HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-06-16 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:O0A:M, Wednesday June 16, 1993, in the office of the Authority #1 North School, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Dan Hudspeth Chairperson, Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: called the meeting to order. Hudspeth, Childress, Clinehens, Fries Richardson Others Present: Bromo Wilson, The Minutes of the May 19, 1993 Regular seconded and carried unanimously. Fredia Sawin Meeting were approved by motion, The May Financial Statement was approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET REVISION #1. Resolution No. 548, was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: • THE OPERATING BUDGET ADOPTING RESOLUTION NDMHER 548 REVISED BUDGET NQ. 1 FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9/30/93 FOR AR 097001 & 002 A. Be it Resolved by the Commissionersof the Low -Rent Housing Agency of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas • that: 1. The proposed expenditures are necessary in the efficient and economical operation of the housing agency for the purpose of servicing low-income families. 2. The financial plan is reasonable in that: a. It includes a source of funding adequate to cover all proposed expenditures. b. It does not provide for use of Federal funding in excess of that payable under the provisions of 24 CFR 990, Subpart A, (PFS regulations). 3. .All proposed rental charges and expenditures will be consistent with provisions of law and the Annual Contributions Contract. • B. Pursuant to 24 CFR Sections 913.109 and 960.209, the PHA herein is determining eligibility for admission, determining annual income, adjusting income and Total Tenant Payment, and reexamining the Family income and composition at least annually. C. No PHA employee reflected in the Operating Budget is serving in a va;iety of positions which will exceed a 100 percent allocation of`1 s/her time:1,, i, CERTIFICATE Bromo Wilson • the duly appointed Executive Director of the Low -Rent Housing Agency of Fayetteville, AR , do hereby certify that the above resolution is a true copy of the Resolution passed by the Low -Rent Housing Agency of Fayetteville, AR at a regular meeting held on the 16th 19 93 day,of June . In witness. whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of June , 19 93 • Executive Director certify this is a true and correct statement." SEAL • • Farm Approv.J OMB Ha. b]-ROBO U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT LOW -RENT NOUSINO PROGRAM- OPERATING BUDGET ray Fiscal Year Ending ' September 30 Ig 93 TYPE OP NUO-AffhIT[O •ROJCCTON LNMO.ned Remel Housing IXI LHAI-Leased Heu,ing-Seclbn 23 e, IO(a) I: I LHAI-owned-Homeewne„nlp 1' 1 ell ORIGINAL 1111 REVISION NO. 1 LMA -Lin ed-Hemee.nase b4 1 I LHAI-Cenreyed Peeleek-Admini Weller. Conceal1 1 N•mg. aF LOCA L AVTMORITYr FAYETTEVILLEI HOUSING AUTHORITY CONTRACT O.II Nli • FW 7031 PnaJRI NO. LOCALS#1 AR 097001 & 002 FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH SCHOOL AVENUE AR 72701 NO.Or O.M. 252 n. Or Dame RONnn al • VA tL• au. it v. 3,024 dmf ALwA permal 1 Nue RasIeNAL or ncal ACTUAL. STIMAT LAST ' OR REQUESTED BUDGET ESTIMATES Little Rock, AR Ft. North Tx ' FISCAL YEAR URREN LRA [STIMATMs NMO NOOInCn rlorl♦ YEAR 91 2 921 AMOUNT •9401.0•Tp AU RUM r PGM (7•N Oe PUM re N....N Nn I_I•n NO. 111 ail ISI 41 ISI lel STI Hemebuye,e Memlily Payment. Pen on OPernllnn l.L....., r . La. IrJ 1 o.,.t P..yp,nnla ACC N: M...I n::l,eeR • _ r '. 