HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-02-15 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 A.M. Wednesday February 15, 2000 in the office of the Authority #1 North School, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Dan Hudspeth, Chairperson, called the meeting to order. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Clinehens, Hudspeth, Childress, Richardson Watson Others Present: Bromo Wilson. Fredia Sawin The Minutes of the December 15, 1999 Regular Meeting were approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. The December Financial Statement was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. The January Financial Statement was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. Charles Clinehens was elected as chairperson to serve a one year term which will end January 2001. Pat Watson was elected as vice chairperson to serve a one year term which will end January 2001. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF SECTION 8 MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT PROGRAM (SEMAP) CERTIFICATION FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9/30/99. Resolution No. 639 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. Mr. Wilson announced that the roofing project from the 1999 Comp Grant funds was complete and the final check had been issued the remaining funds will go to purchase new drapes for Hillcrest Towers apartments. The next Comp Grant funding for 2000 will be to replace the windows for Hillcrest Towers apartments. The Board was brought up to date on the Fair Housing Law suit. Mr. Jim Crouch will be handling all the answering of the interogatories. The Board meeting for March 2000 will be on the 14th this agreement was unanimous. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS et CHAIRPERSON • • • RESOLUTION NO. 639 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF SECTION 8 MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT PROGRAM (SEMAP) CERTIFICATION FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9/30/99 WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority is required to review the Annual SEMAP Certification and authorize the submission of the SEMAP Certification and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority did review the attached SEMAP Certification for Fiscal Year Ending 9/30/99 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY: That the Executive Director of the Housing Authority is authorized to execute the attached SEMAP Certification for Fiscal Year ending 9/30/99. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ATTES . SECRETARY 2000 THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE AYETTEVILLE, ARKANS CITY CHAIRPERSO 02/05/2000 08:59 5013245448 S Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) ertlfication Il F11.10 OPH PAGE 05 U.S. Department of Housing OMB Approval No. 2577.0215 (exp. 1/31/200( and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing e reporting burden for this collecllon o1 information Is estimated lo everese 5.0 • hours per response, Including the lime for reviewing (nauseant searching existing data eourcee, gathering and malnlaining the dela needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of Inlormallon. This agency me not conduct or sponsor, and you are not required to respond to, a collection of Information unless It displays a currently valid OMB control number. This collection 01 Informallon Is required by 24 CFR sec 985.101 which requires a Housing Agency (HA) administering a Secllon 0 Tenant -based aselstanc program to submit an annual SEMAP Certification within 80 days after the end of IIs fiscal year. The Information Irom the HA concerns the pa:tonnenc of the HA and provides assurance that (here is no evidence of seriously deficient performance. HUD uses the information and other data to assess H management capabilities and deficiencies, and to eselgn an overall perlonnence rating 10 the HA. Responses are mandatory and the inlarmallon collects does not lend Itself to confidentiality. Inatructione: Respond lo this certification form using the HA's actual dale RA Name Fayetteville Housing Authority Far HA Fiscal Year Ending 9/30/1999 Submission Date 2/16/00 Check here 11 the HA expends less then $900,000 a year In Federal awards: Indlcators 1 •7 will not be rated If the HA expends less Than $300,000 a year In kderal ewarde and Its Section 8 programa are not audita, for compliance with regulations by an Independent auditor. An HA that expends 1088 than $300,000 In Federal awards in a year must sti complete the certification for these indicators. Performance Indicators 1. Ssteotlon Irom the Welting 1441. (24 CFR 982.64(d)(1) and 902.204(a)) (a) The HA has written policies In Its administrative plan for selecting applicants from the walling list. HA Response Yes x No t