HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-08-20 - Minutes - Archive• MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 A.M. Wednesday August 20th, 1997 at the office of the Authority #1 North School, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Charles Clinehens, Chairperson, called the meeting to order. Commissioners Present: Clinehens, Richardson, Hudspeth, Childress Commissioners Absent: Fries Others Present: Bromo Wilson, Fredia Sawin The Minutes of the July 16, 1997 Regular Meeting were • approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously. The July Financial Statement was approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION APPROVING OPERATING BUDGET F/Y 9/30/98. Resolution No. 600 was approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PERFORMANCE & EVALUATION REPORT FOR COMPREHENSIVE GRANT PROGRAM (CGP) AR43P09770496 FOR PERIOD ENDING 6/30/97. Resolution No. 601 was approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS WLR CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: SECRETARY PIiA/IHA Board Resolution Approving Operating Budget or Calculation of Performance Funding System Operating Subsidy U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing RESOLUTION NO. 600 OMB Approval No. 25770026 (Exp. 10/31/97) tic Reporting Burden for This collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing ata sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information. including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Reports Management Officer, Office of Information Policies and Systems, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. 20410-3600 and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (2577-0026). Washington, 0 C. 20503. Do not send this completed form to either of the above addressees. Acting on hehall of the Board of Commissioners of the below -named Public Housing Agency (NIA )/Indian (lousing Authority (IIIA). ns its Chairman. 1 make the following certifications and agreements to the Department of Housing and Urban IJcvclopmcul (HUD) regarding the Board's approval of (check one or more as applicable): X Operating Budget Submitted on: Operating Budget Revision Submitted on: Calculation of Performance Funding System Submitted on: Revised Gdculatiun of Performance Funding System Submitted on: (date) 8/2o/97 8/20/97 Lcertil'ytin behalf ofthe: (PNA/IIIANmne) FayPtteville_HDusing Authority that: All regulatory and statutory requirements have been met; The PHA has suliicient,operating reserves to meet the working capital needs of its developments: 3. Proposed budget expenditures are necessary in the efficient and economical operation of the housing for the purpose of serving low-income residents: 4. The budget indicates a source of funds adequate to cover all proposed expenditures; 5, The calculation of eligibility for Federal funding is in accordance with the provisions of the regulations: 6. All proposed rental charges and expenditures will he consistent with provisions of paw; 7. 'Ilse PHA/pHA will comply with the wage rate requirements under 24 CFR 968.110(e) and (f) or 24 CFR 905.120(c) and td): 8. The PHA/INA will comply with the requirements lir access lu records and audits under 24 CFR 968.11(I(1) or 24 CFR 91)5.12(I(g1: 9. The PlIA/IHA will comply with the requirements for the reexamination of family income and composition under 24CFR 961).2(19.991).115 and 91)5.315: and - 11). The PHA will comply with the requirements for certification of loosing Manager and Assisted Housing Manager positions (24 CFR 967.304 and 967.305). diucby certify that all the information stated within, as well as any information provided in the accnnpmtiutenl herewith. is true and aceurale. ruing: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729. 