1 .'.,I :..... i AmountrXimi of e.n:. 00i, adl, R 00J • harp I:n..., ( •n I)... ii) in Break -Even Ameu 4, OBE Hamebu ars Month! Pa menu Centre ' OPERATING RECEIPTS, 010 Dwelling Rentals 79 in 77 3n 24rtVV0 020 E unmie, 98 .91 2.640 nJO ...dwell ng M. null tIQ Tore! Rental Income 80 18 78 2 249.160 N;'d we,.se en Gm.a,el Fund In.eetmones 4 67 3 07 8 950 060 Other Inn Recelpee "00 TOTAL OPERATING RECEIPTS EXCLUDING, IUD CONTRIB. �e.� �r1.r�.{!!e M{{ fl Minn TWI1 �111�� 11 NJNi.ITiFE , 9 _ ROUTINE OPERA EYPI'NOITURF3: AOMIt1I 3 TRA T10N: ®®��� 110 l.,i.s Wades 1211 AdmInlsuctiar. E.pemee Ohee Tbon Salso ns warn1� 1911 ANTI Adman.'1,.nTn E.ven... 71 97 73 97 RO 860 TENANT SE RVICI: S: 1211- m 110 40 pD 110 1110 SD. 150 ILO lin 190 an .10 ..io Lo ao 10 .00 a0 '1a In ,N 111_ 10 vO Wades lenlenreel San_ Puldleas'o end Otherm Serve, Oen . as C0115 -.Training and Other190 �■ ■- lase! Tanen: Service• E.peneee UTILITIES, Leber 1 uNlln•s 36 79 36 87 118.660 3fi 79 lfi R7 115I MDORDINARY MAINTENANCE ANO OPERATIONS Cone, 84,160.. Materiel. ® 64,000 Contract cast, 2 88 25 3 25.5 77 350 Total Maintenanceo SEMaintenance and Opmlon E.peneu 66 10 226,$10 PROTECT!. E SE, VICE Labor 8.74 9.2 9.8 29,920 Cenirott Coil --- Tale) P10100 a Servi el cps so mun�' tka'•' }' GENERAL CXPENSE• ---_ Du Mrotrte IlinaliMAIdakallitigfra Muyn, n L -. of Taae �fl L1 fl k 1E11'Tl Terminal Leev.. P Payments .0 Si •a - Employee Be,. Fit Cant'Ibunans j[lf jS1.11a0WARC.1 C,NecImni.,•.-s ` ill IJ 1,001 Other General F'pan... Total General ExpenseMint= Skiltat 'J TOTAL. FOU*INE EXPENSES •• 1: �EEIMy Mat 'Is• RENTS TO OWN ". OF LEASED DWELLINGS - TOTAL OPIATING EXPENSES 166.0 • 195.3' 590,850 Nl.lRIIUTINE 0I CNDITURESI I stintoa;..Ny i• :n ens re 30.7 23.2' 20.0 60,560 _Replacement el .n.ipment 5.2' .3' 7.8 24,750 _Ilnnn..wnl, nit.. Additions Out.,, Il.avoolin- Expendituref TOTAL ND1.. OUTINE EXPENDITURES 36.0. 23.8 27.8 84.310 HUD -a•• • • • • • • • ` U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSINGAND URBAM DEVELOPMENT LOR-RENT HOUSING PROGRAM OPERATING BUDGET SaM. OF LONA.. AI tHo rrtr FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY I F.. Fiseal Tan Ending SPntpmhpr 10 10Si LoW1`INoRTH SCHOOL • C ORIGINAL 0navls loA Ao. 1 r iteertrifrr AVENUE FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 ,aH FW 7031 ACTUAucTs4A _ .• REQUESTED BUDGET ESTIMATES r.oncr AmishLAST OR 1 AR 097001 6 002 • STIn'r}PTiOTT(!N - r°AAL 'Yawn AAT°A_ DunMA Dunn.. °TAT° LIM Nuts MgoWic•Tint•, c 1 r auar I.IIA.O.nea.Ranra Housing 0 [�] LNA•L,n,d.Mamta.nanAla I tis.I-...1.Yn.n, le 91 Ia Eoa92 AMOUNT }3 a. I0(t) I.1 r Irn.u.nn.. A•�•..n•nhy LHA-Cannv.d P.,'. , I_1 A4mIn1MLtIMCanin.. E] I LAM Rini r FUM (T.Nesnutlq PVM riA'.O-..Pain r M• MO' Irl 121 131 1 141 131 ISI OTHER E%rEAnrt 810 880 Prior Y... Adju.rm.nn moot ('Q 030 O'I., DedutH.n, TOM fl90 l Orb. E•pondber.. 