HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-07-15 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEIVLLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:oo A.M. Wednesday July 15, 1992, in the office of the Authority #1 North School, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Charles Clinehens Chairperson, called the meeting to order. Upon roll call, the following members were present: Commissioners Present: Clinehens, Richardson, Morgan Commissioners Absent: Fries, Hudspeth Others Present: Bromo Wilson, Toady Edwards The Minutes of the June 17, 1992 Regular Meeting were approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously. The June Financial Statement was approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION APPROVING PUBLIC HOUSING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9/30/93 FOR AR097001 AND 002. Resolution No. 533, was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS • CHAIRPERSON THE OPERATING BUDGET ADOPTING RESOLUTION NUMBER APPROVING FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9/30/93 AR 097001 & 002 A. Be it Resolved by the Commissioners of the Low -Rent Housing Agency of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas that: 1. The proposed expenditures are necessary in economical operation of the housing agency servicing low-income families. the efficient and for the purpose of 2. The financial plan is reasonable in that: a. It includes a source of funding adequate to cover all proposed expenditures. b. It does not provide for use of Federal funding in excess of that payable under the provisions of 24 CFR 990, Subpart A, (PFS regulations). 3. .A11 proposed rental charges and expenditures will be consistent with provisions of law and the Annual Contributions Contract. B. Pursuant to 24 CFR Sections 913.109 and 960.209, the PHA herein is determining eligibility for admission, determining annual income, adjusting income and Total Tenant Payment, and reexamining the Family income and composition at least annually. C. No PHA employee reflected in the Operating Budget is serving in a varietyy of positions which will exceed a 100 percent allocation ofias/her time:_:a • I, CERTIFICATE Bromo Wilson Director of the Low -Rent Housing Agency , the duly appointed Executive of Fayetteville. AR do hereby certify that the above resolution is a true copy of the Resolution passed by the Low -Rent Housing Agency of Fayetteville. AR regular meeting held on the fifteen - 19 92 • In witness, whereof, fifteen day of July SI at a day,of July I have hereunto set my hand this 19 92 , Aigigi/✓T ( 4 ----Nr. xec tive Director certify this is a true and LCA SEAL correct statement." • • MMMI • ',y 19/2 Faun Approve.; 0M13 No. 63-R0808 t'ay. 1 at . U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT LOW -RENT HOUSING PROGRAM • OPERATING BUDGET SEPTEMBER 30 93 For Fiscal Year Ending 19 TYPE OF HUD -ASSISTED PROJECT(S): LHA-Owned Rental Housing 1 X( LHA-Leased Housing•Sectien 23 or 1O(e) (' LHA-Owned-Hemoownarship ( I 1-311 ORIGINAL Q REVISION NO. LHA-Loosed-Homeownership I I LHA-Conveyed Project -Administration Contract NAME