HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-09-23 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 A.M. Wednesday September 23, 1998 in the office of the Authority #1 North School, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Charles Clinehens, Chairperson, called the meeting to order. Commissioners Present: Childress, Hudspeth, Fries, Richardson, Clinehens Commissioners Absent: None Others Present: Bromo Wilson, Fredia Sawin The Minutes of the August 19, 1998 Regular Meeting were approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. The August Financial Statement was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION APPROVING ANNUAL SALARY INCREASES. Resolution No. 613 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION TO CHARGE OFF DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS OF FORMER TENANTS FOR PERIOD 4/1/98 - 9/30/98. Resolution No. 614 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE WRITE-OFF OF CERTAIN NON- EXPENDABLE EQUIPMENT THAT WAS JUNKED. Resolution No. 615 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION ADOPTING REVISED PUBLIC HOUSING POLICY. Resolution No. 616 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION APPROVING 1997 COMP GRANT PROGRAM REPORT AS OF 6/30/98. Resolution No. 617 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. After the adjournment, the commissioners completed a tour of Hillcrest Towers. ATTEST: THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SECRETARY HA Board Resolution Approving Comprehensive Plan or Annual Statement Comprehensive Grant Program (CGP) U.S. Department of Housing OMB Approval No. 2577--0157 (exp. 7/31/98) and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing RESOLUTION NO. 617 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching exis ing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Reports Management Officer, Paperwork Reduction Pro ect 0157), Office of Information Technology, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. 20410-3600. This agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless that collection displays a valid OMB control number. Do not send this form to the above address. This collection of information requires that, as a condition to receive a CGP grant, each Housing Authority (HA) certify that it has complied or will comply with statutory, regulatory and other HUD requirements. This Information is essential to determine HA compliance, or intent to comply, with CGP requirements. Responses to the collection are required by regulation. The information requested does not lend itself to confidentiality. Acting on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of the below -named Housing Authority (HA), as its Chairman, I make the following certifications and agreements to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regarding the Board's approval of (check one or more as applicable): Comprehensive Plan Submitted on Action Plan / Annual Statement Submitted on __I Amendments to Comprehensive Plan Submitted on aYdfiXI)CIMIXXl(A@(J6XX %M / Annual Statement/ P & E Report 9'r)tnard9XX For Year Ending 6/30/98 leerily on behalf of the: (HA Name) Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville that: I. The HA will comply with all policies, procedures, and requirements prescribed by HUD for modernization, including implementation of the modernization in a timely, efficient, and economical manner; 2. The HA has established controls to ensure that any activity funded by