HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-08-19 - Minutes - Archive• • • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 A.M. Wednesday August 19, 1998 in the office of the Authority #1 North School, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Charles Clinehens, Chairperson, called the meeting to order. Commissioners Present: Childress, Hudspeth, Fries, Richardson, Clinehens Commissioners Absent: None Others Present: Bromo Wilson, Fredia Sawin, Nancy Kahanak, Patricia Watson, Margaret Nail Ms. Nancy Kahanak with the Area Agency on Aging presented pictures to the Board which showed need for improvement in certain areas of the Hillcrest Towers grounds and the building. Patricia Watson and Margaret Nail, tenants of Hillcrest Towers, also talked to the board about their concerns for need of improvements and other areas in question. After discussion, a list of items that needed attention and a schedule for the work was written. It was agreed that the Board of Commissioners would allow one month for this schedule and at the next meeting would conduct a walk through for inspection and in case of any other improvements that will need to be completed. The Minutes of the July 15, 1998 Regular Meeting were approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. The July Financial Statement was Approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION APPROVING OPERATING BUDGET FOR ARK 97 FOR F/Y 1999. Resolution No. 612 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimousll. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRPERSON PHA/IHA Board Resolution Approving (*eratirjg Budget or Calculation of Performance Funding System Operating Subsidy U.S. uepanmetn or nuuanty and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing RESOLUTION NO, 612 OMB Approval No. 2577-0026 (Exp. 10/31/97) Public Reporting Burden for This collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the lime for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed. and completing and reviewing the collection of information.. Send comments regarding this burden estimate 1111r any other aspect of this collection of information. including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Reports Management 011icer, 011ice of Information Policies nd Systems, U.S. Department of Housing and Di ban Development, Washington, D.C. 20410-3600 and to the Office of Management and Budget. Paperwork Reduction Project (2577-0026), Washington. D.C. 20503. Do not send this completed form to either of the above addressees. Arling 011 hehall or the Board of Commissioners of the below -named Public Housing Agency (PHA)/Indian Housing Authority (11IA). as its ChaimMn. 1 snake the following certifications and agreements to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regarding the Board's approval of (check one or more as applicable): (dale) $ I Operating Budges Submitted on: —8/-19/98 1 X 1 Operating Budges Revision Suhmillcd on: Calculation of Performance Funding System Submitted on: Revised Calculation of Performance Funding System Submitted on: —8/19/98 certify on behalf of the: (PHA/IIIA Name) Fayettevi 11 a Housi ng •� Authori ty that: I. All regulatory and statutory requirements have been met; 2. The PHA has sufficient operating reserves to meet the working capital needs of its developments; •1. Proposed budget expendituresarenecessary intheefficient andeconomicaloperationofthehousingforthepurposeufservinglow-income residents: 4. The budget indicates a source or luntls adequate to cover all proposed expenditures; 5. The calculation of eligibility for Federal funding is in accordance with the provisions of the regulations; 6. All proposed rental charges and expenditures will be consistent with provisions of law; 7. The PHA/l1-1A will comply with the wage rate requirements under 24 CFR 968.110(e) and (1) or 24 CFR 905.120(c) and (d); 8. The P11A/IHA will comply with the requirements for access to records and audits under 24 CFR 968.111)(1) or 24 CFR 91)5.120(g): The PHA/IHA will comply with the requirements for the reexamination of family income and composition under 24 CFR 960.2(19,990.1 15 and 905.315; and 10. The PHA will comply with the requirements For certification of liuusing Manager and Assisted Housing Manager positions (24 CFR 967.31)4 and 967.31)5). 