HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-07-11 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 A.M. Tuesday July llth, 2000 in the office of the Authority #1 North School, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Charles Clinehens, Chairperson, called the meeting to order. Commissioners Present: Clinehens, Richardson, Childress, Watson Commissioners Absent: Hudspeth Others Present: Bromo Wilson, Fredia Sawin The Minutes of the June 13, 2000 Regular Meeting were approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. The June Financial Statement was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION FOR PHA CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE PHA PLANS AND REGULATED REGULATIONS. Resolution No. 645 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION APPROVING REVISED BUDGET #1 TO OPERATING BUDGET FOR F/Y ENDING 9/30/00. Resolution No. 646 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. Mr. Wilson updated the Board as to the current negotiations for settlement of the present law suit between the Housing Authority and Fair Housing Council. At present it is still in the negotiation stage and the amount currently offered is $25,000. He promised to let them know as soon as the settlement was made. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: • • • • RESOLUTION NO. 645 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing PHA Certifications of Compliance with the PHA Plans and Related Regulations Board Resolution to Accompany the PHA Plan Acting on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of the Public Housing Agency (PHA) listed below, as its Chairman or other authorized PHA official if there is no Board of Commissioners, 1 approve the submission of the 5 -Year Plan and Annual Plan for PHA fiscal year beginning 10/1/00 hereinafter referred to as the Plan of which this document is a part and make the following certifications and agreements with the Deparhnent of Housing Development (HUD) in connection with the submission of the Plan and implementation thereof: 1. The Plan is consistent with the applicable comprehensive housing affordability strategy (or any plan incorporating such strategy) for the jurisdiction in which the PHA is located. 2. The Plan contains a certification by the appropriate State or local officials that the Plan is consistent with the applicable Consolidated Plan, which includes a certification that requires the preparation of an Analysis of Impediments to Fair }lousing Choice, for the PHA's jurisdiction and a description of the manner in which the PHA Plan is consistent with the applicable Consolidated Plan. 3. The PHA has established a Resident Advisory Board or Boards, the membership of which represents the residents assisted by the PHA, consulted with this Board or Boards in developing the Plan, and considered the recommendations of the Board or Boards (24 CFR 903.13). The PHA has included in the Plan submission a copy of the recommendations made by the Resident Advisory Board or Boards and a description of the manner in which the Plan addresses these recommendations. 4. The PHA made the proposed Plan and all information relevant to the public hearing available for public inspection at least 45 days before the hearing, published a notice that a hearing would be held and conducted a hearing to discuss the Plan and invited public comment. 5. The PHA will carry out the Plan in conformity with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Fair Housing Act, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. 6. The PHA will affirmatively further fair housing by examining their programs or proposed programs, identify any impediments to fair housing choice within those programs, address those impediments in a reasonable fashion in view of the resources available and work with local jurisdictions to implement any of the jurisdiction's initiatives to affirmatively further fair housing that require the PHA's involvement and maintain records reflecting these analyses and actions. 