HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-08-16 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayettteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 A.M. Wednesday August 16, 1995, in the office of the Authority $t1 North School, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Clarence Fries, Vice Chairperson, called the meeting to order. Commissioners Present: Childress, Clinehens, Fries, & Richardson Commissioners Absent: Hudspeth • Others Present: Bromo Wilson, Fredia Sawin The Minutes of the July 19, 1995 Regular Meeting were approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. The July Financial Statement was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously_ RESOLUTION APPROVING OPERATING BUDGET 9/30/96. Resolution No. 577 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILL A ARKANSAS CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: dM im' V /09- i RESOLUTIUOUI 'department of Housing Board Resolution Approving P Oeratin Budget or Calculation of and Urban Development p 9 g Office o1 Public and Indian Housing Performance Funding System Operatind\Subsidy OMB Approval No. 2577-0026 (Exp. 10/31/97) tic Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing a sources. gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden. to the Reports Management Officer. Office of Information Policies and Systems. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Washington. D.C. 20410-3600 and 10 the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (2577-0026). Washington, D.C. 20503. Do not send this completed form to either of the above addressees. Acting on hclvdl ofthe Board of Commissioners of the below -mooed Public Housing Agency (PHA)/Indian Housing Authority (IHA). as its Chains:m. I stake the following certifications and agreements to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (/IUD) regarding the Board's approval of (check one or more as applicable): ix x Operating Budget Submitted on: Operating Budget Revision Stihmitled on: Calculation of Performance Funding System Submitted on: Revised Calculation of Perlornnmce Funding System Submitted on: (dale) 8/16/95 8/16/95 Icertify onbehalf ofthe: (PHA/IFIAName) Fayetteville Housing Authority I. All regulatory and statutory requirements have hecn met: 0 The PHA has sufficient operating reserves to meet the working capital needs of its developments: hat: 3. Ploposed budget expenditures are neces 'ary in the efficient and economical operation of the housing Fortin.: purpose id'serving 10W-NICNIth: residents: 4, The budget indicates a source of funds adequate to cover all proposed expenditures: 5, The calculation of eligibility for Federal funding is ill accordance with the provisions of the regulations: (,. All proposed rental charges and expenditures will he consistent with provisions of law: 7. The PHA/IHA will comply with the wage rale requirements under 24 CFR 968.110(e) and (1) or 24 CFR 905.120(c) and (d): 8, The PHA/IHA will comply with the requirements lir access to records and audits under 24 CFR 968.1100 ) or 24 CFR 905.120(g): 9. The PHA/IHA will comply with the requirements lily the reexamination of family income and composition under 24 CFR 960.2(N.99(}.1 15 and 905.315: and Ill. The PHA will comply with the requirements for certification of Housing Manager and Assisted Housing Manager positions (24 CFR 967.304 and 967.305). I hereby certify that all the information stated within, as well army information provided in the: ccompamiment herewith. is true and accurate. ning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties (18 U. . 1001, 1010. 