HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-11-21 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 A.M. Tuesday November 21, 2000 in the office of the Authority #1 North School, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Charles Clinehens, Chairperson, called the meeting to order. Commissioners Present: Clinehens, Childress, Watson Commissioners Absent: Richardson Others Present: Bromo Wilson, Fredia Sawin The Minutes of the September 19, 2000 Regular Meeting were approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. The September Financial Statement was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. • The Minutes of the October 17, 2000 Regular Meeting were approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously_ The October Financial Statement was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. Terry M. Duggan was elected as a new commissioner to replace Dan Hudspeth and will complete his term that will end 12/28/04. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF PUBLIC HOUSING MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT PROGRAM (PHAS) CERTIFICATION FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9/30/00. Resolution No. 652 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF SECTION 8 MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT PROGRAM (SEMAP) CERTIFICATION FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9/30/00. Resolution No. 653 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. The Board of Commissioners voted unanimously for the Fayetteville Housing Authority to donate $600 to the Single Parent Scholarship Fund. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ATTEST: , / , CHAIRPERSON C MAL R • • RESOLUTION NO. 652 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF PUBLIC HOUSING MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT PROGRAM (PHAS) CERTIFICATION FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9/30/00 WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority is required to review the Annual PHAS Certification and authorize the submission of the PHAS Certification and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority did review the attached PHAS Certification for Fiscal Year Ending 9/30/00 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY: That the Executive Director of the Housing Authority is authorized to execute the attached PHAS Certification for Fiscal Year ending 9/30/00. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS A./ DAY OF/44/4d 0000. ATTEST: THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRPERSON Public Housing Assessment • System (PHAS) Management Operations Certification U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Real Estate Assessment Center OMB No. 2535-0100 (exp. 8/31/2001) Public reporting burden tor this collection of Information Is estimated to average 1.8 hour* per rearmed, Including the time tor revbwhg instructions, beazchhg adding data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of Information. This agency may not coiled this Information, and you am not required to complete Uds form, Unless f displays a arenUy valid 0149 coned number. This hlommion b coseded to Implement section 502 of the National Affordable Housing Ad of 1990, as amended, which established specific indicatory to assess the management pedonnance of public housing agendas (PHAS) In all mato/ areas or management operations. PHAs will complete the PHAS Cerlgcatbn form HUD -50072 and electronically submit 11 to HND. If a PHA does not have this capability In-house, the PHA should consider utilizing local resources, such es the library or another local government eptly That hal Internet ecoess. In the event local resources he not available, a PHA may go to the nearest HUD Pub&c Housbg program office and assistance will be given to the PHA to bmnndi fhb PHAS certification. The hfam tion is used by HUD as a component of PHAS to assess all motor areas of PHA's management operations, designate PHAs es troubled and PHAM troubled with rasped b the program for assistance bin the Capital Fund under Sadism 9, enter Intoe Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with boubled PHAs end PHAs troubled with rasped to the program for essblance from the Capital Fund under Section 9, and report annually to Congress on the status of troubled PHAs and PHAS troubled wnh reaped to the program br assistance from the Caplbl Fund under Sedbn 9. This Intonation is requbed for HUD to huUU statutory requirements or the 1990 Ad. The Information oofeded doe nol lend bell to confidentiality. Instructions: A PH NAME'S eledronb responses to Mb certification must be the PHNAME's actual data; e.g., prior to any adjustments