9 hereby certify that all the information staled within, as well as any information provided in the accompaniment (herewith. is True and accurate. Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminaland/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001. 1010. 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729. 3802) • Board Chairman's Name nypel I Signature: Charles Clinehens Jr. I Date: 8/19/98 form HUD -52574 (3/95) • ref. Handbook 7575.1 Operating Budget U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing OMB Approval No. 2577.0026 (exp. 10/31/97) Public reporting burden for this collection of Information Is estimated to average 116 hours per response, including the time for reviewing Instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection o1 Information, Including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Reports Management Officer, 011ice of Inlormallon Policies and Systems, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. 20410-3600 and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (2577-0026), Wa hington, D.C. r of Submission b. Fiscal Year Ending c. No. of month (check one) d. Type of HUD assisted profect(s) Original [ Revision No.: 9/30/99 X 12 mo. Omer (speclly) 01 I n l PHA/IHA-Owned Rental Housing e. Name Fayetteville of Public Housing Agency 1 Indian Housing Housing Authority Authority (PHA/IHA) 02 [J INA Owned Mutual Help Homeownership 03 ❑ PHA/IHA Leased Rental Housing I. Address (city, State, zip code) 04 PHA/IHA Owned Turnkey 111 Homeownership 11 North School Avenue/ Fayetteville iARr272701 05I. PHA/IHA Leased Homeownership g. ACC FW Number 3 h. PAS / LOCCS Project No. AR04o7009855• �/j I. HUD Field Office Little Rock AR I. No.ol 252elOgunus k. No. Avol Unit a able 3,h024 Line No. Acct No. Description (1) Actuals X Estimates Requested Budget Estimates Last Fiscal or Actual Estimates HUD Modifications Yr..Current PHA/IHA 19 97 Budget Yr 19 98 Amount Amount PUM (2) PUM PUM (3) (4) (to nearest $10) (5) PUM (6) (to nearest $10) (7) Homebuyers 010 7710Operating Monthly Payments for: Expense 020 7712 Earned Home Payments 030 7714 Nonroutine Maintenance Reserve 040 Total Break -Even Amount (sum of lines 010, 020, and 030) 050 7716 Excess (or deficit) in Break -Even 060 7790 Homebuyers Monthly Payments - Contra Ope 0 acing 3110 Receipts Dwelling Rental 105,86 1112297 100257 304,120 3120 Excess Utilities 1.00 .99 .99 3,000 090 3190 Nondwelling Rental 100 Total Rental Income (sum of lines 070, 080 and 090) 106.86 113.96 .01, 56 307,120 110 3610 Interest on General Fund Investments 13.42 3.97 5.46 6,61 3.61 6.61 10, 930 10,000 120 3690 Other Income 130 Total Operating Income (sum of lines 100, 110, and 120) 124,08 126.03 01.79 338,050 Ope 140 sting Expenditures 4110 - Administration: Administrative Salaries 21.75 22.76 23.67 71,590 150 4130 Legal Expense 3,29 1.63 3.64 3.64 2.63 2.63 11,000 7,950 160 4140 Staff Training 170 4150 Travel 180 4170 Accounting Fees .13 .13 .13 400 190 4171 Auditing Fees 200 4190 Omer Administrative Expenses 5,39 5,78 6.20 18,770 210 Total Administrative Expense (sum of line 140 thru line 200) 32.18 34.94 3372-8 28 109,710 Tenant 220 Services: 4210 Salaries 230 4220 Recreation, Publications and Other Services 240 4230 Contract Costs, Training and Other 250 Total Tenant Services Expense (sum of lines 220, 230, and 240) Utilities: 260 4310 Water 9.74 10.77 10.77 32,570 270 4320 Electricity 12,72 10.01 14.55 13.23 13,23 14.55 40,000 44,000 280 4330 Gas 290 4340 Fuel 4350 Labor 4390 Omer utilities expense 13.62 46.09 15.22 53.77 13.89 52.44 42,000 158,570 320 Total Utilities Expense (sum of line 260 thru line 310) Previous editions are obsolete Page 1 of 4 form HUD -52564 (3/95) ref. Handbook 7475.1 Fayetteville Housing Authority 1,. 