OLOCAL AUTHORITY; FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY CONTRACT NO.ISII FW 7031 PROJECT N0.1511 I.OLA LIT TI AR 097001 & 002 U1 NORTH SCHOOL AVE. FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 NO. OF O.U. 252 NO. OF UNIT M04T.11 UI AVAILABILIT YI 3,024 Intl) ,',n:1, OFFIIIiI Nut) REGIONAL OFFICE' ACTUALS LAST ESTIMATES OR REQUESTED BUDGET ESTIMATC'. Little Rock, AR Ft. Worth, TX FISCAL ACTUALS YEAR CURRENT BUDGET- LHA ESTIMATES - HUD MODIFICA TION, -- Ig 91 YEAR 19 92 AMOUNT AMOUNT •• PUM PUM PUM (ToNrare.r Sia) PUM 7.0N•"^•• JIB I.IIJI'. NO. (11 121 131 141 ISI (6) (7) 1 Homobuyers Monthly Payments For: 11111 (lpr.rntin„ I- .04-„.:.... WI; 'I 11.1 n (r.. 11 1'.1y n'elT. Account nog l.1 1' I-nuncc Reserve GU.; ' ..•1 ....1 . ..n •\11,01'.1' (cmn nl I.FOP c 001, 00:. &. 003) .. UPS •1.1n-..5 1 .II i'••I1r.1i) in Break -Evan Amount 006 Homebuyers Monthly Payments (Contro) OPERATING RECEIPTS: 0 Dwelling Rentals 79.20 f 82.91 80.29 242,800 0711" V . z rn Excess Utilities 1 .98 .87 .87 2,640 030 1-n. Nondwolling Rentals u:iu leu Total Rental I,,Car"° 80.18 83.78 81.16 245,440 050 0 ce Interest on General Fund Investments 4.67 4.44 2.96 8,950 060 Other Operating Receipts 3.81 5.95 5.95 18,000 690 TOTAL OPCRATING RECEIPTS EXCLUDING HUD CONTRIB. 88.65 94 17 90.08 272.390 OPERATING EXPCNDIT URE S: ADMINISTRATION: 110 Salaries 17.08 17.92 8.61 56,270 17(1 Administration Expenses Othor Than Salaries 4.89 6.91 7.47 22.590 1911 Total Administration Expenses 21.97 24.83 26.08 78,860 TENANT SERVICES: _ /10 Salaries 120 Recreation, Publications and Other Services :111 Contract Co,,:. - Training and Other /90_ Total Tenant Services Expenses ' UTI(111ES: 110 in Labor 171) it Utilities 36.79 39.24 39.24 118,660 190" ? Total Utilities Expenses 36.79 39.24 39.24 118,660 r.l w ORDINARY MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION: A In d; n. Z Labor 24.73 26.62 27.83 84,160 +7i1 „j . Mutcriols 18.49 21.16 21.16 64,0001 1100 = Contract Cast. 22.88 23.48 25.58 77,3501 1,10 r 0Total Ordinary Maintenance and Operation Expanses 66.10 71.26 74.57 225,510 PIROT ECTIV€ SEr VICES: '1('At Labor 8.74 9.53 10.131 30,640 110 G Materials 1;30 Controct Casts 190_ Total Protective Services Expenses 8.74 9.53 10.13 30,640 GENERAL EXPEL:>Ec s. '.10 Insurance 7.59 8.73 9.34 28,250 1.21) Payments in Lieu a( Taxes -terminal 4.34 4.54 4.19 12,68011 '•'10 Leavy yments .02 • - 5.10 Employee ❑cn.•i 1 Contributions 15.37 18.52 111 '50 Collection Los•.rs 5.14 6.61 6.. 20,000_ i60 Other Genorol E.spcnses 1 r90 Total General Expenses 32.4/1 38.31 : "�- :00 TOTAL ROU.ht:E EXPENSES 1b6.06 183.1! :'1. ,b 1 ;1W 11E.NTS TO OWN(';' OF LEASED DWELLINGS •90 TOTAL OPCN'..TING EXPENSES 166.061 183.17 189.0 571,600 IIt NIINRUU1 Itii EX i' : IDITURES: 10 /. I y :'. .1Ir a.'arJ marnnncc 30.77 24.35 37,000 '.6 !.; r,.pl•Icelnent n1 .'nil„nen; 5.25; .36 7.6 23,250 III- it • Itr n,.n•nent•. m. :;,Il tions 1 I•Jfl i�.111 011wi Houton:it- •'.I).