to the bdbators. Round percentages to the nearest Ivo decknal points. PHNAME Nemo For FY Ending Submission Dale Fayetteville Housing Authority 9/30/00 Protect name(s) r AME AR 097001 & 002 The management fundbns for the following sub-hdbafor (s) have been assumed by an RMC, and the RMC certification will be completed and submitted to HUD (enter subfidbator numbers or WA): Sub -Indicator 01: Vacant Unit Turnaround Time lr V12400 Total end date Total number of lumaround days. fhb fiscal 5 V12500 FFYs old That do not have a pre -audit being assessed. end Total number or that of vacancy days exempted for Capital Fund. Total end dale funds ,806 V12600 the fiscal Total number of vacancy days exempted old that do assessed. for other reasons. have a pre -audit end 0 V12700 received a pre -audit Total number of vacant units turned around and lease in effect In the PHA's Immediate past fiscal year: $ tiY V12800 Unexpended Average number of calendar days units were in down lime. by HUD over 3 FFYs old. 0 V12900 CF10400 Average number of calendar days units were In make ready time. time extensions due to reasons outside of PHA control. 6 . T 2 V13000 Average number of calendar days units were In lease up time. funds. 64.09 V13100 [READ ONLY] Average unit lumaround days. [READ ONLY) Subdndicator H2: Capital Fund CF 10000 Do you have any open Capital Fund programs (e.g., CIAP, CGP, Hope VI, LBPRA, VRP) (YIN)? Open = any program that does not have a pre -audit end date or that received a pre audit end date during the fiscal year being assessed. Component N1 and #2 (please circle yes or no) Yes No • nds Over Three Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) Old CF10050 Total end date fund authorized during fhb fiscal over 3 year FFYs old That do not have a pre -audit being assessed. end date or that received a pre -audit $ CF10100 Total end dale funds expended during the fiscal over 3 year FFYs being old that do assessed. not have a pre -audit end dale or that received a pre -audit S CF10200 Unexpended funds to be recaptured. $ CF10300 Unexpended funds approved by HUD over 3 FFYs old. $ CF10400 Unexpended funds with time extensions due to reasons outside of PHA control. $ CF10500 Adjusted total unexpended funds. $ [READ ONLY] eiComponent #2: Timeliness of Fund Obligation CF11100 CF11200 Total funds authorized for grants older than 2 FFYs old. $ Total fund obligated over 2 FFYs old. $ Previous editions ere obsolete Page 1 of 5 lam HUD -50072 (412000) ref. Handbook 7460.5 • • Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) Management lip Operations Certification • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Real Estate Assessment Center OMB No. 2535-0108 (exp. 8/31/2001) CF11300 Unobligated funds approved by HUD over 2 FFYs old. 1700 $ CF11400 2/10/00 (mn ddlyyyy) Unobligated funds with time extensions due to reasons outside of PHA control. $ CF11500 The number of findings related to contract administration. 0 CFI 1900 Adjusted The number of findings related to contract administration that have been corrected by the PHA. total unobligated funds CF12000 $ [READ ONLY] The number of findings related to contract administration that the PHA is in the • • CF12200 Total amount CFI 1700 2 The date of the last HUD/Army Corps of Engineers on-site inspection and/or audit related to contract administration (Include A-133 Audit). 2/10/00 (mn ddlyyyy) CF11800 The number of findings related to the quality of physical work. The number of findings related to contract administration. 0 CFI 1900 of Capital Funds expended under budget revisions with prior HUD approval during the PHA assessed. The number of findings related to contract administration that have been corrected by the PHA. 0 CF12000 01 CF12500 The number of findings related to contract administration that the PHA is in the process of correcting. 0 The number of finding related to the quality of physical work that the PHA is In the • CF12200 Total amount of Capital The date of the last HUD/Army Corps of Engineers on-site inspection and/or audit related to the quality of physical work. 2 10/ 00 (mm/ddtyyyy) CF12300 CF12800 The number of findings related to the quality of physical work. 0 CF12400 CF12900 The amount fiscal year being of Capital Funds expended under budget revisions with prior HUD approval during the PHA assessed. The number of findings related to the quality of physical work that have been corrected by the PHA. 01 CF12500 $ 0 The number of finding related to the quality of physical work that the PHA is In the process of correcting. U •Adeauacv of Bud et Controls CF12700 Total amount of Capital Funds expended during the PHA fiscal year being assessed. W10100 $155 , 045 CF12800 41 The amount of Capital Funds expended on approved work items not subject to budget revisions during the PHA fiscal year being assessed: W10700 $ 155 , 045 CF12900 The amount fiscal year being of Capital Funds expended under budget revisions with prior HUD approval during the PHA assessed. Average $ 0 CF13000 The amount of Capital Funds expended under budget revisions not requiring prior HUD approval during the PHA fiscal year being assessed. [READ ONLY] $ 0 Sub-Indlcator #3: Work Orders Component #1: Emergency Work Orders • W10000 Total number of emergency work orders. 