9/30/99 1-• Line Acct. Actuals Last FiscalIl Yr. 19 97 n Estimates or Actual Currentitudget Requested Budget Estimates PHA/ HA Estimates HUD Modifications PUM (4) Amount (to nearest $10) (5) PUM (6) Amount (to nearest $10) (7) No. No. Description (1) PUM (2) PUM (31 II(nary Maintenance 4410 and Operation: Labor 26..14 31.33 33'341 101,000 340 4420 Materials 17.57 21,16___ 35.59 21.16 37.58 64.000 113.630 350 4430 Contract Costs 37.65 360 Total Ordinary Maintenance & Operation Expense (lines 330 to 350) 81.36 89.70 92.15 13.56 278,660 41,000 Prolective 370 Services: 4460 Labor 12.28 13.23 380 4470 Materials - 390 4480 Contract costs 400 Total Protective Services Epense (sum of lines 370 to 390) 12.28 13.23 14.31 13.56 14.64 41 44,270 000 General 410 Ex•ense: 4510 Insurance 13.50 420 4520 Payments in Lieu of Taxes 6.08 7.96 6.30. 19,060 430 4530 Terminal Leave Payments . 97 440 4540 Employee Benefit Contributions 19.25. 22.51 23.70 71,680 450 4570 Collection Losses 18.91 14.88 14.88 45,000 460 4590 Other General Expense 3 67 4.96 4.96 15,000 470 Total General Expense (sum of lines 410 to 4th 61.41 65.59 257.23 64.49 258.91 195,010 782,950 480 Total Routine Expense (sum of lines 210, 250, 320 360 400 and 4712) 233,33 Rent 490 for Leased 4710 Dwellings: Rents to Owners of Leased Dwellings 500 Total Operating Expense (sum of lines 480 and 490) Non 510 outlne 4610 Expenditures: Extraordinaryfflaintenance 243.34 227.35 16.53 50,000 7520_ Re.lacement of Nonexpendable Equipment 1.46 3.09 3.09 9,350 - 7540 Property Betterments and Additions 19.63 278.54 59,350 842,300 540 Total Nonroutine Expenditures (sum of lines 510, 520 and 530) 44.89 30.44 287.67 550 Total O�eratinq Expenditures (sum of lines 500 and 540)_ 278.13 Prior 560J Other 570 Year 60101 Expenditures: Adjustments: Prior Year Adjustments Affecting Residual Receipts Deficiency In Residual Receipts at End of Preceding Fiscal Yr. 287.67 278.54 842,300 (504 , 250 ) 580 Total Operating Expenditures, including prior year adjustments and other expenditures (line 550 plus or minus line 560 plus line 570) 278.13 590 Residual Receipts (or Deficit) before HUD Contributions and provision for operating reserve (line 130 minus line 580) 154.05) (161.64) (166.75) HUD 600 Contributions: 8010 Basic Annual Contribution Earned - Leased Projects:Current Year 610 8011 Piior Year Adjustments - (Debit) Credit 620 Total Basic Annual i u us minus line n)-- -- 175.2; „529•1.993"----__ 146.53 630 8020 Contributions Earned - Op. Sub: - Cur. Yr.(belore year-end adj! 135.82 640 Mandatory PFS Adjustments (net): 650 Other (specify): 660 Other j_specilyl: 670 Total Year-end Adjustments/Other (plus or minus lines 6401hru 660) 146.53 - 175.2: 529,3_93 680 8020 Total Operating Subsidy-currentyear (line 630plus orminus Me670) 135.82 146.53 175.2: 529,993 690 Total HUD Contributions (sum of lines 620 and 680) 135.82 (15.10) 8.5 25.743 700 Residual Receipts (or Deficit) (sum of line 590 plus line 690) Enter here and on line 810 (18.23) Previous editions are obsolete Page 2 of 4 form HUD -52564 (3/95) rel. Handbook 7475.1 Name of PHA! IHA • .Fayetteville Housing Authority Fiscal Year Ending 9/30/99 Part 11 - Provision for and Estimated or Actual Operating Reserve at Fiscal Year End Operating Reserve at End of Previous Fiscal Year - Actual for FYE (date): Operating Reserve PHA/IHA Estimates HUD Modifications 790 Part I - Maximum Operating Reserve - End of Current Budget Year Provision for Operating Reserve - Current Budget Year (check one) 9/30/98 40 2821 PHA / IHA-Leased Housing - Section 23 or 10(c) 50% of Line 480, column 5, form HUD -52564 Operating Reserve at End of Current Budget Year (check one) 98 209,897 •mments: PHA / IHA Approval Name Title Signature Field Office Approval Name Title Eromo Wilson Executive Director 491 - Dare 8/19/98 Signature Date form HUD -52564 (3/95) Previous editions are obsolete Page 3 of 4 ref. Handbook 7475.1 Part 11 - Provision for and Estimated or Actual Operating Reserve at Fiscal Year End Operating Reserve at End of Previous Fiscal Year - Actual for FYE (date): 9/30/97 255,583 780 790 Provision for Operating Reserve - Current Budget Year (check one) 9/30/98 (45,686) HEstimated for FYE Actual for EYE 800 Operating Reserve at End of Current Budget Year (check one) 98 209,897 Estimated for FYE930/ Actual for FYE 810 Provision