3802) , Dale: Charles Clinehens Jr. >p 1 8/20/97 form HUD -52574 (3/95) rel. Handbook 7575.1 Board Chairman's Name (type) [ Signature: Operating Budget U.S. Depalttnent of Housing and U ban Development Office of public and Indian Housing OMB Approval No. 2577-0026 (exp. 10/31/97 Public repealing iny bm den tor Ihis col ler_ lnn 1,22l in- lamrr mlipn is n^iuwmd l0 average 1 IIfw. _. per response. including rim time for reviewing blsuucllwns, snatching e,lsliny dal SOW cos. yalhaing and maintaining the data needed and completing and 1 eviewing Ih a collet:Iion 01 inlonnnlion. Send common's t agarding Ibis burden estimate or any other asp°. et II Js collection of Inlwma lion, including suggestions lot 1educiny this holden, le the 11epons Management Ulric er, 011Ice 01 1n for1,l alion Pullrl es and Systems, U.S. Deparkner el Ilousing mrd U' bon Development, Washingiun. D.C. 20.11 WJ60e a, i it, the C1IIIce ul Manayemenl aiid Budget, Papel work Deduction PmjecI (2577.0026), Wa511Inglon. 0.0 0504. UO n01 5er10 IVIS colllpleiou 10,1,1 IO elIllel 01 IIIU auuve at d eaaeco. /. Type olSubmission ti. Fiscal Year Ending c. Nu. of munllls (check one) U. Type al HUD assisted project(s) PHAAHA-Owned Rental Housing rr11 Revision No.: 9/30/98 Li 12 MO. 01101 (spe;ily) I_. 01 NN Original _.______. - - a. lar ie of Pu----- to 1,l PU61ic Hous6 g Agency / bullart I luusing Authority (PI IAIIIIA) A 02 ❑ IHA Owned Mutual Help Homeownership Fayetteville Housing Authority 03 PHNIHA Leased Rental Housing I.t h I :e SI: 1 ado) 04 n PHNIHA Owned Turnkey III Homeownership #i or h c�looi Ave / Fayetteville, AR 72701 051 1 PIINIHA Leased Homeownership g. AGO FW703 j. Ilp. Number ul Dwelling kind 252 k, Nn, til I Iuil Nn mels Available/i 3,024 h. PAS / L OCCS Project No. AR097001935 111. Nu OI I 'oleos 2 I. 1100 Field ve Little Rock, AR ., ��/ , v,,; Adtf dsISI Estimates Requested Budget Estimates Last Fiscal I J or Actual PHNIHA Estimates HUD Modifications Acct. Yr. 19 96 Conant Budget �7 Amount PUM Amount nearest 510 No.oe No. Des(iption (1) PUM (2) PUM (3) PUM (4) (lo nearest $10) (5) (6) (lo (7) Homebuyers Monthly Payments lora' Expense 010 7710 Operating _ . 0_20. 7712_ Earned Hoole Payments--------_-- -------------- Nonroutine Maintenance Reserve --_----- ----____---_ -- -- 030 7714 040 Total Break -Even Amount (sure of lines 010, 020, and 030) 7716 Excess (or deficit) in Break -Even 050 060 7790 Homebuyers Monthly Payments - Contra Ope Ming ReceiptsF 104.27 105.57 112.9 341,620 h0 3110 Dwelling Rental s .9_ 3,000 0 3120 Excess Utilities1 , 06 .99 090 3190 Nondwelling Rental_..... 100 Total Rental Income (suns of lines 070, 060, and 090) 105.33 106.56 113.9 344 620 Fund Investments 4.98 5.11 5.41 16510 Ito 3610 -- Interest on General -- -. 2222 2222... 10.33 9,92 6.6 20.000 120- 130 3690 �--- Total Omer Income - --------- - -__2222... Ogerating Income (sura al lines 100, 110, and 120) _ 120.64 121.59 126.0 381 130 Operating 140 4110 Expenditures - Administration: AdmiaistrativeSalaries 20.91 21.88 22.7' 68,840 4130 Expense 3.64 3.6 11 0Q0 150 4140 Legal Stall Training ,76 160 170 4150 Travel 1.12 2.63 2.6 7,950 Fees 180 4170 Accounting .. -- 190 4171 Auditing Fees .13 .13 .1 400 4190 Other Administrative Expenses3.78 .5.62 5.7 17,470 200 line 140 lieu line 200) 26.70 33.90 34:9' :1105 .660 210 Total Administrative Expense fsum of 'retrain 220 Services: 4210 Salaries 4220 Recreation, Publications and Other Services 230 4230 Contract Costs, Training and Other 240 Tenant Services Expense (sum of lines 220, 230, and 240) 250 Utilities: 260 Total 4310 Water 11.01 10,77 10.7 32,570 Electricity 12.63 12.64 12.6 , 270 4320 _ 9.92 9.9 30,000 260 4330 4340 Gas Fuel .._8.21.... _.222.2_.: 290 4350 Labor 222.2_. _ - __-_.