HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-09-22 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:00 A.M. Wednesday September 22, 1993, in the office of the Authority #1 North School, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Dan Hudspeth Chairperson, called the meeting to order. Commissioners Present: Hudspeth, Childress, Richardson Commissioners Absent: Clinehens, Fries Others Present: Bromo Wilson, Fredia Sawin The Minutes of the August 18, 1993 Regular Meeting were approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. The August Financial Statement was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimoulsy. RESOLUTION APPROVING ANNUAL SALARY INCREASES. Resolution No. 550 was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION TO CHARGE OFF DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS OF FORMER TENANTS FOR PERIOD 4/1/93 - 9/30/93. Resolution No. 551, was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE WRITE-OFF OF CERTAIN NON -EXPENDABLE EQUIPMENT • THAT WAS JUNKED. Resolution No. 552, was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimoulsy. Mr. Wilson presented to the board to change the monthly meeting day from the third Wednesday to the third Tuesday, due to Mr. Clarence Fries having a conflict with his scheduled class on that day. The change was approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimoulsy. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS • ATTEST: SECRETARY • CHAIRPERSON 1 RESOLUTION NO. 7 J D RESOLUTION APPROVING ANNUAL SALARY INCREASES WHEREAS, the Approved budgets for the Housing Authority allows for salary increases for certain personnel: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY the regular annual increases of salaries listed below are approved effective October 1, 1993. NAME & POSITION B romo Wilson Executive Director Fredia Sawin Administrative Assistant & Public Housing Director Laura Higgins Section 8 Director K rya McCown •ection 8 Assistant Inspector Debra Davis Public Housing Assistant & Inspector Debbie Ravellette Secretary/Receptionist Mikeal Atwell Maintenance Working Foreman Steven McCoy Maint-Mechanic Lynn Smith Maint-Mechanic Dorothy Ferris Maint-Mechanis "B" Roy Clark Maint-Aide "B" N ight Watchmen PRESENT SALARY PROPOSE SALARY $36,500 $38,000 26,600 27,750 22,810 23,790 18,930 19,750 16,680 12,480 20,970 15,500 15,500 14,690 11,960 9,880 17,680 13,670 21,870 16,170 16,170 15,330 13,000 10,400 • PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 42: DAY OF yt /!Ky 1993 ATTEST; THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE RKANSAS ECRETARY CHAIRPERSON 110 RESOLUTION NO. 15...." RESOLUTION TO CHARGE OFF DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS OF FORMER TENANTS FOR PERIOD 4/1/93-9/30/93 A resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority authorizing the charge off of delinquent accounts of certain former tenants in the AR 97-1 & 2 Housing Projects for period of April 1, 1993 thru September 30, 1993. WHEREAS, in accordance with the Accounting Handbook RHM 7510.0, Chapter 3, Section 13, certain past due accounts in the AR 97-1 & 2 Low Rent Public Housing Projects are considered uncollectable and all means of collections have been exhausted, and there is no reasonable prospect of collections of such delinquent rents and that the probable cost of further efforts to collect said rents would not be warranted. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS THAT: Accounts in the amount designated, due from the former tenants listed on the attached sheets are hereby authorized be charged off. • PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ;7 DAY OF 52, 1993 ATTEST: THE HOUSING AUTHORI Y OF CILY OF FAYETTEVIL i . AR CHAIRMAN • ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION .59r/ 110 CHARGE OFF OF FORMER TENANTS DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS 4/1/93-9/30/93 • APT. NO. 1 I NAME RENT OTHER TOTAL LEWIS PLAZA 2-A Laura Welch 126.00 153.50 279.50 3-B Everette Laughlin 52.00 232.00 284.00 4-B Christina Gregory 60.00 158.00 218.00 7-B Mary McWilliams 45.00 52.00 97.00 8-A John Sweatman 8.00 134.50 142.50 9-B Cheri Evenson 43.00 176.00 219.00 9-C Bob Brazell 1,057.00 79.00 1,136.00 9-D Brenda Pifer 302.87 152.00 454.87 11-8 Brenda Lewis - 58.00 58.00 11-C Cathy Powers - 140.00 140.00 14-A Sandra Hall 126.00 69.00 195.00 15-C Sharon Bilbrey 1,276.00 180.00 1,456.00 15-D Jodi Baley - 415.00 415.00 WILLOW HEIG TS 19-13 Rhonda Rains 669.00 193.00 862.00 20-A Debra Noble 21.00 45.00 66.00 22-C Nancy Frazier 89.00 89.00 22-C Chuck Hammond 529.00 263.50 792.50 23-A Tammi Blakemore 125.00 124.00 249.00 24-8 April Hammons 35.00 32.00 67.00 24-B Chuck Huddleston 86.00 - 86.00 24-D Geneva Hoskins - 53.00 53.00 25-A Rena Woolf 254.00 - 254.00 25-8 Tonya Bonner 101.50 546.71 648.21 25-C Missy James - 107.00 107.00 26-B Ardith Johnson 7.00 82.00 89.00 29-B Wynette Fillmore 146.00 189.50 335.50 29-C Angela Schade 17.00 191.83 208.83 30-A Geneva Coulston 327.00 72.00 399.00 30-C Rita Laird 78.00 85.00 163.00 31-A Glenda Anders 13.00 13.00 MORGAN NANO - 323 Michael Small 62.69 2.00 64.69 326 Avnette Allen 145.00 42.00 187.00 334 Connie Wilson 273.00 446.00 719.00 343 Yvonne Mills - 81.00 81.00 436 Angel Cowan - 246.00 246.00 436 Debra Mayo 64.00 235.00 299.00 HILLCREST TOWERS 801 George Branstetter 55.00 38.50 93.50 1010 Barbara Hatfield 156.00 43.00 199.00 1201 Mark Anderson 282.00 78.00 360.00 TOTALS $6,542.06 $5,284.04 11,826.10 RESOLUTION NO. ��— RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE WRITE-OFF OF CERTAIN NON -EXPENDABLE EQUIPMENT THAT WAS JUNKED. WHEREAS, the HUD Manual 7510.1 provides for the write off of certain non -expendable equipment that is junked, and WHEREAS, the most recent list of equipment that has been declared not in working order and non -repairable and has been junked needs to be written off. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY, that the attached list of equipment be written off the property ledger of the Fayetteville Housing Authority. (see attached list for equipment.) PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF ATTET: 612-79 SECRETARY 1993. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRPERSON • • ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. LIST OF EQUIPMENT TO BE WRITTEN OFF DWELLING EQUIPMENT PROPERTY LEDGER NO. #1465.1 UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION / PROPERTY 290 Brown Gas Range 554 Trash Dumpster 557 Trash Dumpster 417 Hot Point Refrigerator 455 Kenmore Refrigerator SERIAL NUMBER AMOUNT 3V40494 $ 229.30 W illow Heights 656.52 H illcrest Towers 656.52 H Z -330137 327.00 0948607833 371.00 TOTAL $2,240.34