HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06-26 - Minutes - Archive• MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 10:00 A.M. Wednesday June 26, 1991, in the office of the Authority #1 North School Fayetteville, Arkansas. Janet Richardson, Chairperson called the meeting to order. Upon roll call, the following members were present: Commissioners Present: Richardson, Fries, Hudspeth Commissioners Absent: Morgan, Clinehens , The Minutes of the May 15, 1991 Regular Meeting were approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously. The May Financial Statement was approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF 252 SCREEN DOORS AT LEWIS PLAZA, WILLOW HEIGHTS AND MORGAN MANOR ARK 97- 1&2. Resolution No. 517, was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADOPTION RETIREMENT PLAN. Resolution No. 518, was approved • by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE REVISION NO. 1 OF OPERATING BUDGET FOR FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR F/Y END 9/30/91 PRO. ARK97-1 & 2. Resolution No. 519, was approved by motion, seconded, and carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: SECRETARY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS • RESOLUTION NO. 517 • RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF 252 SCREEN DOORS ON ALL DWELLING UNITS AT LEWIS PLAZA, WILLOW HEIGHTS AND MORGAN MANOR HOUSING COMPLEXES AR 097-001 & 002. WHEREAS, The Fayetteville Housing Authority received sealed bids on June 19, 1991 for purchase and installation of 252 screen doors on all dwelling units at Lewis Plaza, Willow Heights & Morgan Manor housing complexes AR 097-001 & 002, which bids have been opened, tabulated and found in proper form and are listed below: 1. American Construction Company, P.O. Box 6431, Ft Smith, AR 72906. Amount $45.307.00 AND WHEREAS, the bid have been reviewed, and it is below the budget of $56,700 which was approved by HUD for this project and is in keeping with other amounts found in Consolated Supply System and other bids for similar work in other Housing Authorities, it is recommended that the Fayetteville Housing Authority accept the bid of 545,307.00 from American Construction Company of Ft Smith, Ark. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY: 1. That the contract for purchase and installation of 252 screen doors on all dwelling units of Lewis Plaza, Willow Heights & Morgan Manor Housing Complexes AR 097001 &002 be awarded to American Construction Company in the amount of $45,307.00. 2. That Bromo Wilson, Executive Director of the Housing Authority is hereby appointed to serve as contracting officer for the project. The contracting officer is also delegated by the Authority to execute andy and all change orders (limited by the policies, rules and procedues as set forth by HUD) affecting the contract. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ,-;\ b DAY OF ATT T: SECRETARY� 991 THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS RESOLUTION NO. (is RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADOPTION RETIREMENT PLAN "RESOLVED. that the Southwestern Life Insurance Company Plan, Southwestern Life SWL-5-IIUD Plan & Trust. be amended and restated by this Agency to provide benefits for its permanent employees to the extent and in the manner set out in U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Handbook No. 7401-7, Chapter 2, 2-2a and 2-14, and in a trust agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of this resolution; and