•nditure's 1 1 1 Z TOTAL NOI.. ':JTrrIE EXPENDITURES 36.021 24.70 19.92 60,2501 ; I'aae 2 nl , /,' U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT / LOW -RENT HOUSING PROGRAM OPERATING BUDGET • • NAME OP LOCAL AUTHORITY' FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY For Fiscal Year Ending SEPTEMBER Part I - Maximum Operating Reserve - End of Current Budget Year 30 19 93 LOCA rt 111 ��--qq NORTH SCHOOL AVE. LA)OR IG INAL 1 1REVISION NO. FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 HOUSING - SECTION 23 OR 10(C) S C4NIHACT NO. Slt FW 7031 ACTUALS TIMAT REQUESTED BUDGET Ono•third (33.1/3%) of Lino 004—Column 5—Form HUD -52564 kr a Proiact LAST Total (Sum of Lines 03 and 04) • ESTIMATES PROJECT NO.I31t OR FISCAL ACTUA AR 097001 E. 002 • YEAR CURREN LHA ESTIMATES HUD MODIF ICA THIN'. T7PI OF HUN-ASSISTFO PROJECT(5p BUDGET 1.14A•Owned•Rentel Housing [j) LHA•Ltased•Homeownershlp O 19 91 YEAR IS 92 AMOUNT AMOUN t I,LL\•1. ••o,nd.Srclinn I, H.\ Ct.. r,nJ• 1.114 23 or 10(c) r_1 LHA- Conveyed Projon rr Homenwnnnldp ) Administration Contract u,, PUM PUM PUM (To Neereel)!0) PUM (Te A'••n.r.rl r.• , 1.0. (1) 121 13) (41 (51 161 111 OTIIF II EXPENDITURES: 810 0 82Other- Prior Adjustments ■■ ■- ■. d e DDeductions 890 Total Other Expenditure s 890 TOTAL OPERAATINGINGEXPENDITURES202.08 -_ — 1 900 710 RESIDUAL RECEIPTS (OR DEFICIT) BEFORE HUD CONTRIBU• TIONS AND PROVISION FOR OPERATING RESERVE: ( 6w,;c' 13 48)(113.7 I ) • 1\111104J i l'-nl. iLution (Leased Prosect) .; 920 NI le( I. tll•I'• (OR DEFICIT) BEFORE OTHER HUD CON• tl'($tl''21 "'':' ‘Ht 1 —uviq ION FOR OPERATING RESERVE: ( 0IHER (113.7 ) HUD CON1RIDUTIONS 930 74 Operating Subsidy Special ® 113.2I136.2 411,990� 450 Family Subsidy Prior Year Adjust 760 NILIES�� ;f M _ 970 Total Other HUD Contributions 109.80 980 Residual Receipts (or Deficit) before Reserve (3.63 1.56 20.9 63,338 I Previa on for Operating Reserve (3.63 1.56 990 Residual Receipts 20.9 63,338 (or Deficit) OPERATING RESERVES FOR A CONTRACT OR PROJECT 17 'II 9 0 - Provision for and Estimated or Actual Operating Reserves at Year End • Reserve at End of Previous Fiscal Year — Actual Provision for Reserve — Current Budget Year — Estimated or Actual Ronny* at End of Current Budget Year— Estimated or Actual Provision for Reserve _ Requested Budget Year— Estimated Reserve at End of Requested Budget Year — Estimated A APPROVAL1 • 1991 S 1992 1992 1993• 1993 BROMO WILSON EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR '/. Of FICE APPROVAL Mom*. and Title) 178,757 4,708 183,465 63,338 246,803 s4jz01/jh1c46P-1,► 7/15/92 (Signature) (Date) (Nun,,. nod TIIIe) (Signature) (Harr) "'I' Ili. II 4)2 (13 04 Part I - Maximum Operating Reserve - End of Current Budget Year SEC IION A - LHA-OWNED RENTAL HOUSING ' One41n11 (50%) of Lino 600 -Column 5—Form HUD -52564 for o Contract S 285,800 SECTION B — LHA.LEASED HOUSING - SECTION 23 OR 10(C) S One-half (50%) of Lino 600 -Column 5— Form HUD -52564 for a Project SEC110N C — LHA-OWNED OR LEASED HOUSING - HOMEOWNERSHIP Ono -half (50%) of Lina 600—Column 5— Form HUD -52564 for a Project Ono•third (33.1/3%) of Lino 004—Column 5—Form HUD -52564 kr a Proiact Total (Sum of Lines 03 and 04) • 17 'II 9 0 - Provision for and Estimated or Actual Operating Reserves at Year End • Reserve at End of Previous Fiscal