at least 99% of the families In the wh) ere a MA's c equality I akm the waitsamples ng Ilett for addmi applicants Inoaching the lop of the accordance wilt; the HA'sng list ind polldaa and met Ile selectionscdleria that determined their places sample walling Ostend their order of selection. HA Response Vo X l No Reasonable Rent. (24 CFR 982.4, 9a2.54(d)(15), 982.158(1)(7) and 902.603) (a) The HA has ed Implements a reasonablewdllen method to determine and document for each unit leased That the rent to owner Is reasonable base on current rents for comparable unassisted units 0) at the time of Initial leasing. (11) bigots any Increase In the rent to owner, and (ill) at the HAP contra( anniversary II there Ie o 5 percent decrease In the published FMR In effect 80 days before the HAP contract anniversary. The HA's method takes int. consideration the location, size, type, qualify, and age of the program unit and of similar unassisted units, and any amenities, housing swim maintenance or utilities provided by the owners. HA Response Yes pp No (b) The HA's quality control sample &tenant Mei for which a determination of reasonable rent was required shows that the HA followed Ils written metho to determine reasonable rent and documented Ile dolannlnadon that the rank to owner Is reasonable as required for (check one): HA Response i© At lout 98% of units sampled LJ 60 to 97% of unite sampled n Lase than 90% of units sampled 3. OeterrnInatlon of Adjusted income. (24 CFR pert 5, subpart F and 24 CFR 982.510) The HA's quality control sample of tenant fifes shows that at the time of admleslon end reexamination, the HA properly obtained Third party, vedficatio of adjusted Income or documented why third party verification was not available; used the verified Inlormallon In determining adjusted Income; properl attributed allowances: and. where the !amity Is responsible for utillUe9 under the lease, the HA used the appropriate utility allowances for the unit lease In determining the gross rent for (check one): HA Response 1 1 At least 90% of flies sampled l 180 to Bo% of Mae sampled Less Than 90% of files sampled 4. Utility Allowance Scheib s. (24 CFA 082.517) The HA maintains an up to -date utility allowance schedule, T1 a HA reviewed utellly rale date ;hat 11 obtained within the last 12 months, and adjusts Ila utility allowance schedule It (hare has been a change of 10% or more in a utility rale since the last time Iha utility allowance achedule was revleec NA Response Yes X No Q 6. HOS Ouallty Control Inspect one (24 CFR 982,405(b)) An HA supervisor (or other qualtled person) reinspected a sample of unite during the HA fiscal year, which met the minimum sample size required b HUD (sea 24 CFR 985.2), for quality control of HOS InspecUone. The HA supervisors reinspected sample was drawn from recently completed H0: inspections and represents a cross section or neighborhoods and the work 01 a Mae section of Inspectors. HA Response Yes Fri 1 No • H08 Enforcement. (24 CFR 982 404) The HA'. quality control sample of case flies with letled HQS Inspections shows mal, for all casae sampled, any cited Ills -threatening HOS denctencie ware corrected within 24 hours from the Inspection and, ail other cited HOS de8dendee were conected within no more than 30 calendar days from Ih Inspection or any HA•approved extension, or, If HOS deficiencies wore not corrected within the required time frame, the HA stopped housing aseletanc payments beginning no later than the first of the month following the correction period, or look prompt end vigorous action to entyrce the family obligation for (check one); HA Response X At Waal 9B% of ceeea sampled n Loa than 98% of cases sampled P.n ,Inun n,Unnn In nhanln,n Prole 1 nil Iorm Hu0.52$4a (0/05 rel. 24 CFR Pail 96 7. Expanding Housing Opportunities. (24 CFR 982.54(d)(6), 082.153(b)(3) and (b)(4). 082.301 (a) and 983.301(b)(5) and (b)(13)) (Apples only to HAs wi jurisdiction In metropolitan FMR rar�eae). Check here 11 not applicable: LJ (a) The HA has a written polity to encourage partldpallon by owners of units outside areas of poverty or minority concentration whlth clearly dollies?. •areas In Its jurisdiction Ihet the HA considers arses of poverty or minority concentration, and which Includes actions the HA will lake to encourage own participation. HA Reeponso Yes Big No n (b) The HA has documentation that shows that it took actions Indicated In IIs written policy to encourage participation by owners outside areas of povsr and minority concentration. HA Reopens, Yee Fri No n (c) The HA has prepared maps that showvenous areae, both within and neighboring Its luriedIdlon, with housing opportunities outside areas of novel and minority concentration; the HA has assembled In ormelon about rob opportunities. schools and services In these areas; and the HA vireo the mal and related