7. For PHA Plan that includes a policy for site based waiting lists: • The PHA regularly submits required data to HUD's MTCS in an accurate, complete and timely manner (as specified in P111 Notice 99-2); • The system of site-based waiting lists provides for full disclosure to each applicant in the selection of the development in which to reside, including basic information about available sites; and an estimate of the period of time the applicant would likely have to wait to be admitted to units of different sizes and types at each site; • Adoption of site-based waiting list would not violate any court order or settlement agreement or be inconsistent with a pending complaint brought by HUD; • The PHA shall take reasonable measures to assure that such waiting list is consistent with affirmatively furthering fair housing; • The PHA provides for review of its site-based waiting list policy to determine if it is consistent with civil rights laws and certifications, as specified in 24 CFR part 903.7(c)(1). PHA Certifications of Compliance with the PI1A Plans and Related Regulations 12/99 Page 1 of 3 • • • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing 8. The PHA will comply with the prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of age pursuant to the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. 9. The PHA will comply with the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 and 24 CFR Part 41, Policies and Procedures for the Enforcement of Standards and Requirements for Accessibility by the Physically Handicapped. 10. The PHA will comply with the requirements of section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, Employment Opportunities for Low- or Very -Low Income Persons, and with its implementing regulation at 24 CFR Part 135. 1 I. The PHA has submitted with the Plan a certification with regard to a drug free workplace required by 24 CFR Part 24, Subpart F. 12. The PHA has submitted with the Plan a certification with regard to compliance with restrictions on lobbying required by 24 CFR Part 87, together with disclosure forms if required by this Part, and with restrictions on payments to influence Federal Transactions, in accordance with the Byrd Amendment and implementing regulations at 49 CFR Part 24. 13. For PHA Plan that includes a PHDEP Plan as specified in 24 CFR 761.21: The PHDEP Plan is consistent with and conforms to the "Plan Requirements" and "Grantee Performance Requirements" as specified in 24 CFR 761.21 and 761.23 respectively and the PHA will maintain and have available for review/inspection (at all times), records or documentation of the following: • Baseline law enforcement services for public housing developments assisted under the PHDEP plan; • Consortium agreements between the PHAs participating in the consortium and a copy of the payment agreement between the consortium and HUD (applicable only to PHAs participating in a consortium as specified under 24 CFR 761.15); • Partnership agreements (indicating specific leveraged support) with agencies/organizations providing funding, services or other in-kind resources for PHDEP-funded activities; • Coordination with other law enforcement efforts; • Written agreement(s) with local law enforcement agencies (receiving any PHDEP funds); and • All crime statistics and other relevant data (including Part 1 and specified Part II crimes) that establish need for the public housing sites assisted under the PHDEP Plan. 14. The PHA will comply with acquisition and relocation requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 and implementing regulations at 49 CFR Part 24 as applicable. 15. The PHA will take appropriate affirmative action to award contracts to minority and women's business enterprises under 24 CFR 5.105(a). 16. The PHA will provide HUD or the responsible entity any documentation that the Department needs to carry out its review under the National Environmental Policy Act and other related authorities in accordance with 24 CFR Part 58. 17. With respect to public housing the PHA will comply with Davis -Bacon or HUD determined wage rate requirements under section 12 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act. 18. The PHA will keep records in accordance with 24 CFR 85.20 and facilitate an effective audit to determine compliance with program requirements. 19. The PHA will comply with the Lead -Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act and 24 CFR Part 35. 20. The PHA will comply with the policies, guidelines, and requirements of OMB Circular No. A-87 (Cost' Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments) and 24 CFR Part 85 (Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State, Local and Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments.). 