.00 371.00 371.00 2009.15 201)9.15 2009,15