Year — Actual Provision for Reserve — Current Budget Year — Estimated or Actual Ronny* at End of Current Budget Year— Estimated or Actual Provision for Reserve _ Requested Budget Year— Estimated Reserve at End of Requested Budget Year — Estimated A APPROVAL1 • 1991 S 1992 1992 1993• 1993 BROMO WILSON EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR '/. Of FICE APPROVAL Mom*. and Title) 178,757 4,708 183,465 63,338 246,803 s4jz01/jh1c46P-1,► 7/15/92 (Signature) (Date) (Nun,,. nod TIIIe) (Signature) (Harr) • .i1..Opn/71tnq 1 . , ' 14110•52571 Fans Sanwa .1 .s bet 1467 Deet Boma. No. 62.11!'11 wily PHA4371) Loo -Pent Public Housing HOMO o1 Local Auther'ty FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY Budget Schedule of Administration Expense Orh•• Than Salari.s L' #1 NORTH SCH00Yearocalit FAYETTEVILLE, AR Final YEnd I 9/30/93 :11 (71 (31 (4) (5) Distribution by Program 0••erlprlen TotalHUD•Aided Pr s SECJ 8 ' ... .. R d � Budget R1191,IL.,M015 Dimelop..nr D Nevem . .eal..ilat..... _...., =Sail o ,,I Liao! E (S•. Spacial Not. en In.tructlnrsl 2-rjnn 1 2 nnn 1 500 Traveln,, p,. • Trips to Conv.ntions and Meennea: i : :.c/...c. . crap Or-anicetion and L ocat,on i 1 Days os cif• . r.a.el 'I- -{I 24 See Below_ 11,900 5,950 5,950. 3 s 1 --+ —t 6. .: IToted Trov.I To Conv.nrions and M•.tings 5.950 5,950 1 :7I. Taly900 4 Otho LHA Travel: 'I Out•id. Area of LHA Jurisdiction 1 Jn0 600 600 •Al. ill Within Area of LHA Jurisdiction 2 1 1.400 '11411t'1 Total Otho LHA Trov.l _Boo 41100` .400 2.000 2.000 101. Taal Trevi 15,900 7.950 7,950 11Publications 3.000 1.900 1 121�IM•mber•hip Dues and Feiss 9,54n 1,120 .100 1.420 1 .I•phon• and T.I.graph 3.0;0 1 450 1 ayi 14 Sundry: Y:,* R-ct,.+>P,t10(jixxRmpexx Bods Fiscal Agent Fees 1,000 1,000 .60p 15 1" Co11.cNen Ag.nt Fu, ond, purl Costs 500 500 'Li "'Accounting 16 ! and Aud.tin4 Fe•, Audit 1000 500 5UIJ ;in iFormt,Sraiorerr and offie. Supplies a nnn 2,450 3,550 F18ti,f' !All Other Sundry Ea_p._n_,._ &ComputerSuppor $,600 3,720 4,880 19 'Total Sund�� ttlTotoi 17,100 8.170 Zo Administration.E cons. Other Than Salaries .. 1_.._._.. .._.____.._ 44 090 22 590 1_ ____ • _ ............i...._21_600 I� a � • r of Trowel to C tions and Meetings —_ --___ -__ --Justification SWRC/NAHRO MEETIIIG ' SWRC/NAHRO EXEC MFETING SWRC/NAHRO Maint: rIrETING SIPE MAINT MEETII!c STATE NAHRO MEETINGS STATE PHRIDAYS MELTING • 'MAP MEETING 1 meeting x 2 person 4 days Lodging & Meals Trnvel 1 sleeting x 1 person 3 days Lodging & Meals Travel 1 meeting x 2 persons 3 days Lodging & Meals Travel 1 meeting x 3 persons 3 Lodging & Meals Travel days COMMISSIONERS NATIONAL 600 MEETING 1 meeting x 2 persons' 250 3 days 850 Lodging & Meals 600 1 Travel 300 250 550 G00 200 800 900 100 1,000 2 meeting x 4 persons 3 days Lodging & Meals 900 Travel 300 1,200 1 meeting x 3 persons 2 days Lodging & Meals 600 Travel 100 700 8 nleetii is x 4 persons 2 days 1•dging & Meals 1,600 Travel 800 2,400 600 1,200 NATIONAL/N.AHRO MEETING 1 meeting 2 persons 4 days Lodging & Meals 1,200 Travel 700 1,900 NARO/LEGIS CONFERENCE 1 meeting x 2 persons 4 days Lodging & Meals 800 Travel 500 T,300 HUD.52571 H