1 0 l` TOTAL OPERATING F%PCNDITUR} -- F ?� 08.1932 _ -6TS.:j¢Q - 900 /IU RESIDUAL RECEIPTS (OR DEFICITI BEFORE HUD CONTRIBµ TIONS AND PROVISION FOR OPERATING RESERVE, A... 113.43)(107., ' )(131 96)(399,05,1) '. non. d ...u, 'vtIo_ (Loused Praia ul =PO m.i P1In1 INIivl 11 1 , POR DEFICITI BEFORE OTI$ER HUD CON II'n nr""' `nr I' ''VISION FOR OPERATING RESER'. Ei OftIER '113.43 - (107. )(131 96)(399,0500) 930 HUD CONI RIDUTIONS 040 o..tenn Sub,:dt Family 108.88 115:2. 138.3(•-418.225 050 WWI Subsidy ?Cr Pr(9r Year Tatel .92 1.8. 20 033 010 Other ImD Contriburlen4 R.Bid 10 .63 117.7. 141.8 429,983 rRu a1 Receipts (ar D.Rs e1 Wen. R Piaui 3.63 7.7• 9.9. 29 983 %r0 .an /et OPe.n Ing R II 7.79 9.9' 29;)83 R.,id .1 R.ecipr, 0•11•11)3.63 OPERATING RESERVE FOR A CONTRACT OR PROJECT ; ,m, -. Part 1 - Maximum Operating Ronrve -- End et Currant Budget Year 1 SCCr10A A - LHA.OVNED RENTAL HOUSING ill On..hnll (50%) of L.n.600-Column 5 -Perm HUD -52564 let a Canrmt, 1 SECTION 0 - LHA-u; 285.800 A1ED MOUSING - SECTION D OR 10(C) •'I On.41.11 (50%).11.,,. 600 -Column 3- Farm HUD ' -32564 ler • Proleet SECTION C - LMA.G NED OR LEASED HOUSING-HOMEON ERSHIP ... /PI On. -hall (50F) el L.na 600 -Column S- Perm HUD -58564 lot a Project PI On.Mhird (33.1Ac) el Lin. 004 - Column 3- Form HUO-5]!64 for • Prater - TarmI (Sum al Line. 05 and 04) Part Si - Previa ion for and Estimated er Actual :Operating Reserves at Year End • Resort •I End .1 P.,viau4 Fiscal Tees - Actual 1991 $ 178,757 • Prevision ler Roe..e - Curran' Budget Yeo - Estimated ar Actual ---- 1992 23,554 Roo.. o End a1Current Budget Year- Estimated or Aerial 1992 202,311 • Prevision Ir R..,r., - Reavao.d Budget Tear- Estimated 1993- 29,983 ' r Re urv. a End at Reg ueu.d Budget Ynr - E.11mord I 1993 APPROVAL, 232,294 . BRONO W11 SON FXFOOTIVE DIRECTQR 7�y.yyJ/ ) 6/16/93 (risme and run) (3l4n.rur.) � lOnq orrgE APPROVALL faro.,. nit.) And .01 • • • NARRATIVE STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF REVISED BUDGET NO. 1 FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY AR 0097-001 & 002 FOR PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1993 LINE NO. 120 510 530 710 720 DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL BUDGET INCREASED (DECREASED) REVISED BUDGET Adm Expense (Legal) 22,590 2,000 24,590 Insurance 28,250 12,000 40,250 Terminal Leave -0- 5,600 5,600 ExtrordinarV Maint Install Fire Exting. 2,000 (2,000) -0= Lead Paint Testing -0- 2,310 2,310 Handicap 4 Units -0- 18,400 18,400 Repair Roof Bld 20 -0- 3,650 3,650 Floor Tile Replacement 30,000 -0- 30,000 Seal Hi -Rise Wall -0- 2,000 2,000 Mail Box Replacement 5,000 (800) 4,200 Extrodinary Maint Total 37,000 23,560 60,560 Replacement Equipment Gas Ranges 2,500 -0- 2,500 Refrigerators 3,500 -0- 3,500 Elec Ranges 2,250 -0- 2,250 Panel Truck 15,000 -0- 15,000 Cash Register -0- 190 190 Recipo Saw -0- 160 160 Jigsaw Kit -0- 150 150 Replacement Equip.Tota 23,250 500 23,750