the CGP is not also funded by any other HUD program, thereby preventing duplicate funding of any activity; 3. The HA will not provide to any development more assistance under the CGP than is necessary to provide affordable housing, after taking into account o r government assistance provided; he proposed physical work will meet the modernization and energy conservation standards under 24 CFR 968.115 or 24 CFR 950.610; 5. The proposed activities, obligations and expenditures in the Annual Statement are consistent with the proposed or approved Comprehensive Plan of the HA; 6. The HA will comply with applicable nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements under 24 CFR 5.105(a) or 24 CFR 950.115; 7. The HA will take approbriate affirmative action to award modernization contracts to minority and women's business enterprises under 24 CFR 5.105(a) or 24 CFR 950.115(e); or the IHA will, to the greatest extent feasible, give preference to the award of modernization contracts to Indian organiza- tions and Indian -owned economic enterprises under 24 CFR 950.175; 8. The HA has provided HUD or the responsible entity with any documen- tation that the Department needs to carry out its review under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other related authorities in accordance with 24 CFR 968.110(c), (d) and (m) or24 CFR 950.120(a), (b), and (h), and will not obligate, in any manner, the expenditure of CGP funds, or otherwise undertake the activities identified in its Comprehensive Plan/Annual State- ment, until the HA receives written notification from HUD indicating that the Department has complied with its responsibilities under NEPA and other related authorities; 9. The HA will comply with the wage rate requirements under 24 CFR 968.110(e) and (f) or 24 CFR 950.120(c) and (d); 10. The HA will comply with the relocation assistance and real property acquisition requirements under 24 CFR 968.108 or 24 CFR 950.117; 1 I. The HA will comply with the requirements for physical accessibility under 24 CFR 968.1 l0(a) or 24 CFR 950.115(d); 12. The HA will comply with the requirements for access to records and audits under 24 CFR 968.145 or 24 CFR 950.120(e); 13. The HA will comply with the uniform administrative requirements under 24 CFR 968.135 or 24 CFR 950.120(1); 14. The HA will comply with lead-based paint testing and abatement requirements under 24 CFR 968.110(k) or 24 CFR 950.120(g); 15. The HA has complied with the requirements goveming local/tribal government and resident participation in accordance with 24 CFR 968.315(b) and (c), 968.325(d) and 968.330 or 24 CFR 950.652(b) and (c), 950.656(d) and 950.658, and has given full consideration to the priorities and concerns of local/tribal government and residents, including any comments which were ultimately not adopted, in preparing the Comprehensive Plan/Annual State- ment and any amendments thereto; 16. The HA will comply with the special requirements of 24 CFR 968.102 or 24 CFR 950.602 with respect to a Turnkey III development; and 17. The PHA will comply with the special requirements of 24 CFR 968101(6)(3) with respect to a Section 23 leased housing bond -financed development. 18. The modernization work will promote housing that is modest in design and cosi, but still blends in with the surrounding community. Attested By: Board Chairman's Name: Dan Hudspeth, Vice Chair • Board Chairman's Signature Si Date: X Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims nd statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties (Seal) (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010,1012; 31 U.S C 3729 3802) Page 1 of 1 form HUD -52836 (10/96) ref Handbook 7485.3 • 0 0 88 3 3 11. 