1012:31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) Signalu Board Chairman's Name hype) Dan Hudspeth Dale: -I � 8/16/95 form HUD -52574 (3/95) rel. Handbook 7575.1 Operating Budget U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing OMB Approval No. 2577-0026 (exp. 10/31/97 Public r et -toiling burden Ing this cnI1Pclion 01 inlounalinn is estimated to average 116 hours per response. including the lime for reviewing instructions, searching e,isling dal sources. gathering and maintaining Ille dam ripeded, and completing and 1 eviewing the colter:nun nl inhumation. Send creninenIs regarding this burden estimate or any other aspr•. 01111i$ colteclinn of Tole, nalion, including suggestions lig ieduting this burden, to the nepo11s M:magernenl Onicer, (Alice of Inhumation Policies and Sy51ems, ti. S. Deparlmer el ifousing arm/ lb ban Development. WaSIIIIIVIult. D.C. 2041u -360o and 10 the Office of Mniagenien anti Dodger, Paperwork rledwxlon Project (2571-0026). Washhiglon. D t 20503. Do 001 send this completed loon Io eillier of the above addressees. .. Type of Submission b. Fiscal Veal Ending c. No. of months (Uieck one) 0. 1 ype o111UD assisted pioject(s) £(%l, Original CJ Revision No.:_ __ _. 9/30/96 pn 12 mo. CJ Omer (specify)___ 01 iX1 PHA/IHA-Owned Rental Housing .. 101 le of Public Ilousir g Agency / Indian I lousing At thorily (PI IA/IHA) 02 ■ II -IA Owned Mutual Help Homeownership Fayetteville housing Authority 03 ri PHNIHA Leased Rental Housing 1 Addles, (:iry, Sloe., lip c.o10) 04 i IPHNIHA Owned Turnkey 111 Homeownership 05 n PHA/IHA Leased Homeownership #1 North School Avenue g. ACU Number FW .%031.. I 'lo. of Uwelling limit 252 Lino No. Acct. No. IJP nl 111il LM nnhs Av;ilalr19 3 024 Fayetteville, AR 72701 11 PAS/ LUCCS Proj ecu No. AR097001 & 002 tn. No. 01 Plnjenls Description (1) 2 i. HUD Field Office Little Rock, AR Actuals Last Fiscal Yr' 94 19 PUM (2) Estimates or Actual Current Budget Vt. 1995- PUM (3) Requested Budget Estimates PHNIHA Estimates HUD Modifications PUM (4) Amount (to nearest $10) (5) PUM (6) Aniounr. (to nearest SIC (7) Ilotnebuye s Monthly Payments for: 010 7710 Operating Expense 020 7712 Earned Horne Payments 030 7714 Nonroutine Maintenance Reserve 040 Total Break -Even Amount (suns o1 lines 010, 020, and 030) 050 7716 Excess (or deficit) in Break -Even 060 7790 Homebuyers Monthly Payments - Contra -- Ope acing Receipts U _3110 Uwelling Renhl JOU 3120 Excess Utilities 090 3190 Nondwelling Rental 100 Total Rental Income (sum ul lines 070, 080. and 090) 110 3610 Inletest on (301101:11 Iruud Irrvnnbne, its 120 3690 �Olher Income 130 rola! lOperating Inrmnn (-annul Ili1 100, 1 10. nod I20) _-,_ Opo riling Expenditures - Adminlnh Minn: 140 4110 Adminishativ,. Salaries 150 4130 Legal Expense 160 4140 Stall Training 170 4150 Travel_ 180 4170 Accounting Fees - - 190 4171 Auditing Fees 200 4190 Other Administrative Expenses 210 Total Administrative Expense (sour ofline 140 Ihru line 200)_ Tenant Services: 220 230 4210 Salmies 94.65 104.61 10.01 1.07 37 -.87 95.72 105.48 110.88 2.71 3.41 5.49 8.49 4.30 4.30 106..92 _1.1.3.19___120 67 19.41 20.13 21.04 •96 2.13 3.31 _2,28 2 63 2 63 .17 4.29 30..52_ 332,670 -2;640-- 335,310 640--- 335,310 16,6-- 13,000 364,920 63,640 10,000 7,959 .17 500 4.29 12,970 31.44! _95060 _- 4220 240 14230 250 i Total Recreation, Publications and Other Services Contract Costs. Training and Other Tenant Services Expense (sum of lines 220. 230 and 240) Uliiilies: 260 270 280 298 4310 4320 4330 4340 Water _ Eleclrici y Gas...... Fuel 300 4350 Labor 4390 Other utilities expense 320 Toler Utilities Expense (suns of line 260 mru line 310) •10 9.31 12.07 9.17 12.47 43.02 10.21 12.64 9.45 14.35 46.65 10.2 30,870 12.6 38,220 9.4 -28,590 14.3 46.6 43;400 141,080 Previous editions ate obsolete Paye 1 of 4 form HUD -52564 (3 95) ref. Handbook 7475.) 