for Operating Reserve - Requested Budget Year Estimated for FYE Enter Amount from line 700 9/30/99 25,743 820 Operating Reserve at End of Requested Budget Year Estimated for FYE (Sum of lines 800 and 810) 1/2 Cash Reserve Requirement - 40% /or fne 480 9/30/99 235,640 156,590 830 •mments: PHA / IHA Approval Name Title Signature Field Office Approval Name Title Eromo Wilson Executive Director 491 - Dare 8/19/98 Signature Date form HUD -52564 (3/95) Previous editions are obsolete Page 3 of 4 ref. Handbook 7475.1 Name of Housing Authority I Local'n Fayetteville Housing Authority #1 North School Avenue / 9/30/99 Fayetteville, AR 72701 Present Requested Budget Year Allocation of Salaries by Program Salary Estimated Payment Position Title and Name Rata As of (date) Salary No. Section 5 Other By Organizational Unit and Function As Months Amount Managemem Modernization Development Programs Programs Longevity Method of Allocation 8/1/98 (1) (la) R1 lel (4) (5) 1 (e) (71 (8) lel (tat In) (12) ADMINISTRATION Pub Hous Sect 8 Executive12 44,400 12 1461170 23,080 23,080 50% 50% Director 6,750 80% 20% Adm Assistant & Public Housing Director 12 32,450 12 33 750 27,000 100% Public Housing Assistant & Inspector 12 20,680 12 21,510 21,510 100% Section 8 Director 12 27,810 12 28,920 28,920 12 23,090 12 24,020 24,020 100% & SectionAssistant & Inspector 15,600 100% Secy & Re12 15,080 12 15,600 169,970 71>590 98,380 MAINTENANCE 12 25,590 12 26,620 26,620 Working Foreman All positions, as Maint Mec "A" 12 18,910 12 19,670 19.670 All identified, do, ast Maint Mec "A" 12 18,100 12 18,830 18,830 exceed 100% do art Maint Mec "A" 12 18,100 12 18,830 18,830 cedd 10af ry Maint Aide CB" 12 14,670 12 15,080 15,080 employee's time. Estimated Overtime 2,000 2,000 101,030 101,030 PROTECTIVE SERVICE Bromo )son 3 Watchmen @2080 hrs 12 37,440 12 39,000 39,000 Executive Directs Estimated Overtime 2,000 2 000 2,000 . 41,000 41,000 I Executive or Designated.( /J Dant p To the best of my knowledge. all the lntormadon stated herein. as well as any mkrmaloon providedn or civil oena accompaniment8 U.S. 100 1010,1012 31 U.S�.C.37S.3802) I n�A�n-2. �/J I _P// /6 • • |� F q pig • 0 re CD ro 00 • / Carpet / Kitchen Cabinet Replac 1 1 ! | | , 1 ® 2 SO • 13 CD 0 O in CO IV I•J Fayetteville Housing Authority k | anuantl Loop 43aoN CV CD re rf co }ci !|! ± ¥ §?f / q{ Zc03 Zig F, 7a CD R| \ 7|| /g 0 / c l'• - a01 co h »I !/ k/ 131| 1!a li / / orac ƒ } q | =-o /; so \ }�c5 is {# u/ «/ / / !Ra, /§ !/ RE; OMB Approval No. 2577.0026 (Exp. 103197( Operating Budget • Scheduled Administration Expense Other Than Salary Public Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1.0 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Reports Management Officer. Office of Information Policies �d Systems, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. 20410-3600 and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction oject (2577-0026), Washington, D.C. 20503. Do not send this completed form to either of the above addressees. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing OMB Approval No. 2577-0026 (Exp. 10/31/97) Name of Housing Authority: Fayetteville Housing Authority Locality: #1 Fay tttevi_Lle, (2) Total N. School AR (3) Management Ave 72701 (4) Development Fiscal Year 9/30/99 End: (5) Section 8 (6) Other (1) Description 1 Legal Expense (see Special Note in Instructions) 11 , 500 11,00j) — . —.__500_— 2 Training (list and provide justification) 3 Travel Trips To Conventions and Meetings (list and provide justification) 11,900 5,950 s, 9,5Q 600 1,400 4 Other Travel: Outside Area of Jurisdiction 1 .200 600 5 Within Area of Jurisdiction 2,800 1 400 6 Total Travel 15,900 1,950 7,950 7 Accounting 8 Auditing 800 400 400 9 Sundry Rental of Office Space Publications 4 000 2,900 1,100 11 Membership Dues and Fees (list organization and amount) 2,540 1 270 1,270 12 600 12 Telephone, Fax, Electronic Communications 3,200 1, 600 13 Collection Agent Fees and Court Costs 1 , 000 1 , 000 14 Administrative Services Contracts (list and provide justification) 15 Forms, Stationary and Office Supplies 8,550 5,000 3,550 16 Other Sundry Expense (provide breakdown) 13,000 7,000 6,000 17 Total Sundry 32,290 18,770 13,520 18 Total Administration Expense Other Than Salaries 60,490 38,120 22,370 To the best of my knowledge, all the information stated herein, as well as any information provided in the accompaniment herewith, is true and accurate. Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) nature of autngg/ud representative 6 Dale: x Page 1 oft loan HUD -52571 (3/95) rel Handbook 7475.1 SWRC/NAHRO MEETING SWRC/NAHRO EXEC ',METING SWRC/NAHRO Mai n1: NFLT1NG STATE MAIIIT MEETING :STATE NAURO MEETINGS STATE PHRIOAYS MEETING • MAP MEETING Ju.t if Ica tIon el Travel to Convent Ian and Meetings 1 meeting x 2 person 4 days Lodging & Meals Travel 1 meeting x 1 person 3 days Lodging & Meals 300 Travel 250 NATIONAL/N.AHRO MEETING 550 1 meeting 2. persons 4 days Lodging & Meals 1,200 1 meeting x 2 persons 3 days Travel 700 Lodging 1. Meals 600 1.900 Travel 200 300 NARO/LEGIS CONFERENCE 1 meeting x 2 persons 1 meeting x 3 persons 3 days 4 days Lodging & Meals 900 Lodging & Meals 800 500 Travel 100 __ Travel 1,000 ,300 COMMISSIONERS NATIONAL 600 MEETING 1 meeting x 2 persons' 250 3 days 850 Lodging & Meals 600 Travel 600 1,200 2 meeting x 4 persons 3 days Lodging & Meals 900 Travel_ 300 1,200 1 meeting x 3 persons 2 days Lodging & Meals 600 Travel 100 700 8 meeLiu c x 4 persons 2 days 1 dging & Meals 1,600 Travel 800 2,100 HUD42371 J i_1 .,. r 6. II i ,,,. ...a. Operating Budget Summary cif Budget Data and Justifications U.S- Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing OMB Approval No. 2577-0026 (Exp. 10/31/97) Public Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 0.75 hours per response. including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing osources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate la y other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden. to the Reports Management Officer, Office of Information Policies Systems, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Washington, D.C. 20410-3600 and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (2577-0026), Washington, D.C. 20503. Do not send This completed form to either of the above addressees. Name of Local Housing Authority: Fayetteville Housing Authority Locality: N1 North School Fayetteville, AR 72701 Fiscal Year Ending: September 30 .1999 Operating Receipts Dwelling Rental: Explain basis for estimate. For HUD -aided low -rent housing, other than Section 23 Leased housing, state amount of latest available total HA monthly rent roll, the number of dwelling units available for occupancy and the number accepted lot the same month end. Cite HA policy revisions and economic and other factors which may result in a greater or lesser average monthly rent roll during the Requested Budget Year. For Section 23 Leased housing, state the number of units under lease, the PUM tease price, and whether or not the cost of utilities is included. 11 not included, explain method for payment at utility costs by HA and/or tenant. 7/1/98 Rent Roll as per HUD 52723 Calcuation $304,120 Excess Utilities: (Not for Section 23 Leased housing.) Check appropriate spaces in item 1, and explain "Other'. Under item 2, explain basis for determining excess utility consumption. For example, Gas; individual check meters at OH -100.1, proration of excess over allowances at OH -100-2, etc. Cite eflective date of present utility allowances. Explain anticipated changes in allowances or other factors which will cause a significant change in the total amount of excess utility charges during the Requested Budget Year. tility Services Surcharged: Gas 9 Electricity 9 Other 9 (Specify) Comments Approx 62 units in Hi -Rise Charged $12.00 per month for Elec Window A/C 4 months = $3,000 Nondwelling Rent: (Not for Section 23 Leased housing.) Complete Item 1, specifying each space rented, towhom, and the rental terms. For example: Community Building Space - Nursery School - $50 per month, etc. Cite changes anticipated during the Requested Budget Year affecting estimated Non -dwelling Rental Income. 