5S a m era 22 N w go, Po < < c N, CO d C 6 > > co73 a 0 B O 1 .l) N 5. c w m 3 3 m N m g w •�V 3 0 t g W N+ O ID d J W 01 A Ca N+ O CO J Ol N A W Al -s Line No. Amount of line 19 Related to Energy Conservation Amount of line 19 Related to Security 1 Amount of line 19 Related to Section 504 Compliance Amount of line 19 Related to LBP Activities Amount of Annual Grant (Sum of lines 2-19) li 1502 Contingency (may not exceed 8% of 19) 1498 Mod Used for Development 1490 Replacement Reserve 1495.1 Relocation Cost 1485 Demolition 1475 Nondwelling Equipment 1470 Nondwelling Structures 1465.1 Dwelling Equipment-Nonexpendable A m 0 mw CO 2' C n C N 1450 Site Improvement - N m N j 1430 Fees and Costs 1415 Liquidated Damages 1411 Audit 1410 Administration 1408 Management Impfbvements 1406 Operations (may not exceed 10% of 19) c E z -13c Summary by Development Account A Signature of Public Housing Director or Office or Native American Programs Administrator & Date: X • 97,264.00 32,400.00 Total Estimated Cost Original Revised (1) (0 al N V O O N CO 0) V O O 129,664.00 23,000.00 AJA 0 71,980.00 27,240.00 N 0 bo 99,220.00 27 240.00 Total Actual Cost (2) Obligated fl Expended T O o CO 0 19,646.00 0) O 0 Annual Statement /Performance and Evaluation Report OMB Approval No. 2577-0157 (7/98) 1 1 2 u Comprehensive Grant Program (CGP) Annual Statement /Performance and Evaluation Report OMB Approval No. 2577-0157 (7/31/98) • a 1 \ j y > 2 Z 0O 2i o D 1 N O - OSI O m • m N r x m. m V N 3 0 u E m 2, EY 33 f m e - NI Funs Obligated (Ouaner Ending Date) r L t 4 a J Aaual (2) F o 1 s m 0 m n m I 4. 1 o s i m Y s I i[o I y rti a I A u 0 s.i. m 3 0 g N Comprehensive Grant Program (CGP) z C d N 03 3 m m 0) d m d 0 3 130 o 0 3 A J 0 0 Co n m a m 0 3 b • RESOLUTION NO. 614 RESOLUTION ADOPTING REVISED PUBLIC HOUSING POLICY WHEREAS, the present Statement of Policies Governing Admission to and Continued Occupancy for Low -Rent Public Housing in Fayetteville, Arkansas needs to be undated to reflect changes in regulations, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the Fayetteville, Arkansas that the attached Revised Public Housing Policy be adopted. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS • ATTEST: DAY OF1998 THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRPERSON SECRETAR • • RESOLUTION NO. 615 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE WRITE-OFF OF CERTAIN NON -EXPENDABLE EQUIPMENT THAT WAS JUNKED. WHEREAS, the HUD Manual 7510.1 provides for the write off of certain non -expendable equipment that is junked, and WHEREAS, the most recent list of equipment that has been declared not in working order and non -repairable and has been junked needs to be written off. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY, that the attached list of equipment be written off the property ledger of the Fayetteville Housing Authority. (see attached list for equipment.) PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ATTES : int) E TAR AY OF,„ 1998 . THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRPERSON 09/10/199t. 0:57:08 DISPOSED ASSET REPORT BY DATE and G/L ACCOUNT NUMBER FOR DATES: 04/01/1998 - 09/30/1998 • ASSET DESCRIPTION Housing Authority, City of Fayetteville PHA PRJ ACCOUNT CD ITER SERIAL NUMBER PAGE 1 COST 05/06/1998 06/29/1998 07/25/1998 07/31/1998 08/03/1998 