11. non el PITA / 11 IA Fayetteville Housing Authority 1 Fiscal Year Ending ine No. • Acct. No. I lesraiplinn (1) Actuals Last Fiscal Yr. 19_-_94. PUM (2) 9/30/96 [-xi Estimates - -I or Actual Current Budget PUM I3J Requested Budget Estimates PHA/IHA Estimates Amount PUM (to nearest $10) (4) (5) HUD Modifications Amount PUM (to nearest $10) (6) (7) Ordinary Maintenance and Operation: 330 4410 Labor _ 23..63 24) 14420 Materials _ - _ .. . _ __21.12 350 4430 Contract Costs _-30_.15 360 Total Ordinary Maintenance & Operation Expense (lines 330 to 350) 74.90 Protective Services: 370 4460 Labor 780 4470 Materials _ 390 4480 Contract costs 400 Total Protective Services Expense (stun of lines 370 to 390) General Expense: 410 4510 Insurance 420 4520 Payments in Lieu al Taxes -_- 430 4530 Terminal Leave Payments 440 4540 Employee Benefit Contributions 450 4570 Collection Losses 460. 4590 Other General Expense 470 Total General Expense (suis of lines 410 to 460) 480 Total Routine Expense (sum of lines 210, 250, 320. 360, 400, and 470) Rent lor Leased Dwellings: 490 4710 Rents to Owners of Leased Dwellings 500 Total Operating Expense (sum of lines 480 and 490) Nonroutine Expenditures: 10 4610 Extraordinary Maintenance 20 7520 Replacement of Nonexpendable Equipment 530 7540 Property Betterments and Additions 510 Total Nonroutine Expenditures (sum of lines 510, 520, and 530) 550 r Total Operating Expenditures (sum of lines 500 and 540) Prior Year Adjuslmeols: 560 1 6010 1 Prior Year Adjustments. Affecting flesidual Receipts Other Expenditures: 5/0 I I Deficiency in Residual Receipts al End of Preceding Fiscal Yr. 590 Total Operating Expenditures, including prior year adjustments and . other expenditures (line 550 plus or minus line 560 plus line 570) 221,68 271.99 590. I Residual Receipts (or Deficit) before HUD Contributions and provision for operating reserve (line 130 minus line 580) .114.7.5) (158 81) IIUD Contributions: 600 8010 Basic Amwal Conlribulion Earned - Leased Projects:Corient Year 610 18011 Prior Year Adjustments - (Debit) Credit 620 1 Total;Basic Annual Contribution (fine 600 plus or minus line 610) 630 8020 ; Contributions Earned - Op. Sub. - Cur.-Yr.(before year-end adj) 136 80 133 04 610 . ;Mandatory PFS Adjustments (net): 650 ( 19111e! (specify):_ (60 '. l Other (sof city): 670 I Total Year-end Adjustrnents7OB1er (plus or minus lines 640 thru 660) 690 8020 lobi Operating Subsidy curterit year (hoe 630 plus or annus line 670) 1.0.85 .10.85 .10.21 5.27 1 21 15.12 .11.38 43 19 .213.39 213.39 16.13 4.13 21.27 221.68 27 54 21 16 33..-50 82 20 11 00 1.1.00 11 54 5.88 29 62 21 16 33 12 89,560_ 64,000 100-,150 83 90 253,210 11 68 1736 6.42 _35,320__ -35,320- 52,500 19,420 J9.29- 992 4663 217 00 21700 _1.9.63 9.92 59,350 30,000 51.90 3.09 54.99 271.99 690 !Total HUD Conlribulions (suns of lines 620 and 680) 700 ' Residual Receipts (or Drdicil) (nunr nl line 590 plus line 690) • Enter hese and on line 810 • 136.80 133.04 136.80 133.04 _ 22.04 (25.76) 53 33 161,270 227 00 686,440 227 001 686,440 16.53 _50.,.000_ ..3„0 19,6 246.6 246.6 1259 -59,350 745,190 745.790 )(380 87_0 137 1 414,809 137.14 414,809_ 1RAL. 414,809_ 11.22 33,939 Previous editions are obsoleio lona HUD -52564 (3 951 Page 2 oI 4 ref. Handbook 7475 1 Naive of PI IA /IIIA Fayetteville Housing Authority Fiscal Vear Ending 9/30/96 Operating Reserve Pad 1 - Maximum Operating Reserve - End of Current Budges Year 740 2821 PHA / INA -Leased Housing - Section 23 or 10(c) • _ 50% of Line 480, column 5, form FIUO-52564 PHA/IHA Estimates HUD Modifications 343,220 780 790 810 820 830 Part II-_Pr_ovision for and Estimated or Actual Operating Reserve al Fiscal Operating Reserve nt End of Previous Fiscal Year - Actual for FVE (date): Provision for Operating Reserve - Current Budget Vear (check one) 1-1 Estimated for FYE Actual 1131 FYE Operating Reserve at End of Current Budget Year (check one) I-1 Estimated for FYE 1 1 Actual for FYE Provision for Operating Reserve - Requested Budget Vear Estimated for FVE Enter Amount Irom Zine 700 Operating Reserve at End of Requested Budget Year Estimated for FYE (Sum of lines 800 and 810) Cash Reserve Requirement - _40 _ % of line 480 Year End 9/30/94 9/30/95 9/30/95 9/30/96 9/30/96 334,325 (77,912) 256,413 33,939 290,352 274,576 •m nents: PHA /111A Approval Name •aromo -Wi 1 son ----- Tine _ Executi