___ ___. 00 _ _.. 222__2__._.__ .. _ 0 4390 _ Other utilities expense 15.22 14.72 15..2 46_030 320 Total Utilities Expense (sum of line 260 Uuu line 31U) 47,06 48.05 48. m5 146 820 Previous editions are obsolete Page 1 al 4 form 1 UD -52564 (3.95) rel. Handbook 7475.1 Name of PHA / ILIA Fiscal Year Ending Previous editions are obsolete Page 2 of 4 luno HUD -52564 (3.95) rel. Handbook 7475 1 Fa ette ille Hous'n• 1u r• - 1 -' -_' Actuals IX); Estimates Requested Budget EsIImates Last Fiscal Yr. 1-I or Actual - P! IA/I!! IA Estimates _ ,- HUD Modifications __. I Ins Acct. 19 Cunenl Budget Yr. 19_97- ._ 'moun Aj PUM Amount (to nearest $I0) o. No. Nes (1)ntlun PPU 2 PUM 31 PUM A O (lo nearest 5 O E10) (6) (7) •rdi nary Maintenance and Operation: 24.48 31.33 31.33 9(141a 330 4410 _ Labor,. 54 21 16 1 64,000 Materials 14 _21 340 14420 197,630 350 )4430 Contract Costs 34 35 -.34.7-7--- - -35.59 330 to 350) 73 37 87 27- 27-1-,Z60. Ordinary Maintenance & Operation Expense (lines -89.7. 360 Total Protective Services: 370'4460 Labor 11.37 _._.12.20-..-12.38-3.7+4A8 380 4470 Materials 390 4480 Contract costs _ _ .. _......... ... .. ... .. .. __ __.. to 390) _ 11 37 12 20 400 Total Protective Services Expense (sum of lines 370 -12-.3 -X7-,440 General Expense: 15.13 14,31 14.31 43,270 410 4510 Insurance 5.83 5.85 7 96 24 , 080 420 4520 Payments in Lieu of Taxes ,35 430 4530 Terminal Leave Payments 16.56 20.16 22.51 68, 070 440 4540 Employee Benefit Contributions 12.73 14.88 14.83 451000 Collection Losses - 450 4570 4.96 4.95 15,000 460 4590 Other General Expense 60.16 64.62 195,420 41010 460) 50.65 470 Total General Expense (sum of lines 400, 470) . ---- 480 Total Routine Expense (sum oI lines 210, 250.320, 3GO, and . 209:16 241-91- -250:-2D--736;600 Rent for Leased Dwellings: - Rents to Owners of Leased Dwellings 490 4710 480 490) 209.16 241 91- X50.2 500 Total Operating Expense (sum of lines and -.. - -756-160O Nonroutine Expenditut es: 44.49__.-__49,_6-0_.._14,5 50,000 o Exbaordinar Maim nonce _4610 7.4; 3.09 a Wo 7520 Replacement of tlonexpendable Equipment 0 • .50 Betterments and Additions. 530 7540 Property 52..0 52.69_ 9 150 Total Nontoulfne Expenditures (sum of lines 510 520 and 530) .. • . _ _ .__19.6 540 261,24 294.60 269 2 550_ Prior Tole! Year Operating,Expendilures (sum of lines 500 and 540) _ .._ _- Adjustments: _815,95C 560 6010 Prior Year Adjustments Allecting Residual Receipts-____-_. . -.-(.3..61) Other Expenditures: Fiscal Yr. 570 500 Total Deliciency in Residual Receipts at End al Preceding Operoting Expenditures, including prior year adjustments and 550 or minus line 560 plus line 570) 257.6. 294.60 269.82 815,95C 590 other expenditures (line plus Residual Receipts (or Deficit) balore HUD Contributions and for reserve (line 130 minus line 580) (136.9:) (173.01) 143.7c) (434,82C) provision operating HUD Contributions: Leased ['injects:Current Year 60O 8010 Basic Annual Contribution Earned - 610 8011 Prior Year Adjustments - (Debit) Credit_ 620 TotalLBasic Annual Contribution (tine 600 ylus or minus fine 610). _ 135.82 150.12 453 661 Yt.(belore adj) .136.7' , 630 1 8020 Contributions Earned • Op. Sub: - Cur. yearend PFS Adjustments (net): G40 Mandatory Otter (specjy 650 660 Other (specify): _. . Ovu 660) 670 Total Yearend AJI u..^,6nerthn/OUx+r (plus or minus. lines 640 Fne 670) 136.7' - _ _ _.453,661 1)5:82- 150.02 680 8020 Total Operating Subsidy current year (tine 630 plus anidus 136.7 135.82 150.02 453,66 690 Total THUD Contributions (suer of lines 620 and 680) 700 ' Residual Receipts (or Delicti) (sure oI line 590 plus Zine 690) ( 2) I Enter here and on line 810 (36.86) 6.: 3 18,84 Previous editions are obsolete Page 2 of 4 luno HUD -52564 (3.95) rel. Handbook 7475 1 Name ul PHA/IHA Fayetteville Housing Authority Operating Reserve Part.I -Maximum Operating Reserve - End of Current Budget Year PHA / IHA-Leased (lousing - Section 23 or 10(c) 50% of Line 480, column 5, form HUD -52564 Fiscal Year Ending 9/30/98 PHNIIIA Estimates HUD Modifications ro: PHA / IHA Approval Name lige Field Of lice Approval Name • Signature BrpmQ_ LL saf_-__------ _.