252 41 W10600 W10100 Total number of emergency work orders completed / abated within 24 hours. 41 for Capital W10700 W10200 Percentage of emergency work orders completed / abated within 24 hours. Average [READ ONLY] % Component #2: Non -Emergency Work Orders W10500 Total number of non -emergency work orders 252 1, 599 W10600 The sum of units exempted where the PHA made two documented attempts to Inspect and is enfordng the lease. Total number of calendar days It took to complete non -emergency work orders. 1, 482 for Capital W10700 Average number of days PHA has reduced the time it takes to complete non -emergency work orders over the past three years. [READ ONLY] W10800 Average completion days. [READ ONLY] Sub-Indlcator #4: Annual Inspection of Dwellidg Units and Systems Component #1: Annual Inspection of Dwelling Units A10000 The total number of ACC units. 252 A10100 The sum of units exempted where the PHA made two documented attempts to Inspect and is enfordng the lease. 0 A10200 Vacant units exempted for Capital Fund. U Previous editions are obsolete Page2of5 form HUD -50072 (4/2000) ref. Handbook 7460.5 • Public Housing Assessment •System (PHAS) Management Operations Certification U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Real Estate Assessment Center OMB No. 2535-0108 (exp. 8/31/2001) A10300 Total number of contiguous sites (adjoining with no natural boundaries). Vacant units exempted for other reasons. 0 problems. g/21/ g8 A10400 Total number of units Inspected using the Uniform Physical Condition Standards (UPCS). A11300 252 A10550 The total number of contiguous sites (adjoining with no natural boundaries) where all systems were inspected In accordance with the UPCS. Total number of units Inspected that did not require repairs. A11400 252 S10300 The number of units where necessary repairs were completed to comply with UPCS either during the to local 52 inspection, Issued work orders for the repairs, or referred the deficiency to the current year's or next year's 0 A10600 Total number of buildings Capital Fund program. from the inspection A10700 Adjusted units available. [READ ONLY] A10800 Percent of units inspected by PHA. 52 [READ ONLY]% 1700 •Annual Ins hon of Systems including Common Areas and Non -Dwelling Space A11100 Total number of contiguous sites (adjoining with no natural boundaries). The date that the Board adopted 4 A11200 problems. g/21/ g8 Total number of contiguous sites (adjoining with no natural boundaries) exempted from the inspection of systems. (mm/dd/yyyy) 0 A11300 The date that the PHA implemented the current procedures to track crime and crime -related problems. „ The date the PHA implemented current screening procedures that reflect the One -Strike criteria. 9/ 23/98 The total number of contiguous sites (adjoining with no natural boundaries) where all systems were inspected In accordance with the UPCS. S10200 4 A11400 7a ) dot S10300 Total number of buildings. to local 52 A11500 6 S10400 Total number of buildings exempted from the inspection of systems. % 0 A11600 The total number of buildings where all systems were inspected in accordance with the UPCS. ,r 52 Al 1700 The number of buildings and sites where necessary repairs were completed to comply with the Uniform Physical Conditions Standards either during the inspection, issued work orders for the repairs, or referred the deficiency to the current year's or next year's Capital Funds program. 0 A11800 Percentage of contiguous sites (adjoining with no natural boundaries) inspected. [READ ONLYJ% A11900 Percentage of buildings inspected. [READ ONLY]% Sub -Indicator #5: Security Component#1: Tracking and Reporting Crime -Related Problems • S10000 The date the Board adopted The date that the Board adopted current policies to track crime and crime -related problems. g/21/ g8 (mm/dd/yyyy) (mmidd/yyyy) S10100 The date that the PHA implemented the current procedures to track crime and crime -related problems. „ The date the PHA implemented current screening procedures that reflect the One -Strike criteria. 