1. Space Rented To Whom Rental Terms 2. Comments • Previous editions are obsolete Page 1 of 4 form HUD -52573 (3/95) ref Handbooks 7475.1 Interest on General Fund Investments: State the amount of present General Fund investment and the percentage of the General Fund it represents. Explain 'circumstances such as increased or decreased operating reserves, dwelling rent, operating expenditures, etc., which will affect estimated average monthly total investments in the Requested Budget Year. Explain basis for distribution of interest income between housing programs. • Estimated at $10,930 Other Comments On Estimates of Operating Receipts: Give comments on all otter significant sources of income which will present a clear understanding of the HA's prospective Operating Receipts situation during the Requested Budget Year. For Section 23 Leased housing explain basis for estimate of utility charges to tenants. Laundry $100 per month x 12 = $ 1,200 Sales & Services to Tenants and Damages 18,800 -$20,000 Operating Expenditures Summary of Staffing and Salary Data Complete the summary below on the basis of information shown on form HUD -52566. Schedule of All Positions and Salaries, as follows: Column (1) Enter the total number of positions designated with the corresponding account line symbol as shown in Column (1), form HUD -52566. Column (2) Enter the number of equivalent full -lime positions allocable to HUD -aided housing in management. For example: A HA has dire "A -NT' positions allocable to such housing at the rate of 80%, 70%, and 50% respectively. Thus, the equivalent full-time positions is two. (8/10 r- 7/10 + 5/10). Column (3) Enter the portion of total salary expense shown in Column (5) or Column (6), form HUD -52566, allocable to HUD -aided housing in management, other than Section 23 Leased housing. �lumn (4) Enter the portion of total salary expense shown in Column (5) or Column (10), form HUD -52566, allocable to Section 23 Leased housing in management. Column (5) Enter the portion of total salary expense shown in Column (5) or Column (7), form HUD -52566, allocable to Modernization programs (Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Program or Comprehensive Grant Program). Cloumn (6) Enter the portion of total salary expense shown in Column (5) or Column (9), form HUD -52566, allocable to Section 8 Programs. Note: The number of equivalent lull -time positions and the amount of salary expense for all positions designated "M" on form HUD -52566 must be equitably distrdbuted to account lines Ordinary Maintenance and Operation—Labor, Extraordinary Maintenance Work Projects, and Betterments and Additions Work Projects. Account Line - Total of Positions HUD -Aided Management Program Number (1) Equivalent Full Time Positions (2) Salary Expense Management (3) Section Housing 23 Leased Only (4) Modernizadon Programs (5) Section Program (6) 8 Administration—Nontechnical Salaries' 6 6 71,590 98,380 Administration—Technical Salaries' Ordinary Maintenance and Operation—Labor' 5 5 101,030 Utilities—Labor' Other (Specify) ' Legal. - etc.)' of Service 4 3 41,000 rr Extraordinary Maintenance Work Projects' Betterments and Additions Work Projects' • Carry forward to the appropriate line on HUD 52564, the amoun of salary expense shown in Column 3) on appropriate line on HUD -52564 (Section 23 Leased Housing Budget), the amount of salary expense shown in 2 The amount of salary expense distributed to Extraordinary Maintenance Work Projects and to Betterments and of each individual project to be performed by the HA Staff, as shown on form HUD -52567. the corresponding line above. Carry forward to fife Column (4) on the corresponding line above. Additions Work Projects Is to be included in the cost Previous editions are obsolete Page 2 of 4 form HUD -52573 (3/95 rel Handbooks 7475.1 Specify all (iruposed new positions and all present positions to be abolished in the Requested Budget Year. Cite prior HUD concurrence in proposed staffing changes .orpresent justification for such changes. Cite prior HUD concurrence in proposed salary increases for Administration Staff or give justification and pertinent comparability information. Cite effective date for current