__Exec-.v.e.Dir-ector Dale __8/20/9.1 Date • Previous editions are obsolete Page 3 o14 form HUD -52564 (3/95) rel. Handbook 7475.1 780 790 800 Part II - Provision for and Estimated Operating Reserve at End of Previous Provision for Operating Reserve or Actual Operating Reserve al Fiscal Year End Fiscal Year - Actual for FYE (date): 9/30/96 310,695 (111,469) - Current Budget Vear (check one) 9/30/97 XI Estimated for FYE Actual 101 FYE Budget Year (check one) 9/30/97 199,226 OperaUng Reserve al End of Current [il Estimated for FYE Actual for FYE 810 820 830 - Requested Budget Vear Estimated for EVE Budget Year Estimated for FYE _9/ 3.008 Provision for Operating Reserve Enter Amount from line 700 Operating Reserve al End of Requested (Sum of lines 800 and 810)_ —18/41141- 218, 073 151,320 ____9130/98 Cash Reserve Requirement - 40 % of line 480 ro: PHA / IHA Approval Name lige Field Of lice Approval Name • Signature BrpmQ_ LL saf_-__------ _.__Exec-.v.e.Dir-ector Dale __8/20/9.1 Date • Previous editions are obsolete Page 3 o14 form HUD -52564 (3/95) rel. Handbook 7475.1 • • • • AaMINISTRATION Executive Director Ata Assistant 8 Public-Nousing Director - -Public Housing Assistant 8 Instpector Section 8 Director Section 8 Assistant 8 Inspector Secy 8 Rec MAINTENANCE Dorking Foreman Maint Nec "A" Maint Nec "A' hint -Nec "A" Maint nt Mec "B" Estimated Overtime PROTECTION SERVICE 3-Watchmen @2080 hrs 'F,stimated Overtime n it rr CI FI C i i ,Z @ pp syL S §1 i N N N N N N N N N N N Na • it it Malt NT T VWA ANOr.O oN om04 am m0 41,1, 78,-.1 .2o 00 000000 000000 _ N, a= y. ak '�: S . 3 NNNNN -. NNNNNN Las AS.Pwo.r0..00.0 0 Lia allommma 0 0 0000000 • O W O LnC�0NAA 0w- COa0 O O O O O O m.��l AOA 0 to bN Tom.-•W.O O A 0 0 O OI CO CO Wt), 0 V, to O +.O .O r a 4. O O O O O O 0 0NN OI .ON co O,O O O O Jg$9{ i iii rQ5 66 3P 3 tai. O Li <N., a no 000 00 _ 0 i 00o poo _Et il. y I a > E. D Tin � 0 - ocn 'oma a o co 0 R mamcoJ O o woma x_ 5 u o,0 o a 't< m•< CP I O r n4 v c Okc in 1 ro m 1 1 �o v 5 O uae 0 as 0 a O 6 (n ET0 ID �t I 0 ID 03 rjj V�$ 1 4 • 0-' 000 LJ 10 La V 00�v1 WI .O N 1...1N) w (n"v C In O 000 O a 1 1 a i i0o143s vfJai U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing Operating Budget Schedule of Administration Expense Other Than Salary OMB Approval No. 2577-0026 (Exp. 10131/97) Public Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1.0 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed. and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate ety other aspect of this collection of information. including suggestions for reducing This burden, to the Reports Management Officer, Office of Information Policies and Systems, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. 20410-3600 and to (he Office o1 Management and Budget. Paperwork Reduction Pro'ect (2577-0026) Washington O.C. 20503. Do not send This completed form to either of the above addressees. • To the best of my knowledge, accurate. Irning: HUD will prosecute U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; all the information stated herein, as well as any information provided in the accompaniment herewith, is true and false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) Signature of authorized representvn 8 Vale: 8/13/97 Page 1 o12 form HUD -52571 (3/95) ref Handbook 7475.1 Name of Housing Fayetteville Authority: Housing Authority locality: #1 North School Fayetteville. AR 72701 