Director Sip nutule Field Office Approval Name • Signalmn PC i / Date Dale Previous editions are obsolete Page 3 of 4 form HUD -52564 (395) ref. Handbook 7475.1 • Operating Budget Schedule of Administration Expense Other Than Salary OMB Approval No. 2577.0026 (Exp. 10/31/97) Public Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1.0 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed. and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding This burden estimate frany other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Reports Management Officer. Office of Information Policies Systems, U.S. Department of Flousing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. 20410-3600 and to the Office of Management and Budget. Paperwork Reduction Project (2577-0026). Washington, D.C. 20503. Do not send this completed form to either of the above addressees. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing Name of Housing Aulhorily: Fayetteville Housing Authority 111 1 Ingr:npmm 1 I Legal Expense (see Special Note in Instructions) 2 3 Training (list and provide justification) Travel Trips To Conventions and Meetings (list and provide justification) Other Travel: Outside Area of Jurisdiction Within Area of Jurisdiction 6 ' Total Travel 1 - f 7 I Accounting 8 1Auditing I Sundry Rental of Office Space 10 11 12 13 14 15 Publications Membership Dues and Fees (list organization and amount) Telephone, Fax, Electronic Communications Collection Agent Fees and Court Costs Administrative Services Contracts (list and provide justification) Forms, Stationary and Office Supplies 16 j Other Sundry Expense (provide breakdown) 17 1 Total Sundry 18 I Total Administration Expense Other Than Salaries Loraliry: #1 North School Fayetteville, AR 72701 Iola! 10,500 11,900 1,200 2,800 15,900 Fiscal Year End: 9/30/96 Management (4) 15) Development Seclion 8 1(1,000 500 1 (6) Other 5,950 600 1,400 7,950 5,950 600 1,400 7,950 1,000 3,000 2,540 3,050 1,.000 500 500 6,550 19,000 18,050 53,040 1,900 1,120 1,450 1,100 1,000 3,000 4,000 9,000 1,420 1,600 3,550 5,000 9,050 31,420 21,620 To the best of my knowledge, all the information staled herein, as well as any inlormation provided in the accompaniment herewith, is true and accurate. Warning: IiUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. IFIF U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 IJ.S.C. 3729, 3802) U.S.C. of aulho - nl r nesenially: R flan 4,21/--747 -421(2-14 g://1;4 loon HUD -52571 (3.951 Page I of 2 rel Handbook 7475 1 • • • • • 1400.0171 onn,ene ISO 1ewerle •t1A41 11 Le..A4, .u111. H.u,by Oo.rslin. Budge) Ss .Jule el AdminI sllelbn E 018.• Then Sabin L.. M FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY ""1"T 11 NORTH SCHOOL r„g,1 Tee' o-1 FAYETTEVILLE, AR 9/30/ylr I 01 1 0l 1 01 01 01 I DI. •Iwll.n by r o...n.rl.n l.r. '111-1.1 /5y. Nuo.1u 11.. -._ 1.1.1 E.n•n•. MH.I .. s...lel n. IncIr... r. , •• 1 ^Ail C e.' .L. r....1 1 .4”. . r 10:500.114.4 . • TLipst. C.n...r..nr •,J Y.mMa ••1 r _ S•old I n.n r 1 1.,..11 • 1 . . 11.944. I 5 952 i I- t L I T...l lr..•1 T. C....ntl.n. •nd 11...ne_ 0.1... LNe T...•o Outs We 1r • Jutledt.1.n Sethi..' .1 I H. 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XSO 3 days 050 Lodging 8 Meals 600 I Travel 600 1.200 100• "50 NATIONAL/04HRO MEETING 55O 1 meeting 2 persons 4 days Lodging 8 Meals 1,200 Travel 700 1,900 1 IRC/NAHRO Ma i n 1. 121 IMG I Alec ting x 2 persons 3 days I.odg i ng 8 Meals (.00 Travel 2110 , ..T66__ A 110— .ATE MAW MEETIIII, :TE HAIIRO HEETI III, • '1E PIIRIOAYS I1C1.I IIO. NEET1116 1 meeting . 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J 1 a 1 i 11 1 I E 1 1 a. a • —Floor Tile/ Carpet/ Kitchen Cabinet Replace on. Sites A , g ,• [ I 1i 11 [ j 1 '-111 !gill! re is el p Li Gas Ranges Refrigerators Electric Ranges Weed Eater 1. • 9=11 1 AO s ii• aa If I 1 HI ' 1O 1 0 t ' O iy N W N VS O00 0000 QQQIII S ]� Ittt 0 CD m CD CDrec. I 1 1 014 I1I 11 •