9/ 23/98 (mm/dd/yyyy) S10200 The date that the PHA implemented a current cooperative system for tracking and reporting crime to local police authorities. y 7a ) dot S10300 The number of crimes that the PHA can document it reported to local police authorities. 5 6 S10400 Percentage of developments where PHA can document it tracks crime and crime -related problems. 100 % Comllonent#2: Screening of Applicants S10500 The date the Board adopted The date the Board adopted current screening policies that reflect the One -Strike criteria. 9/ P3/ 98 S11000 (mmidd/yyyy) 23/ 98 S10600 The date the PHA implemented current screening procedures that reflect the One -Strike criteria. 9/ 23/98 (mmldd/yyyy) S10700 PHA can document that current screening procedures result in successfully denying admission to , applicants who meet the One -Strike criteria. (please circle yes or no) No S10800 The total number of applicants denied who met the One -Strike criteria. 5 Component#3: Lease Enforcement S10900 The date the Board adopted current eviction procedures that reflect the One -Strike criteria.9/ 23/ 98 (mmlddlyyyy) S11000 The date the PHA implemented current eviction procedures that reflect the One -Strike criteria/ 23/ 98 (mmlddlyyyy) Previous editions are obsolete Page 3 of 5 form HUD -50072 (4/2000) ref. Handbook 7460.5 Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) Management Operations Certification U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Real Estate Assessment Center OMB No. 2535-0106 (exp. 8131/2001) 811100 E10000 PHA can document that current eviction screening procedures resulted in the eviction of residents who meet the One -Strike criteria. (please circle yes or no) The number of HUD -funded economic self-sufficiency es No S11200 S11450 The total number of evictions as a result of the One -Strike criteria. 7 S11550 Comoonent#4: Dnja Prevention and/or Crime Reduction Program Goals S11350 E10000 (Check The number of HUD -funded economic self-sufficiency The number of HUD -funded drug prevention and/or crime reduction programs. E10100 S11450 The number of non HUD -funded drug prevention and/or crime reduction programs that the PHA requests to be assessed. The number of non HUD -funded economic self-sufficiency programs that the PHA requests to be assessed. ‘ S11550 El 0200 The rfimber The number of documented program goals that are related to drug prevention and/ or crime reduction. S11600 The number of goals the PHA can document It met under the implementation plan(s) for any and all of these programs. S11700 Percentage of goals that the PHA can document it met under Implementation plan(s) for any and all of these programs. [READ ONLY[% Sub -Indicator #6: Economic Self -Sufficiency Adjustments for Physical Condition andlor Neighborhood Environment Please enter project number and name and indicate which area the adjustment for Physical Condition and/or Neighborhood Environment applies for a project. E10000 (Check The number of HUD -funded economic self-sufficiency programs. that E10100 Project No. The number of non HUD -funded economic self-sufficiency programs that the PHA requests to be assessed. ‘ Site El 0200 The rfimber of documented program goals that are related to economic self-sufficiency. E10300 The number of goals the PHA can document it met under the Implementation plan(s) for any and all of these programs. E10400 Percentage of goals that the PHA can document It met under implementation plan(s) for any and all of these programs. [READ ONLY[% Adjustments for Physical Condition andlor Neighborhood Environment Please enter project number and name and indicate which area the adjustment for Physical Condition and/or Neighborhood Environment applies for a project. (Check all that apply) Project No. Project Name Site Common Areas Building Exteriors • Please attach additional sheets as necessary for additional projects. Previous editions are obsolete Page 4 of 5 form HUD -50072 (42000) ref. Handbook 7460.5 Public Housing Assessment •System (PHAS) Management Operations Certification U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Real Estate Assessment Center OMB No. 2535-0100 (exp. 813112001) I certify that, as of the submission date, the above sub -Indicators, under Public Housing Assessment System Indicator #3 Management Operations are true and accurate for the fiscal year Indicated. I further certify that, to my present knowledge, there is no evidence to indicate sedously deficient performance that casts doubt on the PHA's capacity to present and protect its public housing developments and operate them in accordance with Federal law and regulations. Appropriate sanctions for Intentional false certification will be imposed, Including suspension or debarment of the signatory. A Board Resolution approving this certification is� I further certify that Board Resolution number 