21. The PHA will undertake only activities and programs covered by the Plan in a manner consistent with its Plan and will utilize covered grant funds only for activities that are approvable under the regulations and included in its Plan. PHA Certifications of Compliance with the PHA Plans and Related Regulations 12/99 Page 2 of 3 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing 22. All attachments to the Plan have been and will continue to be available at all times and all locations that the PHA Plan is available for public inspection. All required supporting documents have been made available for public inspection along with the Plan and attachments at the primary business office of the PHA and at all other times and locations identified by the PHA in its PHA Plan and will continue to be made available at least at the primary business office of the PHA. Fayetteville Hsg. Auth. PHA Name AR97 PHA Number c<L14_r_ze.2 Signed/Dated by PHA Board Chair or other authorizetl PHA official PHA Certifications of Compliance with the PHA Plans and Rglated Regulations 12/99 Page 3 of 3 PH�/IHA Board Resolution Approving Operating Budget or Calculation of t'erformance Funding System �erating Subsidy N .RESOLUTION #646 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing OMB Approval No. 2577-0026 (Exp. 10/31/97) Public Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the lime for reviewing Instructions. searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed. and completing and review ng the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information. Including suggestions lor reducing this burden, to the Reports Management Officer, Office of Inlormation Policies and Systems. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Washington, D.0 20410-3600 and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (25770026), Washington, D.C. 20503. Do not send this completed forrn to ether of the above addressees. Acting on heh:11E0rtlie Board of Commissioners of the below -named Public Housing Agency (PHA)/Indian housing Authority (IIIA). as its Chairman. I make the following certifications and agreements lu the Department or !lousing and Urban Development (I IUD) regarding the Board's approval or (check one or rube as Iglplicablei: Operating Budget Submitted on: Operating Budget Revision Suhmiucd on: Calculation or Performance Funding System Submitted on: Revised Calculation or Perform:mce Funding System Suhmined on: (dale) 7/11/00 1 certify on behalf of the: (PHA/111A Wane) that: I. All regulalory and smlutory requirenlerls have been mel; The IIIA has sufficient operating reserves lo meet the working capital needs or its developments: t. Proposed budget expendituresare necessary in the efficiein and economical operalion of the,housing for the purpose 4st:tying low-income residents: 4. The budget indicates a source of hinds adequate to cover all proposed expenditures: 5. The calculation of eligibility for Federal funding is in accordance with the provisions or the regulations: 6. All proposed rental charges and expenditures will he consistent with provisions or law: 7. The PHA/IIIA will comply with the wage rale requirements under 24 CFR 968.1 IN(e) and (I) or 24 CFR 9(15.1211(c) and Id): 8. The PITA/IIIA will comply with the requirements for access to records and audits under 24 CFR 968.1 100) ur 24 CFR 9(15.12II gi: 9. The PITA/IRA will comply with the requirements Iodic reexamination of family income and composition under 24 CFR 9611 209.990.1 15 and 905.315; and Ill. The PHA will comply with the requirements for cerlilicalinn or Housing Manager and Assisted Housing Manager positions (24 CFR 967.3114 and 967.305). I 1.n ieby certify That all the information staled within. as well asany information provided in the accunlpar intent Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001. Board Chairman's Name (typel Charles E. Clienhens Jr. herewith, is True and acvuraie. 1010. 