on file in the U. S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development office in Washington D. C.. After amendment. the Public Housing Authority Money Purchase Pension Plan. HUD Certified Plan: SWL/Corbel 0490 1192 will be in effect. "RESOLVED. FURTHER, that this Agency contribute to the cost of amending and maintaining said retirement plan the sum of money contemplated to be made by it under said trust agreement and in the manner set out in said Adoption Agreement all without prejudice to the right of this Agency at any time. and from time to time, to amend, modify or discontinue all or any portion of said plan without the consent of the Trustees of said plan, the employees participating in said plan, or the beneficiaries of any employees participating in said plan. "RESOLVED. FINALLY, that the officers of this Agency be authorized in its behalf to execute any and all instruments of any kind or character required and to take such further action as may be necessary to establish and maintain said plan." 1, Bromo Wilson . Secretary of Fayetteville Housing Authority do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an original resolution unanimously adopted by the Board -of Commissioners at its meeting held at Fayetteville , Arkansas, on this the 26th day of June A.D., 1991 . RESOLUTION APPROVING THE REVISION NO. 1 OF OPERATING BUDGET FOR FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR F/Y END 9/30/91 PROJECTS AR 0097-001 & 002 THE OPERATING BUDGET ADOPTING RESOLUTION NUMBER 5-)y A. Be it Resolved by the Commissioners of the Low -Rent Housing Agency of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansa that: 1 The proposed expenditures are necessary in the efficient and economical operation of the housing agency for the purpose of servicing low-income families. 2. The financial plan is reasonable in that: a. It includes a source of funding adequate to cover all proposed expenditures. b. It does not provide for use of Federal funding in excess of that payable under the provisions of 24 CFR 990, Subpart A, (PFS regulations). 3. All proposed rental charges and expenditures will be consistent with provisions of law and the Annual Contributions Contract. B. Pursuant to 24 CFR Sections 913.109 and 960.209, the PHA herein is determining eligibility for admission, determining annual income, adjusting income and Total Tenant Payment, and reexamining the Family income and composition at least annually. • • CERTIFICATE I, Bromo Wilson , the duly appointed Executive Director of the Low -Rent Housing Agency of Fayetteville, AR , do hereby certify that the above resolution is a true copy of the Resolution passed by the Low -Rent Housing Agency of Fayetteville, AR at a regular meeting held on the 26th day of June 19 91 • In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 26th As.;#1/ SEAL day of June , 19 91 • certify this Cs Exe u ive Director a true and correct statement." • • 1.+Le' nary 1912 Form Approved OMB No. 63-R0808 Voye 1 of 4 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT LOW -RENT HOUSING PROGRAM OPERATING BUDGET •I For Fiscal Year EndingSept 30 19 91 TYPE OF HUD -ASSISTED PROJECT(S): LHA-Owned Rental Housing IX) LHA-Leased Housing -Section 23 or 10(c) ) LHA-Owned-Homeownership ) ) LHA-Leased-Homeownership I I LHA-Conveyed Project -Administration ContractI Q ORIGINAL fa REVISION NO. 1 NAME OF LOCAL AUTHORITY( FAYETTEVILE HOUSING AUTHORITY CONTRACT NO.IS)i FW 7031 PROJECT NO.IS)t LOCALITY: U1 NORTH School Ave FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701' AR097001 & 002 NO. OF D.U. 252 NO. OF UNIT ,.TONT N. or AVAILA Dluryl 3024 IR -DT -AWE A OF FIE -Ii I - Little Rock, AR - _ - - ' - _ HUD REGIONAL OFFICE: Ft Worth, .TX ... - ACTUALS LAST FISCAL YEAR 19 R9 ESTIMATES REQUESTED BUDGET ESTIMATES OR ACTUALS CURRENT BUDGET LHA ESTIMATES HUD MODIF ICA rI011•. YEAR '9_9Q_ PUM PUM AMOUNT (ToNeurosl $10) PUM AMOUNT eroNrnrn.r sle ' PUM LING NO. (1) (2) -13) (4) (5) 16) 17) Homebuyers Monthly Poyments For: 001 (lperotinn F, prones -'Fueled 0112 I Tome Payments Account 003 N•e,rrnnL10M!inl•mance Reserve 0141 1 .Int 3.r..,•1 . I von Amount (Simi of Linos 001, 002. & 003) 005 I:xccas ( ar Uolleit) in Break -Evan Amount 006 Homobuyors Monthly Payments (Contra) OPERATING RECEIPTS RECEIPTS: 72.31 78.34 236,900 0111OPERATING Dwelling Rentals 64.43 020 Excess Utilities .9/ .93 .87 2,640 030 Nondwalling Rentols '.. 0.+0 Total Rental Income - 65.39 73.25 79.21 239,540 050 Interest on General Fund Investments 3.67 4.23 4.63 13,990 060 Other Operating Receipts 5.60 5.93 5.95 18,000 090 TOTAL OPERATING RECEIPTS EXCLUDING HUD CONTRIB. 74,66 83.41 89.79 271.500 ROUTINE OPERATING EXPENDITURES: 16.32 17.09 51,680 ADMINISTRATION: 110 _ Solaries 15.68 • 170 Administration Expenses Other Than Salaries 4.83 4.90 6.07 18,370 190 Total Administration Expenses 20.51 21.22 23.16 70,050 TENANT SERVICES: Pi U+I In "f l.` l^. 'f.�: - - ; �P. to l� (p kat � V I CO I V' P N 1 ••.: O A S l w: L' N. I OIOIOI O;OIO IOIOI O)O S'0:o: 0 ;OI 0 o .Oy O:O O it OPERATING EXPENDITURES Salaries Recreation, Publications and Other Services Contract Costs - Training and Other Total Tenant Services Expenses UTILITIES: Labor Utilities 34.39 34.76 37.19 112,450 Total Utilities Expenses 34.39 34.76 37.19 112,450 ORDINARY MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION: Labor 17.30 22,19 24,82 75,060 Materials 19.74 21,90 21.16 64,000 Contract Costs 21.72 23.38 23.48 71,000 Total Ordinary Maintenance and Operation Expenses 58.76 67.56 69.46 210,060 PROTECTIVE SERVICES, Labor 7.72 8.51 8.77 26,520 Materials Contract Costs Total Protective Services Expenses 7.72 8.51 8.77 26,520 GENERAL EXPENSE!. InsurO11CO 8.29 7.651 7.69 23,260 I'nymonls in Lieu of Taxes 3.09 3.85 4.39 13,280 Terminal Leave Payments .39 .09 Employee Benefit Contributions 8.50 12.50 14.82 44,830 Collection Losses 4.58 5.95 6.61 20,000 Other General Expenses Total General Expanses 24.85 30.05 33.52 101,3/0 TOTAL ROUTINE EXPENSES 146,22 161.68 172.11 520,450 610 : 'RENTS TO OWNERS OF LEASED DWELLINGS 490 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 146.22 161.68 172.11 72U,4)U Ill NONROUTINE EXPENDITURES, 27.88 32.17 97,300 710 z lixirnordinory Maintenance 21149 170 ; -Replacement of Equipment 12.07 9.30 5.39 Ib, 19U 110 O IY. _ (Ir tbnmrntr. and Additions 140 O 011mr Nonroutine Ex•enditurek 190 Z TOTAL NONROUTINE EXPENDITURES 33.56 3/.18 3/.3b 113,)90 1IUD-'.1••s, I'o•J• 2 nl . U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT LOW—RENT HOUSING PROGRAM OPERATING BUDGET NAME OF LOCAL AUTHORITY, FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY For Fiscal Year Ending SepE 30 91 19 LOCALITY, ill • 0ORIGINAL qp REVISION NO. 1 CONTRACT NORTH SCHOOL AVE FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 NO.ISii FW 7031 AC TU A LS ESTIMATES REQUESTED LAST BUDGET ESTIMATES PROJECT NodsI: OR AR 097001 & 002 FISCAL YEAR ACTUALS CURRENT LHA ESTIMATES HUO MOOIFIC A TIo NIS 1 yet or Hun—ASSISTED PROJECTIS): BUDGET r� I.I1A •Owned.Ran,al Housing L.AI LHA•Leased•Homeownerahip O 19 89 YEAR le 9() AMOUNT AMOUN r 1.)1A-L-osed•Srcnnn 23 or 10(c) [1:1 _ LHA•Conve yed Project 1.1.1x. 0anted•Honn.nwnership () Ad 'mirrmshation Contract PUM PUM P UM (To Nearest$10) PUM (To A'em..I/I.. LIIJI. NO. (11 (2) (3) (4) SI I01 171 OTIIFl7 EX PENDITURESi 810 820— Prior Year Adjustments 31 030 Other Deductions . 