652 approving this certification was passed on (mmlddlyyyyy) Executive Director (signature) Afara.,„ 1* Previous editions ere obsolete Date (mm/dd/yyyy) • Page 5 of 5 form HUD -50072 (4/2000) ref. Handbook 7460.5 RESOLUTION NO. 653 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF SECTION 8 MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT PROGRAM (SEMAP) CERTIFICATION FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9/30/00 WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority is required to review the Annual SEMAP Certification and authorize the submission of the SEMAP Certification and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority did review the attached SEMAP Certification for Fiscal Year Ending 9/30/00 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY: That the Executive Director of the Housing Authority is authorized to execute the attached SEMAP Certification for Fiscal Year ending 9/30/00. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS /_DAY OF/44461102000 THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: Section 8 Management Assessment akP rogram (SEMAP) ertification U.S. Department of Housing OMB Approval No. 2577-0215 (exp. 8131/2003) and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing Public reporting burden for this collection of information Is estimated to average 12 hours per response, Including the time for reviewing Instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of Information. This agency may not conduct or sponsor, and you are not required to respond to, a collection of information unless 1 displays a currently valid OMB control number. This collection of information is required by 24 CFR sec 985.101 which requires a Public Housing Agency (PHA) administering a Section 8 tenant -based assistance program to submit an annual SEMAP Certification within 60 days after the end of its fiscal year. The information from the PHA concerns the performance of the PHA and provides assurance that there Is no evidence of seriously deficient performance. HUD uses the information and other data to assess PHA management capabilities and deficiencies, and to assign an overall performance rating to the PHA. Responses are mandatory and the Information collected does not lend Itself to confidentiality. Instructions Respond to this certification form using the PHA's actual data for the fiscal year just ended. PHA Name Fayetteville Housing Authority For PHA FY Ending (mm/dd/yyyy) 09/30/00 Submission Date (mmlddlyyyy) Check here 1f the PHA expends less than $300,000 a year In Federal awards Indicators 1 - 7 will not be rated if the PHA expends less than $300,000 a year in FOal awards and its Section 8 programs are not audited for compliance with regulations by an independent auditor. A PHA that expends less than $300,000 in Federal awards In a year must still complete the certification for these indicators. Performance Indicators 1. Selection from the Waiting List. (24 CFR 982.54(d)(1) and 982.204(a)) (a) The PHA has written policies In its administrative plan for selecting applicants from the waiting list. • PHA Response Yes X No (b) The PHA's quality control samples of applicants reaching the top of the waiting list and of admissions show that at least 98% of the families in the samples were selected from he waiting list for admission in accordance with the PHA's policies and met the selection criteria that determined their places on the waiting list and their order of selection. PHA Response Yes X No Reasonable Rent. (24 CFR 982.4, 982.54(d)(15), 982.158(f)(7) and 982.507) (a) The PHA has and implements a reasonable written method to determine and document for each unit leased that the rent to owner is reasonable based on current rents for comparable unassisted units (i) at the time of initial leasing, (ii) before any increase In the rent to owner, and (til) at the HAP contract anniversary if there is a 5 percent decrease in the published FMR in effect 60 days before the HAP contract anniversary: The PHA's method takes Into consideration the location, size, type, quality, and age of the program unit and of similar unassisted units, and any amenities, housing services, maintenance or utilities provided by the owners. PHA Response Yes X No • (b) The PHA's quality control sample of tenant files for which a determination of reasonable rent was required shows that the PHA followed Its written method to determine reasonable rent and documented Its determination that the rent to owner is reasonable as required for (check one): PHA Response X 1 At least 98% of units sampled 80 to 97% of units sampled Less than 80% of units sampled 3. Determination of Ad'usted Income. (24 CFR part 5, subpart F and 24 CFR 