1012;31 U.S.C. 3729.3802) Sign:owe: I Date: I � /I 7/11/00 form HUD -52574 (3/95) rel. Handbook 7575.1 upetauny uuuyet • and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing OMB Approval No. 2577-0026 (exp. 10/31/97) Public reporling burden for this collecllon of Inlormatlon Is esllmated lo average 116 hours per response, Including the time lot reviewing Instructions, searching existing dale sources, gathering and mainlalning lhedata needed, and compleling and revs wing tllecollecllon ellnlormalion. Send comments reggrdinglhis burden estimateor any other aspect uI Ibis collecllon of Inlormalion. Including suggesllons Ion reducing Ids burden, 10 she Reports Management 011lcer. 011lce of Inlormatlon Policies and Systems, U.S. Department �I Housing and Urban Development, Washinglon, D.C. 20410.3600 and to the 011lce oI Management and Budges, Paperwork Reduction Prolecl (2577-0026), Washinglon, D.C. 20503. Do not sand this comoleled form to ellher ul the above addressees. _ a. Type of Submission b. Fiscal Year Ending c. No. of months (died(ono) 0. Typo of HUD assisted pro)ecl(s) Original Revision No.: �_ 9/ 30/ 00 12 mo. Osher (specify-)_ 01 inPHA/IHA-Owned Rental Housing e. Name of Public Housing Agency / Indian 'lousing Authority (PITA/IBA) 02 ❑ IHA Owned Mutual Help Homeownership Fayetteville Housing Authority 03 PHA/IHA Leased Rental Housing 1. Address (clly, Slete, zip code) #1 North School Avenue , Fayetteville; AR 72701 04 Q PHA/IHA Owned Turnkey 111 Homeownership 05❑PHAAHA Leased Homeownership g. ACC Number FW 703 h. PAS / LOCCS Proles] No. AR097001005 1. HUD Field Office Little Rock, AR I. No, of Dwelling Units 252 K. No. 3 of � Udl Morins 024 tn. No. of Protects 2 1 %%/�%�%/%// .r.”7j 2, , f % ( i j ,#"17*%�JP:j%; i//• r/ ii „•/�i /..2.4 /.�A •1/V /�//'!i%.':. Actuals LJ Estimates Requested Budget Estimates Last Fiscal Yr. ii or Actual PHA/IHA Estimates HUD Modifications Une Acct. 19 98 urren Budget Yr. 19 99 Amount Amount No. No. Description (1) PUM (2) PUM (3) PUM (4) (to nearest $10) (5) PUM (6) (to nearest $10) (7) Homebuyers 010 7710 Operating Monthly Payments for: Expense 020 7712 Earned Home Payments 030 7714 Nonroutine Maintenance Reserve 040 Total Break -Even Amount (sum of lines 010, 020, and 030) 050 7716 Excess (or deficit) In Break -Even 060 7790 Homebuyers Monthly Payments - Contra .pe 0713110 sling Receipts Dwelling Rental 100,51 . 98,01 106.07 32q;760 08♦ 3120 Excess Uullues 1.11 1.25 , 99 3,000 090 3190 Nondwelling Rental 100 Total Rental Income (sum oI lines 070, 080, and 090) 101.61 99.26 107.06 323,760 110 3610 Interest on General Fund Investments 3,42 3 18 3.6' 10 , 900 120 3690 Other Income 1117 11.23 6,1i . 20.000 130 Total Operating Income (sum of lines 1001 110, and 120) 116.20 113 68 117.28 354.660 Operating 140 4110 Expenditures - Adminlstratlon: Administrative Salaries 22_.6 23:34 24.62 74.460 150 4130 Legal Expense 1.28 2 13 6 94 21,000 160 4140 Staff Training 170 4150 Travel 1,44 2,13 2.96 8,950 180 4170 Accounting Fees 190 4171 Auditing Fees 13 13 .33 1,000 200 4190 Other Administrative Expenses 5 82 6.53 8.19 24,770 210 Total Administrative Expense (sum of line 1401hru line 200) 31.29 34.75 43.04 130.180 Tenant 220 Services: 4210 Salaries 230 4220 Recreation, Publications and Other Services 240 4230 Contract Costs, Training and Other 250 Total Tenant Services Expense (sum al lines 220 230 and 240) Ullltt 260 es: 4310 Water 10.12 11.23 14.03 42,330 270 4320 Electricity 14.93 13 25 14.05 42 520 280 4330 Gas 13.85 9.22 1455 441.000 4340 Fuel 300 4350 Labor 310 4390 Other utilluesexpense 12 02 13.10 16.35 49,400 320 Total UUllties Expense (sum of tine 260 thru line 310) 50, 92, 46.80 58.96 178,290 Previous editions are obsolete • Page 1 ol4 form HUD -52564 (3/95) rel. Handbook 7475.1 Name of PHA / IHA Fayetteville Housing Authority Fiscal Year Ending 9/30/00 ne O o. Acct. No. Description It/ Actuals Last Fiscal W. 19 98 Estimates Requested Budget Estimates f.� M 1 or Actual PHAAHA Estimates HUD Modifications Curren`4udget Yr. 19 ``!! yy PUM (4) amount (to nearest $10) (5) PUM (6) Amount (to newest $10) (7) PUM (2) PUM (31 Ordinary 330 Maintenance 4410 and Operation: Labor 27.08 20.05 27.62 .21.25 35,12 39.U9 100,230 91,000 340 4420 Materials 350 4430 Contract Costs 39 95 87 n9 44 77 93 13 12 47 _S5 49 In 74 14.07 167 900 365 130 42,560 360 Total Ordinary Maintenance & Operation Expense (lines 330 to 350) Prolective 370 4460 Services: labor 13.24 380 4470 Materials 390 4480 Contract costs 400 Total Protective Services Expense (sum of lines 370 to 390) 13.24 12.47 14.0 7 42,560 General 410 Ex,ense: 4510 Insurance 13.73 14.91 24.20 73,190 420 4520 Payments in Lieu of Taxes 5.07 5 25 6 45 19.490 430 4530 Terminal Leave Payments 1.21 2,51 440 4540 Employee Benefit Contributions 20.15 19.73 24 23 73.190 450 4570 Collection Losses 13.25 57 240.D8 240 4 13 55 08 11.02 58 245.5? 