Information when �briefing certificate and voucher holders. . x l HA Response Yee I No O • (d) The HA's Information packet for certificate and voucher holders contains either a Iles of owners who are wining to lease, or properties available t lease, under the rental voucher or certificate programs, ora list of ether organizations that will help families rind units and the Pal Includes properties organizations that operate Outside areas of poveny or minority concentration. HA Response Yes X No (e) The HA's Information packet Includes an explanation of how portobility works and Includes a list of nelghboring HAs with the name, address to telephone number of Si ponoblll conlad person at each. HA Response Yee R No O (Q The HA has analyzed whelhs certificate and voucher holders have experienced difficulties In finding housing outside areas of poverty or mind concentration and, where such difficulties were found, Me HA has considered whether It Is appropriate to seek approval of area exception rents In at pad of Its jurtsdtdion and has sought HUD approval when necessary. HA Reponse Yes I— dA No n 8. FMR Limit and Payment Standards. The Initial ;lose rents for at least 98% of unite newly leased under the rental certificate program, other than ovt FMR tenancies, are at or below the applicable FMR or cep rtived exception rent late and the HA has adopted current payment standards for the rent voucher program by unit elze for each FMR area In thy HA PudsdIctlon and, if applicable, for each HUO-approved exception rent area, which do not excel the current applicable FMR or HUD -approved exception rent Ilmfie end which aro nal lass than 80 percent of the current FMR/exception rent limit (unto a lower percent Is approved by HUD). (24 CFR 982.608(e) and .505(b)(3)) • HA Response Vee fl No Enter current FMRs and !Nyman standards (PS) 684. 708 . D -BR FMR 306. 1.8;1 FMR 385. 2438 FMR 506. . $911 FMR _ 4-8R FMR PS PS P8 P8 PS 1I the HA hes jurisdiction In more then one FMR area, and/or ;MUD has approved exception rent areas, attach !War FMR and payment standee comparisons for each FMR and exception rent area. g. Annual Reexeminalons. The HA completes a reexamination for each participating lamlty et least every 12 months. (24 CFR 5.817) • HA Response Yes 4J No LJ 10. Correct Tenant Pent Calculations The HA cor wily calculates tenant rant In the rental certificate program and the family's share of the rent to own In the rental voucher program. (24 CFR 982, Subpart K) HA Response Yee No I 1 . 11. Precontred HOS Inspections. Each newly leased unit patted HOS Inspection before the beginNng date of the attlsted lease and HAP contract. (24 CI 952.305) HA Response , Yes n No n 12. Annual HOS-Inspections. The HA Inspects each unit under contract et least annually. (24 CFR 992.406(a9 HA Response Vee LA No n 13. Lease -Up. Tho HA executes assistance contracts on behalf of eligible families for the number of unite That has been under budge) for at (east one ye; HA Response Yes © No LJ lea. Family So6SWMency Enrolment (Apples only to HAs required to administer an FSS program). The HA has enrolled tamales h FSS as required. (24 CFR 984. l( HA Response a. Number of through the 2ndrlastcompleteFSS BlotsdFederelCount n 9 FY. Exclude NlsfundedIits funded under the FY nconnedtonwnhSecton0endSectin23p o� later2 FSS Incentive awards and in FY 1B93 and to th based contract terminations; public housing demolition, disposition and replacement; HUD multifamily property sales; prepaid or terminated reengage; under (Wagon 238 or soden 221(d)(3); and Section a renewal funding. Subtract the number of families that successfully completed their contracts on or alter 10/21/199e.) or, Number of mandatory FSS slots under HUD -approved exception Previous edition le obsolete J• form HUD -52640 (8/6 Page 2 of 3 rel. 24 CFR Parr 9 H .IL O/ es b. Number of F99 lamlliae currently enrolled c. Portability: 11 you are the Initial HA, enter the number of families currently enrolled In your FSS program, but who have moved under portability and whose Section 8 assistance Is administered by another HA Percent of FSS slots filled (b r o divided by a) or, Not Applicable X r 14b. Percent of F55 Participants with Escrow Account Balances (Applies only to HAs required to administer an FSS program). The HA has made progr In supporting family sell•sullcloncy ao measured by Bre percent of currently enrolled F66 families with escrow account balancers. (24 CFR 984.2 HA Response Vas . No O a. Portability: II you are the Initial HA, enter the number of families veldt FSS escrow accounts currently enrolled In your F99 program, but who have moved under portability end whose Section a assistance Is administered by another HA or, Not Applicable In Deconcantratlon Bonus Indicator (Optional and only for HA; with (udsdiction In melropodlan FMR areae). The HA is submltibhg