Fiscal Year End: 9/30/98 (2) Total (3) Management (4) • Development (5) Section 8 (6) Other (t) Description 11,500 11,000 500 1 Legal Expense (see Special Note in Instructions) 2 Training (list and provide justilication) 11,900 5,950 5,950 3 Travel Trips To Conventions and Meetings (list and provide juslificalion) 1, 200 600 600 4 Other • Travel: Outside Area of Jurisdiction 2,800 1,400 1 400 5 Within Area of Jurisdiction 15,900 7,950 7,950 6 Total Accounting Travel 7 800 400 .400 8 Auditing • 10 Sundry Rental Publications of Office Space 4,000 2,900 1,100 11 12 Membership Dues and Fees (list organization and amount) 2,540 1 ,120 1 ,420 3,050 1,450 1,600 Telephone, Fax, Electronic Communications 1,000 1.000 13 Collection Agent Fees and Court Costs 14 Administrative Services Contracts (Iist and provide justification) 15 Forms, Stationary and Office Supplies 8,550 5,000 3,550 11,000 6,000 5,000 16 Other Sundry Expense (provide breakdown) 30;140 17;470 12,670 17 Total Sundry 58,340 36,820 21,520 18 Total Administration Expense Other Than Salaries To the best of my knowledge, accurate. Irning: HUD will prosecute U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; all the information stated herein, as well as any information provided in the accompaniment herewith, is true and false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) Signature of authorized representvn 8 Vale: 8/13/97 Page 1 o12 form HUD -52571 (3/95) ref Handbook 7475.1 • , SWRC%NAHRO MEETIIIG 1 sleeting x 2 person 4 days COMMISSIONERS NATIONAL Lodging & Meals 600 MEETING 1 meeting x 2 persons Travel ` 250 3 days • 850 Lodging & Meals' 600 III Travel 600 SWRC/NAHRO EXEC MUTING 1 meeting x 1 person 3 days ,200 Lodging & Meals . 300 Travel . 250 NATIONAL/NAHRO MEETING 550 1 meeting 2' persons 4 days Lodging & Meals 1,200 SWRC/NAHRO Maint HITTING 1 meeting x 2 persons 3 days Travel L 700 Lodging & Meals GOO,900 Travel 200 1 800 NARO/LEGIS CONFERENCE 1 meeting x 2 persons , 1 meeting x 3 persons 3 days 4 days Lodging & Meals 900.' Lodging.&..Meals .: 800 • Travel100" ' Travel 1''• •500 ,oD .:: 1a: ,300 _. _._ _ .��.4•. — 11. fn+94Rl.�.vD"iS tri Junlllea,la al Trovd m Conv.nrlon, and Mooting. ,,. STATdE:MAINT MEETING . �. Yr • STATE` NAHRO 'MEETINGS STATE`'PHR•IOAYS MEETING IAP MEETINGtfl t• 2 meeting x 4 persons 3 days . Lndning & Meals 900 Travel 300 1,200 1 sleeting x 3 persons 2 days Lodging & Meals 600 Travel 100 700 8 meetin is x 4 persons 2 day 1 •1IIging & Meals 1,600 Travel 800 2,400 4 • • HUD.32371 414# FI,e 4i74.4J i::: Y':..�.... 4.444. l • • Operating Budget Summary of Budget Data and Justifications U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing OMB Approval No. 2577-0026 (Exp. 10/31/97) Public Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 0.75 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions. searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Reports Management Officer, Office of Information Policies and Systems, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Washington, D.C. 20410-3600 and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (2577-0026), Washington, D.C. 20503. Do not send this completed form to either of the above addressees. Name of Local Housing Authority: Fayetteville Housing Authority Locality: #1 North School Fayetteville,AR 7270 Fiscal Year Ending: September 3019 98 Operating Receipts Dwelling Rental: Explain basis for estimate. For HUD -aided low -rent housing. other than Section 23 Leased housing, state amount of latest available total HA monthly rent roil, the number of dwelling units available for occupancy and the number accepted for the sarne month end. Cite HA policy revisions and economic and other factors which may result in a greater or lesser average monthly rent roll during the Requested Budget Year. For Section 23 Leased housing, state the number of units under lease, the PUM lease price, and whether or not the cost of utilities is included. II not included, explain method for payment at utility costs by HA and/or tenant. 