08/03/1998 09/08/1998 • • BROWN GAS RANGE BROWN ELECTRIC RANGE EBEHORE REFRIGERATOR BROWN GAS RANGE BROWN GAS RANGE KENMORE REFRIGERATOR KENKORR REFRIGERATOR 1 001 1465.1 4 1 001 1465.1 4 1 001 1465.1 4 1 001 1465.1 4 1 001 1465.1 4 1 001 1465.1 4 1 001 1465.1 4 —304 D660025 X15 7J61743 7443 S-62650431 —293 D660027 /310 D660034 4:462 0948607610 420 S-60240018 ACCOUNT TOTAL PROJECT TOTAL PHA TOTAL 224.25 211.00 311.00 224.25 224.25 371.00 371.00 1996.75 1996.75 1996.15 • RESOLUTION NO. 614 RESOLUTION TO CHARGE OFF DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS OF FORMER TENANTS FOR PERIOD 4/1/98 - 9/30/98 A resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority authorizing the charge off of delinquent accounts of certain former tenants in the AR 97-1 & 2 Housing Projects for period of April 1, 1998 thru September 30, 1998. WHEREAS, in accordance with the Accounting Handbook RHM 7510.0, Chapter 3, Section 13, certain past due accounts in the AR 97-1 & 2 Low Rent Public Housing Projects are considered uncollectable and all means of collections have been exhausted, and there is no reasonable prospect of collections of such delinquent rents and that the probable cost of further efforts to collect said rents would not be warranted. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS THAT: Accounts in the amount designated, due from the former tenants listed on the attached sheets are hereby authorized to be charged off. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ATTEST. SECRETARY Y OF 1998 THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, AR CHAIRMAN 1- 9/2811998 13:49:01 AIB BALANCE DUE REPORT Housing Authority, City of Fayetteville Page 1 Effective Posting nate: most current uar - PHA - Prj Site Bldg Unit 1 001 A LP 0002-B Tenant, 11819 and Name WELDON TAWNY Formal SecDep Cr 4m. Z)tqp orsioip arjEoP Amount Due Net Due 128.00 128.00 1 001 A LP 0004-B 11775 ENGLEBERT WANDA y yqt2 L21 ;y' 837.75 637.75 1 001 A LP 0006-B 11933 OLEKENE RHOEHRA -o - /Axe 133.75 133.75 -1 OBI A LP ODU9-A 11454 LONG DEARNA 339 OA, 680.00 680.00 1 001 A LP 0010-8 10965 LLOYD BRENDA ft -s- fj oD 57.00 57.00 1 001 A LP 0011-A 11678 STAIMEL KATHY yl/.a» "yjj 670.00 610,00 1 001 A LP 0011-B 1 796 HASSEY USHA 51,1g420 4/40 959.00 956.00 1 001 A LP 0011-C 1 912 RODGERS BRANDY -,v - 1?•44 lr 134.75 134.75 1 001 A LP 0011-D 11852 PETERSON ROWENA ADD JACZ I, 178.50 118.50 1 001 A LP 0013-A 1 506 JOHNSON HENRY ;W2e/L,21'... 523.50 523.50 1 001 A LP 0013-8 11962 TANNEHILL GERALD j64, ,Q,Rapp 632.00 63.2.44- 1 001 A LP 0014-A 11799 TERRAZAS FRANCIS X2242 y.o. _ 538.50 538.50 1 4201 A LP 0015-C 11779 SMITH DESIRAE )2,44404, altat 322.25 1 001 B WN 0021-B 11734 GOLDEN KIMBERLY i +t9 gaa yLa' 527.001 ; -' .10 1 001 B WH 0022-C 11873 DUNN TABITHA aig,oa aoloo 51700 - .1 1 u01 B WH 0022-D 11872 MILNER VICKIE .40-.0 *air 31.25 31.25 1 001 B WN 0023-A 11974 TWO HATCHET KATHYs.- Ti, 30.25 36.25 1 001 B WH 0024-A 11928 LOCKLIN ANGELA Aria _dr.-0' 69.00 69.00 111 001 B WH 0025-A 11929 BAKER LATONYA _.,yam JL 112.50 -117.50 001 8 WH 0025-13 11942 C00PR I{r llia 23.50 23.50 1 001 B WH 0027-A 11269 HATCHETT DIANNE _ "ySeaaO 390.00 390.00 1 001 8 WH 0027-8 11803 PENNINGTON JERRI Ifl,ost _o 315.00 315.00 1 001 B WH 0027-C 11876 BAXTER TANSON ifitep Awaf / 360.75 300.75 _ 1 U01 8 mH 0030-A 11954 YOWELL RO➢ANN 279,00 279.00 1 001 B WH 0030-C 11869 SHRUM LEE _ -1,-- X62 fD 167.50 167.50 i 1 001 8 WH 0031-A 10994 CARLISLE .. ROY iirgpa a74601,, 363.00 363.00 1 001 3 HR 0310 11816 STARK CARL ' ' ___ G/, 2r 01.75 01,75 1 001 J HR 0311 11854 ARMSTRONG LEAH - "dap atop 91.00 91.00 1 001 3 HR 0401 11806 COUCH HAWN _o- Map 191.00 191,00 1 001 J HR 0410 11820 PORTER ROBERTA /cop LS,oG 103.00 103.00 1 001 J HR 0507 11205 FULLERTON ROBERT 'o_ a2 18.75 18.75 L 001 J HR 0508 11583 KOZEL CHARTS _A,....