982.516) The PHA's quality contro sample of tenant files shows that at the time of admission and reexamination, the PHA properly obtained third party verification of adjusted income or documented why third party verification was not available; used the verified information in determining adjusted Income; properly attributed allowances for expenses; and, where the family is responsible for utilities under the lease, the PHA used the appropriate utility allowances for the unit leased In determining the gross rent for (check one): PHA Response X At (east 90% of files sampled 80 to 89% of flies sampled Less than 80% of files sampled 4. Utility Allowance Schedule. (24 CFR 982.517) The PHA maintains an up-to-date utility allowance schedule. The PHA reviewed utility rate data that It obtained within the last 12 months, and adjusted its utility allowance schedule if there has been a change of 10% or more In a utility rate since the last time the utility allowance schedule was revised. PHA Response Yes X No 5. HQS Quality Control Inspec ons. (24 CFR 982.405(b)) A PHA supervisor (or other qualified person) reinspected a sample of units during the PHA fiscal year, which met the minimum sample size required by HUD (see 24 CFR 985.2), fo quality control of HQS inspections. The PHA supervisor's reinspected sample was drawn from recently completed HQS inspections and represents a cross section of neighborhoods and the work of a cross section of inspectors. PHA Response Yes X No HOS Enforcement. (24 CFR 982 404) The PHA's quality control sample of case files with failed HQS inspections shows that, for all cases sampled, any cited life-threatening HQS deficiencies were corrected within 24 hours from the Inspect on and, all other cited HOS deficiencies were corrected within no more than 30 calendar days from the inspection or any PHA -approved extension, or, if HQS deficiencies were not corrected within the required time frame, the PHA stopped housing assistance payments beginning no later than the first of the month following the correction period, or took prompt and vigorous action to enforce the family obligations for (check one): PHA Response At least 98% of cases sampled Less than 98% of eases sampled X Previous edition is obsolete form HUD -52848 (8/2000) Page 1 of 4 ref. 24 CFR Part 985 • 7. Expanding Housing Opportunities. (24 CFR 982.54(d)(5), 982.153(b)(3) and (b)(4), 982.301(a) and 983.301(b)(4) and (b)(12)). Applies only to PHAs with Jurisdlction In metropolitan FMR areas. • Check here If not applicable O (a) The PHA has a written policy to encourage participation by owners of units outside areas of poverty or minority concentration which dearly delineates areas in its Jurisdiction that the PHA considers areas of poverty or minority concentration, and which Includes actions the PHA will take to encourage owner participation. PHA Response Yes X No f (b) The PHA has documentation that shows that it took actions indicated in its written policy to encourage participation by owners outside areas of poverty and minority concentration. PHA Response Yes I X 1 No (c) The PHA has prepared maps that show various a eas, both within and neighboring its jurisdiction, with housing opportunities outside areas of poverty and minority concentration; the PHA has assembled Information about fob opportunities, schools and services In these areas; and the PHA uses the maps and related information when briefing voucher holders. PHA Response Yes X No (d) The PHA's Information packet for voucher holde s contains either a list of owners who are willing to lease, or properties available for lease, under the voucher program, or a list of other organizations that will help families find units and the list includes properties or organizations that operate outside areas of poverty or minority concentration. PHA Response Yes X No (e) The PHA's Information packet includes an explanation of how portability works and includes a list of neighboring PHAs wlth the name, address and telephone number of a portability contact person at each. PHA Response Yes X No (f) The PHA has analyzed whether voucher holders have experienced difficulties In finding housing outside areas of poverty or minority concentration and, where such difficulties were found, the PHA has considered whether it is appropriate to seek approval of exception payment standard amounts in any part of Its Jurisdiction and has sought HUD approval when necessary. PHA Response Yes X No • Payment Standards. The PHA has adopted current payment standards for the voucher program by unit size for each FMR area in the PHA Jurisdiction and, if applicable, for each PHA -designated part of an FMR area, which do not exceed 110 percent of the current applicable