890 Totol Other Expenditures' 31 — TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES • 180.10 198.68 209 634,040 900 910 RESIDUAL RECEIPTS (OR DEFICIT) BEFORE HUD CONtillay TIONS AND PROVISION FOR OPERATING RESERVE: 105.44 (.116.4-)(119'88) (362,5; 4) Look Aminal (' flit l,=bulion (Loosed Project) 1'20 RI'HIIIIAI. HEH (PIS (OR DEFICIT) BEFORE OTHER HLID CON• n" ' 1'' I "I.:• kill • I '+OVISION FOR OPERATING RESERVE: 105.44 (116'4 )) (119.88) (362,57' ) OI ITER HUD CONTRIBUTIONS 930 Operating Subsidy AA8600163 94 Special Family 1-02.89 108.67 105.90 320,242 95 Subsidy AAR6,9/100163 760 _ Total 8.8 • , s 9/0 Other HUD Contributions Residual 1 108.67 (11.0 ' s 980 Receipts (or Deficit) before Reserve (2.55 (2.55 ( 7.76 (11.0 990 Provision for Operating Reserve Ras (2 55, ( 7.76) (11.0 dual Receipts (or Deficit) •02 03 04 NG RESERVES FOR A CONTRACT OR PROJECT Port I — Maximum Operating Reserve — End of Current Budget Year SECTION A - LHA•OWNED RENTAL HOUSING One -hell (50",6) of Lino 600—Column 5—Form HUD -52564 for a Contract SECTION D — LHA-LEASED HOUSING — SECTION 23 OR 10(C) _One -ha If (50%) of Line 600—Column 5— Form HUD -52564 for a Project • SECTION C — LHA•OWNED OR LEASED HOUSING • HOMEOWNERSHIP 06 07 ne 09 • 10 One•lialf (505;) of Lino 600—Column 5— Form HUD -5256d for a Project Ono•third (33.1/3%) of Line 004 — Column 5— Form HUD -52564 for a Proioc Tonal (Sum of Lines 03 and 04) S 257,385 $ Part 11 — Provision for and Estimated or Actual Operating Reserves at Year End • Reserve at End of Previous Fiscal Year — Actual Provision for Reserve — Current Budget Year — Estimated or Actual Reserve at End of Current Budget Year— Estimated or Actual 1989 1990 1990 S 211,167 (21,443) 189,724 Provision for Reserve — Requested Budget Year— Estimated 1991 (33,313) Reserve at End of Requested Budget Year — Estimated HA APPROVAL, 1991 156,411 •Rrmmn Wilcnn F.xerutive Director IEA OFFICE APPROVAL (Name and Title) zit ‘f (Signature) 6/26/91 (Date( (Name end Title) (Signature) (hare) NARRATIVE STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF REVISED BUDGET NO. 1 -FY END 9/30/91 FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY AR 0097-001 & 002 LINE NO. 390 710 • 720 DESCRIPTION UTILITIES: Water Electricity Gas Other (Sewer) Total Utilities: EXTRAORDINARY MAINTENANCE: Install Heavy Screen Doors Install Security Screens Replace Com. Bldgs Window A & B Drainage Improve -Site A Floor Tile Replace Site A & B Replace Sidewalk -Hi -Rise Security Fence/Maint Area/Hi-Ris Major Water Line Repair -Site B Incinerator Repair REPLACEMENT OF EQUIPMENT: Gas Ranges Refrigerators Riding Lawn Mower Weed Eater Gasoline Powered Generator 4 Wheel Drive Tractor/Attachment ORIGINAL BUDGET 17,500 34,940 29,380 24,950 106,770 56,700 10,000 5,000 4,000 30,000 4,000 3,000 - 0- - 0- 112,700 6,500 9,100 2,000 350 2,000 -0- 19,950 INCREASE (DECREASE) - 0- 5,060 620 - 0- 5,680 (11,390) (10,000) ( 1,500) ( 4,000) - 0- 660 3,860 4,790 2,180 (15,400) ( 6,500) ( 9,100) ( 960) - 0- - 0- 12.900 ( 3,660) REVISED BUDGET 17,500 40,000 30,000 24,950 112,450 45,310 - 0- 3,500 - 0- 30,000 4,660 6,860 4,790 2,180 97,300 - 0- -0- 1,040 350 2,000 12,900 16,290