- pe,fp X6.5 ___!11._58__._ 1 001 J HR 0509 10889 uATRS FLORENCE __ -,d - ig,6 18.50 18.50 1 001 J HR 0812 11708 RITCHIE GERTRUDE . Jim isor 89.75 89.75 1 001 J HE 1101 11526 KOKEL DORIS , -s.- zgarit 68.50 68 5n 1- OUT J HR 1104 11084 CRAWFORD JULIA em-GIZA, 67,00 67,00 1 001 J HR 1110 11924 COLLINS CHESTER rp op f24 137.50 137.50 1 001 J HR 1209 11091 TEETER NOVA -4,-- 9tsaap , 74.00 74.00 1 001 J HR 1211 11438 REIFF KENNETH log,' 717.25_2j2 15 laza PHA: 1 Project: 001 Totals Count: 39 10246.15 -18446'11 1128/1998 13:49:01 AIR BALANCE DUE REPORT Housing Authority, City of Fayetteville Page 2 Effective Posting Date: Most Current Data • PHA Prj Site Bldg Unit Tenant) and Name Formal SecDep Cr 1 002 C HH 302-C 11875 WYSONG SANDY 3335vo y/,ao Amount . 635.00 Due Net 635.00 Due I 002 C MH 305-C 1861 HADDOCK DARLA4/0,6•41-mil 168.75 708.75 i Uut L MH ill C 1813 SH3TH uAKBLL1 3„pn_ gie 395.25 395.25 1 002 C HH 324-C 1831 ENGLER ANGELA AA, a3"2,' 286.25 286.25 1 002 C HH 331-C 11741 ARAUJO MICHELLE 1yu oo 33o op 810.00 810.00 • 1 UUt C MN 331-C 1976 SPENCER GEORGIA 4ol, /41,190 156.00 150.00 1 002 C KK 3 3-C 11632 0 GRADY JESSIKA .Z/ ,AD l/„4.! 571.25 571.25 1 002 C HH 3 4-C 11802 WATKINS NANCY Ylact ort 375.75 375.15 I 001 C NN 3 0-C 11841 W00DWARD KIMBERLEY _e X91, are 138.25 138.25 002 HH 3 2-C 11903 BAIRD TRACEY 459.00 4590 1 C Zp0 ypop _ 1 002 C HN 3-C 1930 CORNBIJUS LISA 1 yy2,ty) 3n pip 469.00 469.00 1 002 C HM 8-C 1612 TAYLOR JENNIFER OS _ 224L410k.„ .. 791:.°0 _ __ 791.00__ 1 002 C HM 21-C 1932 PETERSON PAUL fa,," Ana 1141.00 1144.00 1 002 C HH 23-C 11415 LINDABURY TERESA 97;,4,/ y3,g,f2 1210.51 -39x06- 1220.51 - 1 002 C HM 5-C 11688 THOMPSON BRENDA ...,b, y412 197 TT -71.00 I 002 C HM 31-C 11935 RAI/IIT RABDIbL Ag,Qp 414510 72.00 1 002 C HM 36-C 1927 DAVIS ASHLEY a.- 219773 219.75 es 1 002 C HH TIC iiia STEWART JEWEL algal Jima_ _ _ _281_50_ _ 181.50 _ UUl C NN 438-C 11966 TAYLOR CAREEN 142.00 142.00 PHA: 1 Project: 002 Totals Count: 1941,04,,p/ �ijj,44 9392.26 9392.26 PHA: 1 Totals Count: 58 0./935jJ p, X447, 19639.01 rie-Qi. g...93..72 741.p-1,/ ---- -- Grand Totals Count: 58 • 19639.01 B.6.11-04 gde i RESOLUTION NO. 613 RESOLUTION APPROVING ANNUAL SALARY INCREASES WHEREAS, the Approved budgets for the Housing Authority allows for salary increases for certain personnel: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY the regular annual increases of salaries listed below are approved effective October 1, 1998. NAME & POSITION Bromo Wilson Executive Director Fredia Sawin Administrative Assistant & Public Housing Director Laura Higgins Section 8 Director Krya McCown Section 8 Assistant • & Inspector Debbie Ravelette Public Housing Assistant & Inspector • Amy Strope Secy & Rec Mikeal Atwell Maintenance Working Foreman Lynn Smith Maint-Mechanic David J. Butt Maint-Mechanic Thomas Barnett Maint-Aid "B" Night Watchmen "A" UA" PRESENT SALARY PROPOSE SALARY $44,400 $46,170 32,450 33,750 27,810 28,920 23,090 24,020 20,680 15,080 25,590 18,910 21,510 15,600 26,620 19,670 18,100 18,830 14,670 12,480 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 023 DAY OF 15,080 13,000 998 ATTEST; THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SECRETARY - CHAIRPERSON