approved wage rates (form HUD -52158) and justify all deviations from these rates. • t - Travel, Publications, Membership Dues and Fees, Telephone and Telegraph, and Sundry:In addition to "Justification for Travel to Conventions and Meetings"shown on form HUD -52571, give an explanation oI substantial Requested Budget Year estimated increases over the PUM rate of expenditures for these accounts in the Current Budget Year. Explain basis for allocation of each element of these expenses. Utilities: Give an explanation of substantial Requested Budget Year estimated increases over the PUM rate of expenditures for each utility service in the Curren) Budget Year. Describe and state estimated cost of each element of "Other Utilities Expense." Water Electricity Gas • Sewer $32,570 40,000 44,000 42,000 $158,570 Ordinary Maintenance & Operation—Materials: Give an explanation of substantial Requested Budget Year estimated increases over the PUM rate of expenditures for materials in Ole Current Budget Year Same as Current Year Ordinary Maintenance & Operation—Contract Costs: List each ordinary maintenance and operation service contracted for and give the estimated cost for each. Cite and justify new contract services proposed for the Requested Budget Year. Explain substantial Requested Budget Year increases over the PUM rate of expenditure for Contract Services in the Current Budget Year II LHA has contract for maintenance of elevator cabs, give contract cost per cab Elevator Service 1,300 x Termite Sanitation/Garbage 2,000 Grounds Work/Study/Tenants 1,100 •killed 1,000 x 12 $15,600 1,530 24,000 12,000 13,200 12,000 Sewer & Repair Boiler/AC Other Plum/Elec Pest Control 650 x 12 $ 6,000 5,000 16,500 7,800 $113,630 Previous editions are obsolete Page 3 of 4 form HUD -52573 (3/95) ret Handbooks 7475.1 Insurance; Give an explanation of substantial Requested Budget Year estimated increases in the PUM rate of expenditures for insurance over the Current Budget Year. G4e changes ip coverage, premium rates. etc. Fire & EC 28,000 OL & T 5,000 Workmens Comp 4,070 "'Office Liab 1,150 Truck & Auto 5,000 ppiler 650 Office Computer 400 Employee Benefit Contributions: List all Employee Benefit plans participated in. Give justification for all plans to be instituted in the Requested Budget Year for which prior HUD concurrence has not been given. FICA 7.65 x 213,620 FUTU 2.0% x 112,760 Hosp Ins 12 x 3,000 Retire 8% x 213,620 16,340 2,250 36,000 17,090 71,680 Collection Losses: State the number of tenants accounts receivable to be written off and the number and total amount of all accounts receivable for both present and vacated tenants as of the month in which the estimate was computed. Estimated at $45,000 • Extraordinary Maintenance, Replacement of Equipment, and Betterments and Additions: Cite prior HUD approval or give justification for each nonroutine work project included in the Requested Budget and for those for future years which make up the estimate on form HUD -52570. Justifying inlormation incorporated on or attached to form HUD -52567 need not be repealed here. See Hud Form 52567 Contracts: List all contracts. other than those listed on page 3 of this form under Ordinary Maintenance & Operation (OMO). Cite the name of the contractor. type of contract, cost of contract, and contract period. Justification must be provided for all contract services proposed for the Requested Budget Year (R BY). Explain substantial RBY increases over the PUM rate of expenditure for these contracts in the Current Budget Year. • Previous editions are obsolete Page 4 of 4 torm HUD -52573 (3/95) rel Handbooks 7475.1 N m v ?-•-:\Wk co, ala 41 fwd • 3 0 S 0 0 1 W m 3� 4g ti i g . YI KS 1s: §T 6 a 9 m ofE mm3 X F a N v 55 3 1 t - 3 if v • e 0 30 L. vc •= P 0 0 1' a Nc;c4 o � i�IwV. Q O 4 tl V ' N ,. � b\ ~ V V \ D ' V; t to c;\ t -1' , t "kcp "A, a :11:?! - kii1 '1/4;\ ;1/4 44 -Ne tst y 3 0 \ 4 v' ' Kt k a Nil 0 0 's SCHEDULE OF CASH BALANCE FOR FYE NO 1S3a31N m z rn r son C z v m -1 13 rn `z 0 C z r 0 0 0 ti Y T VeT m < i-+< ;D 2ED'n rt O rt 5 < 1 rt O S rt p C �. N -+ m n C 0 ,—.o n 73-.40 n atn ;• e < -m. 481 C V (D On O J