245.52 4 96 37 _65.13 301 301.95 14.88 4 96 95- 45,000 196.950 913,110 913.110 15,000 460 4590 Other General Expense 470 Total General Expense (sum of lines 410 to 460) 480 Total Routine Expense sum of lines 210 250 320, 360 400 and 470) Rent 490 for Leased 4710 Dwellings: Rents to Owners of Leased Dwellings 500 Total Operating Expense (sum of lines 480 and 490) nroutine 0 4610 Expenditures: Extraordinary Maintenance 27.57 1.33 28.90 268,77 22.14 10 25 32,39 277,92 29.70 33.22 335.1711013 3 52 89,800 10.670, 100,47C - 58C 520 7520 Replacement of Nonexpendable Equipment 530 7540 Property Betterments and Additions 540 Total Nonroutine Expenditures (sum of lines 510 520 and 530) 550 Total Operating Expenditures (sum of lines 500 and 540) Prior 560 16010 Year Adjustments: Prior Year Adjustments Affecting Residual Receipts Other 570 Expenditures: Deficiency In Residual Receipts at End of Preceding Fiscal Yr. 268.77 277.92 335.17 1,013,5E0 580 Total Operating Expenditures, including prior year adjustments and other expenditures (line 550 plus or minus line 560 plus line 570) 590 Residual Receipts (or Deficit) before HUD Contributions and provision for operating reserve (line 130 minus line 580) (152.57) (164.24) (217 . c 0 (658 , 920: HUD 600 Contributions: 8010 Basic Annual Contribution Earned - Leased Projects:Current Yew 146.5: 170.32 16/.80 b07 454 610 8011 Prior Year Adjustments - (Debit) Credit 620 Total Basic Annual Contributionjline 600 plus or minus line 610) 630 8020 Contributions Earned - Op. Sub: - Cur. Yr.(before year-end adj)_ 640 Mandatory PFS Adjustments (net): 650 Other (specify): 660 Other (specify): 670 Total Yearend Adjustments/Other (plus or minus lines 640 thru 660) 146.53 146.53 170,32 170.32 167.80 167.80 587,454 507;454 680 8020 Total Operating Subsidy -anent year (line 630 plus or minus line 670) 690 Total HUD Contributions (sum of lines 620 and 680) 700 Residual Receipts (or Deficit) (sum of line 590 plus line 690) Enter here and on line 810 (6.04 6 08 (50.09) (151 466 Previous editions are obsolete Page 2 of 4 form HUD -52564 (3/95) rel. Handbook 7475.1 • •740 2821 Operating Reserve Part 1- Maximum Operating Reserve - End of Current Budget Year PHA./.111A-Leased Housing - Section 23 or 10(c) 50% of Line 480, column 5, form HUD -52564 PHA/IHA Estimates HUD Modifications omments: PHA / INA Approval Name Title Signature Field 011ice Approval Name • Title Bromo Wilson Exec11-five Director ad. Dale �is"_fre, Signature Dale form HUD -52564 (3/95) Previous edlUons are obsolete Page 3 of 4 rel. Handbook 7475.1 780 Part 11- Provision lor and Estimated or Actual Operating Reserve al Fiscal Year End Operating Reserve at End of Previous Fiscal Year - Actual for FYE (date): 9/30/98 237,325 790 600 Provision lor Operating Reserve - Current Budget Year (check one) Estimated lor FYE X Actual for FYE 9/3199 18,257 Operating Reserve at End of Current Budget Year (check one) Estimated for FYE MActual for FYE '9/30/99 255,582 810 810 Provision for Operating Reserve - Requested Budget Year Estimated lor FYE Enter Amount from Une 700 9/30/00 (151,466) 820 ._..- 830 --- Operating Reserve at End oI Requested Budget Year Estimated for FYE lines 800 and 8101----- 104 , 116 ---.. (Sum of --_-----_.----------_--. Cash Reserve Requirement - % of line 480 omments: PHA / INA Approval Name Title Signature Field 011ice Approval Name • Title Bromo Wilson Exec11-five Director ad. Dale �is"_fre, Signature Dale form HUD -52564 (3/95) Previous edlUons are obsolete Page 3 of 4 rel. Handbook 7475.1 NARRATIVE,STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF REVISED BUDGET N0. 1 FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY'AR 0097-001 & 002 FOR PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2000 LINE NO. DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL BUDGET INCREASED (DECREASED) REVISED BUDGET 15 Legal Expenses 11,000 10,000 21,000 190 Audit Fees 400 600 1,000 340 Materials 78,900 12,100 91,000 510 Extrordinary Maint Replace Tile/Carpet 50,000 (15,000) 35,000 Cabinets/Drapes Repair Foundations & Buildings Site A -0- 47,300 47,300 Repair Boiler Site J -0- 7,500 7,500 Extrodinary Main Total 50,.000 39,800 89,800 TOTAL EXPENSES 140,300 62,500 202,800