with this certification dela which ahow that (1) Hall or more of all Soden 8 families with children assisted by the HA in Ib principal operating ares resided In low poverty census tracts at the end of Wei HA FY; The percent of Section 8 mover lamldes with children who moved to low poverty census bads In the HA'e principal operating arca during the bat HA FY b least two percentage points higher then the percent o1 at Section 8 families with children who resided In low poverty census tach at the and oI the last HA I or (3) The percent of Section 8 mover families wllh children who moved to low povorly census tracts In the HA'e principal operating area over lib last two Fye Is at least two percentage points higher than the percent of all Section 8 families with children who resided In low poverty census tracts at the r of the emend to last HA FY. HA Response Yu n No [ I/ yes, attach completed decanaantrellen bonus Indicator addendum. I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the above responses under the Soden 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) we True end ocean for the HA fiscal year Indicated above. 1 also certify that, to my present knowledge, there Is not evidence to Indicate seriously deficient performance that ca doubt on the HAs capacity to adminislor Section 8 rental asNsWwa In accordance with Federal law and regulations. Weminw HUD wB prosecute labs dal= and statanahb. Carwlctbn tray reed In mkt tel stetter dal' peraNea. (ID U.S.C. 1001,1010,1012 301 U.B.C. 3729, 380 • ecu rector. signature a I 1 / Chal Board of Co missltrffis stonatu n date X i / X l.�l/v . (2) The HA may btdude with Its SEMAP csrtl8catan any information bearing on the aocumcy orcampbtonese of the Information used by tie HAM providIng Its conitcattl • Previous edition Is obsolete lone HUD -62646 (6/9 Page 3 al 3 nal. 24 CFR Part 91 • • FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY #1 NORTH SCHOOL AVE. FAY TTEVILLE, AR. 7 701-5928 PH: (501) 521-3850 FAX (50 ) 442-6771 January 31. 2000 Patricia Watson #1 North School Ave. Apt. 1201 Fayetteville, AR 72701 Dear Ms. Watson: As per our telephone conversation, this letter is to formally notify all commissioners that the monthly meeting dates will be changed from the third Wednesday to the third Tuesday of each month. The 3:00 a.m. time stays the same. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call. Sincerely yours, Fredia Sawin Public Housing Director fs ) FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY #1 NORTH SCHOOL AVE. FAY TTEVILLE, AR. 72701-5928 PH: (501) 521-3850 FAX) 0 1 442-6771 January 31, 2000 Dan Hudspeth Bank of Fayetteville P. 0. Box 1728 Fayetteville, AR 72702 Dear Mr. Hudspeth: As per our telephone conversation, this letter is to formally notify all commissioners that the monthly meeting dates will be changed from the third Wednesday to the third Tuesday of each month. The 8:00 a.m. time stays the sante. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call. Sincerely yours, /oda &7-60741:1 Fredia Sawin Public Housing Director fs • t • • P FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY #1 NORTH SCHOOL AVE. FAY TTEVILLE, AR. 7 0 -5928 PH: X501 521-3850 FAX 0 442-6771 January 31. 2000 Janet Richardson 1712 Greenvalley Rd. Fayetteville, AR 72703 Dear Ms. Richardson: As per our telephone conversation, this letter is to formally notify all commissioners that the monthly meeting dates will be changed from the third Wednesday to the third Tuesday of each month. The 8:00 a.nl. time stays the same. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call. Sincerely yours, Fredia Sawin Public Housing Director fs • 1 FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY #I NORTH SCHOOL AVE. FAY TFEVILLE, AR. 7 701-5928 PH: (501) 521-3850 FAX 01) 442-6771 January 31, 2000 Charles Clinehens 2367 Creek Wood Fayetteville, AR 72703 Dear Mr. Clinehens: As per our telephone conversation, this letter is to formally notify all commissioners that the monthly meeting dates will be changed from the third Wednesday to the third Tuesday of each month. The 8:00 a.m. time stays the same. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call. Sincerely yours, Fredia Sawin Public Housing Director fs • FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY #1 NORTH SCHOOL AVE. FAY TTEVILLE, AR. 7 01-5928 PH: (501) 521-3850 FAX ( 01) 442-6771 January 31. 2000 Christine Childress 437 South Willow Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Dear Mrs Childress: As per our telephone conversation, this letter is to formally notify all commissioners that the monthly meeting dates will be changed from the third Wednesday to the third Tuesday of each month. The 8:00 a.n1. time stays the same. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call. Sincerely yours, G Fredia Sawin Public Housing Director fs •