FMR and which are not less than 90 percent of the current FMR (unless a lower percent is approved by HUD). (24 CFR 982.503) PHA Response Yes X No Enter current FMRs and payment standards (PS) 0 -BR FMR $307 • 1 -BR FMR $386' 2 -BR FMR $507' 3 -BR FMR _$685' 4 -BR FMR $709' Ps $307. Ps $386. PS $507. Ps WS. .PS $1u9. If the PHA has Jurisdiction In more than one FMR area, and/or if the PHA has established separate payment standards for a PHA -designated part of an FMR area, attach similar FMR and payment standard comparisons for each FMR area and designated area. 9. Annual Reexaminations. The PHA completes a reexamination for each participating family at least every 12 months. (24 CFR 982.516) PHA Response Yee X No 10. Correct Tenant Rent Calculations The PHA correct y calculates tenant rent in the rental certificate program and the family rent to owner in the rental voucher program. (24 CFR 982, Subpart K) PHA Response Yes X No 11. Precontract HOS Inspections Each newly leased unit passed HOS Inspection before the beginning date of the assisted lease and HAP contract. (24 CFR 982.305) PHA Response Yes X No 12. Annual HOS Inspections. The PHA Inspects each unit under contract at least annually. (24 CFR 982.405(a)) PHA Response Yes X No 13. Lease -Up. The PHA executes assistance contracts on behalf of eligible families for the number of units that has been under budget for at least ane year. PHA Response Yes X No 14a. Fannly SelfSulBdency Enrollment. The PHA has enrolled famines in FSS as required. (24 CFR 984.105) Applies only to PHAs required to administer an FSS program. • Check here If not applicable PHA Response a. Number of mandatory FSS slots (Count units funded under the FY 1992 FSS Incentive awards and in FY 1993 and later through 10/20/1998. Exclude units funded in connection with Section 8 and Section 23 project -based contract terminations; public housing demolition, disposition and replacement; HUD multifamily property sales; prepaid or terminated mortgages under section 236 or section 221(d)(3); and Section 8 renewal funding. Subtract the number of families that successfully completed their contracts on or after 10/21/1998.) or, Number of mandatory FSS slots under HUD -approved exception X Previous edition Is obsolete Page 2 of 4 form HUD -52648 (8/2000) ref. 24 CFR Part 985 b. Number of FSS families currently enrolled c. Portability: If you are the Initial PHA, enter the number of families currently enrolled in your FSS program, but who have moved under portability and whose Section 8 assistance is administered by another PHA Percent of FSS slots filled (b + c divided by a) 14b. Percent of FSS Participants with Escrow Account Balances. The PHA has made progress in supporting family self-sufficiency as measured by the percent of currently enrolled FSS families with escrow account balances. (24 CFR 984.305) Applies only to PHAs required to administer an FSS program. Check here If not applicable PHA Response Yes No Portability: If you are the Initial PHA, enter the number of families with FSS escrow accounts currently enrolled In your FSS program, but who have moved under portability and whose Section 8 assistance is administered by another PHA Deconcentratlon Bonus Indicator (Optional and only for PHAs with jurisdiction in metropolitan FMR areas). The PHA is submitting with thls certification data which show that: (1) Half or more of all Section 8 families with children assisted by the PHA in its principal operating area resided in low poverty census tracts at the end of the last PHA FY; (2) The percent of Section 8 mover families with children who moved to low poverty census tracts in the PHA's pdndpal operating area during the last PHA FY is at least two percentage points higher than the percent of all Section 8 families with children who resided in low poverty census tracts at the end of the last PHA FY; or The percent of Section 8 mover families with children who moved to low poverty census tracts in the PHA's principal operating area over the last two PHA FYs Is at least two percentage points higher than the percent of all Section 8 families with children who resided in low poverty census tracts at the end of the second to last PHA FY. (3) PHA Response Yes No X If yes, attach completed deconcentratlon bonus Indicator addendum. 