7/1/97 Rent Roll as per HUD 52723 Calcuation $341,620 Excess Utilities: (Not for Section 23 Leased housing.) Check appropriate spaces in item 1, and explain 'Other". Under item 2, explain basis for determining excess utility consumption. For example, Gas; individual check meters at 01-1-100-1, proration of excess over allowances nt 01-1-100-2, etc. Cite effective date of present utility allowances. Explain anticipated changes In allowances or other tactors which will cause a signilicant change in the total amount of excess utility charges during the •Requested Budget Vear. 1. Utility Services Surcharged: Gas 0 Electricity O Other ❑ (Specify) • 2. Comments Approx 62 units in Hi Rise Charged $12,00 per month for Elec Window A/C 4 months = 3,000 Nondwelling Rent: (Not for Section 23 Leased housing.) Complete Item 1, specifying eachspace rented, to whom, and the rental terms. For example: Community Building Space - Nursery School - 650 per month, etc. Cite changes anticipated during the Requested Budget Vear affecting estimated Non -dwelling Rental Income. 1. Space Rented To Whom Rental Terms 2. Comments • Previous editions are obsolete Page 1 of 4 form HUD -52573 (3(95) ref Handbooks 7475.1 Interest on General Fund Investments: State the amount of present General Fund investment and the percentage of the General Fund it represents. Explain circumstances such as increased or decreased operating reserves, dwelling rent, operating expenditures, etc., which will affect estimated average monthly total investrnents in the Requested Budget Year. Explain basis tor distribution of interest income between housing programs. • Estimated at $16,510 Other Comments On Estimates of Operating Receipts: Give comments on all other significant sources of income which will present a clear understanding of the HA's prospective Operating Receipts situation during the Requested Budget Year. For Section 23 Leased housing explain basis for estimate of utility charges to tenants. Laundry $100 per month x 12 Sales & Services to Tenants And Damages = $1,200 18,800 $20,000 Operating Expenditures Summary of Stetting and Salary Data Complete the summary below on the basis of information shown on form HUD -52566, Schedule of All Positions and Salaries. as follows: Column (1) Enter the total number of positions designated with the corresponding account line symbol as shown in Column (1), form HUD -52566. Column (2) Enter the number of equivalent full-time positions allocable to HUD -aided housing in management. For example: A HA has three "A -NT positions allocable to such housing at the rate of 80%, 70%. and 50% respectively. Thus, the equivalent full-time positions is two. (8/10 + 7/10 + 5/10). Enter the portion of total salary expense shown in Column (5) or Column (6), form HUD -52566, allocable to HUD -aided housing in management, other than Section 23 Leased housing. Column (4) Enter the portion of total salary expense shown in Column (5) or Column (10), form HUD -52566, allocable to Section 23 Leased housing in management. Column (5) Enter the portion of total salary expense shown in Column (5) or Column (7), form HUD -52566, allocable to Modernization programs (Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Program or Comprehensive Grant Program). Cloumn (6) Enter the portion of total salary expense shown in Column (5) or Column (9), form HUD -52566, allocable to Section 8 Programs. Note: The number of equivalent full- time positions and the amount of salary expense for all positions designated Mon form HUD -52566 must be equitably distrtibuted to account lines Ordinary Maintenance and Operation—Labor, Extraordinary Maintenance Work Projects, and Betterments and Additions Work Projects. •lumn (3) Account Line Total Number of Positions (1) HUD -Aided Management Program Equivalent Full -Time Positions (2) Salary Expense Management (3) Section Housing 23 Leased Modernization Section Program 8 (6) Only (4) Programs (5) Administration—Nontechnical Salaries' 6 6 68,840 95,190 Administration—Technical Salaries' Ordinary Maintenance and Operation—Labor' 5 5 99,630 Utilities—Labor' Other (Specify) (Legal,elc.)' Protection Service 4 3 37,440 Extraordinary Maintenance Work Projects' ilterments and Additions Work Projects' ' f Carry forward to the appropriate line on HUD 52564, the arnoun of salary expense shown in Column 3) on the corresponding line above. Carry forward to the appropriate line on HUD -52564 (Section 23 Leased Housing Budget), the amount of salary expense shown in Column (4) on the corresponding line above. 2 The amount of salary expense distributed to E Iraordinary Maintenance Work Projects and to Betterments and Additions Work Projects Is to be Included in the cost of each individual project to be performed by the HA Stall, as shown on form HUD -52567. Previous editions are obsolete Page 2 of 4 form HUD -52573 (3/95) ref Handbooks 7475.1 Specify all proposed new positions and all present positions to be abolished in the Requested Budget Vear. Cite prior HUD concurrence in proposed staffing changes or presentjustitication for such changes. Cite prior HUD concurrence in proposed salary increases for Administration Staff or give justification and pertinent comparability information. Cite effective date for current approved wage rates (form HUD -52158( and justify all deviations from these rates. • Travel, Pubiicallons, Membership Dues and Fees, Telephone and Telegraph, and Sundry:In addition to "Justification for Travel to Conventions and Meetings'shown on form HUD -52571. give an explanation of substantial Requested Budget Year estimated increases over the PUM rate of expenditures for these accounts in the Current Budget Vear. Explain basis for allocation of each element of these expenses. Utilities: Give an explanation of substantial Requested Budget Vear estimated increases over the PUM rate of expenditures for each utility service in the Current Budget Year. Describe and state estimated cost of each element of 'Other Utilities Expense.' Water $32,570 Electricity 38=220 •Gas 30,000 Sewer 46,030 $146,820 Ordinary Maintenance & Operation—Materials: Give an explanation of substantial Requested Budget Vear estimated increases over the PUM rate of expenditures for materials In the Current Budget Year. Same as Current Year Ordinary Maintenance & Operation—Contract Costs: List each ordinary maintenance and operation service contracted for and give the estimated cost for each. Cite and justly new contract services proposed for tine Requested Budget Vear. Explain substantial Requested Budget Year increases over the PUM rate of expenditure for Contract Services in the Current Budget Year If LHA has contract for maintenance of elevator cabs, give contract cost per cab. Elevator Service 1,250 x 12 15,000 Sewer & Repair 5,000 Termite 1,530 Boiler/AC 4,000 • Sanitation/Gararge 2,000 x 12 24,000 Other Plumb/Elec 15,500 Grounds 12,000 Pest Control 650 i ': Work/Study/Tenants $1,000 x 12 12,000 x12 7,800 Skilled 900 x 12 10,800 107 630 Previous editions are obsolete Page 3 of 4 form HUD -52573 (3/95) rel Handbooks 7475.1 Insurance: Give an explanation of substantial Requested Budget Vear estimated increases in the PUM rate of expenditures for insurance over the Curren) Budget Year. Cite changes