40 hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the above responses under the Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) are true and accurate or the PHA fiscal year Indicated above. I also certify that, to my present knowledge, there is not evidence to Indicate seriously deficient performance that casts doubt on the PHA's capacity to administer Section 8 rental assistance in accordance with Federal law and regulations. Warning: HUD will proses to false claims and statements. Conviction may result in aiminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) Executiv_ rector, signature Chairperson, Board of Commissioners, signature Date (mmlddlyyyy) Date (mm/dd/yyyy) 4,0 The PHA may Include with its SEMAP certification any information bearing on the accuracy or completeness of the Information used by the PHA in providing its certification. Previous edition is obsolete form HUD -52648 (8/2000) Page 3 of 4 ref. 24 CFR Part 985 GSE PARENT CLARSHft FU OF WASH! Board of Direc urs Diane Blair Aaron Bleidt Joanne Brown Ruth Collier Doris Cordes Charlotte Forsythe Vickie Harp Lori Hnlyfield Ted Huntsman Lois Imhoff lean lowers Janice Judy Helen Kirhy Carmen Lindy Marcia McCain Elaine McNeil Betty Maxson Jacqueline Cox New Judy Overton Susan Prelzcr Deborah Rephan Diane Shaw Shirley Sullen Bubble Nell Templeton ilibalene FI. Taylor y Van House Trustee Ralph 11. Nessnn D NG1O J COUNTY October 5, 2000 Mr. Bromo Wilson, Executive Director Fayetteville Housing Authority One North School Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Dear Bromo, I hope this letter finds you well. My purpose in writing is to ask for your continued support of the Single Parent Scholarship Fund of Washington County. In 1999, the Fayetteville Housing Authority contributed $600.00 and we hope an equal amount might be possible in 2000. Your contribution helped make possible 194 scholarships worth $89,250 this year, the highest total in our seventeen years of helping impoverished single parents achieve self-sufficiency through higher education. With a current retention and graduation rate of 85%, we know that the vast majority of those we assist are achieving success. Many graduates remain in the area, obtaining skilled employment and earning salaries at well above the poverty threshold. The Single Parent Scholarship Fund is very proud of the achievements of its recipients in their efforts to make a better life for themselves and their children. We are also extremely grateful to you for your generous and loyal underwriting of our incentive scholarship program. Without community support, we would not be able to make these important awards available. Please use the enclosed self-addressed envelope to mail your tax deductible contribution soon. It will be become part of our Spring 2001 awards Thank you very, very much. Warmest r coM QSSO Ralph H. Nesson, Tru ee 614 EAST EMMA, SUITE #119 • SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS 72764 • 501/927-1402 • FAX: 501-751-1110 • E-mail: info@aspsLorg RK A IJNITI1I) WAY AGENCY • • Appointments APPLICATION FORM for Lo City Boards, Commissions, and Committees •j»j>»)?»)»PI.EASE PRINT OR TYPE ALL AMSLJF..RS«««<.<.<<<<<<C««< NAME: 10-214.\/ nN+ i_�LILl�?'._!`� (If marrlcd I case give sp mse s first name here) ADDRESS: (To be eligible to serve on a committee you must be a registered voter residing In the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville) Relieence Street Address �-7 ` At Tilt or Ulf 4)Ct.. Zip IO7ol City O Bti.c. J'72 . Haildnm Address%O� +—r, � hitt- Art City Zip Code TELEPHONE IIIIPIBER: Ilome _n3 ' 03 C"S nosiness t/e/f_1 - I1 WI/ OCCIIPATIOti/IIA:IR OF EMPLOYER: RP/1aIL JA71.4-'n,1rtf:W ,((e REFERENCI• : it7, i -i n..] 5Ferojeat'.a' 11;m r".."'. rm —4 Address 4YLL-L./yyy Please Do Not Write Dere Circulation: 1: 2: 3: 4: Terminate: Appointed: Term Expires: Replaced: Other: J • Phone CHOICE OF 1:01R1ITTEE: FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHOPITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PLEASE PItIU1''Ill: TYPE IIEIRE wily you would like to be considered for appointment to this committee, and what particular qualifications you feel you have: Kapin-D Cr13fEr_�___ J3A,-k or yr -far -Cat (J, • CF�/�–M V.1aTl se i /- rcxt - C ctp (-Sri-6C croft tr __oar cu.s Can et- } P6IC' (An r/4ti&C1 I 'b. A Ls cs s V �t er"i t tj r cf/ C4iOl1 lit:AWT)/ L.opi ((40 /a Ca oe-rrz�.e i- ..1 14on^+c N) • RETHRN 'rri!t \I PLICATION I() Bromo Wilson, Executive Director; Fayetteville Housing Authority / #1:North School Avenue / Fayetteville, AR 72701 lc -/Q Oct • • THE BANK OF FAYETTEVILLE, N.A. October 5, 2000 Mr. Bromo Wilson Executive Director Fayetteville Housing Authority #1 North School Avenue Fayetteville, AR 72701 Dear Bromo, I have decided that it is time that I resign as Commissioner for the Fayetteville Housing Authority Board. I have enjoyed our relationship and that of the other Board Members, but my job and other interests do not leave me enough time to adequately serve in this position. Sincerely, 044 Dan Hudspeth P.O. Box 1728, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702 501-444-4444 Member FDIC