in coverage. premium rates, etc. Fira & EC 28.000 Boiler 650 •L & T 5,000 Office Computer 400 orkmens Comp 4,070 Office Liab 1,150 -' 43,270 Truck & Auto 4,000 Employee Benefit Contributions: List all Employee Benefit plans par licipnled in. Give justification for all plans to be instituted in the Requested Budget Year for which prior HUD concurrence has not been given. FICA 7.65% x 205,910 FUTU 2.0% x 112,760 Hosp Ins 12 x 2,800 Retire 8% x 205,910 15;750 2,250 33,600 16,470 68.070 Collection Losses: Stale the number of tenants accounts receivable to be written oil and the number and total amount of all accounts receivable for both present and vacated tenants as of the month in which the estimate was computed. Estimated at $45,000 Extraordinary Maintenance, Replacement of Equipment, and Betterments and Additions: Cite prior HUD approval or give justification for each nonroutine work project included in the Requested Budget and for those for lutureyears which make up the estimate on form HUD -52570. Justifying information incorporated on or attached to form HUD -52567 need not be repeated here. See Hud Form 52567 Contracts: List all contracts. other than those listed on page 3 of this form under Ordinary Maaintenince & Operation (OMO). Cite the name of the contractor. type of contract, cost of contract. and contract period. Justification roust be provided for all contract services proposed for the Requested Budget Vear (RBY). Explain substantial RBY increases over the PUM rate of expenditure for these contracts in the Current Budget Year. • Previous editions are obsolete Page 4 of 4 form HUD -52573 11g5) ref Handbooks 7475 I • RESOLUTION NON 601 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PERFORMANCE AND EVALUATION REPORT FOR COMPREHENSIVE GRANT PROGRAM (CGP) AR43P09770496 FOR FISCAL YEAREND 6/30/97 •i This is to certify that the Fayetteville Housing Authority Board of Conunissioners approves the Performance and Evaluation Report for CGP for Fiscal Year Ending 6/30/97 and that the PHA has made reasonable efforts to notify residents and local officials of the opportunity to review the draft report and comment on it before its submission to HUD, and that copies of the report were provided to residents or were available upon their request. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS oftv DAY OF aortft 1997 • —eft -- ATTEST:. ATTEST. a CRETARY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS rl�) (Chairperson) o .41 1 • • • , 10 CO w iI' . , . , <0 Co a . a . . lift o Lr o 01 § ¥ 3 ƒ ■ 3 la } 01 2:1 � i } 01 ( f ! 7 3 ! 5 01 k % ® } Amount of Annual Grant (Sum of lines 2-15) 1502 Contingency (may not exceed 5% el line 15) 1490 Replacement Reserve 1495,1 Relocation Costs 1475 IJondweftlng Equipment § z f ! Se - 7 17 ! F } •z | • 0.st - $ ; z | & - ] a > f D.§ 5 1430 Fees & Costs 11415 Liquidated Damages is .a i a | ■ E t | m | | ■ !Total Non -CGP Funds c 3 7 | 7 1 ) 0 92,401 k ( 1 # II 1 E. 5 24,377 0 OM. .co 0 a 00 ca , 10 24_277 tof it | E v k 5 la V M • • a || F , • -14 10 tO 3 \ m \! k# ! ! ! 7;$g% J 7! § § k )§'!], /� m0 m -`|!- Comprehensive Grant § 11 ( § in — / § « § E £ £ / .co K K / k / /0 cr.o ID / 3. ! ,| ¢% $| $ -0 9 ) 3 OM Approval No.2571.0167{Exp 161/95} co 0 0 0 0 0 0 gr o I ! — 0 ® —— — C E e 0 ! r — f ! Pp \ 0 ED k - k k E a e s t Tobi Estimated Cost 1 ro to la 40 . a. ■ § $ § § d k k ■ | 2 (13 a § § § 0 ( % AcItal Cost Funds Funds Obligated (2) Expended (2) co 43 . d ) \k 0 ® a + ` / § 0 g cr o \ E I Iƒ i ■ ! ! ! $ E c $ . 1 •I e a I. a -14 10 tO m 13a GE � d $ 2 0 pi 3 Comprehensive Grant to a n 'w 4 vi 1 a o 3 c 0 Rv 3 t 0 1 a 9 m a v a V k-3 N O D 1. M Funds Expended (Quadra Entine Dole) l N s c C w N Reasons for Revised Target Oates (2) O s w D 9 3 KG C O N V b N EY O V U